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Book Reviews in This Article: F. M. L. Thompson. Chartered Surveyors: the Growth of a Profession. B. W. E. Alford and T. C. Barker. A History of the Carpenters Company. C. R. Elrington (Ed.). A History of the County of Gloucester. Vol. viii. Victoria History of the Counties of England. Kathleen Major (Ed.). The Registrum Antiquissimum of the Cathedral Church of Lincoln. Vol. ix. Robert W. Dunning (Ed.). The Hylle Cartulary. Somerset Record Society, vol. 68. Ida Darlington (Ed.). London Consistory Court Wills, 1492-1547. Howell A. Lloyd. The Gentry of South-West Wales, 1540-1640. Theodore K. Rabb. Enterprise & Empire: Merchant and Gentry Investment in the Expansion of England, 1575-1630. Don M. Wolfe (Ed.). Leveller Manifestoes of the Puritan Revolution. Foreword by Charles A. Beard. Ragnhild Hatton and J. S. Bromley (Eds.). William HI and Louis XIV. Essays 1680-1J20 by and for Mark A. Thomson. G. A. Chinnery (Ed.). Records of the Borough of Leicester. Vol. vi. The Chamberlains” Accounts 1688-1835. I. K. Steele. Politics of Colonial Policy: The Board of Trade in Colonial Administration, i6g6-ij20. James L. Clifford (Ed.). Man versus Society in Eighteenth-Century Britain. Six Points of View. University of Birmingham Historical Journal. Vol. ix, no. i. The Lunar Society of Birmingham. Timothy L. S. Sprigge (Ed.). The Correspondence of Jeremy Bentham. Vol. 1: 1752-76. Vol. 2: 1777-80. A. G. Banks and R. B. Schofield. Brindley at Wet Earth Colliery: An Engineering Study. Robert Craig and Rupert Jarvis. Liverpool Registry of Merchant Skips. Chetham Society, 3rd series, vol. xv. Jean Lindsay. The Canals of Scotland. E.J. Hobsbawm. Industry and Empire: An Economic History of Britain since 1750. John Francis. A History of the English Railway. Henry Grote Lewin. The Railway Mania and its Aftermath, 184.5-1852. D. C. M. Platt. Finance, Trade, and Politics in British Foreign Policy, 1815-1914. Seymour Shapiro. Capital and the Cotton Industry in the Industrial Revolution. David Dougan. The History of North East Shipbuilding. Archibald Prentice. History of the Anti-Corn-Law League. With a new introduction by W. H. Ghaloner. F. F, Rosenblatt. The Chartist Movement in its Social and Economic Aspects. P. W. Slosson. The Decline of the Chartist Movement. Donald Read. Cobden and Bright: A Victorian Political Partnership. University of Glasgow Philip Gaskell. Morvern Transformed: A Highland Parish in the Nineteenth Century. Roy A. Church. Economic and Social Change in a Midland Town: Victorian Nottingham, 1815-igoo. Helen Merrell Lynd. England in the Eighteen-Eighties. Toward a Social Basis for Freedom. Peter d’A. Jones. The Christian Socialist Revival, 1877-1914. Religion, Class, and Social Conscience in Late-Victorian England. Basil Greenhill. The Merchant Schooners. Harry W. Richardson and Derek H. Aldcroft. Building in the British Economy between the Wars. R. W. Southern (Ed.). Essays in Medieval History selected from the Transactions of the Royal Historical Society on the Occasion of its Centenary. Sidney J. Madge. The Domesday of Crown Lands. Frances Gardiner Davenport. The Economic Development of a Norfolk Manor, 1086-1565. R. A. Buchanan. Technology mid Social Progress. Alice Clark. The Working Life of Women in the Seventeenth Century. Bernard Jennings (Ed.). A History of Nidderdak written by the Pateley Bridge Local History Tutorial Class. W. R. Bisschop. The Rise of the London Money Market, 1640-1826. With a Preface by H. S. Foxwell. William A. Shaw (Ed.). Select Tracts and Documents Illustrative of English Monetary History, 1626-1730. Eric Roll. An Early Experiment in Industrial Organization: Being a History of the Firm of Boulton and Watt, 1775-1805. H. W. Dickinson. James Watt, Craftsman and Engineer. Alexander J. Warden. The Linen Trade, Ancient and Modern. Stanley D. Chapman (Ed.). Felkin’s History of the Machine-Wrought Hosiery and Lace Manufactures. G. I. H. Lloyd. The Cutlery Trades: An Historical Study in the Economics of Small-Scale Production. Harry Scrivenor. History of the Iron Trade. W. K. V. Gale (Ed.). Griffiths’ Guide to the Iron Trade of Great Britain. Samuel Timmins (Ed.). Birmingham and the Midland Hardware District, 1866. C. A. W. Ward. A Bibliography of the History of Industry in the West Riding of Yorkshire, 175deg~1914- Proceedings of the Leeds Philosophical and Literary Society, Literary and Historical Section, vol. xIII, pt I. Robert Owen. The Life of Robert Owen Written by Himself with Selections from his Writings and Correspondence. Ronald Miller and David Sawers. The Technical Development of Modern Aviation. Samuel Mencher. Poor Law to Poverty Program, Economic Security Policy in Britain and the UnitedStates. David T. Gilchrist (Ed.). The Growth of the Seaport Cities, 1790-1825. Alan R. Pred. The Spatial Dynamics of U.S. Urban-Industrial Growth. Marvin Fisher. Workshops in the Wilderness. The European Response to American Industrialization, 1830-1860. Jean Alexander Wilburn. Biddle’s Bank: The Crucial Years. Stephen Salsbury. The State, the Investor, and the Railroad: The Boston & Albany, 1825-i86y. Alice E. Smith. Millstone and Saw: The Origins of Neenah-Menasha. John G. Clark. The Grain Trade in the Old Northwest. John A. Hawgood. The American West. Charles B. Dew. Ironmakers to the Confederacy: Joseph R. Anderson and the Tredegar Iron Works. Gene M. Gressley. Bankers and Cattlemen. Gerd Korman. Industrialization, Immigrants and Americanizers: The View from Milwaukee, i866-ig2i. Gerald G. Eggert. Railroad Labor Disputes: The Beginnings of Federal Strike Policy. Thomas G. Manning. Government in Science. The United States Geological Survey, i86j-i8q4. W. Turrentine Jackson. The Enterprising Scot. Investors in the American West after 1873. Henry F. Bedford. Socialism and the Workers in Massachusetts, 1886-1912. Glenn Weaver. The Hartford Steam Boiler Inspection and Insurance Company, 1866-1966. Earl W. Hayter. The Troubled Farmer, 1850-1goo: Rural Adjustment to Industrialism. Thomas D. Clark and Albert D. Kirwan. The South since Appomattox: A Century of Regional Change. Paul W. MacAvoy. The Economic Effect of Regulation. Ralph M. Hower. History of Macy’s of New York, 1858-1919. Allen F. Davis. Spearheads for Reform: The Social Settlements and the Progressive Movement, 1890-1914. Benjamin G. Rader. The Academic Mind and Reform: The Influence of Richard T. Ely in American Life. Louis Galambos. Competition and Cooperation: the Emergence of a National Trade Association.