2005 EHS Annual Conference

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The 2005 Annual Conference was held at the University of Leicester, Friday 8 – Sunday 10 April. On-site residential accommodation was in student halls of residences.


2005 Conference Booklet


Conference Programme and Papers (where provided)


Friday 8 April 2005

0915-1045 Meeting of EHS Publications Committee

1100-1400 Meeting of EHS Council

1200-1800 Registration

1400-1530 New Researchers’ Session I (4 parallel sessions)


IA: Trade: Theory and Practice

The free-trade paradox of mercantilism

Elsa Pouget-Pomar (University of Toulouse II-Le Mirail)

The role of Spanish and foreign merchants in the colonial trade with Peru, 1740-83

Xabier Lamikiz (Royal Holloway, University of London)

Endogenising technological innovation: transatlantic trade and the generation and diffusion of textile technology in 18thcentury Lancashire and Yorkshire

Peter Maw (University of Manchester)

Formal contracts and the art of negotiation in 18th century maritime West Asia

Gagan Sood (Yale University)

IB: Health and Income

The impact of improved health upon standards of living in 20th century England

Kerry-Jane Hickson (London School of Economics)

All in the family: A dynasty approach to household migration: evidence from the 19th century Austro-Hungarian Empire

Alexander Klein (Cerge-EI, Prague)

Women’s wages and earnings inequality during industrialisation

Natalia Mora-Sitjà (Nuffield College, Oxford)

The myth of a more humane French path of industrialisation: measuring the biological standard of living in Mulhouse and the Alsatian countryside, 1780-1920

Laurent Heyberger (University of Belfort-Montbeliard)

IC: Political and Consumer Pressures in Modern Britain

Winning the local vote: the changing geographies of constituency campaigning in late 19th century British General Elections

Matthew Badcock (University of Central England)

The British Co-operative Movement as a consumer pressure group, 1914-45

Nicole Robertson (University of Nottingham)

Where backbenchers play: Parliamentary Oversight of the Supply Committee during the first Labour government, 1924

Raymond Westphal (University of Oslo)

ID: Music and Economics

American Popular music and its influence on Britain during the inter-war years: the intermingling of class, economy and jazz

Johannah Duffy (University College, Dublin)

State formation and composition rates

Siobhan McAndrew (Nuffield College, Oxford)


1530-1600 Tea

1600-1730 New Researchers’ Session II (4 parallel sessions)


IIA: Measuring Change

Understanding the human capital of North India for the 19th and 20th centuries using the ‘Age Heaping’ measure

Aravinda Guntupalli (University of Tuebingen)

Peasants and settlers in Africa: structural and institutional change in Ghana and Zimbabwe from c.1890 to c.2000

Dede Amanor-Wilks (London School of Economics)

Historical GDP estimates of Singapore, 1900-39 and 1950-60: progress and perspectives

Ichiro Sugimoto (University of Malaya)

Comparative measurement of social capital in the 19th and 20th centuries

Marta Felis-Rota (London School of Economics)

IIB: Money and Markets

How well did the Stock Market treat industry? Evidence from initial public offerings on the London Stock Exchange over the 20th century

David Chambers (London School of Economics)

How did Austria-Hungary conduct monetary policy?

Matthias Morys (London School of Economics)

Enemies, competitors and allies: the economic relationship between Amsterdam and Lisbon, 1640-1705

Catia Antunes (University of Leiden)

IIC: Landholding and Property Rights: the significance of local studies

Stability and equality in the peasant society of a southeast Midlands manor, 1279-1610

Matt Tompkins (University of Leicester)

Coercion power, property rights and capital: construction of watermills in Ponthieu, France during the 11th-12thcenturies

Karine Gabay (Hebrew University of Jerusalem)

Functions and fortunes: the importance of county towns in the East Midlands, 1700-1830

Claire Townsend (University of Leicester)

IID: Analysis of Decision Making

Trading options before Black-Scholes: a study of the market in late 17th century London

Anne Murphy (University of Leicester)

Improving credibility by delegating judicial competence: the case of the Judicial Committee of the Privy Council

Michael Ebeling (University of Kassel)


