The Economic History Review


Volume 29 Issue 2
Pages: 314-364
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1976.tb01089.x

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Book review in this Article The Victorian History of the Counties of England. A History of Wiltshire, Vol. X, edited by Elizabeth Crittall. Anne Daly (Ed.). Kingston Upon Thames Register of Apprentices, 1563-1713. Anthony Fletcher. A County Community in Peace and War: Sussex, 1600-60. Michael Van Cleave Alexander. Charles I’s Lord Treasurer: Sir Richard Weston, Earl of Portland. C. D. Chandaman. The English Public Revenue, 1660-88. G. E. Mingay (Ed.). Arthur Young and His Times. Anthony Slaven. The Development of the West of Scotland: 1750-1960. A. J. Taylor (Ed.). The Standard of Living in Britain in the Industrial Revolution. Alan Armstrong. Stability and Change in an English County Town: A Social Study of York, 1801-51. Keith Burgess. The Origins of British Industrial Relations: The Nineteenth-Century Experience. Raphael Samuel (Ed.). Village Life and Labour. E. G. West. Education and the Industrial Revolution. P. H.J. H. Gosden and A.J. Taylor (Eds.). Studies in the History of a University. Barrie M. Ratgliffe (Ed.). Great Britain and her World, 1750-1914. Derek H. Aldcroft. British Transport since 1874- (Newton Abbot: David & Charles. Sir Norman Chester. The Nationalisation of British Industry, 1945-51. W. W. Rostow. How It All Began: Origins of the Modern Economy. William J. Barber. British Economic Thought and India, 1600-1858. A Study in the History of Development Economics. Guy Routh. The Origin of Economic Ideas. George R. Feiwel. The Intellectual Capital of Michal Kalecki: A Study in Economic Theory and Policy. Stanley L. Engerman and Eugene D. Genovese (Eds.). Race and Slavery in the Western Hemisphere. Edward A. Alpers. Ivory and Slaves in East Central Africa. Changing Patterns of International Trade to the Later Nineteenth Century. K. G. Davies. The North Atlantic World in the Seventeenth Century. Roger Anstey. The Atlantic Slave Trade and British Abolition, 1760-1810. Nicolas Sanchez Albornoz. Materiales para la historia economica de Espana. Los precios agricolas en la segunda mitad del siglo xix, vol. 1, trigo y cebada. Recopilacion, analisis y estudio preliminar. Paul A. David. Technical Choice, Innovation and Economic Growth: Essays on American and British Experience in the Nineteenth Century. Charles, Louise, and Richard Tilly. The Rebellious Century, 1830-1930. Harold F. Williamson (Ed.). Evolution of International Management Structures. Paul Bairoch. The Economic Development of the Third World since 1900. Comitato Italiano per lo Studio della Popolazione (Ed.). Le fonti della demografia storica in Italia. Dante E. Zanetti. La demograjia delpatriziato milanese nei secoli XVII, XVIII, XIX. Con una Appendice Genealogica di Franco Arese Lucini. Paola Massa. Un impresa serica genovese della prima meta del Cinquecento. Antonio di Vittorio. Gli Austrian e il Regno di Napoli, 1707-34. M. Vaini. La disiribuzione della proprieta terriera e la societa mantovana dal 1785 al 1845. Vincenzo Giura. La questione degli zolji siciliani, 1838-41. L. Dal Pane. Industria e Commercio nel Granducato di Toscana neWeta del Risorgimento. Anna Dell’Orefice. II Reale Istituto dell’Incorraggiamento di Napoli e l opera sua, 1806-60. Giulio Guderzo. Finanze epolitica in Piemonte alle soglie del decennio cavouriano. Gianni Toniolo (Ed.). Lo sviluppo economico italiano. Francesco Balletta. Il Banco di Napoli e le rimesse degli emigrati (1914-25). Institut International ? Histoire de la Banque. Arvo M. Soininen. Vanha maataloutemme (Traditional Agriculture in Finland in the 18th and 19th Centuries). Per Schybergson. Hantverk ochfabriker. Finlands konsumtionsvaruindustri, 1815-70. I: Helhetsutveckling (Diss.); II: Branschutveckling; III: Tebellbilagor. William M. Lafferty. Economic Development and the Response of Labor in Scandinavia. A Multi-level Analysis.