EHS Conference 2022 – Provisional Programme

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Robinson College, University of Cambridge
1 – 3 April 2022

Friday 1 April

0900-1030       Meeting of Economic History Society Publications Committee (Room CWB 3)

1030-1330        Meeting of Economic History Society Council (CWB plenary)

1200-1700        Registration (Auditorium Foyer)

1300-1345        Lunch (for early arrivals) (Garden Restaurant)

1400-1530        New Researchers’ Session I (8 parallel sessions)

NRIA:      Latin America
(chair: Eric Schneider) (Auditorium Lounge)

‘Technocratising’ the state: Planning tools, development aid and economic experts in Colombia, 1958-70
Andrés M. Guiot-Isaac (University of Oxford)

Social expenditure in Latin America during the 20th century: A new database
Xabier Garcia-Fuente & Sergio Espuelas (University of Barcelona)

Waves of change: radio announcements and fertility decline
Juliana Jaramillo (London School of Economics)

NRIB:      Fiscal Capacity
(chair: Stephen Broadberry) (Games Room)

Taxation, credit and public expenditure in urban Germany, 1400-1800
Victoria Gierok (University of Oxford)

Leviathan’s shadow: Imperial legacy of state capacity and regional development in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia
Magnus Neubert (IAMO Halle & MLU Halle-Wittenberg)

NRIC:      Monetary Policy
(chair: Craig Muldrew) (Umney Theatre)

Turning global coinage into imperial money: Reasserting Ottoman monetary sovereignty after the Fiscal Crisis of 1688
Ellen Nye (Yale University)

Public credit and the international transmission of monetary policy
Victor Degorce (EHESS)

NRID:      Technical Change and Labour
(chair: Amy Erickson) (Garden Room)

Arkwright revisited: factory work and wages in Industrial Revolution Britain, 1786-1811
Alexander Tertzakian (University of Cambridge)

Technological change and labour displacement in historical perspective
Hillary Vipond (London School of Economics) 

NRIE:      Wealth and Inequality
(chair: Neil Cummins) (CWB 1/2)

Can colonial institutions explain income distribution? Evidence from rural colonial India
Jordi Caum Julio (University of Barcelona)

Occupational wealth estimates from Probate Data, 1858-1907
Aurelius Noble (London School of Economics)

Power and identity of Manchu and Mongol Bannermen in the Qing era: A study of household economies by means of confiscation inventory lists
Yitong Qiu (London School of Economics)

NRIF:      Wages and Labour Markets
(chair: Jane Whittle) (Umney Lounge)

Real wages in the Kingdom of Sicily, 1540-1830
Tancredi Buscemi (University of Perugia)

Wage labour and living standards in early modern England: A case study of the Shuttleworth accounts, Lancashire, 1582-1621
Li Jiang (University of Exeter)

The occupational structure of the Yangtze Valley in the 20th century
Ying Dai (University of Cambridge)

NRIG:      Pre-modern Economies
(chair: Chris Briggs) (Linnett Room)

Imitation is the sincerest form of flattery: Comparison between the Muhtasib and Methessep in administrative literature in the Levant in the 12th century
Rachel Goldberg (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Let the punishment fit the man: Manorial amercements for bloodshed in 14th-century Yorkshire
Stephanie Brown (University of Cambridge)

NRIH:      Political Economy
(chair: James Fenske) (CWB Plenary)

Paper Tigers and Leviathans: The role of intermediaries in the state capacity development of the Mughal South Asian Empire (1574-1658) and Qing Chinese empire (1644-1911) compared
Safya Morshed (London School of Economics)

When nation building goes south: Draft evasion, government repression, and the origins of the Sicilian mafia
Gianni Marciante (University of Warwick)

Democratisation, personal wealth of politicians and voting behaviour
Bas Machielsen (Utrecht University)

1530-1600        Tea (Dining Hall & CWB)

1600-1730        New Researchers’ Session II (6 parallel sessions)

NRIIA:     Welfare
(chair: Jennifer Aston) (Auditorium Lounge)

