The Economic History Review


Volume 35 Issue 2
Pages: 306-337
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1982.tb01200.x

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Book reviewed in this article: Roger Finlay. Population and Metropolis: The Demography of London, 1580-1450. John Bowle. John Evelyn and his World: A Biography. L. M. Cullen. The Emergence of Modern Ireland, 1600-1900. Bruce Lenman. Integration, Enlightenment, and Industrialization: Scotland, 1746-1832, The New History of Scotland, 6. Christopher Harvie. No Gods and Precious Few Heroes: Scotland, 1914-1980. R. A. Cage. TheScottish Poor Law, 1745-1845. Sean Mcconville. A History of English Prism Administration: Volume I, 1750-1877. Victor Bailey (Ed.). Policing and Punishment in Nineteenth-Century Britain. Anne Digby and Peter SEARBY (Eds.). Children, School, and Society in Nineteenth Century England. I. G. Jones. Explorations and Explanations: Essays in the Social History of Victorian Wales. G. E. Mingay (Ed.). The Victorian Countryside. H. I. Dutton and J. E. King. Ten Per Cent and No Surrender: The Preston Strike, 1853-4. Robert Gray. The Aristocracy of Labour in Nineteenth-centuty Britain, 1850-1914. Anthony Sutcliffe (Ed.). British Town Planning: The Formative Years. Jim Tomlinson. Problems of British Economic Policy, 1870-1945. Alan Forrest. The French Revolution and the Porn. Richard F. Kuisel. Capitalism and the State in Modern France: Renoeation and Economic Management in the Twentieth Century. W. H. Schroeder and R. Spree (Eds.). Histotische Konjunklurforschung. David Abraham. The Collapse of the Weimar Republic: Political Economy and Crisis. La Banque en Belgique. Financiewezen in Belgie, 1830-1980. Revue de la Banque. Bank- Financimezen. Cahier 8/9. September 1980. Maureen Fennell Mazzaoui. The Italian Cotton Industry in the Later Middle Ages, 1100-1600. Francesco Facchini, Alle origini di Brescia Industriale: Insediamenti produttivi e composizione de classe dall’ Unita al 1911. Lutgardo Garcia Fuentes. El Comercio Espanol con America, 1650-1700 Fritz Hodne. Norges flkonomiske hisrorie, 1815-1970. Thomas C. Owen. Capitalism and Politics in Russia: A Social History of the Moscow Merchants, 1855-1905. Jon V. Kofas. Financial Relations of Greece and the Great Powers, 1832-1862. Sidney Pollard. Peaceful Conquest: The Industrialization of Europe, 1760-1970. E. L. Jones. The European Miracle: Environments, Economies, and Geopolitics in the History of Europe and Asia. Michael R. Godley. The Mandarin-Capitalists from Nanyang: Overseas Chinese Enterprise in the Modernization of China, 1893-1911. Fred Bateman and Thomas Weiss. A Deplorable Scarcity: The Failure of Indusnialization in the Slave Economy. Margaret Walsh. The American Frontier Revisited A. J. H. Latham. The Depression and the Developing World, 1914-1939. E. J. Hobsbawm, Witold Kula, Ashok Mitra, K. N. Raj and Ignacv Sachs (Eds.) Peasants in Histmy: Essays in Honour of Daniel Thorner. Robert I. Rotberg and Theodore K. Rabb (Eds.). Marriage and Fertility: Studies in Interdisciplinary History. Rudolf Hilferding. Finance Capital: A Study of the Latest Phase of Capitalist Development. Lawrence Stone. The Past and the Present.