The Economic History Review


Volume 26 Issue 4
Pages: 695-767
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1973.tb01965.x

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Review in this Article Calendar of Inquisitions Post Mortem and other Analogous Documents preserved in the Public Record Office. Vol. XV, 1-7: Richard II. R. A. Buchanan. Industrial Archaeology in Britain. Ralph Davis. English Overseas Trade 1500-1700. Robert Latham and William Matthews(Eds.). The Diary of Samuel Pepys. A new and complete transcription A. F. J. Brown. Essex People, 1750-1900, from their diaries, memoirs and letters. S. D. Chapman. The Cotton Industry in the Industrial Revolution. Robin M. Reeve. The Industrial Revolution 1750-1850. David J. V. Jones. Before Rebecca. Popular Protests in Wales 1793-1835. Dorothy Marshall. Industrial England 1776-1851. Robert Owen. A New View of Society, or Essays on The Formation of the Human Character Preparatory to the Development of a Plan for gradually ameliorating the Condition of Mankind. Janet Roebuck. The Making of Modern English Society from 1850. E. P. Hennock. Fit and Proper Persons: Ideal and Reality in Nineteenth Century Urban Government. Michael Sanderson. The Universities and British Industry, 1850-1970. H. V. Emy. Liberals, Radicals and Social Politics 1892-1914. A. R. Bridbury. Historians and the Open Society. Roderick Floud. An Introduction to Quantitative Methods for Historians. David Ricardo. The Principles of Political Economy and Taxation. Horst Claus Recktenwald (Ed.). Political Economy. A Historical Perspective. D. E. C. Eversley (Ed.). Third International Conference of Economic History, Munich, 1965. H.J. Habakkuk. Population Growth and Economic Development. Peter Laslett (Ed.) with the assistance of Richard Wall. Household and Family in Past Time. Norman J. G. Pounds. An Historical Geography of Europe 450 B.C.-A.D.1330. Pauline Croft (Ed.). The Spanish Company. Phyllis M. Martin. The External Trade of the Loango Coast 1576-1870. A. J. H. Latham. Old Calabar 1600-1891. The Impact of the International Economy upon a Traditional Society. M. E. Falkus. The Industrialization of Russia, 1700-1914. Francis E. Hyde. Far Eastern Trade 1860-1914. E. A. Boehm. Prosperity and Depression in Australia 1887-1897. C. Forster (Ed.). Australian Economic Development in the Twentieth Century. E. A. Boehm. Twentieth Century Economic Development in Australia. Patrick Fridenson: Histoires des Usines Renault. I. Naissance de la Grande Entreprise: 1898-1939. Charles P. Kindelberger. The World in Depression 1929-1939. Melchior Palyi. The Twilight of Gold 1914-1935: Myths and Realities. C. F. Delzell (Ed.). Mediterranean Fascism 1919-1945. E. Wiskemann. Italy since 1945. J. S. Bromley and E. H. Kossmann (Eds.). Britain and the Netherlands. G. Kurgan-Ph. Moureaux (Ed.). La quantification en histoire. I.J. Roorda. Hetrampjaar 1672. H. Van der Wee. Historische aspecten van de economische groei. Tien studies over de economische ontwikkeling van West-Europa en van de Nederlanden in het bijzonder (12e-19e eeuw). H. De Vries. Landbouw en bevolking tijdens de agrarische depressie in Friesland (1878-1895). J. A. Faber. Drie eeuwen Friesland. Economische en sociale ontwikkelingen van 1500 tot 1800. Van Beylen. Schepen van de Nederlanden. Van de late Middeleeuwen tot het einde van de 17e eeuw. G. Kurgan-Van Hentenryk. Leopold II et les groupes financiers beiges en Chine. La politique royale et pesprolongements (1895-1914). Societe Generale de Belgique, 1822-1972. R. De Herdt. Bijdrage tot de geschiedenis van de veeteelt in Vlaanderen, inzonderheid tot de geschiedenis van de rundveepest, 1769-1785. E.J. Baels. De Generate Keizerlijke en Koninklijke Indische Compagnie gevestigd in de Oosten-rijkse Nederlanden, genaamd “de Oostendse Compagnie”. C. Van Bostraeten. De nederzetting Sloten en de Merowingische begraafplaats te Gent–Port Arthur. Economisch- en sociaal-historisch jaarboek. R. Noel. Les deepots de pollens fossiles. A. P. Timmermans. Les banques en Belgique, 1946-1968. Contributions a l’histoire economique et sociale. Tome VI: 1970-1971. O. Mus. Inventaris van het archief van de Commissie van Openbare Onderstand, leper: Oud Regime zonder de oorkonden. P. Lebrun, J. Gadisseur, J. Pirard, D. Degreve, C. Desama (Ed.). L’industrialisation en Belgique au XIXe siecle. Premiere approche et premiers resultats. F. B. M. Tangelder. Nederlandse rekeningen in de pondtolregisters van Elbing, 1585-1602. Finances Publiques d’Ancien Regime–Finances publiques contemporaines: processus de mutation, continuites et ruptures. Collogue International: Spa, 16-19-IX-1971. Pro Civitate. C. Verlindenet al. Dokumenten Voor de Geschiedenis van Prijzen en Lonen in Vlaanderen en Brabant (XVIe-XIXe E.)