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Historical Farm Records: a Summary Guide to Manuscripts and other Material in the University Library collected by the Institute of Agricultural History and the Museum of English Rural Life. Margery M. Rowe and Andrew M. Jackson (Eds.). Exeter Freemen, 1266-1967. R. R. Pennington. Stannary Law: A History of the Mining Law of Cornwall and Devon. Dorothy Summers. The Great Ouse: The History of a River Navigation John Lawson and Harold Silver. A Social History of Education in England. W. B. Stephens. Regional Variations in Education during the Industrial Revolution, 1780-1870: The Task of the Local Historian T. Sowler. A History of the Town and Borough of Stockton-on- Tees. Clifford Gulvin. The Tweedmakers. A History of the Scottish Fancy Woollen Industry 1600-1914. H. S. K. Kent. War and Trade in Northern Seas. Anglo-Scandinavian Economic Relations in the Mid-Eighteenth Century. R. O. Roberts (Ed.). Farming in Caernarvonshire around 1800. B. W. E. Alford. W. D. & H. O. Wills and the Development of the U.K. Tobacco Industry, 1786-1965. John Lovell. Stevedores and Dockers. A Study of Trade Unionism in the Port of London, 1870-1914. Raymond Brown. Waterfront Organisation in Hull 1870-1900. W. A. P. Manser. Britain in Balance. John M. McFaul. The Politics of Jacksonian Finance. B. M. Deakin in collaboration with T. Seward. Shipping Conferences: A Study of their Origins, Development and Economic Practices. G. R. Hawke. Between Government and Banks: A History of the Reserve Bank of New Zealand. Herman van der Wee (Ed.). The Great Depression Revisited. Essays on the Economics of the Thirties. Georges Duby. Guerriers et paysans, VIIe-XIIe siecle, premier essor de l’economie europeenne. Maurice Lombard. Espaces et reseaux du haut Moyen Age. Economies et societes au Moyen Age, Melanges offerts a Edouard Perroy. Pierre Charbonnier. Guillaume de Murol, un petit seigneur auvergnat au debut du XVe siecle. Ernest Labrousse, Ruggiero Romano, and F. G. Dreyfus. Le prix du froment en France au temps de la monnaie stable (1726-1913). Jean Claude Toutain. La consommation alimentaire en France de 1789 a 1964. (Geneva: Librairie Droz, Cahiers de l’I.S.E.A., Economies et Societes Jean-Paul Aron, Paul Dumont, and Emmanuel Leroy Ladurie. Anthropologie du conscrit francais 1819-1826. Maurice Levy Leboyer. Le revenu agricole et la rente fonciere en Basse Normandie. Pierre Guillaume. La population de Bordeaux au XIXeme siecle Margel Gillet. Les charbonnages du Nord de la France au XIXeme siecle. Etude economique et sociale Patrick Fridenson. Histoire des usines Renault; I Naissance de la grande entreprise. Francoise Marnata. La bourse et le financement des investissements.