Poor Relief as ‘improvement’: Moral and spatial economies of care in long 18th-century Scotland
Eliska Bujokova & Juliette Desportes (University of Glasgow)

Mary Magdalen’s many lives: A longitudinal analysis of women admitted to two English Magdalen homes, 1851-81
Moritz Kaiser (University of Edinburgh)

The social-democratic road to maternity leave: Revisiting the role of social groups in the development of family policies in Spain, 1900-36
Guillem Verd-Llabrés (University of Barcelona) 

NRIIB:     Constraints on Fiscal Policy
(chair: Andrea Papadia) (Umney Theatre)

Enforcement of sovereign debt under war reparations
Simon Hinrichsen (London School of Economics)

UK fiscal policy and external balance under Bretton Woods: Twin deficits, or distant relatives?
Joshua Banerjee (London School of Economics)

NRIIC:     Innovation
(chair: Jacob Weisdorf) (Garden Room)

An economic geography of the Agricultural Revolution in Scotland: New evidence from the Statistical Account of Scotland, 1791-99
Tobias Lunde (University of Cambridge)

Does trade liberalisation boost innovation? Evidence from French industrial sectors in the 19th century
Carla Salvo (Sapienza University of Rome)

Transportation networks and the rise of the knowledge economy in 19th-century France
Georgios Tsiachtsiras (University of Barcelona)

NRIID:     Human Capital
(chair: Alexandra de Pleijt) (CWB 1/2)

Measuring numeracy through ‘date heaping’
Tom Eeckhout (Ghent University)

For the benefit of the Church and the State’: Education and agricultural structure in an early modern proto-industrial area in Switzerland
Gabriela Wuethrich (University of Zurich)

NRIIE:     Business, Regulation and Politics
(chair: James Fenske) (Umney Lounge)

The cultural origin of family firms
Song Yuan & Jian Xie (University of Warwick)

The impact of rate regulation on Chilean electrification, 1925-70
Martin Garrido (University of Barcelona)

Slave trades, kinship structures and women’s political participation in Africa
Leoné Walters (Stellenbosch University), Carolyn Chisadza & Matthew Clance (University of Pretoria)

NRIIF:     Early Modern Finance
(chair: Alejandra Irigoin) (Linnett Room)

Women in the Financial Records of London’s Court of Orphans, 1660-94
Jessica Ayres (University of York)

The capital markets of Manila: An alternative institutional approach to early modern long-distance trade financing, 1668-1828
Juan José Rivas Moreno (London School of Economics)


1730-1830        Open meeting for women in economic history (all welcome) (CWB 1/2)

1815-1900        Council reception for NR and 1st-time delegates (CWB foyer)

1900-1945        Plenary lecture (Auditorium)

                            The economics of slavery in West African history: the Nieboer-Domar hypothesis revisited
                               Gareth Austin (University of Cambridge)

2000-2115        Dinner (Dining Hall)

2115-2130        Meeting of NR Prize Committee (Auditorium Lounge)

2145-2245        Pub Quiz (JCR)

Bar available until late


Saturday 2 April

0800-0900        Breakfast (Garden Restaurant)

0900-1030        Academic Session I (6 parallel sessions)

ASIA:    Urban Mortality
(chair: Eric Schneider) (CWB Plenary)

Seasonal mortality and its drivers in Germany, 1890-1910
Daniel Gallardo-Albarran (Wageningen University)

Sanitation, externalities and the urban mortality transition
Kalle Kappner (Humboldt University, Berlin)

‘Shitscapes’ and the urban mortality transition in England, 1900-11
Romola Davenport (University of Cambridge)

ASIB:    Resource Curse
(chair: Pim de Zwart) (JCR)

Africa’s mineral revolution in a long-term trade perspective
Felix Meier zu Selhausen & Ewout Frankema (Wageningen University)

Fickle fossils: Oil and the reversal of fortune for European coal regions, 1900-2015
Miriam Roehrkasten & Nikolaus Wolf (Humboldt University, Berlin)

