The Economic History Review


Volume 28 Issue 4
Pages: 705-765
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1975.tb01999.x

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Eleanor Searle. Lordship and Community: Battle Abbey and its Banlieu, 1066-1538. Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and other Analogous Documents Preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. XVI: 7-15 Richard II. J. A. Raftis. Assart Data and Land Values. Two Studies in the East Midlands. A. G. Chibnall (Ed.). The Certificates of Musters for Buckinghamshire in 1522. A. Hassell Smith. County and Court: Government and Politics in Norfolk, 1558-1603. Margaret Spufford. Contrasting Communities. Clive Holmes. The Eastern Association in the English Civil War. M. I. Thomis. The Town Labourer and the Industrial Revolution. P. L. Cottrell and B. L. Anderson (Eds.). Money and Banking in England. The Development of the Banking System, 1694-1914. C. W. Chalklin. The Provincial Towns of Georgian England. A Study of the Building Process, 1740-1820. T. C. Barker and C. I. Savage. An Economic History of Transport in Britain. John R. Hume. The Industrial Archaeology of Glasgow. H. J. Dyos and Michael Wolff (Eds.). The Victorian City: Images and Realities. John Stevenson and Roland Quinault (Eds.). Popular Protest and Public Order. Six Studies in British History, 1790-1920. Eric Ashby and Mary Anderson. Portrait of Haldane at Work on Education. J. M. Winter. Socialism and the Challenge of War: Ideas and Politics in Britain, 1912-18. Ross Terrill. R. H. Tawney and his Times; Socialism as Fellowship. Chimen Abramsky (Ed.). Essays in Honour of E. H. Can. Robert V. Eagley. The Structure of Classical Economic Theory. P. Iradiel Murugarren. Evolucion de la industria textil castellana en los siglos XIII-XVI. Factores de desarrollo, organization y castes de la producdon manufacture en Cuenca. Raymond De Roover. Buiness, Banking, and Economic Thought in Late Medieval and Early Modem Europe. Ed. J. Kirshner. Carlo M. Gipolla (Ed.). The Fontana Economic History of Europe. Vol. 2: The Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries Olwen H. Hufton. The Poor of Eighteenth-Century France, 1750-1789. C. Duncan Rice. The Rise and Fall of Black Slavery. Duncan J. Macleod. Slavery, Race and the American Revolution. Frederick Pedler, with a chapter by A. Burns. The Lion and the Unicorn in Africa: The United Africa Company, 177-1931. Roberto Corteas Conde. The First Stages of Modernization in Spanish America, translated from the Spanish by Toby Talbot M. Williams. The Making of the South Australia Landscape. N. A. Cox-George. Studies in Finance and Development: The Gold Coast (Ghana) Experience. Allen G. Kelley And Jeffrey G. Williamson. Lessons from Japanese Development: An Analytical Economic History. Tom G. Kessinger. Vilyatpur, 1848-1968: Social and Economic Change in an Indian Village. J. N. Westwood. Railways of India. Kenneth A. Lockridge. Literacy in Colonial New England: An Enquiry into the Social Context of Literacy in the Early Modern West. Joseph Albert Ernst. Money and Politics in America, 1755-1775. Elinor Miller and Eugene Genovese (Eds.). Plantation, Town, and County: Essays on the Local History of American Slave Society. Allan R. Pred. Urban Growth and the Circulation of Information: The United States System of Cities 1790-1840. Roger W. Lotchin. San Francisco, 1846-1856: From Hamlet to City. Urban Life in America Series. Louis S. Gerteis. From Contraband to Freedman: Federal Policy Toward Southern Blacks, 1861-1865. Burton I. Kaufman. Efficiency and Expansion. Foreign Trade Organization in the Wilson Administration, 1913-1921. Mira Wilkins. The Maturing of Multinational Enterprise: American Business Abroad from 1914 to 1970.