2010 EHS Annual Conference

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The 2010 Annual Conference was held at Collingwood College and the Science SiteUniversity of Durham, Friday 26 – Sunday 28 March. On-site residential accommodation was in student halls of residence at Collingwood College.


2010 Conference Booklet


Conference Programme and Papers (where provided)


Friday 26 March 2010

0915-1045 Meeting of EHS Publications Committee (Dales Suite, CC)

1045-1345 Meeting of EHS Council (Penthouse A/B, CC)

1200-1800 Registration (Foyer, Calman Learning Centre, SS)

1345 Shuttle bus from Collingwood College to Science Site (or a 10-minute walk)

1400-1530 New Researchers’ Session I (6 parallel sessions)


IA: Nutrition, Height and Disease (chair: Jeremy Boulton) (Rm 228/229, Earth Sciences)

Global height trends and the determinants of anthropometric welfare, 1810s-1980s

Matthias Blum & Joerg Baten (University of Tuebingen)

The Newcastle Dispensary, 1780-1851: towards an assessment of the ‘common disease experience’ of Britain’s ‘northern metropolis’

Graham A Butler (University of Newcastle)

Nutritional status in pre-historic and historic Europe

Nikola Koepke (University of Oxford)

IB: Accountancy, State Formation and Environment before 1550 (chair: Benajmin Dodds) (Rm 230, Earth Sciences)

Adoption and development of accounting practices and procedures at Durham Cathedral Priory c. 1250-c. 1350

Alisdair Dobie (University of Durham)

The Somerset gentry during the reigns of Henry VII and Henry VIII

Simon Lambe (St. Mary’s University College)

Between famine and plague: the impact of environmental and institutional crises on nutrition in late-medieval England, c.1300-50

Philip Slavin (Yale University)

IC: Early Modern I: Banking, Industry and Innovation (chair: Ranald Michie) (Rm 231, Earth Sciences)

Distrust, innovations, and public service: ‘projecting’ in seventeenth- and early eighteenth-century England

Koji Yamamoto (King’s College London)

Grey gold at the frontier of change: the Bowes family estate’s role in the North East lead industry, 1550-1760

John Brown (University of Durham)

Learning from crises: the example of private bankers in the aftermath of the South Sea Bubble

Gareth Turner (University of Durham)

ID: Twentieth Century I: Banks and Bonds (chair: Abe de Jong) (Kingsley Barrett, Calman)

Interbank competition and financial stability: the case of Dutch cooperative banks in the early twentieth century

Christopher L Colvin (London School of Economics)

Marching in the storms: the Chinese bond market 1918-42

Chun-Yu Ho (Georgia Institute of Technology) & Dan Li (Fudan University)

The effects of regulatory reform on the strategies and performance of Dutch banks

Pooyan Ghazizadeh, Abe de Jong (Erasmus University) & Gerarda Westerhuis (Utrecht University)

IE: Trade and Transport (chair: Peter Howlett) (Rosemary Cramp, Calman)

Neutrality for self-benefit? Spanish trade in the Second World War

Eric Golson (London School of Economics)

Borders, market access and urban growth: Saxon towns and the Zollverein

Florian Ploeckl (University of Oxford)


1530-1600 Tea (Calman & Earth Sciences, SS)

1600-1730 New Researchers’ Session II (6 parallel sessions)


IIA: Wages, Inflation and Economic Crisis, 1400-1700 (chair: Benjamin Dodds) (Rm 228/229, Earth Sciences)

Rising wages in fifteenth-century English agriculture

Gerald Liu (University of Durham)

The economic problems of the 1690s: social consequences, official responses and popular reactions

Brodie Waddell (University of York)

IIB: Christian Socialism, Business and Finance in the Nineteenth century (chair: Colin Lewis) (Rm 230, Earth Sciences)

The contribution of business networks to the formation of the Cleveland iron industry cluster, 1840-80

Stephen James (University of Durham)

Christian Socialism, economic discourse and the ‘conversion of the economists’, 1880-1914

Daniel Budden (University of Swansea)

Institutions, sovereign risk and taxation: international financial control in the Ottoman Empire, Greece and Egypt

Ali Coskun Tunçer (London School of Economics)

IIC: Early Modern II: Commerce, Consumption and Culture (chair: Maxine Berg) (Rm 231, Earth Sciences)

A case-study of social inequality and consumption in the city of Alost, 1672-1750

