2007 EHS Annual Conference

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The 2007 Annual Conference was held in the Peter Chalk Centre on the Streatham Campus at the University of Exeter, Friday 30 March – Sunday 1 April. On-site residential accommodation was in student halls of residences.


2007 Conference Booklet


Conference Programme and Papers (where provided)


Friday 30 March 2007

0915-1045 Meeting of EHS Publications Committee

1100-1400 Meeting of EHS Council

1200-1800 Registration

1400-1530 New Researchers’ Session I (4 parallel sessions)


IA: Human Capital

An historical analysis of the change in compulsory schooling laws in Europe after the Second World War

Martina G Viarengo (London School of Economics)

Lucas versus Romer: Human capital and economic growth in Asia 1890–2000

Bas van Leeuwen (University of Warwick)

Are we being served? Personalised public service in the Dutch Republic

Jeroen van Bockel (Utrecht University)

Optimists and pessimists: a revision of the nutritional status in Britain (18th-19th centuries)

Francesco Cinnirella (University of Munich)

IB: Land

Manorial courts and management of the land in early Stuart England

Matthew Clark (University of Cambridge)

Land redistributions and the Russian peasant commune in the nineteenth century

Steven Nafziger (Williams College)

Professional networks and the Egremont estates, 1796-1805

Sarah Webster (University of Nottingham)

Peasant reproduction: mobility, household formation and socioeconomic status in early modern Sweden

Jonas Lindström (Uppsala University)

IC: Business

Risk and return effects of collusive arrangements: the Rhenish-Westphalian Coal Syndicate, 1893-1913

Thorsten Lübbers (University of Münster)

Sowing the seeds of decline: the Thames merchant shipbuilding yards in the Napoleonic Wars

Helen Doe (University of Exeter)

Competition knowledge spillover, and innovation: technological development of semiconductor lasers in Japan, 1960-90

Hiroshi Shimizu (London School of Economics)

Fashion sprayed and displayed: the market for perfumery in nineteenth-century Paris

Eugénie Briot (Centre d’Histoire des Techniques / Conservatoire National des Arts et Métiers, Paris)

ID: Overseas Expansion

Cultural differences and overseas expansion: British enterprise and attitudes to Balkan Slavs as business partners, 1878-1914

Mika Suonpaa (University of Hull)

The organisation of merchant empires: a case study of Portugal and England

Cláudia Rei (Boston University)

Challenging the Old Order: exploring the rise of the engineer in commercial shipping in Britain, Germany and France since 1830

Kate Hamblin (University of Exeter)


1530-1600 Tea

1600-1730 New Researchers’ Session II (5 parallel sessions)


IIA: Finance

Why did London become the main money market? Monetary policy, arbitrage and European money market integration in the 18th century

Pilar Nogués Marco (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris)

East India bonds, 1718-63: early exotic derivatives

Camila Vam Malle and Pilar Nogués Marco (Institut d’Etudes Politiques de Paris)

Fiscal centralization, limited government and public finances in Europe, 1650-1913

Mark Dincecco (IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies)

IIB: Money and Banking

The emergence of a social investment network around an issuing bank: Barcelona 1844-56

Marc Badia-Miró (University of Barcelona), et al

Monetary policy during the Great Depression: a Bayesian FAVAR approach

Pooyan Amir Ahmadi (Humboldt University Berlin)

Collusion, regulation and rivalry in Spanish banking during the Franco regime

Javier Pueyo (University Pompeu Fabra)

IIC: Market Efficiency (chair: Peter Howlett)

Market transparency, uniform measurements and standardized quantities: institutional change in nineteenth century Britain

Aashish Velkar (London School of Economics)

India and the Great Divergence: assessing the efficiency of grain markets in eighteenth and nineteenth century India

Roman Studer (University of Oxford)

Integrating natural hazards into economic history: institutional economics and the development of German crop insurance

Frank Oberholzner (University of Munich)

IID: Trade

Causes and effects of international trade regimes: the Cobden-Chevalier network, c.1860-77

Markus Lampe (University of Münster)

The second age of steel: defining the era of alloy steels, 1858-1914

Andrew Morris (University of Exeter)

On the origins of the Atlantic Economy: five stylized facts about the American grain invasion of Britain, 1829-1929

Paul Sharp (University of Copenhagen)

IIE: Political Economy

Ernesto ‘Che’ Guevara: a rebel against Soviet Political Economy

Helen Yaffe (London School of Economics)

The Conservative approach to religious sectarianism in Liverpool and Belfast, 1880-1921

Gareth Jenkins (University College London)


1730-1830 Open meeting for women in economic history

1815-1900 Council reception for new researchers and first-time delegates

1830-1900 Meeting of Conference Committee

1900-2015 Dinner

2030-2130 Plenary Lecture, Nicholas AM Rodger (University of Exeter), War as an economic activity in eighteenth century Britain

Late bar available


Saturday 31 March 2007

0800-0900 Breakfast (provided in Holland Hall)

0900-1045 Academic Session I (5 parallel sessions)


