The Economic History Review


Volume 31 Issue 1
Pages: 146-180
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1978.tb01138.x

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Book reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of the County of Middlesex, Vol. V, ed. by T. F. T. Baker. The Butchers of London. Scottish Themes. Essays in the Economic and Social History of South Yorkshire. Working-Class Radicalism in Mid-Victorian England. The Lower Middle Class in Britain, i8yo-igi4. Middle Class Housing in Britain. Coal Metropolis: Cardiff, 1870-1914. The Discount Houses in London: Principles, Operations, and Change. Women at War, 1914-18. The Economic Advisory Council, 1930-9. REVIEW OF PERIODICAL LITERATURE 1976 GENERAL Plagues and Peoples. Ireland in the Age of the Tudors: The Destruction of the Hiberno-Norman Civilization. The American Colonies: From Settlement to Independence. Slave Population and Economy in Jamaica, 1807-34. The Land and People of Nineteenth-Century Cork. An Economic Spurt that Failed: Four Lectures in Austrian History. The Lebanese Traders in Sierra Leone. THE LOW COUNTRIES Miscellanea offerts a. Charles Verlinden aloccasion de ses trente ans de professorat. Economisch- en Sociaal-Historisch Jaarboek. Vols, XXXVIII and XXXIX. La statistique industrielle dans les Pays-Bas autrichiens alepoque de Marie- Therese: Documents et cartes. Tome premier (Commission Royale ?Histoire). Finances publiques ?ancien regime: Finances publiques contem-poraines en Belgiques de 1740 a 1860. Collection Histoire Pro Civitate. Hommes et pouvoirs: Les principales etudes de Jan Dhondt sur lhistoire du 19e et du 2oe siecles. Dossier pour Vhistoire de lEurope monetaire, 1958-73.
