The 2009 Annual Conference was held on the Central Campus at the University of Warwick, Friday 3 – Sunday 5 April. On-site residential accommodation was in student halls of residences.
Friday 3 April 2009
0915-1045 EHS Publications Committee (Chancellors 1, Rootes)
1100-1400 EHS Council (Chancellors 2, Rootes)
1200-1800 Registration (Foyer, Social Studies Building)
1400-1530 New Researchers’ Session I (6 parallel sessions)
IA: Eighteenth-Century Britain and France
(chair: Maxine Berg) (SS0.11)
Credit, networks and trust in the late-eighteenth century French Atlantic trade
Albane Forestier (London School of Economics)
Negotiating work: resistance through absenteeism at Quarry Bank Mill, Cheshire in 1790
Sarah Peers (University of Oxford)
The commercialisation of invention and the economy of knowledge: subscription systems and innovation in France andBritain in the eighteenth century
Marie Thébaud-Sorger (University of Warwick)
IB: The Long Nineteenth Century
(chair: Richard Smith) (SS0.13)
Social statistics and social policy in Hanoverian Britain
Stephen Thompson (University of Cambridge)
Marital fertility, wealth and inequality in transition era France, 1750-1850
Neil Cummins (London School of Economics)
IC: Poverty 1840-1940
(chair: Bernard Harris) (SS0.18)
Poverty and women’s work in interwar London
Jessica Bean (Cornell University)
The relief of the poor in Cheltenham and Belper Unions, 1860s to 1880s
Christine Seal (University of Leicester)
Understanding the role of work in the workhouse: bone-crushing and the negotiation of employment policy in the early years of the New Poor Law
Samantha Shave (University of Southampton)
ID: Post-1945 Political Economy
(chair: Jane Humphries) (SS0.19)
‘Someone who instinctively felt and thought as I did:’ the relationship between the Thatcher and Reagan administrations in taxation and monetary policy
James Cooper (Aberystwyth University)
Imperialism in reverse? Fiscal consequences of decolonisation in Kenya and Zambia
Leigh Gardner (University of Oxford)
The non-military issues on the Brussels Treaty Organisation agenda: in search of an explanatory framework
Peter Å vík (Slovak Academy of Sciences)
IE: Coal and Railways in the Twentieth Century
(chair: Erik Buyst) (SS0.20)
A geographical explanation of the August 1911 British railway strike
Peter Anderson (University of Oxford)
The effect of reparations on the British coal trade
Peter Braddock (University of Manchester)
The influence of ‘governmental participation’ on the concentration of coal producing companies in the countries of the European Coal and Steel Community (ECSC), 1952-67
Eline Poelmans (Catholic University of Leuven)
IF: Financial Centres and Bubbles
(chair: John Turner) (SS0.21)
The railway mania: fundamentals of a bubble
Gareth Campbell (Queen’s University Belfast)
Explaining the City of London’s changing position as a leading financial centre, 1870-1939
Sarah Cochrane (University of Oxford)
The evolution of the market microstructure of the world’s first stock exchange: the Amsterdam market for VOC-shares 1602-1700
Lodewijk Petram (University of Amsterdam)
1530-1600 Tea (Warwick Arts Centre)
1600-1730 New Researchers’ Session II (6 parallel sessions)
IIA: Pre-modern
(chair: Knick Harley) (SS0.11)
‘Red herrings and fishy business’: forgery in six medieval English towns
Catherine Casson (University of York)
The medieval usury prohibition as a barrier to entry
Mark Koyama (University of Oxford)
Apprenticeships in Rome
Susan Walker (University of Newcastle)
IIB: Commerce and Consumption, 1660-1800
(chair: Adrian Green) (SS0.13)
Commerce, the plant trade and the exchange of botanical knowledge between France and Britain, c. 1760-89
Sarah Easterby-Smith (University of Warwick)
Provincial selling: retailing and distribution in north-east England, c. 1650-1780
Judith Welford (University of Durham)
Consumption and material culture in early modern Berkshire, 1650-1750
Jameson Wooders (University of Reading)
IIC: Growth, agriculture and Trade since 1920
(chair: Paul Brassley) (SS0.18)
Economic growth or stagnation during the interwar period: the performance of British European colonies
