The Economic History Review


Volume 16 Issue 1
Pages: 155-203
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1963.tb01725.x

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Book Reviewed in this article: H. C. Darby and Eila M. J. Campbell (Eds.). The Domesday Geography of South-East England. H. C. Darby and I. S. Maxwell (Eds.). The Domesday Geography of Northern England. Ralph Davis. The Rise of the English Shipping Industry in the Seventeenth and Eighteenth Centuries. John Ehrman. The British Government and Commercial Negotiations with Europe, 1783-93. John West. Village Records. E. Crittall (Ed.). A History of Wiltshire. Vol. VI. E. B. Fryde (Ed.). Book of Prests of the King’s Wardrobe for 1294-5: presented to J. G. Edwards. John Webb, Great Tooley of Ipswich. Francis W. Steer. A Catalogue of Sussex Estate and Tithe Award Maps. Brendan Mag Giolla Choille. Books of Survey and Distribution. Vol. III. County of Galway. Alan Harris. The Rural Landscape of the East Riding of Yorkshire, 1700-1850 (Oxford University Press for the University of Hull. Pp. xi + 136. 25s.) Norman H. Cuthbert. The Lace Makers’ Society. Torben Christensen. Origin and History of Christian Socialism, 1848-54. J. E. Williams. The Derbyshire Miners. A. B. Cramp. Opinion on Bank Rate, 1822-60. M. A. P. Meilink-Roelofsz. Asian Trade and European influence in the Indonesian Archipelago between 1500 and about 1630. T. Raychaudhuri. Jan Company in Coromandel, 1605-90. A. study in the interrelations of European commerce and traditional economies. Y. N. Ypma. Geschiedenis van de Zuiderzeevisserij. A. Verhulst and M. Gysseling (Eds.)- Le Compte General de 1187, connu sous le nom de ‘Gros brief, et les institutions financieres du comte de Flandre au XIIe siecle. L. P. L. Pirenne and W. J. Formsma. Koopmansgeest te ‘s-Hertogenbosch in de vijftiende en zestiende eeuw. Het kasboek van Jaspar van Bell, 1564.-68. C. Verlinden and J. Craeybeckx (Eds.). Prijzen- en Lonenpolitiek in de Nederlanden in 1561 en 1588-89. Onuitgegeven adviezen, ontwerpen en ordonnanties. Leopold Greindl. A la recherche d’un Etat Independent: Leopold II et les Philippines, 1868-75. R. Dieteren. De migratie in de Mijnstreek, 1900-35. Paul Guichonnet. Cavour agronomo e uomo d’affari. Camillo Cavour. Scritti di economia, 1835-50. Edited by Francesco Sirugo. Enrico Fiumi. Storia economica e sociale di San Gimignano. M. C. Daviso DI Charvensod.I pedaggi delle Alpi occidentali nel Medio Evo. Renato Zangheri. La proprieta terriera nella pianura bolognese (1789-1804). Various Aauthors. Studi sulla rivoluzione industriale. Georges Duby. L’Economie rurale et la vie des campagnes dans L’Occident medieval. N. G. Butlin. Australian Domestic Product, Investment and Foreign Borrowing, 1861-1938/9. E. Coornaert. Les Franc;ais et le commerce international a Anvers: fin du XVe-XVIe siecle. Georges Lefebvre. The French Revolution: From its Origins to 1793, trans, by Elizabeth MossEvanson. W. O. Henderson. Studies in German Colonial History. Geoffrey Maynard. Economic Development and the Price Level.