Jiyeon Choi

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University of Cambridge

Fashion and taste in eighteenth-century Cambridgeshire’s middle-class consumption of ceramics, 1750 – 1810

My doctoral research investigates mid-and late eighteenth-century English middle-class tastes for ceramics and their consumer market growth in Cambridgeshire. The Cambridgeshire Archives have provided me with their probate inventories between 1700 and 1799, whilst qualitative records, such as Josiah Spode’s Price List and Thomas Minton’s design patterns, have been supplied by the Stoke City Archives. After collecting the former records at Ely, the latter sources were collected in September of 2022. Analysis and historical interpretations of both data have been accomplished during this academic year of 2022 – 23 with the support of the EHS bursary award, comprising two central chapters of my thesis.