Wouter Ryckbosch (University of Antwerp)

Consuming production: representations of ceramic manufacturing in late eighteenth-century Britain

Kate Smith (University of Warwick)

IID: 1750-1850 II: Labour and Education (chair: John Lyons) (Derman Christopherson, Calman)

Does neoclassical theory accurately describe historical labour markets? The case of women in textiles, 1780-1850

Paul Minoletti (University of Oxford)

Consent and consumption: the binding of chimney sweep apprentices, c.1780-1840

Niels van Manen (University of York)

IIE: Twentieth Century II: UK (chair: Jim Phillips) (Kingsley Barrett, Calman)

Picking winners? Renewable energy policy in the UK, 1974-88

Campbell Wilson (University of Glasgow)

From civil liberties to human rights: British civil liberties activism and the New World Order

Christopher Moores (University of Birmingham)

Explaining British voluntarism: unions, wage differentials, and the introduction of the statutory national minimum wage

Dennie Oude-Nijhuis (Leiden University)

IIF: Development and Industry in Asia (and Sweden) (chair: Tim Leunig) (Ken Wade LT, Calman)

Resource-led development across space and time

Lars Bruno (Norwegian School of Economics and Business Administration)

Economic instability and economic growth in Singapore in the twentieth century

Ichiro Sugimoto (Soka University)


1730 Shuttle bus from Science Site to Collingwood College (or a 10-minute walk)

1740-1840 Open meeting for women in economic history (Penthouse, CC)

1815-1900 Council reception for new researchers and first-time delegates (Dales Suite, CC)

1900-2015 Dinner (Dining Hall, CC)

2030-2130 Plenary Lecture (Penthouse A/B, CC), Commercialization in Global Perspective, 800-1300, Richard Britnell (University of Durham)

2135-2145 Meeting of NR Prize Committee (Penthouse Boardroom, CC)

Late bar available (Bar, CC)


Saturday 27 March 2010

0800-0845 Breakfast (provided in halls of residence, CC)

0845 Shuttle bus from Collingwood College to Science Site (or a 10-minute walk)

0900-1045 Academic Session I (6 parallel sessions)


IA: Integrated Census Microdata (chair: Andrew Hinde) (Rm 228/229, Earth Sciences)

An overview of the I-CeM project

Kevin Schürer (University of Essex)

The work of the I-CeM project team

Edward Higgs (University of Essex)

Possibilities for new research based on I-CeM

Kevin Schürer & Edward Higgs (University of Essex)

IB: Industry (chair: Roger Middleton) (Rm 230, Earth Sciences)

‘Made in Britain’: the manufacturing and marketing of British household goods, 1851-1914

Francesca Carnevali (University of Birmingham) & Lucy Newton (University of Reading)

Cross-border corporate cooperation, technology transfer and industrial development: evidence from the global rayon industry, 1900-40

Valerio Cerretano (University of Glasgow)

IC: Agriculture (chair: Richard Hoyle) (Rm 231, Earth Sciences)

Agrarian change and crisis in Europe, 1200-1500

Harry Kitsikopoulos (New York University)

Agriculture and community in Elizabethan England: the Duchy of Lancaster survey books for the South and Midlands, 1591

Jonathan Healey (University of Oxford)

Agricultural production and demography: the demographic response to local grain output in southern Sweden 1700-1860

Martin Dribe, Mats Olsson & Patrick Svensson (Lund University)

ID: Occupational Structure (chair: Stephen Broadberry ) (Ken Wade LT, Calman)

The occupational structure of England and Wales c.1700-c.1850

Leigh Shaw-Taylor (University of Cambridge)

By-employment and historical occupational structures in comparative perspective

Osamu Saito (Hitotsubashi University)

The value of geographical discrimination: the population of England 1801-51

Tony Wrigley (University of Cambridge)

IE: Discrimination and Tobacco (chair: Tim Hatton) (Kingsley Barrett, Calman)

Testing for wage discrimination in nineteenth-century US manufacturing

Joyce Burnette (Wabash College)

Piece-rates and prosperity: evidence from the late nineteenth-century tobacco industry

Maria Stanfors (Lund University) & Tim Leunig (London School of Economics)

Alcohol, tobacco and intra-familial power structures

Beatrice Moring (University of Cambridge)

IF: Stock Markets (chair: Carsten Burhop) (Derman Christopherson, Calman)

