The 2008 Annual Conference was held at the East Midlands Conference Centre, University of Nottingham, Friday 28 – Sunday 30 March. On-site residential accommodation was in student halls of residences.
Friday 28 March 2008
0915-1045 Meeting of EHS Publications Committee
1100-1400 Meeting of EHS Council
1200-1800 Registration
1400-1530 New Researchers’ Session I (5 parallel sessions)
IA: International Business (chair: James Tomlinson)
Britain’s exports of textiles to Argentina and Chile during the first half of the nineteenth century: return remittances
Manuel Llorca (University of Leicester)
Scottish-American business networks: the development of the Dundee investment trust industry, c.1873-1914
Claire Swan (University of Dundee)
Management & networks: to what extent were free-standing companies controlled from the home country? Four Scottish exmples
Kevin Tennent (London School of Economics)
To let borrow, to let hope: loans in France and abroad for French wine merchants following the example of champagne merchant Jean Remi Moët, under the Directory
Fabrice Perron (University of Reims)
IB: Demographic History (chair: Janet Hunter)
A demographic study of Winchester College and New College, Oxford, 1392-1540
Rebecca Oakes (University of Winchester)
Amartya Sen revisited: population, grain production and income inequality in eighteenth-century Guadalajara, Spain
Carlos Santiago-Caballero (London School of Economics)
IC: Medieval and Early Modern Europe (chair: Maxine Berg)
A case study in the economics of vernacular printing: Paris, 1550-1600
Philip O John (University of St Andrews)
Economic fluctuations and the poor: some Lancashire evidence, 1630-80
Jonathan Healey (University of Oxford)
The economic functions of the trade card in eighteenth-century Britain
Philippa Hubbard (University of Warwick)
ID: Post-1945 (chair: Jim Phillips)
The quest for the African dummy
Morten Jerven (London School of Economics)
Work culture and skill in the Linwood car factory, 1963-81
Alison Gilmour (University of Glasgow)
British cinema advertising: 1945-65: an example of managerial conservatism?
Mark Gardner (Institute of Historical Research, London)
IE: Power (chair: John Hatcher)
Women in power: administrative structure and financial change at Syon Abbey, 1440-1539
Claire Clement (University of Cambridge)
Power struggle over power utilities: the Brazilian capitalism formation, 1900-20
Alexandre Saes (University of Campinas, Brazil)
‘Buy logs, never, not in a hundred years, we’d never buy logs’: women and the rural economy, Oxfordshire, c.1945-70
Angela Davis (University of Warwick)
1530-1600 Tea
1600-1730 New Researchers’ Session II (5 parallel sessions)
IIA: Business and Finance (chair: Colin Lewis)
‘Last orders please!’ The rise and impact of commercial brewing in nineteenth-century Manchester and Salford
Deborah Woodman (Inst. of Northern Studies, Leeds Metropolitan)
Comparative advantage and productivity gap under scarcity of resources: British and American rubber manufacture industries compared, 1870-1910
Felipe Tâmega Fernandes (London School of Economics)
The relationship between private incentives and subsidies in large infrastructure projects: insights from the case of the Pacific Railroad
Xavier Duran (London School of Economics)
The boats that did not sail: evidence on the sources of price asset volatility from an 18th century natural experiment
Peter Koudijs (University Pompeu Fabra)
IIB: Medieval and Early Modern Britain (chair: John Hatcher)
Gaming and the playing card trade, 1683-1756
Nicholas Tosney (University of York)
Consumption in early-modern England: evidence from Huntingdonshire and Yorkshire
Ken Sneath (University of Cambridge)
The reconstruction of a metropolis: London’s economic topography before and after the Great Fire of 1666
Jacob Field (University of Newcastle)
Using tithes to compare landlord and peasant cropping patterns at fourteenth-century Oakington
Alexandra Sapoznik (University of Cambridge)
IIC: Medieval and Early Modern, International
(chair: Dave Postles)
Comparative evolution of institutions: property rights on land in the Ottoman Empire and modern Turkey
Berfu Durak-Sen (Birkbeck College, London)
Changing with the Yellow River: an environmental and economic history of Hebei, 1048-1128
Ling Zhang (University of Cambridge)
IID: Human Capital (chair: Kerry Hickson)
Post-war parallels: central planning in East and West German higher education from the mid-1960s
Catriona Haston (University of Glasgow)