ASIC:    Social Mobility and Plagues in Preindustrial Times
(chair: Patrick Wallis) (Linnett Room)

The end of prosperity: Plague, war and socio-economic transformation in 14th-century Central Asia
Philip Slavin (University of Stirling)

Pandemics and social mobility: The case of the Black Death
Francesco Ammannati (University of Florence), Guido Alfani & Nicoletta Balbo (Bocconi University)

Plague and social mobility in 17th-century Italy: The case of the Territory of Vicenza
Mattia Viale & Guido Alfani (Bocconi University)

ASID:    Slavery
(chair: Nuala Zahedieh) (Garden Room)

The carceral legacy of slavery and serfdomy
John Clegg (University of Chicago)

Capital in chains: The economic and political involvement of the Dutch Central Bank in slavery, 1814-73
Joris van den Tol (University of Cambridge), Karwan Fatah-Black & Lauren Lauret (University College London)

The power of narratives: Anti-Black violence in the US South
Michele Rosenberg (University of Essex), Federico Masera & Sarah Walker (UNSW)

ASIE:    Central Banking
(chair: Paolo di Martino) (Umney Theatre)

Economic integration through the Central Bank eyes: France, 1851-1971
Marianna Astore & Eric Monnet (Paris School of Economics)

German Silver Diplomacy and the emergence of the Classical Gold Standard, 1871-79
Sabine Schneider (University of Oxford)

Blessing or curse? Financial contagion and correspondent banking relations in the 1907 panic
Sebastian Alvarez (Graduate Institute Geneva/University of Oxford), Wilfried Kisling (Universities of Vienna/Oxford) & Marco Molteni (University of Oxford)

ASIF:    Innovation
(chair: Alexandra de Pleijt) (Auditorium Lounge)

Innovation and early industrialisation in France, 1791-1844: A new geographical perspective from patent data
Alessandro Nuvolari (La Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna), Gaspare Tortorici (LISER) & Michelangelo Vasta (University of Siena)

Inventors among the ‘impoverished sophisticate’
Thor Berger (Lund University), David Andersson (Uppsala University) & Erik Prawitz (Research Institute of Industrial Economics)

0900-1030        Meet the Editor (by invitation only) (Seminar Room)

1030-1100        Coffee (Dining Hall/CWB)

1100-1230        Academic Session II (7 parallel sessions) 

ASIIA:   Nineteenth-Century Health
(chair: Nicola Shelton) (CWB Plenary)

The media, government policy, and anti-vaccination movements: Quantitative evidence from 19th-century England
Jonathan Chapman (University of Bologna)

Medical causes of retirement and sick leave in the UK Post Office, 1860-1901
Harry Smith (King’s College London)

Sickness and death of postal workers in the UK, 1861-1901
David Green (King’s College London)

ASIIB:   Textile Manufacturing
(chair: Jane Humphries) (CWB 1/2)

‘I see how knit stockings be sold: there is great buying of them at Evesham’: The production and trade of hand knitted wool stockings in late Elizabethan and early Jacobean England, c.1580-1617
Lesley O’Connell Edwards (Independent scholar)

Redundancy: The plight of women in the English woollen manufacture, c.1700-1851
Keith Sugden & Leigh Shaw-Taylor (University of Cambridge)

Local advantage in a global context: Competition, adaptation and resilience in textile manufacturing in the ‘periphery’, 1860-1960
Katharine Frederick & Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk (Utrecht University)

ASIIC:   Medieval Economic History
(chair: James Davis) (Linnett Room)

Mortality in Great Horwood, Buckinghamshire, 1349 and 1361
Chris Briggs (University of Cambridge)

Trans-European trade in bee products in the later middle ages
Alexandra Sapoznik (King’s College London)

Religious conversion and economic incentives: Evidence from Ottoman Bosnia
Leonard Kukić (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) & Yasin Arslantaş (Anadolu University)

ASIID:   Land Reform and Inequality
(chair: Mattia Bertazzini) (Games Room)

Colonial paradox: Sugar, property rights and land inequality in Java
Pim de Zwart (Wageningen University)

