The Economic History Review


Volume 32 Issue 1
Pages: 118-166
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1979.tb01819.x

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Book Reviewed in this article: The Victoria Histories of the Counties of England: A History of Cambridgeshire and the Isle of Ely, Vol. VI, ed. A. P. M. Wright. B. W. Clapp (Ed.). Documents in English Economic History: England since 1760. H. E. S. Fisher and A. R. J. Jurica (Eds.). Documents in English Economic History: Englandfrom 1000 to 1760. Edward Miller and John Hatcher. Medieval England: Rural Society and Economic Change, 1086-1348 (London: Longman, 1978. Pp. xviii + 302. PS8.95; paperback PS4.95.) Kevin McDonnell. Medieval London Suburbs. E. W. Ives, R. J. Knecht, and J. J. Sgarisbrick (Eds.). Wealth and Power in Tudor England: Essays presented to S. T. Bindoff. Joan Thirsk. Economic Policy and Projects. The Development of a Consumer Society in Early Modern England. Victor Skipp. Crisis and Development: An Ecological Case Study of the Forest o/Arden, 1570-1674. Michael R. Watts. The Dissenters: From the Reformation to the French Revolution. W. H. Chaloner and Barrie M. Ratcliffe (Eds.). Trade and Transport: Essays in Economic History in Honour of T. S. Willan. Colin Holmes (Ed.) Immigrants and Minorities in British Society. A. E. Musson. The Growth of British Industry. J. Simmons. The Railway in England and Wales, 1830-1914. Vol. 1: The System and its Working. Richard Perren. The Meat Trade in Britain, 1840-1914. Angus McLaren. Birth Control in Nineteenth-Century England. P. N. Davies. Sir Alfred Jones: Shipping Entrepreneur Par Excellence. Pat Thane (Ed.). The Origins of British Social Policy. R. J. Q. Adams. Arms and the Ministry of Munitions, 1915-16. Paul Uselding (Ed.). Research in Economic History: An Annual Compilation of Research. Vol. 1, 1976. John A. Garraty. Unemployment in History: Economic Thought and Public Policy. Emmanuel Le Roy Ladurie. Montaillou: Cathars and Catholics in a French Village, 1294-1324. Translated by Barbara Bray. Leon Poliakov. Jewish Bankers and the Holy See from the Thirteenth to the Seventeenth Century. Translated from the French by Miriam Kochan. Hermann Freudenberger. The Industrialization of a Central European City. Brno and the Fine Woollen Industry in the Eighteenth Century. Gedalia Yogev. Diamonds and Coral: Anglo-Dutch Jews and Eighteenth-Century Trade. R. W. Unger. Dutch Shipbuilding before 1800. Charles P. Kindleberger. Economic Response: Comparative Studies in Trade, Finance and Growth. Clive Dewey and A. G. Hopkins (Eds.). The Imperial Impact: Studies in the Economic History of Africa and India. Tom Kemp. Historical Patterns of Industrialization. W. Arthur Lewis. Growth and Fluctuations, 1870-1913. Robert E. Gallman (Ed.). Research in Economic History, Supplement 1, 1977: Recent Developments in the Study of Business and Economic History: Essays in Memory of Herman E. Krooss. Eda Sagarra. A Social History of Germany, 1648-1914.