2006 EHS Annual Conference

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The 2006 Annual Conference was held at the University of Reading, Friday 31 March – Sunday 2 April.  On-site residential accommodation was in student halls of residences.


2006 Conference Booklet


Conference Programme and Papers (where provided)


Friday 31 March 2006

0915-1045 Meeting of EHS Publications Committee

1100-1400 Meeting of EHS Council

1200-1800 Registration

1400-1530 New Researchers’ Session I (4 parallel sessions)


IA: Markets and Credit

Matching on medieval markets

Lars Boerner (Humboldt University)

Market integration in early modern Europe

Victoria Bateman (University of Oxford)

Local finance and overseas trade during the industrial revolution: an examination of the financial arrangements of a Liverpool merchant

Mina Ishizu (Cardiff University)

The way to support credit: the Suspension Crisis in 1797 and the Declaration Movement

Hiroki Shin (University of Cambridge)

IB: Business

Tracking down Germany’s pre-World War I business cycle: a dynamic factor model for 1820-1913

Martin Uebele & Samad Sarferaz (Humboldt University Berlin)

Early British computer development and the emergence of Americanisation: 1945-63

Robert Reid (University of Glasgow)

British shipbuilding 1950-80: trends and developments with a case study of the Scott Lithgow Shipyard, Greenock

Duncan Connors (University of Glasgow)

IC: Political Economy

The popular election of Staffordshire coroners in 1826 and 1830

Pam Fisher (University of Leicester)

Institutions and economic stabilisations in Argentina and Spain, 1958-59: the political economy of reform in crony capitalist systems

Chris Vellacott (London School of Economics)

Mahatma Gandhi and the Prisoner’s Dilemma: Strategic Civil Disobedience and Great Britain’s Great Loss of Empire in India

Chowdhury Irad Ahmed Siddiky (University of Warwick)

ID: Economic Change

The political economy of road and rail competition in inter-war Britain and Germany

Gustav Sjoblom (University of Cambridge)

Industrial regions, agglomerations and industrialisation: evidence from the iron and steel industry in central Sweden, 1805-1910

Fredrik Olsson (Umeå University)

Was imperial business hand in glove with imperialists? The relationship between the Ashanti Goldfields Corporation and the British government, 1897-1951

Ayowa Afrifa Taylor (London School of Economics)


1530-1600 Tea

1600-1730 New Researchers’ Session II (4 parallel sessions)


IIA: Labour and Economic Growth

Reassessing urban women’s work before the Black Death: a case study, 1300-49

Matthew Stevens (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)

The work of Spanish older men: a quantitative analysis based on census data, 1900-70

Alexander Elu Terán (University of Barcelona)

Gender, wealth and margins of empire: wealth and will making of urban women in New Zealand, c.1890-1950

Stephanie Wyse (King’s College London)

Scottish overseas trade and economic growth, 1707-83

Philipp Roessner (University of Edinburgh)

IIB: Climate and Health

Old habits die hard (sometimes): what can département heterogeneity tell us about the French fertility decline?

Tommy Murphy (University of Oxford)

Measuring infant health in late-Georgian Northumberland and Co. Durham

Stuart Basten (University of Cambridge)

Have gun, give food: nutrition, agriculture and the onset of civil wars in sub-Saharan Africa

Alexander Moradi (University of Oxford)

IIC: Government and Economic Policy

Economic planning and regeneration projects in the Scottish Highlands, 1945-82

Niall G MacKenzie (University of Glasgow)

Institutions or factor endowments? – Income taxation in Argentina and Australia

Andrew Mitchell (London School of Economics)

Economic policy making in the early Reagan administration: how the double experiment almost failed

Dimitri Grygowski (University of Cergy-Pontoise)

Behind the facade of Soviet industrialisation: the GULAG economy

Oxana Klimkova (Central European University Budapest)

IID: Social Cultural

Changing rooms: comparing contents and functions in seventeenth century Somerset and Massachusetts houses

Sara McMahon (University of Roehampton)

The impact of the Great Western Railway on the population and occupational structure of five rural parishes in the Thames Valley, 1830-75

Rosemary Stewart-Beardsley (University of Reading)

South of the Essex Bristol line: courts and back-to-back housing in mid-nineteenth century Reading

Margaret Simons (University of Reading)

Collective action and social exclusion in the British post-war housing programme

Harold Carter (University of Oxford)


1730-1830 Open meeting for women in economic history

1815-1900 Council reception for new researchers and first-time delegates

1830-1900 Meeting of Conference Committee

1900-2015 Dinner

2030-2130 Plenary Lecture: Michael Twyman (Reading), The lasting significance of ephemera

Late bar available


Saturday 1 April 2006

0800-0900 Breakfast (provided in Whiteknights Hall)

0900-1045 Academic Session I (6 parallel sessions)


IA: International Monetary and Financial Cooperation Since 1945: Markets, Policies, and Institutions (chair: Catherine Schenk)

Capital mobility and monetary control under Bretton Woods, 1958-73: how did central bankers react to financial innovations?