Land reform and voting: evidence from 1930’s Spain
Jordi Domenèch (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Persistent specialisation and growth: The Italian Land Reform
Giampaolo Lecce (University of Groningen), Matteo Magnaricotte & Riccardo Bianchi-Vimercati (Northwestern University)

ASIIE:   Monetary History
(chair: Alain Naef) (Garden Room)

Understanding the rise and fall of paper money in Yuan China, 1260-1368
Meng Wu (University of Manchester/LSE), Nuno Palma (University of Manchester) & Hanhui Guan (Peking University)

The rise and fall of global currencies over two centuries
Roger Vicquery (Banque de France)

Commodity prices and global inflation, 1851-1913
Rebecca Stuart (University of Neuchatel) & Stefan Gerlach (EFG Bank/CEPR)

ASIIF:   Capital Markets
(chair: Rui Pedro Esteves) (Umney Theatre)

Railways as patient capital
Oliver Lewis & Avner Offer (University of Oxford)

Fake news and corruption in late 19th-century France: The case of the Compagnie Universelle du Canal de Panamá
Miguel Ortiz Serrano (University of Sussex) & Germán Forero-Laverde (University Externado of Colombia)

Stock market development and performance in the Middle East, 1870-1913
Ali Coşkun Tunçer (University College London)

ASIIG:   Firms
(chair: Joris van den Tol) (Auditorium Lounge)

The financing and performance of international entrepreneurship in the First Era of Globalisation
Marc Deloof & Ine Paeleman (University of Antwerp)

Liquidity management and firm survival during a hyperinflation: Business as usual?
Stefan Petry (University of Manchester) & Lyndon Moore (Monash University)

1100-1230        Meet the Editor (by invitation only) (Seminar Room)

1230-1330        Lunch (Dining Hall)

1315-1400        New Researcher Poster Session (Dining Hall Balcony)

The language of social embeddedness in 19th-century Britain and New South Wales
Caitlin Adams (University of Cambridge)

A comparative study of the orphan funds in the Ottoman Empire and England
Mehmet Akif Berber (Marmara University/Visiting Cambridge)

The political economy of modern taxation in Italy: Taxes, inflation, and the reshaping of the Italian fiscal contract, 1962-86
Paolo Bozzi (Humboldt University, Berlin)

Money of the poor: Power imbalances in purchasing and the case for mid-17th-century trade tokens
Laura Burnett (Exeter University)

Lifting the veil of ignorance: The impact of the land cadastre on agrarian taxation in Spain, 1901-36
Mario Cuenda Garcia (London School of Economics)

From excess to processed food: Evolution of meat consumption in Spain since the second half of the 20th century
Pablo Delgado (Universidad de Zaragoza)

Return Innovation: Evidence from the English Migration to the United States, 1850-1940
Gaia Dossi (London School of Economics) & Davide Maria Coluccia (Università Commerciale L. Bocconi)

Like penicillin in a Petri dish: Sectoral composition and the sub-regional character of deindustrialisation in England
James Evans (University of Oxford)

Oppression or concession? Income from the Royal Forest, 1227-72
Andrew Ford (University of Reading)

Under control? The effects of New York City rent control on the 1920’s housing market
Maximilian Guennewig-Moenert (Trinity College Dublin)

On the road to the nation-state: Itinerant kingship in medieval England
Jacob Hall (George Mason University)

Negotiating risk in pre-industrial China: Evidence from Huizhou prefecture, 1644-1949
Christoph Hess (University of Cambridge)

 Living off the land? An empirical investigation of land and lease distribution in central Holland, 1544-1700
Bram Hilkens (Erasmus University Rotterdam)

Overcoming tradition: Teacher-student interaction at English universities at the time of the scientific revolution
Julius Koschnick (London School of Economics)

Timber imports and the English economy, 1761-1808
Manish Kumar (Durham University)

The persistence of status: Social mobility in imperial China, 1700-1902
Xizi Luo (London School of Economics)

Women’s property rights and fertility: Evidence from 19th century United States
Cora Neumann (University of Warwick)