Irregular attendance and the gender literacy gap of 1870
William Troost (University of British Columbia)
Scottish local authorities and the development of the NHS, 1939-60
Leigh Ann Merrick (University of Glasgow)
IIE: Economics of the Family (chair: Katrina Honeyman)
Feminism and Marxism in the All India Democratic Women’s Association: a Leftist approach to the women’s question in contemporary India
Susanne Kranz (University of Leeds)
Child labour laws and the end of child labour in the US: evidence from American manufacturing censuses, 1900-20
Juan Manuel Puerta (University Pompeu Fabra)
The evolution of public social spending in Spain, 1850-1963
Sergio Espuelas-Barroso (University of Barcelona)
1730-1830 Open meeting for women in economic history
1815-1900 Council reception for new researchers and first-time delegates
1900-2015 Dinner
2030-2130 Plenary Lecture, John V Beckett (University of Nottingham), Nottingham: from Robin Hood to 21st Century City
Late bar available
Saturday 29 March 2008
0800-0900 Breakfast (provided in Rutland Hall)
0900-1045 Academic Session I (6 parallel sessions)
IA: Occupations in the Industrial Revolution (chair: Nick Crafts)
The occupational structure of England and Wales, c.1820-71
Leigh Shaw-Taylor et al (University of Cambridge)
The occupational structure of England, c.1750-c.1820
Peter Kitson et al (University of Cambridge)
Coping with rapid population growth: England in the century preceding the Great Exhibition of 1851
Tony Wrigley (University of Cambridge)
IB: Trade Flows (chair: David Ormrod)
The introduction of the English customs system in Scotland in 1707 and the rise of Scottish foreign trade thereafter (1700/1707-60): new approaches
Philipp Rössner (University of Leipzig)
The long American grain invasion of Britain: market integration and the wheat trade between North America and Britain from the eighteenth century
Paul Sharp (University of Copenhagen)
Bilateral trade flows in the European economy, 1857-75
Markus Lampe (University of Münster)
IC: Migration & Shipping Companies (chair: Katrina Honeyman)
Steerage fares and conditions of travel on the North Atlantic: evidence from the Cope Line, 1820-60
John Killick (University of Leeds)
Shipping companies and transatlantic migration costs: the case of Cunard, 1880-1914
Drew Keeling (University of Zurich)
Prepaid tickets to ride to the New World: the New York Continental Conference and transatlantic steerage fares, 1899-1914
Torsten Feys (EUI, Florence)
Fares versus Faith: determinants influencing the trans-oceanic Jewish passenger business, 1880-1924
Nicholas Evans (University of Hull)
ID: Colonial Management (chair: Nicholas White)
Déjà vu: Oil, Niger Delta and Empire: the militarisation of commerce and resource control in pre- and post-colonial Nigeria
Abayomi Kristilolu (Independent scholar, Essex)
‘Empire made me?’: British companies and extra-European cross-cultural encounters in an imperial era
Valerie Johnson
The colonial legacy in African management: West Africa and South Africa, 1950s-70s and 1990s-2000s
Stephanie Decker (Harvard Business School)
IE: Gender and Consumption (chair: Maggie Walsh)
‘For Home and Country’: The Scottish Women’s Rural Institutes and the production and consumption of agricultural produce and ‘rural’ crafts
Valerie Wright (University of Glasgow)
Women as organised consumers: the case of the Co-operative Movement
Nicole Robertson (University of Nottingham)
Consumption and gender under late socialism
Natalya Chernyshova (King’s College London)
IF: Politics & Business (chair: Valerio Cerretano)
The Canadian brewing industry’s response to Prohibition, 1878-1919
Matthew Bellamy (Carleton University)
Recycling capitalism: the political economy of waste in Victorian Britain
Tim Cooper (University of Exeter)
1045-1115 Coffee
1115-1300 Academic Session II (6 parallel sessions)
IIA: Child Labour in Industrial England
(chair: Judith Spicksley)
Child employment prospects in nineteenth-century Hertfordshire in perspective: varieties of childhood?
Nigel Goose (University of Hertfordshire)
Children in the labour market: the autobiographical evidence
Jane Humphries (University of Oxford)
‘The exploitation of little children’? Parish apprentices and factory work in early industrial England
Katrina Honeyman (University of Leeds)
IIB: >Transport/Agglomeration (chair: Max-Stephan Schulze)
Transport improvements, agglomeration economies and city productivity: at what point did nineteenth-century transport improvements raise British wages?
