The Economic History Review


Volume 22 Issue 3
Pages: 552-616Authors: Alan Everitt, Walter M. Stern, J. F. A. Mason, R. H. Hilton, Edward Miller, W. G. Hoskins, Walter M. Stern, R. B. Wernham, Frank Spooner, D. E. C. Yale, D. E. C. Yale, Patrick MgGrath, G. D. Ramsay, W. H. B. Court, B. W. E. Alford, W. E. Minchinton, R. A. Church, S. G. Checkland, Michael E. Rose, T. C. BARKER, Harold Pollins, M. C. Reed, T. C. Barker, Robert Currie, T. C. Smout, T. W. Fletcher, Barry Supple, John Saville, Roderick Floud, D. L. Munby, T. G. Barker, Olive Coleman, H. E. S. Fisher, B. R. Mitchell, F. M. L. Thompson, R. H. Hilton, Pramit Ghaudhuri, David Browning, Peter Calvert, Glive Trebilcock, D. A. Farnie, J. S. Bromley, Sidney Pollard, W. Conze, Horst Stuke, Eckart Schremmer, Horst Stuke, Erich Maschke, Erich Maschke, Erich Maschke, Horst Stuke, Knut Borchardt, Wolfgang v. Hippel, Erich' Maschke, Horst Stuke, Horst Stuke, Erich Maschke, Ursula Hullbusch, Erich Maschke, Ursula Hullbusgh, Ursula Hüllbüsch, Ph. Wolff, Ph. Wolff, Menna Prestwich, J. Jacquart, J. Jacquart, J. Jacquart, C. Fohlen, Peter Pulzer, J. Jacquart, J. Jacquart, G. Fohlen, C. Fohlen, J. Jacquart, C. Fohlen
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1969.tb00189.x

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