Forbidden love: The impact of banning interracial marriages
Jade Ponsard (Aix-Marseille University)

Where the King’s writ did not run: Common Law and development along the English-Welsh border, 1290-1510
Colin Sharpe (Vanderbilt University)

English small towns in the nineteenth century
Joanne Wallace (University of Cambridge)

1400-1530        Academic Session III (8 parallel sessions)

ASIIIA:  Gender and Demography
(chair: Eric Schneider) (CWB Plenary)

Were there missing girls in Liberal Italy? Evidence from a new dataset, 1861-1921
Gabriele Cappelli (University of Siena) & Francisco Beltrán Tapia (NTNU)

Sex ratios in Colonial India
James Fenske, Bishnupriya Gupta & Cora Neumann (University of Warwick)

Documenting determinants of divorce: Micro-level evidence from Southern Sweden, 1922-67
Martin Bergvall & Maria Stanfors (Lund University)

ASIIIB:  Social Costs of Industrialisation
(chair: Jennifer Aston) (CWB 1/2)

Mechanisation and the fate of the handloom weaver in mid-19th-century England: New evidence from census nominal linkage
Joshua Rhodes (Alan Turing Institute) & Emma Griffin (University of East Anglia)

The social cost of industrialisation: Evidence from the 19th-century Swedish iron industry
Adrian Poignant, Niklas Bengtsson & Raoul van Maarseveen (Uppsala University)

The death of king coal: Industrial decline during childhood and lifetime well-being
Bjoern Brey (Université Libre Bruxelles) & Valeria Rueda (University of Nottingham)

ASIIIC:  Migration
(chair: David Escamilla-Guerrero) (JCR)

Domestic migration and economic growth in the Austro-Hungarian monarchy
Michael Pammer (Johannes Kepler University)

Missing migrants: The impact of European migration to Brazil during the Age of Mass Migration
Andrea Papadia (University of Bonn), David Escamilla-Guerrero (University of St Andrews) & Ariell Zimran (Vanderbilt University)

Agglomeration over the long run: Evidence from County Seat Wars
Amrita Kulka (University of Warwick) & Cory Smith (University of Maryland)

ASIIID:  International Monetary Cooperation
(chair: Marianna Astore) (Linnett Room)

Central bank cooperation, 1930-32
Gianandrea Nodari & Juan Flores Zendejas (University of Geneva)

The strong and the weak: European currencies during the Snake
Alain Naef (Banque de France), Maylis Avaro, Michael Bordo (Rutgers University) & Harold James (Princeton University)

Inter-state solution in the stateless market: The international debt crisis and the global supervision of the Eurocurrency market, 1979-84
Seung Woo Kim (Graduate Institute Geneva)

ASIIIE:  State Capacity in the Long Run
(chair: Leigh Gardner) (Games Room)

A game of bones: Security, state capacity and nutritional welfare in the Ancient Middle East, 10k – 400 BCE
Joerg Baten, Giacomo Benati (University of Tübingen) & Arkadiusz Szoltysiak (University of Warsaw)

The Negus and the Monks: Monasteries, state formation and long-run development in Ethiopia, 1270-2020
Mattia Bertazzini (University of Oxford)

State intervention, education supply and economic growth in 19th-century France
Adrien Montalbo (IESEG School of Management)

ASIIIF:  Long Run Economic Development
(chair: Stephen Broadberry) (Garden Room)

A Numerical Revolution: The diffusion of practical mathematics and the growth of pre-modern European economies
Raffaele Danna, Martina Iori & Andrea Mina (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)

Reviewing the Great Divergence: Wages, labour market and living standards in China, 1530-1840
Ziang Liu (London School of Economics)

Love thy neighbour as thyself? Ethnic fractionalisation, Christian missionaries, and long-term development in Africa
Jacob Weisdorf & Alessandra Quintigliano (Sapienza University of Rome)

ASIIIG:  International Capital Flows
(chair: Thea Don-Siemion) (Umney Theatre)

