The Economic History Review

Ron Harris, Going the distance: Eurasian trade and the rise of the business corporation, 1400–1700 (Princeton, NJ, and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2020. Pp. xiii + 465. 28 b/w illus. 20 tabs. 14 maps. ISBN 9780691150772 Hbk. £34)

Volume 73 Issue 4
Home > The Economic History Review > Ron Harris, Going the distance: Eurasian trade and the rise of the business corporation, 1400–1700 (Princeton, NJ, and Oxford: Princeton University Press, 2020. Pp. xiii + 465. 28 b/w illus. 20 tabs. 14 maps. ISBN 9780691150772 Hbk. £34)
Pages: 1208-1210Authors: Karolina Hutková
Published online: October 14, 2020DOI: 10.1111/ehr.13035

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