The Bubble on the margins: The South Sea Bubble in Ireland and Scotland

Patrick Walsh (University College Dublin)

Explaining the performance of Initial Public Offerings in Imperial Germany, 1897-1914: the role of reputation

Sibylle Lehmann (Humboldt University)

The value of regulation and reputation: IPO survival in London and Berlin, 1900-13

Carsten Burhop (Max Planck Institute) & David Chambers (University of Cambridge)


1045-1115 Coffee (Calman & Earth Sciences, SS)

1115-1300 Academic Session II (6 parallel sessions)


IIA: Mortality (chair: Richard Smith) (Rm 228/229, Earth Sciences)

‘Great mortality and pestilence, emptied, wasted, destitute and despoiled’: crisis or opportunity in late medievalWindsor?

David Lewis

Plague in seventeenth-century Europe and the Italian economic decline: an epidemiological hypothesis

Guido Alfani (Bocconi University)

The disappearance of adult smallpox in eighteenth-century London

Romola Davenport (University of Cambridge), Jeremy Boulton (University of Newcastle) & Leonard Schwarz (University ofBirmingham)

IIB: The Romance of Jute (chair: George Peden) (Rm 230, Earth Sciences)

The decline of Jute and the de-globalization of Dundee

Jim Tomlinson (University of Dundee)

‘Blowing the bottom out of Jute’?: Government and industry relationships in the Jute industry 1957-63

Carlo Morelli (University of Dundee)

A woman’s industry? The role of women in the workforce of the Dundee jute industry c. 1945-79

Valerie Wright (University of Dundee)

IIC: European Growth before 1850 (chair: John Lyons) (Ken Wade LT, Calman)

British economic growth, 1300-1850: some preliminary estimates

Stephen Broadberry (University of Warwick), Bruce Campbell (Queen’s University Belfast), Alexander Klein (University of Warwick), Mark Overton (University of Exeter) & Bas van Leeuwen (University of Warwick)

Italian GDP, 1300-1913

Paolo Malanima (Institute of Studies on Mediterranean Studies, ISSM-CNR)

The rise and fall of Spain, 1270-1850

Carlos Alvarez-Nogal & Leandro Prados de la Escosura (University Carlos III Madrid)

IID: Education (chair: Peter Howlett) (Derman Christopherson, Calman)

Did high stakes testing policies result in divergence or convergence in educational performance and financing across counties in Victorian England?

David Mitch (University of Maryland Baltimore County)

Catch me if you can: education and catch-up in the industrial revolution

Erik Hornung, Ludger Woessman (University of Munich) & Sascha O Becker (University of Stirling)

IIE: Institutions and Shipping (chair: Knick Harley) (Kingsley Barrett, Calman)

Public service and private trade in the early modern Mediterranean: English seamen and the Venetian courts of law in the seventeenth century

Maria Fusaro (University of Exeter)

Russian port customs, Anton Chekhov and Maris Vagliano, the ‘Emperor’ of Azov Sea: confronting institutions in the Russian Empire, 1880s

Gelina Harlaftis (Ionian University)

Government and the British shipping industry in the 1960s and 1970s

Sarah Palmer (University of Greenwich)

IIF: Money (chair: Paolo di Martino) (Rm 231, Earth Sciences)

Good or bad money? A comparative analysis of debasement in the late middle ages

David Chilosi & Oliver Volckart (London School of Economics)

Sugar and metals as commodity money in colonial Brazil

Fernando Lima (Federal University of Rio de Janeiro)

The retirement of sterling as a reserve currency after 1945: lessons for the US dollar?

Catherine Schenk (University of Glasgow)


1300 Shuttle bus from Science Site to Collingwood College (or a 10-minute walk)

1310-1410 Lunch (Dining Hall, CC)

1410 Shuttle bus from Collingwood College to Science Site (or a 10-minute walk)

1415-1600 Academic Session III (6 parallel sessions)


IIIA: British Historical Statistics (chair: Roger Middleton) (Ken Wade LT, Calman)

Introduction to the British Historical Statistics project

Roger Middleton (University of Bristol)

US Historical statistics perspective

Richard Sutch (University of California, Riverside)

Medieval/early modern statistics

Nigel Goose (University of Hertfordshire)

Modern statistics

Michael Turner (University of Hull)

IIIB: Business Organisation (chair: Valerio Cerretano) (Rm 230, Earth Sciences)

Between commercial law and company rules: the ownership and control of modern Portuguese corporations, 1850-1914

