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Books reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN Zvi Razi. Life, Marriage and Death in a Medieval Parish. Economy, Society and Demography in Halesowen, 1270-1400. Carl J. Dahlman. The Open Field System and Beyond. A. Hassell Smith, Gillian M. Baker, and R. W. Kenny (Eds.). The Papers of Nathaniel Bacon of Stiffkey, Vol. I, 1556-1577. Gordon Marshall. Presbyteries and Profits. Calvinism and the Development of Capitalism in Scotland, 1560-1707. R. H. Campbell. The Rise and Fall of Scottish Industry, 1707-1939. Peter Roebuck. Yorkshire Baronets, 1640-1760. Families, Estates and Fortunes. Michael Turner. English Parliamentary Enclosure. Dennis R. Mills. Lord and Peasant in Nineteenth Century Britain. William Petersen. Malthus. Hugh Cunningham. Leisure in the Industrial Revolution c. 1780-c. 1880. Maxine Berg. The Machinery Question and the Making of Political Economy, 1815-1848. Paul McHuGH. Prostitution and Victorian Social Reform. P. J. Cain. Economic Foundations of British Overseas Expansion, 1815-1914. Francois Beadarida. A Social History of England, 1851-1975. Malcolm Elliott. Victorian Leicester. Jean Robin. Elmdon: Continuity and change in a North- West Essex Village, 1861-1964. Patrick Joyce. Work, Society and Politics: The Culture of the Factory in Later Victorian England. Jerry White. Rothschild Buildings: Life in an East End Tenement Block, 1887-1920. Douglas Antony Farnie. The Manchester Ship Canal and the Rise of the Port of Manchester, 1894-1975. Donald Moggridge (Ed.). The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes. Vol. XXV: Activities 1940-1944. Shaping the Post-War World: the Clearing Union. Donald Moggridge (Ed.). The Collected Writings of John Maynard Keynes, Vol. XXVI. Activities, 1941-1946. Shaping the Post-War World. Bretton Woods and Reparations. Evan Ira Farber (Ed.). Combined Retrospective Index to Book Reviews in Scholarly Journals, 1886-1974. Cinzio Violante. Economia, societa, istituzioni a Pisa net Medioevo. Michel Balard. La Romanie Genoise (XIIe-debut du XVc siecle). David Herlihy. Cities and Society in Medieval Italy. Samuel H. Baron. Muscovite Russia. Paul Bushkovitch. The Merchants of Moscow, 1580-1650. Vicente Pearez Moreda. Las crisis de mortalidad en la Espana interior (siglos XVI-XIX). N. J. G. Pounds. An Historical Geography of Europe, 1500-1840. Immanuel Wallerstein. The Modern World-System II: Mercantilism and the Consolidation of the European World-Economy, 1600-1750. A. Verhulst and C. Vandenbroeke (Eds.). Landbouwproduktiviteit in Vlaanderen en Brabant, 14de-18de Eeuw. Productivite agricole en Flandre et en Brabant 14e-18e siecle. Economisch- en Sociaal-Historisch. Jaarboek, Vol. XLII. Robert Louis Stein. The French Slave Trade in the Eighteenth Century. An Old Regime Business. Sidney Ratner, James H. Soltow and Richard Sylla. The Evolution of the American Economy. William L. Marr and Donald G. Paterson. Canada: An Economic History. John Graham Smith. The Origins and Early Development of the Heavy Chemical Industry in France. K. N. Chaudhuri and Clive J. Dewey (Eds.). Economy and Society: Essays in Indian Economic and Social History. Malcolm Lyall Darling. The Punjab Peasant in Prosperity and Debt. Leon Swartzberg. The North Indian Peasant Goes to Market. Alois Mosser. Die Industrieaktiengesellschaft in Osterreich, 1880-1913. James P. Johnson. The Politics of Soft Coal: The Bituminous Indus try from World War I Through TheNew Deal. Gianni Toniolo. L’economia dell’Italia fascista. Eugene Zaleski. Stalinist Planning for Economic Growth, 1933-1952. Thomas G. Rawski. China’s Transition to Industrialism: Producer Goods and Economic Development in the Twentieth Century. R. H. Sabot. Economic Development and Urban Migration: Tanzania, 1900-1971.