The Economic History Review


Volume 18 Issue 2
Pages: 413-474
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1965.tb02285.x

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Book reviewed in this article: H. P. R. Finberg. Lucerna: studies of some problem in the Early History of England H. P. R. Finberg. The Early Charters of Wessex C. Warren Hollister. The Military Organization of Norman England N. R. Holt (Ed.). The Pipe Roll of the Bishopric of Winchester, 1210-11 Sir Albert Feavearyear. The Pound Sterling, A History of English Money Elizabeth Melling (Ed.), Kentish Sources IV. The Poor Edward Hughes (Ed.). Fleming-Senhouse Papers W. J. Smith (Ed.). Herbert Correspondence Kenneth R. Andrews. Elizabethan Privateering Edwin Welch. Southampton Maps from Elizabethan Times J. W. Gough. Sir Hugh Myddleton, Entrepreneur and Engineer S. Pender (Ed.). Council Books of the Corporation of Waterford 1662-1700 L. W. Hanson (Ed.). Contemporary Printed Sources for British and Irish Economic History 1701-1750 John Higgs. The Land. A Visual History of Modern Britain E. L. Jones. Seasons and Prices. The Role of the Weather in English Agricultural History Mancur Olson, Jr. The Economics of the Wartime Shortage: A History of British Food Supplies in the Napoleonic War and in World Wars I and II W. B. Stephens (Ed.). A History of the County of Warwick James J. Barnes. Free Trade in Books: A Study of the Book Trade since 1800 C. P. Kindleberger. Economic Growth in France and Britain 1851-1950 Edoardo Grendi. L’avvento del laburismo. Il movimento operaio inglese dal 1880 al 1920 Gavin McCrone. Scotland’s Economic Progress 1951-1960. A Study in Regional Accounting A. French. The Growth of the Athenian Economy Giles Constable. Monastic Tithes: From their Origins to the Twelfth Century E. William Monter. Studies in Genevan Government (1536-1605). Herman Freudenberger. The Waldstein Woollen Mill – Noble Entrepreneurship in Eighteenth-Century Bohemia Barry Supple (Ed.), The Experience of Economic Growth. Case Studies in Economic History R. Koebner and H. D. Schmidt. The Story and Significance of Imperialism. A Political Word 1840-1960 O. W. Parnaby. Britain and the Labor Trade in the Southwest Pacific Alexander Gerschenkron. Economic Backwardness in Historical Perspective Michael Tracy. Agriculture in Western Europe: Crisis and Adaptation since 1880 Raymond Vernon. The Dilemma of Mexico’s Development: The Roles of the Private and Public. Sectors William P. Glade, Jr. and Charles W. Anderson. The Political Economy of Mexico Johannes Hirschmeier. The Origins of Entrepreneurship in Meiji Japan S. H. Chou. The Chinese Inflation, 1937-1949 Shigeo Horie. The International Monetary Fund. Retrospect and Prospect K. G. Davies (Ed.). Northern Quebec and Labrador Journals and Correspondence, 1819-35 James R. Scobie. Argentina – a City and a Nation. Ceres en Clio. Zeven variaties op het thema Landbouwgeschiedenis. (Agronomisch-Historische Bijdragen Economisch-Historische Opstellen. Zeventien Studien van Nederlanders. N. W. Posthumus (in cooporation with F. Ketner). Nederlandse Prijsgeschiedenis. Deel II: Goederenprijzen bij de kapittels van Utrecht, 1348-1669, bij het St. Bartholomeigasthuis te Utrecht, 1461-1914, bij de stad Utrecht, 1402-1851, bij het St. Catherijnengasthuis, 1392-1800, en bij het Heilige Geest- en Kinderhuis, 1482-1800, beide te Leiden, en bij het Burgerweeshuis te Amsterdam, 1562-1800 Cinq etudes de demographie locale (XVIeme-XIXeme siecle). (Pro Civitate. Collection Histoire J. G. van Dillen. Mensen en Achtergronden. J. S. Bromley and :E. H. Kossmann (Eds.). Britain and the Netherlands. D. Dalle. De Bevolking van Veurne-Ambacht in de 17de en de 18de eeuw. E. Healin. La demographie de Liege aux XVIIe et XVIIIe siecles. Gisele van Houtte. Leuven in 1740, een krisisjaar, Ekonomische, sociale en demografische aspekten. (Pro Civitate, Verzameling Geschiedenis Bertrand Gille (Ed.). Lettres adressees a la maison Rothschild de Paris par son representant a Bruxelles Hubert Wouters (Ed.). Documenten betreffende de geschiedenis der arbeidersbeweging (1831-53). R. Dieteren O.F.M. Grondbeleid en volkshuisvesting in de Mijnstreek: N.V. Bouwgrond-maatschappij Tijdig 1913-1963.