IA: Origins of the Welfare State (chair: Richard Smith)

The origins of the Welfare State in England and Germany, 1850-1914: social policies compared

Peter Hennock (University of Liverpool)


Bernard Harris (University of Southampton)

Christoph Sachsse (University of Kassel)

IB: Early Modern Textiles (chair: Pat Hudson)

Purchasing textiles and constructing clothing in early seventeenth-century England: a consumers’ viewpoint

Jane Whittle (University of Exeter)

The extension of the market for cotton textiles in early modern Eurasia

Giorgio Riello (University of Warwick)

‘Th’ ancient distaff’ and whirling spindle’: measuring the contribution of spinning to household earnings and the national economy in England 1550-1770

Craig Muldrew (University of Cambridge)

IC: New Share Issues and Corporate Law (chair: Valerio Cerretano)

New issues, new industries and firm survival in inter-war Britain

David Chambers (University of Oxford)

Financial development and corporate law: historical evidence from the German IPO market, 1870-96

Carsten Burhop (University of Münster)

The emergence of rights-based multinationals: sunk costs, property rights and the political economy of globalization, 1945-2000

Gerben Bakker (London School of Economics)

ID: Money and Microcredit (chair: Francesca Carnevali)

Monopoly, competition, and Great Britain’s ‘big problem of small change’

George Selgin (University of Georgia)

The development of the goldsmithing trade in late medieval Northern Europe

David Humphrey (Royal College of Art)

IE: Business Performance and Regulation (chair: Regina Grafe)

The regulation of the Victorian railway system

Mark Casson (University of Reading)

Private ownership and the development of transport networks: cross-country evidence from the diffusion of railroads in the nineteenth century

Dan Bogart (University of California-Irvine)

Water management regulations in Spain: EMALCSA and the city of La Coruña’s water supply, 1975-2004

Jesús Mirás Araujo, Carlos Piñeiro Sánchez and Gustavo Rego Veiga (University of La Coruña)


1045-1115 Coffee

1115-1300 Academic Session II (6 parallel sessions)


IIA: Invention in Industrial Revolution (chair: Craig A Nard)

Economics, science, and the British industrial revolution

Robert C Allen (University of Oxford)

Institutional choice and interest groups in the development of American patent law, 1790-1870

Andrew P Morriss and Craig Allen Nard (Case Western Reserve University)

IIB: London Apprenticeship (chair: Jane Humphries)

Pauper apprenticeship, the industrial economy, and the old Poor Law in London

Alysa Levene (Oxford Brookes University)

The London parish apprentice and the early industrial labour market

Katrina Honeyman (University of Leeds)

Parish apprenticeship in eighteenth century and early nineteenth-century London

Jeremy Boulton (University of Newcastle) and Leonard Schwarz (University of Birmingham)

IIC: Currency Regimes (chair: George Selgin)

The emergence of the Classical Gold Standard

Matthias Morys (University of Oxford)

Why did Massachusetts invent modern currency?

Dror Goldberg (Texas A&M University)

IID: Public Finance and Balance of Payments (chair: Roger Middleton)

Ports, plagues and politics: the development of cities in Italy, 1300-1861

Herman de Jong (University of Groningen) et al

Sustainability of public debt: evidence from pre-World War II Japan

Masato Shizume (Kobe University)

The Bank of England, the Treasury and Britain’s post-war industrial reconstruction: the ‘Securities Trust’, 1921-27

Valerio Cerretano (University of Bozen/Bolzano)

IIE: Control in the Dictatorships (chair: Germà Bel)

Corruption in the GULAG: the case of the White-Sea Baltic combine and the camp of the NKVD

Oxana Klimkova (Central European University, Budapest)

Against the mainstream: Nazi privatization in 1930s Germany

Germà Bel (University of Barcelona)

The dictator’s dilemma: to punish or to assist? Control Party Commission under Stalin

Andrei Markevich (University of Warwick)

IIF: Post-war Economic Policy (chair: Catherine Schenk)

Balanced accounts? Constructing the balance of payments ‘problem’ in post-war Britain

Jim Tomlinson (University of Dundee)

Numbers, experts and ideas: international organisations, international surveys and perceptions of the outside world in Britain, c.1950-70

Glen O’Hara (Oxford Brookes University)

UK economic policy in the 1960s and 1970s and the challenge to learning

Michael J Oliver (Ecole Supérieure de Commerce de Rennes) and Hugh Pemberton (University of Bristol)

Paradigmatic changes in the Netherlands, Sweden and New Zealand: from Keynesianism to the market, 1975-90

Jeroen Touwen (Leiden University)


1300-1400 Lunch

1415-1545 Meeting of Schools and Colleges Committee

1415-1600 Academic Session III (5 parallel sessions)


IIIA: Women in Medieval Courts (chair: Richard Smith)

Women, debt, and the law of manor courts to 1350

Christopher Briggs (University of Cambridge)

Small town women and the great famine of 1315-22

Matthew Stevens (IHR, University of London)

Female involvement in crime and misbehaviour in the manor court of Sutton-in-the-Isle, 1308-91

Erin McGibbon Smith (University of Edinburgh)

IIIB: Eighteenth Century Risk Management (chair: Katrina Honeyman)

Risks and overseas trade: the way in which risks were perceived and managed in the early modern period

Helen Paul (University of Southampton)

‘Lost, burnt or otherwise destroyed’: who bought eighteenth-century lottery tickets?

