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Book Reviewed in this article: E. M. Carus- Wilson and Olive Coleman. Englan?s Export Trade, 1275-1547. M. W. Flinn. Men of Iron: The Crowleys in the Early Iron Industry. Asa Briggs. Victorian Cities. T. S. Barker and Michael Robbins. A History of London Transport. Vol. I. The Nineteenth Century. S. G. Sturmey. British Shipping and World Competition. Arthur Sabin (Ed.). Some Manorial Accounts of St Augustine’s Abbey, Bristol. E. M. Carus-Wilson. The Expansion of Exeter at the Close of the Middle Ages. R. E. Latham (Ed.). Calendar of the Close Rolls, Henry VII. Vol II, 1500-1509 (London: H.M.S.O. 1963. Pp.517.) David Thomas. Agriculture in Wales during the Napoleonic Wars: A Study in the geographical interpretation of historical sources. H. P. White. A Regional History of the Railways of Great Britain. Vol. III. Greater London. J. H. Elliott. The Revolt of the Catalans. A Study in the Decline of Spain (1598-1640). Ronald L. Meek. The Economics of Physiocracy. F. B. Howard-White. Nickel: an Historical Survey. M. Beloff, P. Renouvin, F. Schnabel and F. Valsecchi (Eds.). LEurope du XIXe et du XXe Siele (1870-014). Rondo E. Cameron. France and the Economic Development of Europe, 1800-1914. Conquests of Peace and Seeds of War. Michael Barratt Brown. After Imperialism. A. Grenfell Price. The Western Invasions of the Pacific and its Continents. S. La Anyane. Ghana Agriculture, Economic development from early times to the middle of the 20th century. W. O. Henderson. Studies in the Economic Policy of Frederick the Great. W. O. Henderson. The Industrial Revolution on the Continent: Germany, France, Russia, 1800-1914. OliverOnody. A Inflagao Brasileira (1820-1958). Frieda Wunderlich. Farm Labor in Germany, 1810-1945. Robin Gollan. The Coalminers of New South Wales. A.J. Meyer. The Economy of Cyprus. Seymour E. Harris (Ed.). American Economic History. Anita Shafer Goodstein. Biography of a Businessman: Henry W. Sage, 1814-1897. Donald B. Cole. Immigrant City: Lawrence, Massachusetts, 1845-1921. Moses Rischin. The Promised City: New York’s Jews, 1870-1914. Roy V. Scott. The Agrarian Movement in Illinois, 1880-1896. Christiana Campbell. The Farm Bureau and the New Deal. Forrest McDonald. Insull. David Lavender. The Story of Cyprus Mines Corporation. Paul B. Trescott. Financing American Enterprise. Harold A. Boner. The Giant’s Ladder: David H. Moffat and his Railroad. Gordon B. Dodds. The Salmon King of Oregon: R. D. Hume and the Pacific Fisheries. Earl J. Hamilton, Albert Rees, and Harry G. Johnson (Eds.). Landmarks in Political Economy: Selections from the Journal of Political Economy. Warren S. Howard. American Slavers and the Federal Law, 1837-1862. Charles F. Phillips, Jr. Competition in the Synthetic Rubber Industry. Richard Austin Smith. Corporations in Crisis. Carl F. Stover (Ed.). The Technological Order. Proceedings of the Encyclopaedia Britannica Conference. James W. Neilson. Shelby M. Cullom: Prairie State Republican. Aurelio Lepre. Contadini, borgkesi ed operai nel tramonto del feudalesimo napoletauo. Epicarmo Corbino. LEconomia Italiana Dal 1860 AL 106O. Francesco A. Repaci. La finanza pubblica nel secolo 1861-1960. S. Foa. La politica economica della casa Savoia verso gli Ebrei dal secolo XVI alia Rivoluzione francese. F. Melis. Aspetti delta vita economica medioevale (Studi nellArchivio Datini di Prato). Luigi Izzo. La finanza pubblica nel primo decenion dellunita italiana. Juan Torres Fontes (Ed.). Repartimiento de Murcia. Jose Iglesies Fort. Elfogaje de 1365-1370. Contribucion al conocimiento de la poblacion de Cataluna en la segunda mitad del siglo XIV. Jaime Vicens Vives. Catduna en el siglo XIX. Prologo de E. Giralt y Raventos. Charles C. Griffin. Los temas sociales y economicos en la epoca de la Independencia. Ciclo de conferencias organizado por la Fundacion Eugenio Mendoza en commemoracion del Sesquicentenario de la Independencia de Venezuela. Modesto Ulloa. La Hacienda Real de Costilla en el reinado de Felipe II.