The Economic History Review


Volume 34 Issue 3
Pages: 477-506
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1981.tb02082.x

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Books reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN C. Phythian-Adams. Desolation of a City: Coventry and the Urban Crisis of the Late Middle Ages. Felicity Heal. Of Prelates and Princes. A Study of the Economic and Social Position of the Tudor Episcopate. David Cressy. Literacy and the Social Order. Reading and Writing in Tudor and Stuart England. Frances J. Shaw. The Northern and Western Islands of Scotland: Their Economy and Society in the Seventeenth Century. Arthur H. John and Glanmor Williams (Eds.). Glamorgan County History. Vol. V. Industrial Glamorgan from 1700 to 1970. David Cannadine. Lords and Landlords: The Aristocracy and the Towns, 1774-1967. Susanna Wade Martins. A Great Estate at Work: The Holkham Estate and its Inhabitants in the Nineteenth Century. George J. Barnsby. Social Conditions in the Black Country, 1800-1900. Norman McCord. Strikes. C. G. Powell. An Economic History of the British Building Industry, 1815-1979. T. R. Gourvish. Railways and the British Economy, 1830-1914. F. C. Mather (Ed.). Chartism and Society. An Anthology of Documents. P. L. Cottrell. Industrial Finance, 1830-1914. The Finance and Organization of English Manufacturing Industry. Ian Levitt and Christopher Smout. The State of the Scottish Working Class in 1843: A Statistical and Spatial Enquiry Based on the Data from the Poor Law Commission Report of 1844. Angela V. John. By the Sweat of their Brow: Women Workers at Victorian Coal Mines. Charles More. Skill and the English Working Class, 1870-1914. A. E. Dingle. The Campaign for Prohibition in Victorian England: The United Kingdom Alliance, 1872-1895. G. R. Hawke. Economics for Historians. Raphael Samuel (Ed.). People’s History and Socialist Theory. BariSA Krekic. Dubrovnik, Italy and the Balkans in the late Middle Ages. Myron P. Gutmann. War and Rural Life in the Early Modern Low Countries Juan Sanz Sampelayo. Granada en el Siglo XVIII. Pierre Caspard. La Fabrique-Neuve de Cortaillod: entreprise et profit pendant la Revolution industrielle, 1752-1854. J. M. Diefendorf. Businessmen and Politics in the Rhineland, 1789-1834. Christof Dipper. Die Bauernbefreiung in Deutschland, 1790-1850. David Alexander and Rosemary Ommer (Eds.). Volumes Not Values: Canadian Sailing Ships and World Trade. Marco Palacios. Coffee in Colombia, 1850-1970: An Economic, Social and Political History. Sherman Cochran. Big Business in China: Sino-Foreign Rivalry in the Cigarette Industry, 1890-1930. Michael Stephen Smith. Tariff Reform in France, 1860-1900. The Politics of Economic Interest. A. D. Chandler, Jr. and H. Daems (Eds.). Managerial Hierarchies: Comparative Perspectives on the Rise of the Modern Industrial Enterprise. Carl-Ludwig Holtfrerich. Die deutsche Inflation, 1914-1923: Ursachen und Folgen in internationaler Perspektive. Rajat K. Ray. Industrialization in India: Growth and Conflict in the Private Corporate Sector, 1914-47.