The Economic History Review


Volume 28 Issue 2
Pages: 318-381
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1975.tb01799.x

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D. E. Greenway (Ed.). Charters of the Honour of Mowbray, 1107-1191. Ian Kershaw. Bolton Priory: The Economy of a Northern Monastery 1286-1325. Colin Platt. Medieval Southampton. The Port and Trading Community, A.D. 1000-1600. David G. Hey. An English Rural Community: Myddle under the Tudors and Stuarts. N. B. Harte and K. G. Ponting (Eds.). Textile History and Economic History Geoffrey W. Oxley. Poor Relief in England and Wales, 1601-1834. Blair Worden. The Rump Parliament, 1648-1653. G. E. Aylmer. The State’s Servants. The Civil Service of the English Republic, 1649-1660. B. L. Anderson (Ed.). Capital Accumulation in the Industrial Revolution. Everyman’s University Library Readings in Economic History and Theory. John Booker. Essex and the Industrial Revolution. Jean Lindsay. A History of the North Wales Slate Industry. Ray A. Kelch. Newcastle. A Duke without Money: Thomas Pelham-Holles 1693-1768. R. J. Adam (Ed.). Papers on Sutherland Estate Management, 1802-1816. Eric Richards. The Leviathan of Wealth: The Sutherland Fortune in the Industrial Revolution. A. Allan Maclaren. Religion and Social Class: The Disruption Tears in Aberdeen Bruce Lenman University of St Andrews Phillip S. Bagwell. The Transport Revolution from 1770. P. L. Payne. British Entrepreneur ship in the Nineteenth Century. F. R. Jervis. Bosses in British Business. Managers and Management from the Industrial Revolution to the Present Day Eugene C. Black (Ed.). Victorian Culture and Society Graeme Duncan. Marx and Mill. Two Views of Social Harmony and Social Conflict. A. Sutcliffe (Ed.). Multi-Storey Living, The British Working-Class Experience. A. E. Musson. Trade Union and Social History. Kenneth D. Brown (Ed.). Essays in Anti-Labour History: Responses to the Rise of Labour in Britain. E. L. Taplin. Liverpool Dockers and Seamen, 1870-1890 Pamela and Harold Silver. The Education of the Poor; the History of a National School, 1824-1974 T. G. Cook (Ed.). Education and the Professions. Alan A. Jackson. Semi-Detached London. Suburban Development, Life and Transport, 1900-1939. GENERAL A. H. M. Jones. The Roman Economy: Studies in Ancient Economic and Administrative History. Richard Duncan-Jones. The Economy of the Roman Empire: Quantitative Studies. Louis P. Cain and Paul J. Uselding (Eds.). Business Enterprise and Economic Change. Essays in Honor of Harold F. Williamson. Elisha P. Douglass. The Coming of Age of American Business, Three Centuries of Enterprise, 1600-1900. Ian M. Drummond. Imperial Economic Policy, 1917-1939: Studies in Expansion and Protection. Craufurd D. W. Goodwin. The Image of Australia: British Perception of the Australian Economy from the Eighteenth to the Twentieth Century. R. S. Gilbert. The Australian Loan Council in Federal Fiscal Adjustments, 1890-1965. Michael Adas. The Burma Delta: Economic Development and Social Change on an Asian Rice Frontier, 1832-1941. Richard D. Wolff. The Economics of Colonialism: Britain and Kenya, 1870-1930. SCANDINAVIA S. A. Hansen. Okonomisk vaekst i Danmark, 1720-1970, I-II. (Copenhagen: The Institute of Economic History, University of Copenhagen. 1972 and 1974. Pp. 315 and 320. No price.) Francis Sejersted. Ideal, teori og virkelighet. Nicolai Rygg og pengepolitikken i 1920-arene. Claudio Rotelli. Una campagna medievale. Storia agraria del Piemonte fra il 1250 e il 1450. M. Luzzatti. Giovanni Villani e la compagnia dei Buonaccorsi. Mario Romani (Ed.). Contributi dell’ Istituto di Storia economica e sociale. Vol. 1: Aspetti di vita agricola lombarda (secoli XVI-XIX). (Milan: Vita e Pensiero. 1973. Pp. 307. L. 11,000.) Mario Abrate. Popolazione e peste del 1630 a Carmagnola. Giuseppe Felloni. Gli investimenti finanziari genovesi in Europa tra il Seicento e la Restaurazione. A. Placanica. La Cassa Sacra e i beni della Chiesa nella Calabria settecentesca. Alberto Cova. Il Banco di S. Ambrogio nell’ economia milanese dei secoli XVII e XVIII. Bruno Caizzi. L’Economia lombarda durante la Restaurazione (1814-1859). Giovanni Vigo. Istruzione e sviluppo economico in Italia nel secolo XIX. Giorgio Doria. Investimenti e sviluppo economico a Geneva alla vigilia della prima Guerra mondiale. Vol. II: 1883-1914.