The Economic History Review


Volume 17 Issue 1
Pages: 154-212
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1964.tb00076.x

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Book Review in this Articles T. B. Pugh (Ed.). The Marcher Lordships of South Wales, 1415-1536. Select Documents. Brian Foster (Ed.). The Local Port Book of Southampton for 1435-36. A. F. C. Baber. The Court Rolls of the Manor of Bromsgrove and King’s Norton, 1494-1504. B. S. Yamey, H. C. Edey and H. W. Thomson. Accounting in England and Scotland, 1543-1800. T. C. Smout. Scottish Trade on the Eve of Union, 1660-1707. Ming-Hsun Li. The Great Recoinage of 1696-9. G. F. A. Best. Temporal Pillars: Queen Anne’s Bounty, The Ecclesiastical Commissioners and the Church of England. C. T. G. Boucher, John Rennie, 1761-1821, The Life and Work of a Great Engineer. E. R. R. Green. The Industrial Archaeology of County Down. W. H. Chaloner. People and Industries. E. Victor Morgan and W. A. Thomas. The Stock Exchange: Its History and Functions. J. C. Gill. Parson Bull of Byerley. W. L. Burn. The Age of Equipoise. Mancur Olson, Jr. The Economics of the Wartime Shortage. K. S. Inglis. Churches and the Working Classes in Victorian England. E. B. Fryde. The Wool Accounts of William de la Pole, a study of some aspects of the English wool trade at the start of the Hundred Tears’ War. Heiene Antoniadis-Bibicou. Recherches sur les Douanes a Byzance. Harry A. Miskimin. Money, Prices and Foreign Exchange in Fourteenth-Century France. Jacques Heers. L’Occident aux XIVe el XVe siecles. Aspects economiques et sociaux. Jorma Ahvenainen. Der Getreidehandel Livlands im Mittelalter. Sven-ErikAstrom. From Cloth to Iron. The Anglo-Baltic trade in the late seventeenth century. David Joslin. A Century of British Banking in Latin America. G. Blainey. The Rush that Never Ended. A History of Australian Mining. R. Paull. Old Walhalla. Portrait of a Gold Town. J. A. Lesourd and C. Gerard. Histoire Economique: XIXe et XXe siecles. Raymond Vernon. The Dilemma of Mexico’s Development: The Roles of the Private and Public Sectors. John and Anne-Marie Hackett. Economic Planning in France. Robert Greenhalgh Albion. Naval and Maritime History: an Annotated Bibliography. Oscar Handlin and John Burchard (Eds.). The Historian and the City. B. H. Slicher van Bath. Yield ratios, 810-1820. Johanna-Maria van Winter. Ministerialiteit en ridderschap in Gelre en Zutphen. R. van Uytven. Stadsfinancien en stadseconomie te Leuven van de XIIe tot het einde der XVIe eeuw. D. W. Davies. A primer of Dutch Seventeenth Century overseas trade. D. de Weerdt. Bibliographie retrospective des publications officielles de la Belgique, 1794-1814. Hubert Wouters (Ed.). Documenten betreffende de geschiedenis der arbeidersbeweging (1831-53). H. van Velthoven. Noord-Brabant op weg naar groei en welvaart. (Bijdragen tot de sociale en economische geschiedenis van het Zuiden van Nederland. H. Schmitz. Schiedam in de tweede helft van de negentiende eeuw. Een onderzoek naar enige aspecten van de economische en sociale geschiedenis van de stad in de jaren 1850-1890. H. Baudet (Ed.). Handelswereld en Wereldhandel, Honderd Jaar Internatio, Tien Essays. Jacques Bolle. Solvay, l’inventeur, l’homme, l’entreprise industrielle, 1863-1963. P. Virrankoski. Myyntia varten harjoitettu kotiteollisuus Suomessa autonomian ajan alkupuolella Anna-Leena Toivonen. Etela-Pohjanmaan valtamerentakainen siirtolaisuus 1867-1930. Mauno Jokipii. Suomen kreivi- ja vapaaherrakunnat. Sune Dalgard. Dansk-Norsk Hvalfangst 1615-1660. En Studie over Danmark-Norges Stilling i Europaeisk Merkantil Expansion. Svend Aage Hansen. Pengevaesen og kredit 1813-1860. Einar Cohn. Privatbanken i Kjobenhavn gennem hundrede Aar 1857-1957. Fridlev Skrubbeltrang. Den sjaellandske bondestands Sparekasse 1856-1958. Erling Olsen. Danmarks okonomiske historie siden 1750.