The Economic History Review


Volume 23 Issue 1
Pages: 170-205
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1970.tb01020.x

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Book review in this Article D. J. Steel. National Index of Parish Registers. J. W. Gough. The Rise of the Entrepreneur. H. P. R. Finberg. West-Country Historical Studies. John Burnett. A History ofthe Cost of Living. W. B. Stephens (Ed.). A History of the County of Warwick. A. Willliams (Ed.). A History of the County of Dorset. Colin Platt. The Monastic Grange in Medieval England. A Reassessment. Calendar of Memoranda Rolls (Exchequer) preserved in the Public Record Office, Michaelmas 1326-Michaelmas 1327. A. E. B. Owen (Ed.). The Records of the Commissioners ofSewers in the Parts of Holland, 1547-1603. Alfred Plummer and Richard E. Early. The Blanket Makers, 1669-1969: a History of Charles Early and Marriott F. G. Emmison. Guide to the Essex Record Office. A. F. J. Brown. Essex at Work, 1700-1815. David Bayne Horn. Great Britain and Europe in the Eighteenth Century. J. R. Harris (Ed.). Liverpool and Merseyside. Essays in the Economic and Social History ofthe Port and its Hinterland. Sheldon Rothblatt. The Revolution of the Dons: Cambridge and Society in Victorian England. Derek H. Aldcroft and Harry W. Righardson. The British Economy, 1870-1939. Derek H. Aldcroft and Peter Fearon (Eds.). Economic Growth in Twentieth-Century Britain. D. E. Moggridge. The Return to Gold, 1925. The Formulation of Economic Policy and its Critics. Phyllis Deane and W. A. Cole. British Economic Growth, 1688-1959. Trends and Structure. S. Horrocks (Ed.). G. H. Tupling (compiler). Lancashire Directories, 1684-1957. Phyllis Deane and W. A. Cole. British Economic Growth, 1688-1959. Trends and Structure. S. Horrocks (Ed.). G. H. Tupling (compiler). Lancashire Directories, 1684-1957. R. B. Westerfield. Middlemen in English Business, particularly between 1660 and 1760. C. M. MacInnes. Bristol. A Gateway of Empire. John Copeland. Roads and their Traffic, 1750-1850. Arnold Toynbee. Lectures on the Industrial Revolution in England. Ivy Pinchbeck. Women Workers and the Industrial Revolution, 1750-1850. N. S. Buck. The Development of the Organization of Anglo-American Trade, 1800-1850. Humphrey Household. The Thames & Severn Canal. J. Aikin. A Description of the Country from Thirty to Forty Miles Round Manchester. Edward Baines. History, Directory and Gazetteer, of the County of York. (Leeds Mercury Sir George Head. A Home Tour through the Manufacturing Districts of England in the Summer of 1835. W. Cooke Taylor. Notes of a Tour in the Manufacturing Districts of Lancashire. J. Geraint Jenkins. The Welsh Woollen Industry. Graham Turner. Business in Britain. Graham Turner. Business in Britain. ITALY Luigi dal Pane. La storia come storia del lavoro. Giorgio Doria. Uomini e terre di un Borgo collinare dal XVI al XVIII secolo. Domenico Sella. Salari e lavoro nell’Edilizia lombarda durante il secolo XVII. Bruno Caizzi. Industria, commercio e banca in Lombardia nel XVIII secolo. Giuseppe Felloni. Il mercato monetario in Piemonte nel secolo XVIII. Franco Bonelli. Evoluzione demografica ed ambiente economico nelle Marche e nell’Umbria dell’Ottocento. Vincenzo Giura. La Banca del Tavoliere. Una storia ignorata. Vincenzo Giura. Russia, Stati Uniti dAmerica e Regno di Napoli nell’eta del Risorgimento. L. de Rosa. Iniziativa e Capitale straniero nell’industria metalmeccanica del Mezzogiorno, 1840-1904. Giulio Guderzo. Il Piemonte e le grandi Banche europee nel 1848-49. M. Abrate. La lotta sindicale nella industrializzazione in Italia, 1906-1926.