The Economic History Review


Volume 29 Issue 3
Pages: 504-536
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1976.tb01101.x

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Book review in this Article G. D. Ramsay. The City of London in International Politics at the Accession of Elizabeth Tudor. Gerald A. J. Hodgett. Tudor Lincolnshire. Patrick McGrath. The Merchant Venturers of Bristol: A History of the Society of Merchant Venturers of the City of Bristol from its Origin to the Present Day. D. C. Coleman. Industry in Tudor and Stuart England. Joyce Bankes and Eric Kerridge (Eds.). The Early Records of the Bankes Family at Winstardey. Charles Carlton. The Court of Orphans. G. B. Hindle. Provision for the Relief of the Poor in Manchester, 1754-1826. Graham Mee. Aristocratic Enterprise. The Fitzwilliam Industrial Undertakings, 1795-1857. Bruce Lenman. From Esk to Tweed: Harbours, Ships and Men of the East Coast of Scotland. D. T. Jenkins. The West Riding Wool Textile Industry, 1770-1835: A Study of Fixed Capital Formation. Francis E. Hyde. Cunard and the North Atlantic, 1840-1973. A History of Shipping and Financial Management. Paul Thompson. The Edwardians. The Remaking of British Society. S. Howson. Domestic Monetary Management in Britain, igig-38. W. J. Reader. Imperial Chemical Industries. A History. Volume II, The First Quarter-Century, 1926-52. Jerry A. Sabloff and C. C. Lamberg-Karlovsky (Eds.). Ancient Civilization and Trade. A School of American Research Book. Daniel Sperber. Roman Palestine, 200-400: Money and Prices. Harry A. Miskimin. The Economy of Early Renaissance Europe, 1300-1460. Lucie Bolens. Les methodes culturales au Moyen-Age ?apres les Traite’s ?Agronomie Andalous: Traditions et Techniques. Philip D. Curtin. Economic Change in Pre-Colonial Africa: Senegambia in the Era of the Slave Trade. R. M. A. Van Zwanenberg with Anne King. An Economic History of Kenya and Uganda, 1800-1970. E. J. Hobsbawm. The Age of Capital, 1848-75. A. Milward and S. B. Saul. The Economic Development of Continental Europe, 1780-1870. Ingwer Ernst Momsen. Die Bevolkerung der Stadt Husum von 1769-1860. Versuch einer historischen Sorialgeographie. Schriften des Geographischen Instituts der Universitat Kiel, vol. 31. Martin Schaffner. Die Basler Arbeiterbevolkerung im 19. Jahrhundert. Beitrage zur Geschichte ihrer Lebensformen. Ernst Schraepler. Handwerkerbunde und Arbeitervereine 1830-53. Die politische Tatigkezt deutscher Sozialisten von Wilhelm Weitling bis Karl Marx. Veroffentlichungen der Histor. Kommission zu Berlin, vol. 34; Publikationen zur Geschichte der Arbeiter-bewegung, vol. 4. Margrit Twellmann. Die Deutsche Frauenbewegung. Ihre Anfange und erste Entwicklung, 1843-1889. 2 vols. Peter-Christian Witt. Die Finanzpolitik des Deutschen Reiches von 1903 bis 1913. Eine Studie zur Innenpolitik des Wilhelminischen Deutschland. Historische Studien, Heft 415.