1730-1830 Open meeting for women in economic history

1815-1900 Council reception for new researchers and first-time delegates

1830-1900 Meeting of Conference Committee

1900-2015 Dinner

2030-2130 Plenary Lecture: Signs of the Times: Building Nationalism at Street Level, Professor Richard Rodger (University of Leicester)

Late bar available


Saturday 9 April 2005

0800-0900 Breakfast (provided in Stamford Hall Dining Room)

0900-1045 Academic Session I (6 parallel sessions)


IA: Money and Banking (chair: Michael J Haupert)

The ‘Farrer-Wright’ group and the genesis of London-based imperial banking, 1824-65

Philip L Cottrell (University of Leicester)

New estimates of Australasian Public Debt issued in London, 1855-1914

Bernard Attard (University of Leicester)

Trade and Empire (1870-1914)

Kris Mitchener (Santa Clara University) & Marc Weidenmier (Claremont-McKenna College)

The high cost of debt: very-high-denomination Treasury Notes and US Treasury Debt Management, 1955-69

Franklin Noll (Consultant to the United States Bureau of Engraving and Printing)

IB: UK Interwar Economy (chair: Alan E Booth)

New evidence on short time working in Britain, c.1926-38

David Higgins (University of York)

Short-time working in interwar Britain: evidence from the iron and steel industry

Christopher Price (University of York)

Did industry fail the City? Debt, company finance, and financial institutions: a case study of the electrical industry

Sue Bowden (University of York)

IC: Making Economic Policy (chair: Roger Middleton)

Economic policy and crisis in Brazil: the second Vargas Administration (1951-54) and the Goulart Administration (1961-64)

Pedro Fonseca & Sérgio Monteiro (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)

Tale of a death exaggerated: how Keynesian policies survived the 1970s

Jim Tomlinson (University of Dundee)

Surviving under the shelter of government subsidies or ‘avoiding disaster’? New evidence from Italian Industrial Districts, 1971-91

Anna Spadavecchia (University of Reading)

The winning hare? Structural change and productivity performance in Ireland and Portugal, 1979-2003

Pedro Lains (University of Lisbon)

ID: Economic Geography: Routes, Regions, and Boundaries (chair: Nicholas Crafts)

Do frontiers give or do frontiers take? The case of intercontinental trade in France at the end of the Ancien Régime

Guillaume Daudin (OFCE)

Farewell to the peasant republic: industrialisation and the economic transformation of mountain regions in Western Europe, 1815-1930

Fernando Collantes (University of Zaragoza)

The evolution of the British railway network, 1825-1914: the effects of inter-company rivalry on the geography of the network

Mark Casson (University of Reading)

IE: Under Tyranny (chair: Avner Offer)

Inequality within a minority: Jewish wealth in Vienna, 1938

Michael Pammer (Johannes Kepler University)

Market microstructure and Nazi influence on the Paris stock exchange during World War II

Kim Oosterlinck (Free University of Brussels)

The importance of private economic activities during late Stalinism

Olaf Mertelsmann (University of Tartu, Estonia)

IF: Relational Business (chair: Patrick Wallis)

Financial knowledge and the emergence of a private clientele for banks: Hoare’s Bank and some early women customers

Anne Laurence (Open University)

Social ordering or social interaction in early modern England?

Dave Postles (University of Leicester)


1045-1115 Coffee

1115-1300 Academic Session II (6 parallel sessions)


IIA: Productivity and Growth (chair: Nicholas Dimsdale)

South Sea Company subscription shares and warrant values in 1720

Gary S Shea (University of St Andrews)

Industrial production and industrial productivity in the German Empire

Carsten Burhop (University of Münster)

Predictability of future economic growth and the credibility of different monetary regimes in Germany, 1870-2003

Markus Baltzer (University of Tuebingen) & Gerhard Kling (Utrecht School of Economics)

Technological breakthroughs and productivity growth

Harald Edquist & Magnus Henrekson (Stockholm School of Economics)

IIB: Business Governance (chair: Mark Casson)

Marine insurance in Britain and America, 1720-1824

Christopher Kingston (Amherst College)

Transparency and accountability in the governance of British stock companies, 1740-1845

Mark Freeman, Robin Pearson & James Taylor (University of Hull)

Debt discharge and entrepreneurship in England, c.1880-1939

Paolo di Martino (University of Manchester) & R Gomez (London School of Economics)