Dormant securities: Imperial guarantees for colonial loans, 1840-1940
Rui Pedro Esteves (Graduate Institute of International & Development Studies) & Ali Coşkun Tunçer (University College London)

The market effects of Sir Robert Peel’s Repeal of the Corn Laws during the Irish famine
Charles Read (University of Cambridge)

A dissonant violin in the international orchestra? Discount rate policy in Italy, 1894-1913
Paolo Di Martino & Fabio Bagliano (University of Turin)

ASIIIH:  Anti(Nuclear) Politics in the United Kingdom
(chair: Marguerite Dupree) (Auditorium Lounge)

From ‘atom town’ to the ‘atomic menace’: Scotland’s changing nuclear narratives
Linda Ross (University of Glasgow)

‘It’s not an ideological opposition to splitting atoms’: Anti-nuclear politics and Scottish Nationalism since the 1960s
Ewan Gibbs (University of Glasgow)

Stop stolen uranium powering the British Grid: The political ecology of Namibian uranium from the Rössing Mine
Christopher Hill (University of South Wales)

1400-1530        Meet the Editor (by invitation only) (Seminar Room)

1530-1600        New Researcher Poster Session (Dining Hall Balcony)

1530-1600        Tea (Dining Hall/CWB)

1600-1730        Academic Session IV (8 parallel sessions)

ASIVA:  Historical Demography
(chair: Romola Davenport) (CWB Plenary)

Demography and literacy in pre-industrial Spain
Francisco Beltrán Tapia (NTNU) & Francisco Marco-Gracia (University of Zaragoza)

Was secularisation a factor in fertility transition? Evidence from 19th-century Habsburg monarchy
Tomas Cvrcek (University College London)

The geography of old age in late-Victorian England and Wales
Tom Heritage (University of Cambridge)

ASIVB:  Economic History and Sustainability: Long Run Trends in Resources and Development
(chair: Max-Stephan Schulze) (CWB 1/2)

Industrial energy consumption in the urban Low Countries, Ghent and Leiden compared, c. 1650-1850
Wout Saelens (University of Antwerp)

Tracing sustainability in the long run: Genuine savings estimations, 1850-2018
Eoin McLaughlin (University College Cork), Cristián Ducoing (Lund University) & Les Oxley (Waikato University)

Adjusted net savings in Latin America, 1880-2020: Stylised facts on natural resource dependence and development
Cristián Ducoing (Lund University), Eoin McLaughlin, Henry Willebald (University College Cork) & Mar Rubio-Varas (Public University of Navarre)

ASIVC:  Local Population Growth
(chair: Brian Varian) (JCR)

Paving the way to modern growth: the Spanish Bourbon roads
Alfonso Herranz-Loncán, Elisabet Viladecans, Filippo Tassinari (University of Barcelona) & Miquel-Àngel Garcia-López (Autonomous University of Barcelona)

Transport development and population change in the age of steam: A market access approach
Xuesheng You (Swansea University), Dan Bogart (UC, Irvine), Max Satchell, Leigh Shaw-Taylor (University of Cambridge) & Eduard Alvarez Palau (Universitat Oberta de Catalunya)

Administrative reforms, urban hierarchy, and local population growth: Lessons from Italian unification
Carlo Ciccarelli (University of Rome Tor Vergata), Giulio Cainelli & Roberto Ganau (University of Padua)

ASIVD:  Agriculture
(chair: Michiel de Haas) (Linnett Room)

Agriculture and the market in Northern Italy: The Papal States and the Republic of Venice in the 18th century
Giulio Ongaro (University of Milan-Bicocca)

Extractive agriculture and permanent settlement: The effects of colonial viticulture in colonial Algeria
Laura Maravall (Universidad de Alcalá), Jordi Domènech (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) & Sergi Basco (University of Barcelona)

Risk, uncertainty and development in India and Taiwan, 1900-39
Maanik Nath, Vigyan Ratnoo (Utrecht University), Chung-Tang Cheng (National Taipei University)

ASIVE:  Political Economy and Economic Growth
(chair: Jonathan Chapman) (Games Room)

