The Economic History Review


Volume 6 Issue 2
Home > The Economic History Review > SHORT REVIEWS
Pages: 217-229
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1953.tb01502.x

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Book Review in this Articles Robert Douch. A Handbook of Local History: Dorset. E. O. Kuujo. Die rechtliche und wirtschaftliche Stellung der Pfarrkirchen in Alt-Livland. Carlo M. Cipolla. Mouvements Monetaires dans l’ Etat de Milan (1580-1700). Marie Louise Berneri. Journey through Utopia. (Routledge and Kegan Paul. 1951. Pp. xi +339. 16s.) Mark Holloway. Heavens on Earth. Utopian Communities in America, 1680-1880. Blundell’s Diary and Letter Book, 1702-28. Ed. Margaret Blundell. Arthur Raistrick. Dynasty of Ironfounders: The Darbys and Coalbrookdale. Cumberland House, Journals and Inland Journals, 1775-82. Second Series, 1779-82. Edited by E. E. Rich W. B. Crump. The Little Hill Farm, Calder Valley. Revised by the Author in 1949. Jeremy Bentham’s Economic Writings. Vol ii. Ed. W. Stark. (George Allen and Unwin. Lionel Robbins. The Theory of Economic Policy in English Classical Political Economy. Jean Vidalenc. Le Departement de 1’Eure sous la monarchie constitutionnelle 1814-48. R. Willerslev. Studier i dansk Industrihistorie, 1850-1880. Sven Gronhagen. Ekonomiskt Forlopp och Allmanna Val i Storbritannien 1850-1950. William Ashworth. A Short History of the International Economy, 1850-1950 Banking in the British Commonwealth. Ed. by R. S. Sayers. Heinrich Rittershausen. Internationale Handels- und Devisenpolitik. C. H. Alexandrowicz. International Economic Organisations. Terence Armstrong. The Northern Sea Route.