Nicholas Crafts (University of Warwick) & Timothy Leunig (London School of Economics)
The economic space of the industrial revolution
John Langton (University of Oxford)
The effects of new borders on trade: Central Europe 1910-33
Nikolaus Wolf (University of Warwick) et al
IIC: Liverpool and Empire (chair: Sheryllynne Haggerty)
Liverpool as a diasporic city
John Herson (Liverpool John Moores University)
Liverpool’s Asian networks, 1800-1914
Anthony Webster (Liverpool John Moores University)
Liverpool shipping and the end of Empire: the Ocean Group in Asia, c.1945-c.1970
Nicholas White (Liverpool John Moores University)
IID: Markets and Marketing (chair: Francesca Carnevali)
Corporate governance and stock market performance of German banks during the panic of 1873
Carsten Burhop (Max Planck Institute)
The first European integration: logistics, market size and giant plants in the early-twentieth century
Leslie Hannah (London School of Economics)
Mr Drage, Mr Everyman, and the creation of a mass market for domestic furniture in interwar Britain
Peter Scott (University of Reading)
IIE: Rural Housing, c.1600-1800 (chair: Margaret Yates)
The variety of ‘cottage’ housing in Durham and Norfolk, 1600-1800
Adrian Green (University of Durham)
The material lives of husbandmen, c.1600-1750
Danae Tankard (University of Reading/Weald and Downland Open Air Museum)
The Parish House in the long eighteenth century
John Broad (London Metropolitan University)
IIF: Demography (chair: Tony Wrigley)
When smaller families look contagious: a spatial look at the French fertility decline using an agent-based simulation model
Tommy Murphy (University of Bocconi) & Sandra Gonzalez-Bailón (University of Oxford)
Birth-baptism intervals in pre-industrial England and Wales
Alexander Klein (Jagiellonian University) & Stuart Basten (European University Institute)
The standard of living gains generated by the elimination of tuberculosis in twentieth-century England and Wales
Kerry Hickson (University of Cambridge)
1300-1400 Lunch
1415-1545 Meeting of Schools and Colleges Committee
1415-1600 Academic Session III (6 parallel sessions)
IIIA: Pre-Industrial City (chair: Vanessa Harding)
Rising infant mortality, social status and environment in London c.1650-1750
Richard Smith & Gill Newton (University of Cambridge)
Smallpox mortality and morbidity in late-seventeenth century Westminster
Henry Meier (University of Oxford)
The pre-industrial urban environment and the pattern of disease in eighteenth-century Westminster
Leonard Schwarz (University of Birmingham) & Jeremy Boulton (University of Newcastle)
IIIB: Industrial Revolution (chair: John Lyons)
The industrial revolution in miniature: the spinning jenny in Britain, France, and India
Robert Allen (University of Oxford)
Commercial finance during the Industrial Revolution: a study of local, national and international credit
Mina Ishizu (University of Cardiff)
The tale of two skill premia
Ahmed Rahman (United States Naval Academy)
IIIC: International Investment (chair: David Chambers)
Between Imperialism and Capitalism: European capital exports before 1914
Rui Pedro Esteves (University of Oxford)
Rule Britannia!: British stock market returns, 1825-70
Graeme Acheson (University of Ulster, Coleraine) et al (Queen’s University Belfast)
Britain and the end of the first globalisation: ‘financial crisis’, contagion and the British financial system
Mark Billings (University of Nottingham) & Forrest Capie (City University)
IIID: Medieval and Early Modern Business (chair: Jon Stobart)
Small is beautiful: why small Northern European firms survived in the late middle ages
Stuart Jenks (University of Erlangen)
Early modern commercialisation and institutional control: the role of retail guilds in the consumer revolution
Danielle van den Heuvel (University of Cambridge)
A methodological approach to estimating the money demand in pre-industrial economies: probate inventories and Spain in the eighteenth century
Esteban Nicolini (Universidad Carlos III Madrid) & Fernando Ramos (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)
IIIE: State Policy (chair: Roger Middleton)
The national competitiveness/firm competitiveness debate in Britain in the 1960s
Neil Rollings (University of Glasgow)
The origins of state intervention in industry in Britain and Italy, 1919-39
Valerio Cerretano (University of Glasgow)
IIIF: Mining and Management in British Coal Mining
(chair: Catherine Schenk)
‘The Black Jock Manager’? Mine management professionals in the Scottish coal industry, 1911-67
