The Economic History Review


Volume 15 Issue 3
Pages: 534-609
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1963.tb02253.x

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Book reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN MARY LOBEL (Ed.). The Victoria History of the County of Oxford SUSAN REYNOLDS (Ed.). The Victoria History of the County of Middlesex SIR GEOFFREY DUVEEN and H. G. STRIDE. The History of the Gold Sovereign F. T. WAINWRIGHT (Ed.). The Northern Isles. Studies in History and Archaeology T. J. HUNT (Ed.). The Medieval Customs of the Manors of Taunton and Bradford onTone ROBERT L. BAKER. The English Customs Service, 1307-1343. A Study of Medieval Administration A. R. BRIDBURY. Economic Growth: England in the Later Middle Ages HENRY S. COBB (Ed.). The Local Port Book of Southampton, 1439-40 W. K. JORDAN. The Social Institutions of Lancashire. A Study of the changing Patterns of Aspirations in Lancashire, 1480-1660 ALAN SIMPSON. The Wealth of the Gentry, 1540-1660 G. D. RAMSAY (Ed.). John Isham. Mercer and Merchant Adventurer. Two account Books of a London Merchant in the Reign of Elizabeth I CONRAD GILL. Merchants and Manners of the 18th Century R. D. MERRIMAN (Ed.). Queen Anne’s Navy: Documents concerning the Administration of the Navy of Queen Anne, 1702-1714 M. E. OGBURN. Equitable Assurances. The Story of Life Assurance in the Experience of the Equitable Life Assurance Society, ij62-ig62 DORA MAE CLARK. The Rise of the British Treasury Publications of the Thoresby Society J. H. SMITH. The Gordon’s Mill Farming Club, 1758-1764 PETER MATHIAS. English Trade Tokens: the Industrial Revolution Illustrated C. HADFIELD and J. NORRIS. Waterways to Stratford A. R. B. HALDANE. New Ways through the Glens J. B. HARLEY. Christopher Greenwood, County Map-maker, and his Worcestershire map of B. A. CORRY. Money, Saving and Investment in English Economics, 1800-1850 E. M. SIGSWORTH. Black Dyke Mills. A History. With Introductory Chapters on the Development of the Worsted Industry in the Nineteenth Century FORD K. BROWN. Fathers ofthe Victorians, the Age ofWilberforce P. G. HALL. The Industries of London Since RALPH DAVIS. Twenty-One and a Half Bishop Lane: A history of J. H. Fenner & Co. Ltd., i86i-ig6i A. MARSHALL. Principles of Economics ALAN T. PEACOCK and JACK WISEMAN. The Growth of Public Expenditure in the United Kingdom W. ASHWORTH. An Economic History of England: i8jo-ig%g SIDNEY POLLARD. The Development of the British Economy, rgi4-1950 ALAN R. GRIFFIN. The Miners of Nottinghamshire, igi4-1944 MAURICE BRUCE. The Coming of the Welfare State ASA BRIGGS. The History of Broadcasting in the United Kingdom F. W. PAISH. Studies in an Inflationary Economy DUANE MEYER. The Highland Scots of North Carolina, 1732-1776 CURTIS P. NETTELS. The Emergence of a National Economy, 1775-1815 E. JAMES FERGUSON. The Power of the Purse: A History of American Public Finance, iyj6-ijgo WILLIAM LETWIN. American Economic Policy since 1789. A Documentary History NATHAN MILLER. The Enterprise of a Free People: Aspects of Economic Development in New York State During the Canal Period, 1792-1838 CARTER GOODRICH, JULIUS RUBIN, H.JEROME CRANMER, and HARVEY H. SEGAL. Canals and American Economic Development MURRAY N. ROTHBARD. The Panic of i8ig, Reactions and Policies C. K. YEARLEY, Jr. Enterprise and Anthracite: Economics and Democracy in Schuylkill County, 1820-18 JULIUS RUBIN. Canal or Railroad? Imitation and Innovation in the Response to the Erie Canal in Philadelphia, Baltimore and Boston JOHN F. STOVER. American Railroads ANGUS JAMES JOHNSTON II. Virginia Railroads in the Civil War STANLEY BARON. Brewed in America SIMON KUZNETS. Capital in the American Economy: Its Formation and Financing JOHN W. KENDRICK. Productivity Trends in the United States VICTOR R. FUGHS. Changes in the Location of Manufacturing in the United States Since ig2g A. E. HOLMANS. United States Fiscal Policy 1945-1959. Its Contribution to National Stability SPAIN (Edited by E. Giralt-Raventos) JAIME CARRERA PUJAL. La economia de Cataluna en el siglo XIX Aragon. Cuatro ensayos: MAXIMIANO GARCIA VENERO. Historia de los Movimientos Sindicalistas Espanoles (1840-1933) ANTONI JUTGLAR. L’era industrial a Espanya LUIS ALFONSO MARTINEZ CAGHERO. Alvaro Florez Estrada, su vida, su obra politico y sus ideas economicas RAMON TAMAMES. Estructura economica de Espana RAMON TAMAMES. La lucha contra los monopolios J. MUNOZ PEREZ & J. BENITO ARRANZ. Guia bibliogrdfica para una geogrqfia agraria de Espana A. MATILLA TASCON & J. PRIETO PLAZA (Eds.). Censo de la riqueza territorial e industrial de Espana en el ano de iygg, formado de orden superior Ma DEL CARMEN VILLANUEVA RICO (Ed.). Habices de las mezquitas de la ciudad de Granada y sus alquerias GENERAL E. J. DIJKSTERHUIS (trs. C. DIKSHOORN). The Mechanisation of the World Picture G. BAER. A history of land ownership in modern Egypt, 1800-1950 MARGARET KIDDLE. Men of Yesterday. A Social History of the Western District of Victoria 1834-1890 KEITH SINCLAIR and W. F. MANDLE. Open Account: A History of the Bank of Mew South Wales in New Zealand 1861-1961. DANIEL THORNER and ALICE THORNER. Land and Labour in India ABRAM BERGSON. The Real National Income of Soviet Russia since ITALY (Edited by C. M. Cipolla) DOMENIGO SELLA. Commercio e induslrie di Venezia nel secolo XVII Aspetti e cause delta decadenza economica veneziana nel secolo XVII GIULIO GUDERZO. Vie e mezzi di comunicazione in Piemonte dal 1831 al 1861. I servizi di posta PIER LUIGI GHISLENI. Le coltivazioni e la tecnica agricola in Piemonte dal 1831 al GIUSEPPE FELLONI. Popolazione e sviluppo economico della Liguria nel secolo XIX ROSARIO VILLARI (Ed.). II Sud nella storia d’Italia. Antologia della questione meridionale JEAN BOUVIER. Le Credit Lyonnais de 1863 a 1882. Les armies de formation d’une banque de depots ANDRE ARMENGAUD. Les populations de VEst-Aquitain au debut de Vepoque contemporaine. Recherches sur une region moins developpee [vers 1845-vers 1871) PIERRE BARRAL. Le departement de VIsere sous la Troisieme Republique, 1870-1940. Histoire sociale el politique GUY P. PALMADE. Capitalisme et Capitalistes frangais au XIXe Steele