The Economic History Review


Volume A8 Issue 1
Home > The Economic History Review > TEXT BOOKS.
Pages: 82-100
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1937.tb01709.x

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Book Reviews in this Article H. Pirenne. Economic and Social History of Medieval Europe. Herbert Heaton. Economic History of Europe. Arthur Birnie. An Economic History of the British Isles. J. B. Black. The Reign of Elizabeth, 1558-1603. Francis Bamford (Editor). A Royalist’s Notebook. Gladys Scott-Thompson. Life in a Noble Household, 1641-1700. Richard Pares. War and Trade in the West Indies, 1759-63. George Heberton Evans. British Corporation Finance, 1775-1850. Bishop Carleton Hunt. The Development of the Business Corporation in England, 1800-67. L. C. A. Knowles and C. M. Knowles. The Economic Development of the British Overseas Umpire. Volume Three: The Union of South Africa. M. H. de Kock. The Economic Development of South Africa. A. P. Newton, E. A. Benians, Eric A. Walker (Editors).