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Book Reviews in This Article: M. I. Finley. A History of Sicily: Ancient Sicily to the Arab Conquest. K. D. White. Agricultural Implements of the Roman World. A. Ya Gurevich. Svobodnoye Krestyanstvo Feodal’noi Norvegii [The Free Peasantry of Feudal Norway]. STADTARGHIV NURNBERG. Beitrage zur Wirtschaftsgeschichte Nurnbergs. Hedwig Pavelka. Englisch-osterreichische Wirtschaftsbeziehungen in der ersten Halfte des 19. Jahrhunderts. Richard F. Kuisel. Ernest Mercier, French Technocrat. J. Lestocquoy. Etudes ? histoire urbaine. Villes et abbayes: Arras au moyen dge. R. E. F. Smith. The Enserfment of the Russian Peasantry. M. Lewin. Russian Peasants and Soviet Power: A Study of Collectivisation. Rondo Cameron and others. Banking in the Early Stages of Industrialization: A Study in Comparative Economic History. R. N. GHOSH. Classical Macroeconomics and the Case for Colonies. Ross Duncan. The Northern Territory Pastoral Industry, 1863-1910. Leslie Clement Duly. British Land Policy at the Cape, 1795-1844: A Study of Administrative Procedure in the Empire. J. S. Furnivall. Netherlands India: A Study in Plural Economy. With an introduction by Jonkheer mr A. C. D. de Graeff, Governor of Netherlands India, 1926-31. N. M. Farriss. Crown and Clergy in Colonial Mexico, 1759-1821: The Crisis of Ecclesiastical Privilege. David Chaplin. The Peruvian Industrial Labor Force. Richard Graham. Britain and the Onset of Modernization in Brazil, 1850-1914. P. M. Holt (Ed.). Political and Social Change in Modern Egypt: Historical Studies from the Ottoman Conquest to the United Arab Republic. Joe G. Ashby. Organized Labor and the Mexican Revolution under Ldzaro Cardenas. Harold Perkin. The Origins of Modern English Society, 1780-1880. W. H. B. COURT. Scarcity andChoice in History. M. M. Oppenheim. The Maritime History of Devon. Doris Mary Stenton (Ed.). Preparatory to Anglo-Saxon England: Being the Collected Papers of Frank Merry Stenton. Mary Dewar (Ed.). A Discourse of the Commonweal of This Realm of England Attributed to Sir Thomas Smith. Richard C. Barnett. Place, Profit, and Power: A Study of the Servants of William Cecil, Elizabethan Statesman. F. G. Emmison. Tudor Secretary: Sir William Petre at Court and Home. Perez Zagorin. The Court and the Country: The Beginning of the English Revolution. Francis W. Steer. Farm and Cottage Inventories of Mid-Essex, 1635 to. Rhodes Boyson. The Ashworth Cotton Enterprise: The Rise and Fall of a Family Firm, 1818-1880. Alan Rogers (Ed.). Stability and Change. Some Aspects of North and South Rauceby in the Nineteenth Century. L. K. Young. British Policy in China, 1895-1902. Philippe Huet. Politique economique de la Grande Bretagne depuis 1945. Robert Fossier. La terre et les hommes en Picardie jusqu’a la fin du XIII e siecle. Bronislaw Geremek. Le salariat dans l artisanatparisien aux XIIIe-XVe siecles: etude sur la main ? auvre au moyen age. Jacques Payen. Capital et machine a vapeur au XVIII siele: les Frires Perier et l introduction de la machine a vapeur en France. Fernand Leleux. A l aube du capitalisme et de la revolution industrielle: Lievin Bauwens, indvstrielgantois. Marthe Barbance. Vie commerciale de la route du cap Horn au XIXe siecle: l’armement A. D. Bordesetfds. Jean Vidaleng. La Societe Francaise de 1815 a 184.8: le peuple des campagnes. Pierre Sorlin.LaSociete Francaise. 1:1840-1914. Raymond Poidevin. Les relations internationales et financieres entre la France el l Allemagne de 1898 a 1914. J. P. Mockers. Croissances konomiques comparees: Allemagne, France, Royaume Uni, 1950-1967, essai d’analyse structurale. Collogue franco-suisse d’histoire economique et sociale. L. A. Boiteux. La fortune de mer, le besoin de securite et les debuts de l assurance maritime. Walter Endrei. L’evolution des techniques du filage et du tissage du moyen age a la Revoultion francaise. Etienne Fournial. Les villes et leconomie ?echange en Forez aux XIIIe et XIVe siecles. Andre Bocquet. Recherches sur la population rurale de l Artois et du Boulonnais pendant la periode bourguignonne (1384-1477). BARTOLOME Bennassar. Recherches sur les grandes epidemies dans le nord de l Espagne a la fin du XVIe siecle. Davis Bitton. The French Nobility in Crisis, 1560-1640. Jean Weiller. Echanges exterieurs etpolitique commerciale de la France depuis 1870. Sylviane Guillaumont-Jeanneney. Politique monetaire et croissance economique de la France. Mileta Obradovitch. Les effets de la devaluationfrangaise de 1958. Bernard Dezert. Lacroissance industrielle et urbaine de laporte.