Natasha Glaisyer (University of York)

Portfolio management and risk at the time of the South Sea Bubble: the case of Hoare’s Bank customers

Anne Laurence (Open University)

IIIC: Consumers (chair: Tony Wrigley)

Consumer revolution or industrious revolution? Consumption patterns in eighteenth-century Catalonia

Julie Marfany (University of Cambridge)

The bed as an icon of early modern household

Joanne Bailey (Oxford Brookes University) and Angela McShane-Jones (V&A)

The determinants of productivity and growth for British department stores in the 1930s

Peter Scott and James Walker (University of Reading)

IIID: Industrial Revolution in Britain and France (chair: Roger Middleton)

Cotton textiles and the industrial revolution: competing models and evidence of prices and profits

C Knick Harley (University of Oxford)

Domestic trade and regional markets in late eighteenth century France

Guillaume Daudin (University of Edinburgh/OFCE)

Technical choice, innovation and British steam engineering, c.1800-50

Alessandro Nuvolari and Bart Verspagen (Eindhoven University of Technology)

IIIE: Fertility and Labour Supply (chair: Stephen Broadberry)

Poverty and children’s work in nineteenth and twentieth century Spain and currently developing countries: first results

Enriqueta Camps (University Pompeu Fabra)

Hours of work and wages in late nineteenth and early twentieth century England and Wales: another look at urban labour market integration

Jordi Domenech (University of York)


1600-1630 Tea

1630-1720 Plenary Session

1730-1830 AGM of the Economic History Society

1930-2000 Conference Reception (joint with Social History Society) (hosted by University of Exeter)

2000 Conference Dinner

Late bar available


Sunday 1 April 2007

0800-0900 Breakfast (provided in Holland Hall)

0915-1115 Academic Session IV (6 parallel sessions)


IVA: Agriculture (chair: Richard Hoyle)

Mennonites in West Prussia, 1776-89: economic status, occupation and landholding

Ingrid Peters Fransen (Canadian Mennonite University)

Why sharecropping? Explaining its presence and absence in Europe’s vineyards, 1750-1950

Juan Carmona and James Simpson (University Carlos III, Madrid)

The effects of agriculture on biodiversity, 1600-2000

Nick Hanley, Kostas Angelopoulos, Althea Davies, Dugald Tinch (University of Stirling) and Fiona Watson (Past Experience)

IVB: Health and Fertility (chair: Judith Spicksley)

Exploring the evolution of living standards in Ghana, 1880-2000: an anthropometric approach

Gareth Austin (London School of Economics), Jörg Baten (University of Tuebingen and CESifo) and Alexander Moradi (University of Oxford)

The missing link: Central European family patterns and the reconsideration of P. Laslett’s hypotheses

Mikolaj Szoltysek (University of Cambridge)

IVC: Great Depressions (chair: Paolo di Martino)

Work relief, dole and unemployment during the New Deal: a Kansas case study

Peter Fearon (University of Leicester)

Dynamic financial coalitions and economic growth in the UK

Gary Shea and Alex Trew (St Andrews University)

Britain’s great depression, 1920-80: a general equilibrium approach

Monique Ebell and Albrecht Ritschl (Humboldt University Berlin)

IVD: Finance, Cycles and Globalization (chair: David Chambers)

Trade costs in the first wave of globalization

David S Jacks (Simon Fraser University), Christopher M Meissner and Dennis Novy (University of Cambridge)

Stock markets and business cycle co-movement in Germany before World War I: evidence from spectral analysis

Albrecht Ritschl (Humboldt University Berlin) and Martin Uebele (Humboldt University Berlin and University of Warwick)

Are banks procyclical? Evidence from the Italian case, 1896-1975

Carlo Brambilla (Bocconi University) and Giandomenico Piluso (University of Siena)

IVE: Business Productivity (chair: Valerio Cerretano)

Northern French coal companies’ performances in 1935-45: a panel data analysis

Gil Montant (University of Caen)

The invention of tradition: corporate paternalism at the Wills Branch of Imperial Tobacco Company

Takashi Hirao (Tokyo University of Science, Suwa)

IVF: Social Mobility in the Long Term (chair: Matthias Morys)

Social mobility within and across generations in Britain since 1851

Jason Long (Colby College)

The final balance: death, wealth and geography in England and Wales, 1870-1903

Alastair Owens, Claire Swan (Queen Mary, University of London), David R Green (King’s College London), Josephine Maltby (University of York) and Janette Rutterford (Open University)


1115-1145 Coffee

1145-1300 Tawney Lecture, Cormac Ó Gráda (University College Dublin), The Ripple that Drowns: Twentieth-century Famines as Economic History

1300-1400 Lunch

1400 Conference ends