The Economic History Review


Volume 7 Issue 1
Home > The Economic History Review > SHORT REVIEWS
Pages: 107-120
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1954.tb01516.x

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Book Review in this Articles Friedrich Lutge. Deutsche Sozial- und Wirtschafts-Geschichte. E. Lipson. A Short History of Wool and its Manufacture. Marjorie Chibnall (ed.). V. Chomel and J. Ebersolt. Cinq siecles de circulation internationale vue de Jougne. G. E. and K. R. Fussell. The English Countrywoman. G. R. Elton, The Tudor Revolution in Government. A study of administrative changes in the reign of Henry VIII. T. S. Willan. The Muscovy Merchants of 1555. G. Mandich. Le Pacte de Ricorsa et le marche italien des changes au XVIIe siecle. Avant-propos de G. Luzzatto. C. R. Boxer. Salvador de Sa and the Struggle for Brazil and Angola. Charles Freeman. Luton and the Hat Industry. Frances Armytage. The Free Port System in the British West Indies: A Study in Commercial Policy 1766-1822. T. S. Ashton (ed.). Letters of a West African Trader, Edward Grace, 1767-70. (Council for the Preservation of Business Archives. 1950. Pp.42.) A. H. John (ed.). Schuyler Cammann. Trade through the Himalayas. The Early British Attempts to Open Tibet. J. Ratte. De Nederlandse Doorvoerpolitik en de Vrije Vaart op de Internationale Rijn. G. D. H. Cole. Attempts at General Union 1818-1834. Adam Collier. The Crofting Problem. E. Howe and J. Child. The London Society of Bookbinders.