Corporate governance and personal capitalism: case studies in British manufacturing in the first half of the 20thcentury

Roger Lloyd-Jones et al (Sheffield Hallam University) & Josephine Maltby (University of Sheffield)

IIC: Early Modern Cotton (convenor & chair: Patrick O’Brien)

Ottoman textiles: a success story that did not end so well

Suraiya Faroqhi (Ludwig Maximilians University, Munich)

Cotton textile exports from the Indian subcontinent, 1680-1780

Prasannan Parthasarathi (Boston College)

Empire, ecology and economy: cotton in 18th century Europe

Giorgio Riello (London School of Economics)

IID: Occupational Change (convenors: Leigh Shaw-Taylor & Tony Wrigley; chair: )

English county populations in the later 18th century

Tony Wrigley (University of Cambridge)

An industrialising region: the West Riding of Yorkshire, c.1740-1891

Amanda Jones (University of York)

The occupational structure of Northumberland, 1762-1891

Peter Kitson (University of Cambridge)

The occupational structure of London c.1670-1891

Leigh Shaw-Taylor (University of Cambridge)

IIE: Health and Welfare (chair: Pat Hudson)

Poverty, poor relief and philanthropy in early modern Colchester: the unacceptable face of mercantilism?

Nigel Goose (University of Hertfordshire)

Life-cycle vulnerability: pauper life histories in 18th and 19th century Westminster

Leonard Schwarz (University of Birmingham) & Jeremy Boulton (University of Newcastle)

From Friendly Society to Compulsory Medical Aid Association: the history of medical aid provision in South Africa in the public sector, 1905-70

Grietjie Verhoef (Rand Afrikaans University)

IIF: Crises in the Countryside (chair: Margaret Yates)

Comparing tithe and manorial demesne grain output before and after the Black Death in southern England

Neil Rushton (University of Cambridge)

The Black Death in perspective: grain production in the Northeast, 1250-1348

Ben Dodds (University of Durham)

Famine as agricultural catastrophe: the crisis of 1622-3 on the Walmsley estates in Lancashire

Richard Hoyle (University of Reading)


1300-1400 Lunch

Field trips (optional)

1: 1330-1730 – Industrial Archaeology at Moira Furnace

2. 1330-1730 – Guided Tour of Lamport Hall

(A packed lunch will be provided.)

1415-1545 Meeting of Schools and Colleges Committee

1415-1600 Academic Session III (5 parallel sessions)


IIIA: Trade (chair: Regina Grafe)

‘You sacrificed me’: an inter-disciplinary approach to Liverpool’s business culture in the 18th century Atlantic

Sheryllynne Haggerty (University of Liverpool)

British business networks and colonial economic policy in India, 1830-48

Anthony Webster (Edge Hill College)

Geographical effects on the accuracy of textile trade data: an international approach for 1913

Anna Carreras Marín (University Pompeu Fabra)

IIIB: Retailing Revolutions (chair: Katrina Honeymand)

Retail change and the urban renaissance: recasting the shopping hierarchy

Andrew Hann (University of Leicester)

The spread of department stores in provincial England, c.1872-1932

Jon Stobart (Coventry University)

Knowledge and the transfer of the supermarket from North America to Britain, 1950-70

Andrew Alexander (University of Surrey) & Gareth Shaw (University of Exeter)

British multiple retailing during the Golden Age, 1976-94: a quantitative approach

Carlo Morelli (University of Dundee)

IIIC: Immigration (chair: David Stead)

Why so few migrants from so many places and so many from only a few places? Cornish migration flows to the Americas in the 19th century

Bernard Deacon & Sharron P Schwartz (University of Exeter, Cornwall)

Self-selection, location and entrepreneurship: British self-employment in North America in the early 20th century

Chris Minns & Marian Rizov (Trinity College Dublin)

Italian migrant lives in the Western Australian goldfields before World War II

Patrick Bertola, Criena Fitzgerald and Pamela Sharpe (Curtin University & University of Western Australia)

IIID: Early Modern Consumption (chair: Anne Laurence)

City and Court: patterns of consumption in 16th century London

Ian Archer (University of Oxford)

The diet of the labouring poor in England, 1550-1750

Craig Muldrew (University of Cambridge)

