Research Fund for Graduate Students

Home > Grants > Research Fund for Graduate Students

The Economic History Society will consider applications for grants – normally of up to £1,000 – to assist postgraduate students (Master’s Degree and PhD) in United Kingdom colleges and universities with the costs of gathering research data and source materials, including travel and accommodation expenses incurred in the undertaking of research into any aspect of economic and /or social history.

Please note that no award will be made for:

  • Subsistence costs (i.e. food and drink)
  • The purchase of equipment, books and other materials
  • Fees/licences/rights
  • Conference attendance costs

If an application is made to assist with data input costs, then the applicant should detail how the employment of any research assistant meets employment regulations, best practice, and standards.  Preference may be given to research assistance plans that employ UK students, although research assistance elsewhere is not excluded.

Applications should be supported by a supervisor’s statement, which should be sent to the Administrators.  Information concerning any attempts to obtain matching support from other sources should be submitted.

Applicants must be members of the Economic History Society. Join here.  Note that the online application form will only be visible if you are logged into the website.

Closing dates for applications are on the first day of May and November.  Applicants will usually be informed of the outcome of their application within 6-8 weeks of the deadline date for applications.

Any queries should be directed to the Administrators.