Alexander Apostolides (London School of Economics)
New thoughts on the failure of the organic food and farming movement in postwar Britain
Erin Gill (Aberystwyth University)
Anglo-Hungarian trade relations and the nationalisation of British interests in Hungary, 1945-56
Gyula Hegedus (Eötvös Loránd University & Budapest Business School)
IID: First and Second World Wars
(chair: Peter Howlett) (SS0.19)
The British blockade and the neutral Netherlands, 1914-16
Samuël Kruizinga (University of Amsterdam)
The forgotten front: Portugal, economy and war, 1914-18
Ana Paula Pires (New University of Lisbon)
Employing the enemy: the contribution of German and Italian POWs to British agriculture during and after the Second World War
Johann Custodis (London School of Economics)
IIE: International Business
(chair: Valerio Cerretano) (SS0.20)
Managing technology to achieve industrialisation: the Korean nylon producers in the 1960s-70s
Soojeong Kang (London School of Economics)
The Portuguese Marconi Company in the worldwide communications network
Maria Inês Queiroz (New University of Lisbon)
The Building Society promise: Building Societies and home ownership in England c.1880-1913
Luke Samy (University of Oxford)
IIF: Rents, Loans and Cooperatives
(chair: Colin Lewis) (SS0.21)
Office rents in the City of London: 1867-1959
Steven Devaney (University of Aberdeen)
Killing Raiffeisenism with kindness? Credit cooperatives in Ireland, 1894-1914
Eóin McLaughlin (NUI, Maynooth)
The Funding Loan: why did the Rothschilds underwrite Brazilian bonds in 1898?
Leonardo Weller (London School of Economics)
1730-1830 Open meeting for women in economic history (SS0.19)
1815-1900 Council reception for new researchers and first-time delegates (SS0.17)
1900-2015 Dinner (Chancellors, Rootes)
2030-2130 Plenary Lecture, Nicholas FR Crafts (University of Warwick), British Relative Economic Decline Revisited
Late bar available in Rootes
Saturday 4 April 2009
0800-0900 Breakfast (provided in Rootes)
0900-1045 Academic Session I (6 parallel sessions)
IA: Historical Roots of Poverty
(chair: Sue Bowden) (SS0.21)
Politics, public expenditure and the evolution of poverty in Africa, 1920-2007
Sue Bowden (University of York) & Paul Mosley (University of Sheffield)
Chasing germs in Southern Europe: lessons for developing economies in the elimination of disease
Alvaro Pereira (Simon Fraser University)
Mineral resource abundance and regional economic growth in Spain, 1860-2000
Jordi Domenech (University of York)
IB: Long Run Economic Change in Asia
(chair: Bishnupriya Gupta) (SS0.11)
Two hundred years of economic growth in Indonesia, 1800-2000
Daan Marks & Jan Luiten van Zanden (Utrecht University)
Railroads and the Raj: the economic impact of transportation infrastructure
David Donaldson (London School of Economics)
Evolution of living standards and human capital in China, 18-20th centuries: evidence from real wages and anthropometrics
Jörg Baten (University of Tuebingen), Debin Ma (LSE), Stephen Morgan (Nottingham) & Qing Wang (Munich)
IC: Second Serfdom: Macro Perspectives
(chair: Rick Trainor) (SS0.13)
European yeomanries: a non-immiseration model of agrarian social history 1350-1800
William W Hagen (University of California, Davis)
Russian serfdom in a global history perspective
Alessandro Stanziani (Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique)
Inputs and outputs to primary education in Tsarist Russia
Steven Nafziger (Williams College)
ID: Finance
(chair: Paolo di Martino) (SS0.18)
‘Between a rock and a hard place’: British banks and working class customers, 1945-70
Alan Booth (University of Exeter) & Mark Billings (University of Nottingham)
Spreading the net: distance, shareholding and the geography of risk in England and Wales 1870-1935
David Green (King’s College London) & Janette Rutterford (Open University)
Predicting institutional collapse: stock markets, political violence and the Spanish Civil War, 1920-36
Stefan O Houpt & Stefano Battilossi (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)
IE: International Trade
(chair: Matthias Morys) (SS0.19)
The art of simulation; or, did the Third French Republic just pretend to be protectionist?
