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Book Review in this Articles H. Haussherr, Wirtschaftsgeschichte der Neuzeit vom Ende des 14. bis zur Huh des 19. Jahrhunderts. T. C. Mendenhall. The Shrewsbury Drapers and the Welsh Wool Trade in the XVI and XVII Centuries. J. H. Parry. The Sale of Public Office in the Spanish Indies under the Hapsburgs. Rowland T. Berthoff. British Immigrants in Industrial America, 1790-1950. The American Diaries of Richard Cobden, edited with an Introduction and Notes by Elizabeth Hoon Cawley (Princeton University Press. 1953. Pp. 233. 25s.) Gladys Scott Thomson. Oscar Edward Anderson, Jr. Refrigeration in America. A History of a New Technology and its Impact. Jean-Pierre Aguet. Les greves sow la Monarchie de Juillet 1830-47. G. B. Pyrah. Imperial Policy and South Africa, 1902-10. Francoise Bouriez-Gregg. Les Classes Sociales aux Etats-Unis. A. H. Birch. Federalism, Finance and Social Legislation. Canada, Australia and the United States. Pierre George and Jean Tricart. L’Europe Centrale, Les Etats