The Economic History Review


Volume 27 Issue 1
Pages: 124-133
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1974.tb00214.x

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Book Reviewed in this article: A. D. Dyer. The City of Worcester in the Sixteenth Century. John Carswell. From Revolution to Revolution: England, 1688-1776. A. J. Youngson. After the Forty-Five: The Economic Impact on the Scottish Highlands. Barrie Trinder. The Industrial Revolution in Shropshire. D. P. O’Brien. The Correspondence of Lord Overstone. Vol. 1 June 1804-September 1849. Vol. 11 September 1849-December 1861. Vol. 111 December 1861-April 1883. Geoffrey Alderman. The Railway Interest. P. J. Perry (Ed.). British Agriculture, 1875-1914. Derek Fraser. The Evolution of the British Welfare State. R. D. Collison Black, A. W. Coats, and Craufurd D. W. Goodwin (Eds.). The Marginal Revolution in Economics: Interpretation & Evaluation. N. L. Tranter (Ed.). Population and Industrialization. A. D. Francis. The Wine Trade. Martin Wolfe. The Fiscal System of Renaissance France. Julian Dent. Crisis in Finance: Crown, Financiers and Society in Seventeenth Century France. Frank C. Spooner. The International Economy and Monetary Movements in France, 1493-1725. D. C. M. Platt. Latin America and British Trade, 1806-1914. Robert W. Randall. Real del Monte: a British Mining Venture in Mexico. Colin Forster and G. S. L. Tucker. Economic Opportunity and White American Fertility Ratios 1800-1860. Neither Slave Nor Free: The Freedmen of African Descent in the Slave Societies of the New World. Edited with an introduction by David W. Cohen and Jack P. Greene. Federigo Melis. Documenti per la storia economica dei secoli XIII-XIV, con una nota di Paleografia Commerciale e cura di Elena Cecchi. Giuseppe Mira Galanti. Memorie Storiche del mio tempo. Ed. Domenico Demarco. Bertrand Gille. Les investissements francais en Italie (1815-1914). Valerio Castronovo. Giovanni Agnelli. G. Porisini. Produttivita e agricoltura: i rendimenti del frumento in Italia del 1815 al 1922. Jon Elster. Nytt perspektiv pa okonomisk historie. P. Enemark. Studier i toldregnskabsmateriale i begyndelsen af 16. arhundrede. Med soerligt henblik pa dansk okseeksport. I-II. Jens Engberg. Dansk Finanshistorie i 1640erne. Poul Thestrup. The Standard of Living in Copenhagen 1730-1800: Some Methods of Measurement. Historisk statistik for Sverige. 3. Utrikeshandel 1732-1970. With an introduction by E. F. Soderlund. Andreas Holmsen, August Schou, and Francis Sejersted. Fra Linderud til Eidsvold Voerk. Vol. 11, 1, and 11, 2. Lennart Jorberg. A History of Prices in Sweden 1732-1914. Vol. 1: Sources, Methods, Tables. Vol. 11: Description, Analysis. Jens Arup Seip. Ole Jacob Broch og hans samtid C.-A. Nilsson. Jarn och stal i svensk ekonomi 1885-1912. Arnljot Stromme Svendsen et al. Studier i sparing og sparebankvesen i Norge 1822-1972 Jorma Ahvenainen. Kymmene Aktiebolag 1918-1939. Fran pappersbruk till storforetag. Karl-Gustaf Hildebrand. I omvandlingens tjanst: Svenska Handelsbanken 1871-1955. Niels Thomsen. Dagbladskonkurrencen.