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Book Reviews in this Article: N. B. Harte (Ed.). The Study of Economic History: Collected Inaugural Lectures, 1893-1970. B. P. Wolffe. The Royal Demesne in English History: The Crown Estate in the Governance of the Realm from the Conquest to 1509. S. F. Hockey. Quarr Abbey and its Lands, 1132-1631. M. T. Clanchy (Ed.). Civil Pleas of the Wiltshire Eyre, 1249. P.J. Bowden. The Wool Trade in Tudor and Stuart England. Karl S. Bottigheimer. English Money and Irish Land. The “Adventurers” in the Cromwellian Settlement of Ireland. A. J. Holland. Ships of British Oak: The Rise and Decline of Wooden Shipbuilding in Hampshire Francis E. Hyde. Liverpool and the Mersey. The development of a port, 1700-1970. Gordon Jackson. Hull in the Eighteenth Century. A Study in Economic and Social History. J. D. Marshall. Old Lakeland. Some Cumbrian Social History. L. Bradley (Ed.). Smallpox Inoculation. An Eighteenth Century Mathematical Controversy. A. E. Musson (Ed.). Science, Technology, and Economic Growth in the Eighteenth Century. R. M. Hartwell. The Industrial Revolution and Economic Growth. W. D. Jones. “Prosperity” Robinson. The Life of Viscount Goderich 1782-1859. Archibald Prentice. Historical Sketches and Personal Recollections of Manchester. Intended to Illustrate the Progress of Public Opinionfrom 1792 to 1832. R. B. Jones. Economic and Social History of England 1770-1970. John Thomas. A Regional History of the Railways of Great Britain. G. Stedman Jones. Outcast London: a Study in the Relationship between Classes in Victorian Society. Joseph Mitchell. Reminiscences of My Life in the Highlands. Donald N. McCloskey (Ed.). Barry Turner. Free Trade and Protection. P. Mathias and A. W. H. Pearsall (Eds.). A. H. Shorter. Paper Making in the British Isles. An Historical and Geographical Study. W. J. Reader. Imperial Chemical Industries: A History J. B. F. Earle. A Century of Road Materials: The History of the Roadstone Division of Tarmac Ltd. W. R. Garside. The Durham Miners 1919-1960. Elias H. Tuma. D. S. Chambers (Ed.). Patrons and Artists in the Italian Renaissance. Henry Kamen. The Iron Century. Social Change in Europe, 1550-1660. P. J. Bakewell. Silver Mining and Society in Colonial Mexico, Zacatecas 1546-1700. K. N. Chaudhuri. The Economic Development of India under the East India Company 1814-58. A Selection of Contemporary Writings. N. G. Butlin. Ante-bellum Slavery–A Critique of a Debate. W. Arthur Lewis (Ed.). Tropical Development 1880-1913: Studies in Economic Progress. Giorgio Fua (Ed.). Lo sviluppo economico in Italia. A. Fanfani. Storia Economica. Giovanni Aliberti. Paolo Sica. L’immagine della citta da Sparta ad Atene. G. Galanti. Delia descrizione geografica e politico delle Sicilie. Edited by F. Assante and D. Demarco. (Naples: Edizioni Scientifiche Italiane Antonio Ivan Pini. Problemi demografici bolognesi del Duecento. Athos Bellettini. La popolazione delle campagne bolognesi alla meta del secolo XIX. Mino Martelli. Storia del Monte di Pieta in Lugo di Romagna Marco Brazzale. Il mercato del sale nella Repubblica veneta nella seconda meta del XVI secolo. Domenico Gioffre. Il mercato degli schiavi a Genova nel secolo XV. Marzio Achille Romani.