Jean-Pierre Dormois (University of Strasbourg)
US-Portuguese trade in the era of the first real world war and beyond: instability and opportunity, 1796-1831
Jari Eloranta (Appalachian State University) & Cristina Moreira (Universidade do Minho)
Trade booms, trade busts, and trade costs
Christopher Meissner (University of California, Davis), David S Jacks (Simon Fraser & NBER) & Dennis Novy (Warwick)
IF: Health
(chair: Barry Doyle) (SS0.20)
Analysing long-term trends in sickness and health: further evidence from the Hampshire Friendly Society
Martin Gorsky (London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine), Aravinda Guntupalli, Bernard Harris & Andrew Hinde (University of Southampton)
Milk, meat, men, women and modernity
Beatrice Moring (University of Cambridge)
Reassessing the decline of smallpox in later Georgian London: a new approach
Leonard Schwarz (University of Birmingham) & Jeremy Boulton (University of Newcastle)
1045-1115 Coffee (Warwick Arts Centre)
1115-1300 Academic Session II (6 parallel sessions)
IIA: Women and Academic Careers
(chair: Francesca Carnevali) (SS0.21)
Women and economic history research in UK higher education: results from the EHS census
Helen Julia Paul (University of Southampton)
The gender pay gap in academia
James Walker, Marina Della Giusta (University of Reading) & Anna Vignoles (Institute of Education, London)
Economic history careers and LSE
Janet Hunter (London School of Economics)
Women in economics
Jane Humphries (University of Oxford)
IIB: Social Networks
(chair: Anne Murphy) (SS0.11)
The role of social networks in the bankruptcies of early modern merchant-financiers
Thomas Max Safley (University of Pennsylvania)
The failure of the protectorate excise farms: social network theory and the management of counter-party risk
D’Maris D Coffman (University of Cambridge)
Financial crises and bankruptcy in early eighteenth-century England
Ann M Carlos (University of Colorado)
IIC: Second Serfdom: Micro Perspectives
(chair: Steven Nafziger) (SS0.13)
Explaining the rise of the early modern demesne economy (Gutswirtschaft) in East-central Europe: a critique of existing models
Markus Cerman (University of Vienna)
Contract enforcement in Russian serf society
Tracy Dennison (California Institute of Technology)
The effects of manorial institutions on peasant household patterns in late eighteenth-century Eastern Europe: theory, practice and regional disparities
Mikolaj Szoltysek (Max Planck Institute)
IID: Macroeconomic History
(chair: Stephen Broadberry) (SS0.18)
Gold, money and prices during the Napoleonic Wars: was Ricardo right?