Andrew Perchard (University for the Highlands & Islands)
Coal industry management and the origins of the 1984-5 miners’ strike in Scotland
Jim Phillips (University of Glasgow)
After the great coal strike: the government, management and strikes, 1985-92
Chris Wrigley (University of Nottingham)
1600-1630 Tea
1730-1830 Annual General Meeting of the Economic History Society
1930-2000 Conference Reception
2000 Conference Dinner
Late bar available
Sunday 30 March 2008
0800-0900 Breakfast (provided in Rutland Hall)
0915-1015 Academic Session IV (6 parallel sessions)
IVA: Central Europe (chair: Max-Stephan Schulze)
Rural-based industry in Eastern Germany before the Great War
Scott Eddie (University of Toronto)
School, apprenticeship, or work? Children and the family economy in nineteenth-century Bohemia
Jan Hanousek (CERGE-EI) & Alexander Klein (Jagiellonian University)
IVB: Living Standards (chair: Tommy Murphy)
Tall and shrinking Muslims, short and growing Europeans: the long-run welfare development of the Middle East, 1840-1980
Jörg Baten & Mojgan Stegl (University of Tuebingen)
Prices, standards of living and material incentives in Japan, 1937-41
Janet Hunter (London School of Economics)
IVC: Italian Finance (chair: Mark Billings)
Financial intermediation and economic performance in liberal Italy, 1861-1913
Paolo di Martino (University of Manchester)
Migrant networks and Italian foreign direct investment: a cliometric perspective
Alberto Rinaldi, Marina Murat & Barbara Pistoresi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
IVD: Rich and Poor in the Middle Ages (chair: Chris Briggs)
Concentration of wealth in an early modern city (Ivrea, fifteenth-seventeenth centuries)
Guido Alfani (University of Bocconi)
Marketing secondhand and low-quality goods in late medieval England
James Davis (Queen’s University Belfast)
IVE: Work and Consumption (chair: Leonard Schwarz)
Working in an early-modern small town: Loughborough, 1580-1650
Dave Postles (University of Leicester)
Gentlemen and shopkeepers: supplying the country house in eighteenth-century England
Jon Stobart (University of Northampton)
IVF: Capital and labour (chair: Stephanie Decker)
Savings for life to build the economy for the people: the emergence of Afrikaner corporate conglomerates in South Africa, 1918-2000
Grietjie Verhoef (University of Johannesburg)
From paternalism to industrial welfare: the evolution of industrial welfare capitalism in the south Wales coalfield
Steven Thompson (University of Wales, Aberystwyth)
1015-1045 Coffee
1045-1145 Academic Session V (6 parallel sessions)
VA: India: Paths of Development (chair: Grietjie Verhoef)
Colonial village institutions, path dependence and public good provision: do peasant republics serve better than feudal estates?
Ali Cheema (Lahore University of Management Sciences) & Bilal Siddiqi (University of Oxford)
The historical roots of India’s service-led development: a sectoral analysis of Anglo-Indian productivity differences, 1870-2000
Stephen Broadberry & Bishnupriya Gupta (University of Warwick)
VB: Early Modern Credit & Wealth (chair: Philipp Rössner)
The material wealth of the labouring poor in England, 1580-1780: the evidence of probate inventories
Craig Muldrew (University of Cambridge)
Credit relationships in fifteenth-century London: evidence from the Court of Common Pleas
Matthew Stevens (University of London)
VC: Protest (chair: Chris Wrigley)
Protest and the Parish: contextualising popular protest in the early-nineteenth century
Peter D Jones (University of Birmingham)
Slaves and social protest in Brazil, 1780-1850
Dick Geary (University of Nottingham)
VD: English Cities (chair: Nigel Goose)
Pathways to modernisation and the separation of town and countryside in Britain: London and the South-East, 1580-1914
David Ormrod (University of Kent)
Internal migration in nineteenth-century England: Redford revisited
Jelle van Lottum (University of Cambridge)
VE: Exchange Rates (chair: Paolo di Martino)
Independence and interest rate setting: the Irish banks, 1952-70
Ella Kavanagh (University College Cork)
Exchange rates and the financial press, September 1931-April 1932
Christopher Godden
VF: Investors (chair: Mark Billings)
Keynes the investor
David Chambers (University of Oxford) & Elroy Dimson (London Business School)
The sleeping partners? Women shareholders in England and Wales, 1870-1935
Janette Rutterford (Open University) & Josephine Maltby (York)
1145-1300 Tawney Lecture, Bruce Campbell (Queen’s University Belfast), Nature as Historical Protagonist
1300-1400 Lunch
1400 Conference ends