New Researcher Poster – Prize Winners

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2024: Northumbria University, 5 – 7 April
One prize was awarded to:

‘Men must fight, and women must work – and weep’: New opportunities for women clerks in wartime City of London Banks? 1914-1918
Kirsty Peacock (University of Oxford)

2023: University of Warwick, 31 March – 2 April
One prize was awarded to:

Praise the people or praise the place: Labour market responses to a technological shock in 20th-century Sweden
Jonathan Jayes (Lund University)

2022: Robinson College, Cambridge, 1 – 3 April
One prize was awarded to:

Negotiating risk in pre-industrial China: Evidence from Huizhou prefecture, 1644-1949
Christoph Hess (University of Cambridge)

2021: Virtual Annual Conference, 6 – 9 April
Two prizes were awarded to:

A poverty of numbers: First poverty estimates fore pre-industrial Germany, 1350-1800
Victoria Gierok (University of Oxford)

Merciful tyrants? Explaining rebel forgiveness and state capacity in Mughal India, 1556-1707
Safya Morshed (London School of Economics)

2020: Conference cancelled due to the COVID-19 pandemic

2019: Queen’s University Belfast, 5 – 7 April
One prize was awarded to:

From muse to machine: How Indian cottons steered the technological trajectory of the British cotton industry
Alka Raman (London School of Economics)

2018: Keele University, 6 – 8 April

One prize was awarded to:

Determinants of Mexican migration in the early twentieth century: Markets, geography or networks
David Escamilla-Guerrero (London School of Economics)

2017: Royal Holloway, University of London, 31 March – 2 April

Two prizes were awarded to:

Financial frictions in trade: Evidence from the 1866 Banking Crisis
Chenzi Xu (Harvard University)

Mapping agglomeration and trade in early mainland Southeast Asia
Phacharaphorn Phanomvan na Ayudhya (University of Oxford)