Stefano Battilossi (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)

Monetary and financial cooperation in Asia: market and institutions

Kazuhiko Yago (Tokyo Metropolitan University)

The Bank for International Settlements and central bank cooperation during and after the Bretton Woods era

Piet Clement (Bank for International Settlements

The IMF and the force of history: ten events and ten ideas that have shaped the Institution

James Boughton (International Monetary Fund)

IB: Mobilising Gender: Women, Work and Transport in the Late Twentieth Century (chair: Katrina Honeyman)

The American woman and her car: driving to work?

Maggie Walsh (University of Nottingham)

Globalisation and women’s work in cruise shipping

Minghua Zhao (University of Greenwich)

Women, work and the changing transport industries

Sarah Finke (International Transport Federation)

IC: The Peasant Economy in England, c.1300-c.1500

(chair: Richard Smith)

Credit in the later medieval English village: the example of Willingham, Cambridgeshire, 1377-1458

Christopher Briggs (University of Cambridge)

Peasant agriculture in the later middle ages

Christopher Dyer (University of Leicester)

The assignment and transfer of debts in the manor court

Phillipp Schofield (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)

ID: Aspects of the Economic History of Film (chair: Avner Offer)

The consumption characteristics of film: evidence from the British and US markets during the 1930s

John Sedgwick (London Metropolitan University)

Selling global products in local markets: United Artists in Britain, c.1927-47

Peter Miskell (University of Reading)

Sunk costs, market structure and productivity growth in services: the case of the film industry

Gerben Bakker (University of Essex)

IE: Foreign Investment (chair: Paolo di Martino)

Information and capital flows in colonial India: the industrial divide between British and Indian business

Bishnupria Gupta (University of Warwick)

Foreign direct investment of German companies in the period 1873-1927

Gerhard Kling (Utrecht School of Economics), Joerg Baten & Kirsten Labuske (University of Tuebingen)

Rothschild investments in Spain, 1856-1930

Miguel López-Morell (University of Murcia)

IF: Reconceiving the History of the Nazi War Economy

(chair: Lutz Budrass)

No room for miracles: armaments and industrial production in the Third Reich

Adam Tooze (University of Cambridge)

Industrial investment in Nazi Germany: the forgotten wartime boom?

Jonas Scherner (University of Mannheim)

Demystifying the German ‘armament miracle’ during World War II: new insights from the annual audits of German aircraft producers

Lutz Budrass (University of Bochum), Jonas Scherner (University of Mannheim) & Jochen Streb (University of Hohenheim)


1045-1115 Coffee

1115-1300 Academic Session II (6 parallel sessions)


IIA: Women and Wealth (chair: Anne Laurence)

Feathering the nest: men’s and women’s wealth in nineteenth century London

David Green (King’s College London)

Women investors in early nineteenth century English joint-stock banks

Lucy Newton (University of Reading)

A nesting instinct? Women investors and risk in England 1700-1930

Janette Rutterford (Open University) & Josephine Maltby (University of Sheffield)

IIB: British Industrial Revolution (chair: Knick Harley)

Capital accumulation, technological change, and the distribution of income during the British Industrial Revolution

Robert Allen (University of Oxford)

A dynamic input-output model of the British Industrial Revolution, 1760-1840

Bart Los (University of Groningen) & Alessandro Nuvolari (Eindhoven University of Technology)

Time is money: a re-assessment of the passenger social savings from the British Railways

Timothy Leunig (London School of Economics)

IIC: People in Place: Housing, Family, and Demography in later 17th century London

(chair: Matthew Davies)

‘Whereas they may lerne to be good coks in honest merchaunt men housed’: family and household in late seventeenth century London

Mark Merry & Philip Baker (Birkbeck, University of London)

Demographic patterns in late seventeenth century Cheapside

Gill Newton & Richard Smith (University of Cambridge)

Housing and households in seventeenth century London

Vanessa Harding (Birkbeck, University of London)

