The Economic History Review


Volume 21 Issue 2
Pages: 383-460
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1968.tb01776.x

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Book Reviewed in this article: H. C. Darby and R. Welldon Finn (Eds.). The Domesday Geography of South-West England. C. S. and C. S. Orwin. The Open Fields. B. E. Howells (Ed.). A Calendar of Letters relating to North Wales, 1533-c.1700. B. G. Charles (Ed.). Calendar of the Records of the Borough of Haverfordwest, 1539-1660. A. D. Dyer, R. D. Hunt, and Brian S. Smith (Eds.). Miscellany II. John Webb (Ed.). Poor Relief in Elizabethan Ipswich. Phyllis M. Hembry. The Bishops of Bath and Wells, 1540-1640. Social and Economic Problem. Edwin Welch (Ed.). Plymouth Building Accounts of the Sixteenth and Seventeenth Centuries. Lindsay Boynton. The Elizabethan Militia, 1558-1638. G. H. Kenyon. The Glass Industry of the Weald. K. R. Andrews. Drake’s Voyages. A Reassessment of their Place in Elizabethan Maritime Expansion. Henry Stevens. The Dawn of British Trade to the East Indies: As Recorded in the Court Minutes of the East India Company, 1599-1603. Menna Prestwich. Politics and Profits under the Early Stuarts. The Career of Lionel Cranfield Earl of Middlesex. Privy Council Registers Preserved in the Public Record Office. Reproduced in Facsimile. John M. Beattie. The English Court in the Reign of George I. E. E. Hoon. The Organisation of the English Custom System. A. Temple Patterson. A History of Southampton, 1700-1914. M. W. Greenslade and J. G. Jenkins (Eds.). The Victoria History of the County of Stafford. M. W. Beresford and G. R. J. Jones (Eds.). Leeds and its Region. Klaus Boehm in collaboration with Aubrey Silberston. The British Patent System R. M. Hartwell (Ed.). The Causes of the Industrial Revolution in England. E. L. Jones (Ed.). Agriculture and Economic Growth in England, 1650-1815. John Butt. The Industrial Archaeology of Scotland. Alan Birch. The Economic History of the British Iron and Steel Industry, 1784-1879. Thomas Ellison. The Cotton Trade of Great Britain. F. A. Wells. Hollins and Viyella: A Study in Business History. Marian Bowley. Nassau Senior and Classical Economics. G. Kitson Clark. An Expanding Society. Britain, 1830-1900. James Caird. The Landed Interest and the Supply of Food. Trevor Lloyd. The General Election of 1880. F. E. Gillespie. Labour and Politics in England, 1850-67. A. M. McBriar. Fabian Socialism and English Politics, 1884-1918. R. Page Arnot. South Wales Miners. Glowyr de Cymru. A History of the South Wales Miners’ Federation William Craik. Sydney Hill and the National Union of Public Employees. A. J. Youngson. Britain’s Economic Growth, 1920-1966. Kevin Burley. British Shipping and Australia, 1920-1939. Periodical Literature, 1967 B. Diestelkamp, M. Martens, C. van de Kieft, B. Fritz (Eds.). Elenchus Fontium Historiae Urbanae. Paul Einzig. The History of Foreign Exchange. Michael Roberts. Essays in Swedish History. Olwen H. Hufton. Bayeux in the Late Eighteenth Century: A Social Study. Basil Greenhill and Ann Giffard. Westcountrymen in Prince Edward’s Isle. A Fragment of the Great Migration. Frank Wesley Pitman. The Development of the British West Indies, 1700-1763. William Woodruff. Impact of Western Man: A Study of Europe’s Role in the World Economy, 1750-1960. Peter Burroughs. Britain and Australia, 1831-1855. A Study in Imperial Relations and Crown Lands Administration. MODERN SOCIAL AND ECONOMIC HISTORY, PUBLISHED 1963 TO 1966 S. Bronsztein. Ludnosczydowska w Polsce w okresie midzywojennym. Studium statystyczne. T. Kowalak. Spoldzielczosc niemiecka nu Pomorzu, 1920-1938. H. Janowska. Polska emigracja zarobkowa we Francji, 1919-1939. J. Zarnowska. Struktura spoleczna inteligencji w Polsce w latach, 1918-1939. Cz. Luczaka (Ed.). Polozenie ekonomiczne rzemioslo Wielkopolskiego w latach, 1918-1939. A. Karpinski, K. Secomski, and Z. Zekonski. Problemy rozwoju gospodarczego Polski Ludowej, 1944-1964. Z. Landau. Polityka finansowa PKWN, lipiec-grudzien 1944. Plawonanie gospodarki narodowej w Polsce Ludowej. Materialy do bibliografii. M. Pohoski. Migracje ze wsi do miast. Studium wychodzstwa w latach 1945-1957 oparte na winikach ankiety Instytutu Ekonomiki Rolnej. F. Skalniak. Bank Emisyjny w Polsce 1939-1945. Svend Aage Hansen. Adelstandens grundlag. Bjorn Larusson. The Old Icelandic Land Registers. Johan Jorgensen. Rentemester Henrik Muller. En studie i envoeldens etablering i Denmark. Jorgen H. Barfod. Danmark-Norges handelsflade, 1650-1700. Thorkild Hansen. Slavernes Kyst. Kristof Glamann. Otto Thott’s Uforgribelige tanker om kommerciens tilstand. Birgit Nuchel Thomsen and Brinley Thomas in collaboration with John W. Oldam. Dansk-Engelsk Samhandel. Et historisk rids, 1661-1963. Preben Dollerup. Brugsforeningerne, 1866-1896. Sociale, okonomiske og politiske under-segelser i de danske brugsforeningers historie fra 1866 til 1896. Fridlev Skrubbeltrang. Det indvundne Danmark. Folketal, areal og klima, 1901-60. SELECT BIBLIOGRAPHY OF CONTRIBUTIONS TO DANISH ECONOMIC HISTORY IN PERIODICALS AND YEARBOOKS PUBLISHED SINCE 1965