The politics of tobacco consumption in 17th century England

Philip Withington (University of Aberdeen)

IIIE: Latin American Development (chair: Colin Lewis)

The construction of railroads in Argentina in the late 19th century: the major role of the English companies

Maria Heloisa Lenz (Federal University of Rio Grande do Sul)

Capital goods imports and investment in Latin America, 1913 and 1925

Xavier Tafunell & Albert Carreras (University Pompeu Fabra)

The apparent consumption of fossil energy as an indicator of modernisation in Latin America by 1925: a proposal using foreign trade statistics

Mar Rubio (University Pompeu Fabra) & Mauricio Folchi (University of Chile)


1600-1630 Tea

1730-1830 Annual General Meeting of the Economic History Society

1930-2000 Conference Reception (hosted by Professor Robert Burgess, Vice-Chancellor, University of Leicester)

2000 Conference Dinner

Late bar available


Sunday 10 April 2005

0800-0900 Breakfast (provided in Stamford Hall Dining Room)

0915-1115 Academic Session IV (6 parallel sessions)


IVA: Technology and Growth (chair: Harald Edquist)

‘The ingenious crowd’: a critical prosopography of British Inventors, 1650-1850

Christine MacLeod (University of Bristol) & Alessandro Nuvolari (Eindhoven Centre for Innovation Studies)

International cartels and technology transfer, 1890-1948

Valerio Cerretano (University of Cambridge)

Cartel stability in the electric industry: the case of electricity distribution in Madrid in the interwar period

Anna M Aubanell-Jubany (University Pompeu Fabra)

IVB: Rural Poor Relief (chair: Steve King)

Sources of welfare support in early modern Württemberg, c.1500-1700

Paul Warde (University of Cambridge)

The agrarian origins of early modern poor relief: English-French comparisons

Richard Smith (University of Cambridge)

Poor relief in rural Russia: evidence from Yaroslavl Province, 1750-1860

Tracy Dennison (University of Cambridge)

IVC: Employment and Labour (chair: Sue Bowden)

Apprenticeship, training and guilds in pre-industrial Europe

Patrick Wallis (London School of Economics)

Income risk and the English farm labourer, c.1750-1850

David R Stead (University of York)

Adjusting to economic downturns in the Catalan textile sector, 1880-1913

Jordi Domenech (London School of Economics)

Real wages and unemployment in Weimar Germany

Nicholas Dimsdale (University of Oxford), Nicholas Horsewood (University of Birmingham) & Arthur Van Riel (Utrecht University)

IVD: Modern Consumption (chair: Sally Horrocks)

The evolution of entertainment consumption and the emergence of cinema, 1890-1940

Gerben Bakker (University of Essex)

The creation of the British Council of Industrial Design: re-investing design with hope

Lesley Whitworth (University of Brighton)

Israeli housewives in the 1950s and the Austerity policy

Orit Rozin (University of Tel-Aviv)

‘Like rabbits in the headlights’: Britain’s mail order retailers and the home shopping revolution

Richard Coopey (University of Wales, Aberystwyth) & Dil Porter (De Montfort University)

IVE: Women and Family Economics (chair: Judith Spicksley)

Women, accounts and numeracy in 17th century England

Judith Spicksley (University of Hull)

The management of household and estate: the accounts of Alice le Strange, 1610-1654

Elizabeth Griffiths & Jane Whittle (University of Exeter)

Women and the business of farming: the role of farmers’ widows in England, 1750-1850

Nicola Verdon (University of Reading)

Sons and mothers: family relations and sources of family income in early industrial Britain

Jane Humphries (University of Oxford)

IVF: The Great Divergence (chair: )

Cotton textiles and the great divergence: Lancashire, India and shifting comparative advantage, 1600-1850

Stephen Broadberry & Bishnupriya Gupta (University of Warwick)

Triple engines of growth: why Europe and not Asia?

Alvaro S Pereira (University of York)

Industrial revolutions and consumption: a common model to the various periods of industrialisation

David Flacher (Paris XIII University)


1115-1145 Coffee

1145-1300 Tawney Lecture, Professor Barry Eichengreen (University of California, Berkeley), Sterling’s Past, Dollar’s Future? Historical Perspectives on the Dollar’s International Currency Role

1300-1400 Lunch

1400 Conference ends