IID: New Perspectives on the Early Modern Baltic World

(chair: Chris Evans)

Swedish economic history and the ‘New Atlantic Economy’: iron production and iron markets in the eighteenth century

Göran Rydén (University of Uppsala)

Swedish neutrality and shipping in the second half of the eighteenth century

Leos Müller (University of Uppsala)

Problems of French trade with the North in the eighteenth century

Pierrick Pourchasse (Université de Brest)

IIE: Central and Eastern Europe (chair: Steve Broadberry)

Precursors of separation: the disintegration of the Habsburg Customs Union before World War I

Max-Stephane Schulze (London School of Economics) & Nikolaus Wolf (Free University Berlin)

Filling in the statistical gap of the SEE periphery: estimates of Bulgarian GNP, 1899-1924

Martin Ivanov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

Adjustment under the Classical Gold Standard: How costly did the external constraint come to the European periphery?

Matthias Morys (University of Oxford)

IIF: Micro-history: its Uses and Values (chair: Pat Hudson)

Market development and social relationships: the acquisition of food in a seventeenth century household

Jane Whittle (University of Exeter)

Fostering, feeding and foundlings in four eighteenth-century English parishes

Alysa Levene (Oxford Brookes University)

A tale of two villages: peasant production in the late middle ages

Ben Dodds (University of Durham)


1300-1400 Lunch

Field trips (optional)

1: 1415-1630 – A Guided Tour of the Museum of English Rural Life

2. 1415-1630 – A Guided Walking Tour of Medieval Reading

1415-1545 Meeting of Schools and Colleges Committee

1415-1600 Academic Session III (6 parallel sessions)


IIIA: Early Customers and Brokers in the London Stock Market (chair: Anne Laurence)

Investors in London’s first stock market boom

Anne Murphy (University of Leicester)

Broker networks during the South Sea Bubble: the strength of weak ties

Ann Carlos (University of Colorado), Larry Neal (University of Illinois) & Kirsten Wandschneider (Middlebury College)

South Sea Company directors’ trading in shares, subscriptions and options in 1720

Gary Shea (University of St Andrews)

IIIB: Labour and Mobility (chair: Nigel Goose)

The economic return to primary schooling in Victorian England

Jason Long (University of Oxford)

‘Vive la différence’? Intergenerational occupational mobility in France and the U.S. in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries

Jerome Bourdieu, Lionel Kesztenbaum (ENS and INRA) & Joseph Ferrie (Northwestern University)

Child day-labourers in agriculture: evidence from farm accounts, 1740-1850

Joyce Burnette (Wabash College)

IIIC: Urban and Rural Poverty under the Old Poor Law, c. 1670-1790 (chair: Richard Smith)

The workhouse in the metropolis: London life in the 18th century

Leonard Schwarz (University of Birmingham) & Dr Jeremy Boulton (University of Newcastle)

Sickness and its relief in rural Midland and East Anglian communities 1730-1820

Steve King & Alison Stringer (Oxford Brookes University)

Urban poverty, institutional welfare and survival economics, 1723-82

Alannah Tomkins (Keele University)

IIID: Land (chair: Judith Spicksley)

Long term trends in landownership, 1500-1914

Michael Havinden & Ted Collins (University of Reading)

Estimating the size of the English land market, 1540-1700

Richard Hoyle (University of Reading)

Women, land and family in early modern North Yorkshire

Amanda Capern (University of Hull)

IIIE: Manufacturing Districts (chair: Nicholas Dimsdale)

Knowledge and trust: the regulation of cooperation in industrial districts: Birmingham (UK) and Providence (USA)

Francesca Carnevali (University of Birmingham)

Competition and growth: Japanese and Chinese silk reeling industries, 1860-1937

Debin Ma (London School of Economics)

Diverse paths to factory production, 1780s-1840s: the woollen cloth industry in the West Riding of Yorkshire and in the West of the Rhineland (Prussian Rhine-Province)

Alfred Reckendrees (University of Cologne)

IIIF: Women and Informal Economies in Port Cities

(chair: Roey Sweet)

Women, work, and income opportunities in eighteenth century Atlantic port cities

Sheryllynne Haggerty (University of Nottingham)

‘The uncertain wages of promiscuous intercourse’: disorderly women in eighteenth century Portsmouth

Steve Poole (University of the West of England)

The 1972 Kirkby rent strike: dockland solidarity in a new setting?