Catching-up and falling behind: Russian economic growth from the 1690s to the 1880s
Elena Korchmina (SDU) & Stephen Broadberry (University of Oxford)

The short- and long-run effects of affirmative action: Evidence from Imperial China
Melanie Meng Xue (London School of Economics) & Boxiao Zhang (UCLA)

The origins of elite persistence: Evidence from political purges in post-World War II France
Jean Lacroix (Université Paris-Saclay), Toke Aidt (University of Cambridge) & Pierre-Guillaume Méon (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

ASIVF:  Early Modern Labour Markets
(chair: Joyce Burnette) (Garden Room)

Monopsony in early modern labour markets
Judy Stephenson (University College London), Meredith Paker (University of Oxford) & Patrick Wallis (London School of Economics)

Women in the labour market in preindustrial Turin (Italy): A reassessment, 1705-1858
Beatrice Zucca (Universities of Padua/Cambridge)

ASIVG:  Eighteenth-Century Finance
(chair: Edmond Smith) (Umney Theatre)

Why Lancashire? Banking as the spark that set off industrialisation
Carolyn Sissoko (UWE Bristol)

The anatomy of a Bubble Company: The London Assurance in 1720
William Quinn & Michael Aldous (Queen’s University Belfast) & Graeme Acheson (University of Strathclyde)

Financial intermediation in Stockholm, 1720-60
Patrik Winton (Örebro University) & Peter Ericsson (Uppsala University)

ASIVH:  Business History
(chair: David Higgins) (Auditorium Lounge)

Monopsony, cartels, and market manipulation: Evidence from the U.S. meatpacking industry
Jingyi Huang (Brandeis/Harvard Universities)

The ‘myth’ of Fordism (outside the automobile sector) for American assembly industries prior to the Second World War
James Walker & Peter Scott (University of Reading)

1730-1830        EHS Annual General Meeting (CWB 1/2)

1915-2000        Conference Reception & Book Launch (all delegates invited) (CWB plenary)

2000                 Conference Dinner (Dining Hall)

Bar available until late

Sunday 3 April

0800-0900        Breakfast (Garden Restaurant)

0930-1130        Academic Session V (8 parallel sessions)

ASVA:   Health Inequality
(chair: Romola Davenport) (CWB Plenary)

Swedish life expectancy, inequality and the standard of living, 1600-1800
Björn Eriksson & Kathryn Gary (Lund University)

Socioeconomic status and epidemic mortality in an urban environment: Mechelen (Belgium), 1600-1900
Jord Hanus, Tim Soens (University of Antwerp) & Isabelle Devos (Ghent University)

Ethnic inequities in infant survival: England and Wales, 1866-2007
Neil Cummins (London School of Economics)

Exploring nutritional and health inequality in late 19th-century Catalonia
Ramon Ramon-Muñoz (University of Barcelona) & Josep-Maria Ramon-Muñoz (University of Murcia)

ASVB:   Women’s Work: Still Hidden from Economic History (Women’s Committee Session)
(chair: Jane Whittle) (CWB 1/2)

The historical cost of board and lodging and what it can tell us about women’s contribution to wellbeing and economic growth, England, 1260-1860
Jane Humphries (University of Oxford )

How not to measure the standard of living: The male breadwinner family and the Little Divergence
Joyce Burnette (Wabash College)

For wives alone: Economic divorce in mid-19th century England and Wales
Jennifer Aston & Olive Anderson (Northumbria University & Westfield College, University of London)

Sub-regional specialisation, majority gender shares, and the gender wage gap in the Lancashire cotton textile industry, 1886-1906
Corinne Boter & Sarah Carmichael (Utrecht University)

ASVC:   Industrialisation
(chair: Alessandro Nuvolari) (JCR)

The adoption of steam-power during the British industrial revolution, 1800-70: An empirical re-assessment
Sean Bottomley (Northumbria University)

Industrialisation in the Habsburg Empire: A spatial analysis
Stefan Nikolić & Tamás Vonyó (Bocconi University)