George Chouliarakis & Paolo Di Martino (University of Manchester)
The dynamics of consumption and investment in the late Victorian economy
Nicholas Dimsdale (University of Oxford)
Business cycles in South-East Europe 1870s-1939
Matthias Morys (University of York) & Martin Ivanov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
IIE: Labour
(chair: Roman Studer) (SS0.19)
Referral and job performance: evidence from the Ghana Colonial Army
Marcel Fafchamps (University of Oxford) & Alexander Moradi (University of Sussex)
‘The lowest edge of the black-coated class’: the family expenditures of Edwardian railway clerks
Peter Scott & James Walker (University of Reading)
IIF: Empire
(chair: James Foreman-Peck) (SS0.20)
Imperialism reconsidered: using the economic theory of institutions to explain imperial history
Mark Casson, Ken Dark (University of Reading) & Mohamed Azzim Gulamhussen (ISCTE, Lisbon)
Regional economies in the Roman Empire: a case study in the upper Valle Latina, Italy
Eric C de Sena (John Cabot University, Rome)
Europe meets Africa: the uses and abuses of debt in the Atlantic slave trade
Judith Spicksley (University of Hull)
1300-1400 Lunch (Rootes)
1415-1545 Meeting of Schools and Colleges Committee (SS0.17)
1415-1600 Academic Session III (6 parallel sessions)
IIIA: Learning by Doing in the First Financial Crisis
(chair: Ann M Carlos) (SS0.11)
Learning to speculate: the deals of Lord Londonderry, 1717-27
Larry Neal (London School of Economics)
Learning to invest: the financial choices of Charles Blunt, 1692-1720
Anne Murphy (University of Exeter)
Arbitrage and simple financial market efficiency during the South Sea Bubble: a comparative study of the Royal African and South Sea Companies’ subscription share issues
Gary Shea (University of St Andrews)
IIIB: Business Networks
(chair: Tim Leunig) (SS0.13)
Inheritance strategies amongst small business families in Liverpool and Manchester, 1760-1820
Hannah Barker & Mina Ishizu (University of Manchester)
The strength and persistence of entrepreneurial cultures in the twentieth century
James Foreman-Peck (Cardiff University)
Visual analytics and eighteenth-century business networks: pretty useful?
Sheryllynne Haggerty (University of Nottingham) & John Haggerty (Liverpool John Moores University)
IIIC: Medieval
(chair: Margaret Yates) (SS0.18)
Credit finance in the Middle Ages
Tony K Moore (University of Reading)
Currency unions, optimal currency areas and the integration of financial markets: Central Europe, 14-16th centuries
Lars Boerner (European University Institute) & Oliver Volckart (London School of Economics)
The working year of English day labourers, c. 1300-1830
Jacob L Weisdorf (University of Copenhagen) & Robert C Allen (University of Oxford)
IIID: Economic Growth
(chair: Nicholas Dimsdale) (SS0.19)
Did globalisation lead to segmentation? Identifying cross-country growth regimes in the long-run, 1870-2003
Gianfranco Di Vaio (LUISS Guido Carli University) & Kerstin Enflo (University of Copenhagen)
Debating the ‘national interest’: some under-appreciated connections between constitutional change and national economic growth in England, 1660-1720
William Pettigrew (University of Oxford)
Mr Woodcroft and the value of English patents of invention, 1617-1852
Alessandro Nuvolari (St. Anna School of Advanced Studies, Pisa) & Valentina Tartari (Imperial College London)
IIIE: Early Modern
(chair: Nigel Goose) (SS0.20)
Women’s transmission of landed property in early-modern Yorkshire
Amanda Capern (University of Hull)
Public economy and private interests: commercial navigation in sixteenth-century Venice
Claire Judde de Larivière (University of Toulouse)
Insipid or intrepid luxury: the material culture of the long eighteenth century viewed through documents relating to English retail history
Karin Dannehl & Nancy Cox (University of Wolverhampton)
IIIF: Industry
(chair: Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez) (SS0.21)
The making of the pharmaceutical industry: sunk costs, market size and market structure, 1800-2000
Gerben Bakker (London School of Economics)
The English cotton spinning industry, 1770–1840, as revealed in the columns of the London Gazette
Peter M Solar (Free University Brussels) & John S Lyons (Miami University)
1600-1630 Tea (Warwick Arts Centre)
