The Economic History Review


Volume 38 Issue 3
Pages: 448-488
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1985.tb00384.x

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P. D. A. Harvey. Manorial Records. P. D. A. Harvey (Ed.). The Peasant Land Market in Medieval England. Peter Clark. The English Alehouse: A Social History, 1200-1800. Angus McLaren. Reproductive Rituals: The Perception of Fertility in England from the Sixteenth to the Nineteenth Century. L. Stone and J. C. Fawtier Stone. An Open Elite?: England, 1540-1880. Stephen Fisher (Ed.). British Shipping and Seamen, 1630-1960: Some Studies. Donald Woodward (Ed.). The Farming and Memorandum Books of Henry Best of Elmswell, 1642. Clifford Gulvin. The Scottish Hosiery and Knitwear Industry, 1680-1980. James Walvin. English Urban Life, 1776-1851. Ian R. Christie. Stress and Stability in Late Eighteenth-Century Britain: Reflections on the British Avoidance of Revolution. Oliver M. Westall (Ed.). The Historian and the Business of Insurance. Gertrude Himmelfarb.The Idea of Poverty: England in the Early Industrial Age. B. R. Mitchell.Economic Development of the British Coal Industry, 1800-1914. Dorothy Thompson.The Chartists. R. F. Bud and G. K. Roberts.Science versus Practice: Chemistry in Victorian Britain. Asa Briggs and Anne Macartney.Toynbee Hall: The First Hundred Years. Alan Clinton.Post Office Workers: A Trade Union and Social History. Harvey J. Kaye.The British Marxist Historians: An Introductory Analysis. GENERAL Steven Laurence Kaplan. Provisioning Paris: Merchants and Millers in the Grain and Flour Trade during the Eighteenth Century. Bernard Lepetit. Chemins de Terre et Voies D’Eau: Reseaux de Transports et Organisation de l’Espace en France, 1740-1840. Jean-Claude Perrot and Stuart J. Woolf. State and Statistics in France, 1789-1815. William J. Callahan. Church, Society, and Politics in Spain, 1750-1874. Miriam Halpern Pereira. Politica y economia: Portugal en los siglos XIX y XX. A. de Maddalena and H. Kellenbenz (Eds.). Finanze e ragion di Stato in Italia e in Germania nella prima Eta moderna. David F. Good. The Economic Rise of the Habsburg Empire, 1750-1914. Michael Mesch. Arbeiterexistenz in der Spatgrunderzeit: Gewekschaften und Lohnen-twicklung in Osterreich, 1890-1914. Henry Kamen. European Society, 1500-1700. G. D. Feldman, C. L. Holtfrerich, G. A. Ritter and P.-C. Witt (Eds.). The Experience of Inflation. Glenn Yago. The Decline of Transit: Urban Transportation in German and US. Cities, 1900-1970. Jack P. Greene and J. R. Pole (Eds.). Colonial British America: Essays in the New History of the Early Modem Era. Stanley Lebergott. The Americans: An Economic Record. William R. Brock. Investigation and Responsibility: Public Responsibility in the United States, 1865-1900. Thomas K. McCraw. Prophets of Regulation. Hugh Rockoff. Drastic Measures: A History of Wage and Price Controls in the United States. D. H. Akenson. The Irish in Ontario: A Study in Rural History. Robert L. Tignor. State, Private Enterprise, and Economic Change in Egypt, 1918-1952. H. Medick and D. W. Sabean (Eds.). Interest and Emotion: Essays on the Study of Family and Kinship. R. A. Cage (Ed.). The Scots Abroad: Labour, Capital, Enterprise, 1730-1914. Akio Okochi and Shigeaki Yasuoka (Eds.). Family Business in the Era of Industrial Growth: Its Ownership and Management. D. C. M. Platt. Foreign Finance in Continental Europe and the USA, 1815-1870: Quantities, Origins, Functions, and Distribution. Thomas P. Hughes. Networks of Power: Electrification in Western Society, 1880-1930. Philip D. Curtin. Cross-cultural Trade in World Industry.