Reversing fortunes of German regions, 1926 – 2019: Boon and bane of early industrialisation
Sebastian Braun, Richard Franke (University of Bayreuth) & Paul Berbee (ZEW)

The long-run unintended consequences of the ‘Arsenal of Democracy’
Alexandra L. Cermeño (Lund University)

ASVD:   Inequality
(chair: Guido Alfani) (Linnett Room)

The unequal spirit of the Protestant Reformation: Religious confession and wealth distribution in early modern Germany
Felix S.F. Schaff (London School of Economics)

Home ownership, epidemic mortality, and wealth distribution in early modern Leiden, 1630-70
Bram van Besouw, Daniel R Curtis (Erasmus University Rotterdam) & Roos van Oosten (Leiden University)

Incomes and income inequality in Stockholm, 1870-1970
Jakob Molinder (Uppsala/Lund Universities), Erik Bengtsson (Lund University) & Svante Prado (University of Gothenburg)

Measuring historical income inequality in Africa: What can we learn from social tables?
Ellen Hillbom, Jutta Bolt (Lund University), Michiel de Haas (Wageningen University) & Federico Tadei (University of Barcelona)

ASVE:   Fiscal Capacity
(chair: Meng Wu) (Games Room)

International trade, domestic production, and the rise of the British fiscal-military state: New evidence on the sources of fiscal revenue, 1680-1820
Karolina Hutkova, Noam Yuchtman (London School of Economics), Ernesto Dal Bo & Lukas Leucht (Berkeley Haas University)

All taxation is local: Fiscal decentralisation and colonial institutions in British Africa
Leigh Gardner (London School of Economics)

The fiscal state in Africa: Evidence from a century of growth
Marvin Suesse (Trinity College Dublin), Thilo Albers (Humboldt University, Berlin) & Morten Jerven (NMBU)

ASVF:   Human Capital
(chair: Felix Meier Zu Selhausen) (Garden Room)

Literacy in the land of Shakespeare: Explaining the first educational revolution in England, 1500-1700
Alexandra de Pleijt, Eva Lickert & Jan Luiten van Zanden (Utrecht University)

Did education sustain economic growth during the industrial revolution? New evidence from a regional perspective, 1870-1950
María José Fuentes-Vásquez (Universities of Siena/Barcelona)

Unpacking the indigenato: The evolution of primary school enrolment rates in Mozambique, 1947-62
Pablo Fernández Cebrián (University of Barcelona)

Falling through the cracks: Collective agreements, youth employment and school enrolment in Italy, 1960s – 1980s
Andrea Ramazzotti (London School of Economics)

ASVG:   Sovereign Debt and Financial Crises
(chair: Albrecht Ritschl) (Umney Theatre)

A house of cards? How the transfer protection clause might have damaged the Dawes Plan
Tai-kuang Ho (National Taiwan University) & Albrecht Ritschl (London School of Economics)

Selective default expectations
Thilo Albers (Humboldt University, Berlin), Olivier Accominotti (London School of Economics) & Kim Oosterlinck (Université Libre Bruxelles)

Pourquoi mourir pour Versailles? The German debt crisis of 1931 through the Polish mirror
Thea Don-Siemion (University of Cambridge)

ASVH:   Forging Bonds: Places and Practices of Establishing Trade in the Atlantic World, 1650-1800
(chair: Stan Pannier) (Auditorium Lounge)

Networks, institutions, and career progression in the 18th-century slave trade
Sheryllynne Haggerty (Universities of Hull/Liverpool) & John Haggerty (Sheffield Hallam University)

The role of scholarly and religious societies in establishing and sustaining trade in transatlantic business networks
Edmond Smith & Haig Smith (University of Manchester)

Creating the informed Atlantic: Captains as commercial observers and narrators
Hannah Tucker (Copenhagen Business School)

1130-1200        Coffee (Dining Hall/CWB)

1200-1315        Tawney Lecture (Auditorium)

                              Inflation and Globalization
                                 Harold James (Princeton University)

1315-1415        Lunch (Garden Restaurant)

1415-1515        Job Market (CWB plenary)