1630-1730 Douglas Farnie in Memoriam (SS0.21)
John Wilson (University of Liverpool)
1730-1830 AGM of the Economic History Society (SS0.20)
1930-2000 Conference Reception (Panorama Suite, Rootes)
1930-2000 Book launch, supported by CUP (Panorama Suite), The British Industrial Revolution in Global Perspective, Robert C Allen
2000 Conference Dinner (Panorama Suite, Rootes)
Late bar available (Panorama Suite, Rootes)
Sunday 5 April 2009
0800-0900 Breakfast (provided in Rootes)
0915-1015 Academic Session IV (5 parallel sessions)
IVA: Government and Markets
(chair: Roger Middleton) (SS0.21)
The market and the lighthouse: public goods in historical perspective
Erik Lindberg (Uppsala University)
The economy of obligation: contract ambiguity and the welfare state
Avner Offer (University of Oxford)
IVB: Children
(chair: Nigel Goose) (SS0.11)
The quantity and quality of children before the demographic transition: evidence from Prussia
Francesco Cinnirella (Ifo Institute for Economic Research), Sascha O Becker (Stirling) & Ludger Woessmann (Munich)
‘Family strategy’ and the changing uses of child labour in New England, 1650-1840
Gloria L Main (University of Colorado)
IVC: Agricultural Trade
(chair: Peter Solar) (SS0.18)
Frontier farmers and the Atlantic economy: another look at the causes of the American grain invasion of Britain in the nineteenth century
Karl Gunnar Persson & Paul Sharp (University of Copenhagen)
Response to technological change: the international wine industry, 1850-1914
James Simpson (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)
IVD: Institutions
(chair: Tommy Murphy) (SS0.19)
The political economy of fiscal prudence in historical perspective
Mark Dincecco (IMT Lucca Institute for Advanced Studies)
Land transmission among tenants on noble land – the case of southern Sweden, 1766-1895
Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson & Patrick Svensson (Lund University)
IVE: Twentieth-Century Europe
(chair: Valerio Cerretano) (SS0.20)
European multinationals and European cartels: insights from the rayon industry, 1920-40
Valerio Cerretano (University of Glasgow)
The Marshall Plan and the European automobile industry, 1945-52
Sigfrido Ramírez Pérez (GERPISA, Université d’Evry-Val d’Essonne)
1015-1045 Coffee (Warwick Arts Centre)
1045-1145 Academic Session V (6 parallel sessions)
VA: Inequality
(chair: John S Lyons) (SS0.11)
A tale of two cities: gender and health inequality in London and Glasgow in the nineteenth century
David Meredith & Deborah Oxley (University of Oxford)
Inter-regional and intra-regional inequality in nineteenth-century Austria
Michael Pammer (Johannes Kepler University)
VB: Poverty and Affluence
(chair: Nicola Verdon) (SS0.13)
The end of destitution: poverty among working households in Britain, 1904-38
Ian Gazeley & Andrew Newell (University of Sussex)
Affluence in the making: the household budget enquiry of 1953-4
Shinobu Majima (Gakushuin University, Tokyo)
VC: The Ties that Bind
(chair: Karin Dannehl) (SS0.21)
The impact of Common Law developments on the development of the tied-house system: 1890-1915
Mark Wilson (Australian National University)
Why did apprentices quit in early modern England?
Tim Leunig, Chris Minns & Patrick Wallis (London School of Economics)
VD: Postwar Britain
(chair: Neil Rollings) (SS0.18)
Understanding the ordinary housewife: advertising and consumer research in Britain 1948-67
Sean Nixon (University of Essex)
The cross-class alliance against earnings-related pensions in Britain in the 1950s
Hugh Pemberton (University of Bristol)
VE: Human Capital, Institutions and Growth
(chair: Aashish Velkar) (SS0.19)
From sail to steam and beyond – the skill bias of technological change in the US Navy, 1860-1910
Darrell Glaser & Ahmed Rahman (United States Naval Academy)
VF: Economics of Investment
(chair: Gary Shea) (SS0.20)
The changing role of dividend policies: an empirical analysis for the Netherlands 1945-2006
Abe de Jong & Henry van Beusichem (Erasmus University)
Long run outcomes of conservation expenditures: watershed destruction, rehabilitation and protection in Hawaii
Brooks A Kaiser (Gettysburg College and University of Hawaii)
1145-1300 Tawney Lecture (Warwick Arts Centre LT), Robert C Allen (University of Oxford), Why was the Industrial Revolution British?
1300-1400 Lunch (Rootes)
1400 Conference ends