Jon Murden (University of Liverpool)


1600-1630 Tea

1630-1720 ESRC Session

1730-1830 Annual General Meeting of the Economic History Society

1930-2000 Conference Reception (joint with Social History Society) (hosted by University of Reading)

2000 Conference Dinner

Late bar available


Sunday 2 April 2006

0800-0900 Breakfast (provided in Whiteknights Hall)

0915-1015 Academic Session IV (6 parallel sessions)


IVA: Securities Markets (chair: Francesca Carnevali)

The market for domestic corporate securities in the USA, UK, Japan and Continental Europe, 1900-30

Leslie Hannah (University of Tokyo)

Gentlemanly capitalism revisited: a case study of the underpricing of Initial Public Offerings on the London Stock Exchange, 1946-86

David Chambers (University of Oxford)

IVB: Two Great Divergences (chair: Jane Humphries)

Girl Power: The European marriage pattern (EMP) and labour markets in the North Sea region in the late medieval and early modern period

Jan Luiten van Zanden & Tine de Moor (Utrecht University)

The Nanking Treaty System: the limits to institutional change and improved economic performance

Kent Deng (London School of Economics)

IVC: Early Markets and Business (chair: Margaret Yates)

Information costs and the gold market in 14th-16th century northern Europe

Oliver Volckart (Humboldt University Berlin)

The South Sea Company and the Royal African Company’s combined slaving activities

Helen Paul (University of St Andrews)

IVD: Law and Economics (chair: Mike French)

Electoral distortion? Disproportionality and bias in the British electoral system, 1832-1910

Matthew Badcock (University of Central England)

Law and economic development in England: new evidence from acts of Parliament, 1510-1850

Dan Bogart & Gary Richardson (University of California-Irvine)

IVE: British Industry (chair: Jim Tomlinson)

Did the reduction in working hours following the First World War damage Britain’s industrial competitiveness?

Peter Scott & Anna Spadavecchia (University of Reading)

Classes to masses? How advertising agencies responded to the challenges of the mass market in interwar Britain

Stefan Schwarzkopf (Queen Mary, University of London)

IVF: Cultural Economy (chair: Roger Middleton)

The challenge of affluence: self-control and well-being since 1950

Avner Offer (University of Oxford)

Drang nach Osten: The Malthusian roots of Nazi Imperialism

Albrecht Ritschl (University of Pennsylvania)


1015-1045 Coffee

1045-1145 Academic Session V (6 parallel sessions)


VA: Business and Finance (chair: Stephen Broadberry)

British staple industries and foreign competition, 1880-1913

Nicholas Dimsdale (University of Oxford)

Corporate governance in the German Empire

Carsten Burhop & Christian Bayer (University of Münster)

VB: Human Capital (chair: Bob Allen)

Education and social capital in the development of Scotland to 1750

Paul Auerbach (Kingston University) & Richard Saville (Coutts & Co)

New evidence and new methods to measure human capital inequality before and during the Industrial Revolution: England, Ireland, France, and the U.S. in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries

Dorothee Crayen & Joerg Baten (University of Tuebingen)

VC: Business and Family (chair: Alan Booth)

Entrepreneurship and the family business: the fluctuating fortunes of clothmaking dynasties in Reading and Newbury c.1500-1650

Christine Jackson (University of Oxford)

How saucy did it make the poor? The straw plait and hat trades, illegitimacy and the family in nineteenth century Hertfordshire

Nigel Goose (University of Hertfordshire)

VD: Society and Status (chair: Mark Overton)

English landed gentry men and cultures of manliness in late nineteenth and early twentieth century Britain

Mark Rothery (University of Exeter)

Perceptions of worth and social status in early modern England

Alexandra Shepard & Judith Spicksley (University of Cambridge)

VE: Competition in Manufacturing (chair: Catherine Schenk)

Can historians now prove what economists could not prove at the time? Competition in the EC car market, 1966-80

Giuliano Maielli (Queen Mary, University of London)

British exports in the 1950s: some institutional and geographic considerations

Peter Howlett (London School of Economics)

VF: Reading and Leisure (chair: Chris Wrigley)

Furnishing the colonial mind: book ownership in British India, 1780-1850

Matthew Adams (University of Hertfordshire)

Organised leisure for the working class: European popular travel and leisure organisations in the interwar period

Carina Gråbacke (Gothenburg University)


1145-1300 Tawney Lecture, Sheilagh Ogilvie (University of Cambridge), ‘Whatever Is, Is Right? Economic Institutions in Pre-Industrial Europe

1300-1400 Lunch

1400 Conference ends