The Economic History Review


Volume 16 Issue 2
Pages: 361-406
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1963.tb01737.x

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Book Reviewed in this article: John Carswell. The South Sea Bubble. St Catherine’s College, Oxford V. H. Galbraith. The Making of Domesday Book. University College of South Wales and Monmouthshire Charles Montgomery Gray. Copyhold, Equity, and the Common Law. University of Exeter G. A. Williams. Medieval London: from Commune to Capital. St John’s College, Cambridge Peter Ramsey. Tudor Economic Problems. Trinity College, Oxford Mary P. Mack. Jeremy Bentham, an Odyssey of Ideas, 1748-1792. University of Birmingham J. T. Ward. The Factory Movement (1830-1855). University of Manchester David Spring. The English Landed Estate in the Nineteenth Century: its Administration. Nuffield College, Oxford H. A. Turner. Trade Union Growth, Structure and Policy: A Comparative Study of the Cotton Unions. Department of Social and Administrative Studies, Oxford R. T. Clough. The Lead Smelting Mills of the Yorkshire Dales. University of York C. Warren Hollister. Anglo-Saxon Military Institutions on the Eve of the Norman Conquest. Jesus College, Cambridge G. A. Holmes. The Later Middle Ages, 1272-1485. University of Durham G. H. Martin (ed.). The Royal Charters of Grantham, 1463-1688. Philip S. Bagwell. The Railwaymen. The History of the National Union of Railwaymen. Roberts S. Lopez. Naissance de lEurope. Brasenose College, Oxford A. G. FORD. The Gold Standard, 1880-1914 – Britain and Argentina. University of Hull Xavier A. Flores. Le’Peso politico de todo el mundo’?Anthony Sherley, ou un aventurier anglais au service de lEspagne. Pierre Vilar. La Catalogne dans lEspagne Moderne. Recherches sur les fondements econonomiques des structures nationales. Pierre Vilar. Le’Manual de la Companya Nova’ de Gibraltar, 1709-1723. Domenico Gioffre. Genes et lesfoires de change, de Lyon a Besancon. Orest A. Ranum. Richelieu and the Councillors of Louis XIII. Corpus Christi College, Oxford Micheline Baulant and Jean Meuvret. Prix des cereales extraits de la mercuriale de Paris (1520-1698). Vol. II. 1621-1698. Gilles Caster. Le commerce du pastel et de lepicerie a Toulouse, 1450 env. a 1561. Brasenose College, Oxford E. Cristiani. Nobilta e popolo nel comune di Pisa dalle origini del podestariato alia signoria dei Donoratico. Brasenose College, Oxford Elisabeth Carpentier. Une ville devant la Peste: Orvieto et la Peste Noire de 1348. University of Toulouse Jean Delumeau. LAlun de Rome, XVe-XIXe siecle. Carrado Marciani. Letters de change aux foires de Lanciano au XVIe siecle. Alberto Tenenti. Cristoforo da Canal: la marine venitienne avant Lepante. Raimondo Luraghi. Pensiero e azione economica del conte di Cavour.