Jaime Reis (University of Lisbon) & Pedro Neves (Technical University of Lisbon)

From public to private: Fascist privatization in 1920s Italy

Germà Bel (University of Barcelona)

IIIC: Land (chair: Steve Hindle) (Rm 231, Earth Sciences)

The market in freehold land 1300-1500: the contribution of feet of fines

Margaret Yates (University of Reading)

The other rural relationship: labour

Richard W Hoyle (University of Reading)

Was land reform necessary? Access to land in Spain, 1904-34

Juan Carmona Pidal & Joan R Rosés (University Carlos III Madrid)

IIID: Gendering Labour Markets in 18th- and early 19th-century England

(chair: Jane Humphries) (Derman Christopherson, Calman)

Men’s unemployment and job opportunities for women: an analysis of the 1834 Poor Law Report

Chiaki Yamamoto (Osaka University)

Service, gender and wages in England, 1700-1850

Jacob F Field (University of Cambridge)

Marital status and economic activity: interpreting spinsters, wives and widows in pre-census population listings

Amy Erickson (University of Cambridge)

IIIE: Development of Economic History (chairs: Peter Kirby & Chris Godden) (Kingsley Barrett, Calman)

W.J. Ashley 1860-1927: from historical economics to economic history

Keith Tribe (University of Sussex)

The International Economic History Association: world congresses and Cold War legacies

Maxine Berg (University of Warwick)

Theory and fact in the practice of economic history in America and Europe since the ‘Cliometrics Revolution’

John S Lyons (Miami University)

IIIF: Finance (chair: Anne Murphy) (Rm 228/229, Earth Sciences)

The profits and pitfalls of lending to the king: the Frescobaldi of Florence and the English Crown, c.1299-1311

Tony Moore (University of Reading)

Financial intermediation and late development: the case of Meiji Japan, 1868-1912

John Tang (University of Maryland)


1600-1620 Tea (Calman & Earth Sciences, SS)

1620 Shuttle bus from Science Site to Collingwood College (or a 10-minute walk)

1630-1730 Meet the editors of the British Historical Statistics Project (Penthouse A/B, CC)

(including a demonstration of the US Millennial Historical Statistics Project) Roger Middleton et al

1630-1730 Meeting of Schools & Colleges Committee (Dales Suite, CC)

1730-1830 AGM of the EHS (Penthouse Boardroom, CC)

1915-1945 Conference Reception (Penthouse A/B, CC)

Book launch (supported by Cambridge University Press), An economic history of Europe: knowledge, institutions and growth: 800 to present, Karl Gunnar Persson

1945 Conference Dinner (Dining Hall, CC)

Late bar available (Bar, CC)


Sunday 28 March 2010

0800-0900 Breakfast (provided in halls of residence, CC)

0900 Shuttle bus from Collingwood College to Science Site (or a 10-minute walk)

0915-1015 Academic Session IV (6 parallel sessions)


IVA: UK Regional Incomes (chair: Tim Leunig) (Rm 228/229, Earth Sciences)

An income-based estimate of Gross Domestic Product for all-Ireland in 1901

Jason Begley (Coventry University)

Estimates of Regional GDP (GVA) in the United Kingdom 1901-2001

Frank Geary & Thomas Stark (University of Ulster)

IVB: Miners (chair: Jim Tomlinson) (Rm 230, Earth Sciences)

‘Saint Monday’ and the miners, 1775-1864

Peter Kirby (University of Manchester)

The moral economy of the Scottish industrial community: new perspectives on the 1984-5 miners’ strike

Jim Phillips (University of Glasgow)

IVC: Interwar Britain (chair: Carol Heim) (Rm 231, Earth Sciences)

That’s the way the money goes: expenditure smoothing and household budgeting in interwar Britain

Peter Scott & James Walker (University of Reading)

Innovation, industrial competitiveness and British regions in the interwar period

John Cantwell (Rutgers Business School) & Anna Spadavecchia (University of Reading)

IVD: Colonies (chair: Guillaume Daudin) (Derman Christopherson, Calman)

Colonies, copper and economic development in Britain, 1680-1720

Nuala Zahedieh (University of Edinburgh)

Heart of darkness: did French colonial investment pay, 1919-39?

Muriel Konczyk & Antoine Parent (University of Lille 2)

IVE: Real Wages (chair: Joyce Burnette) (Kingsley Barrett, Calman)

Rice prices, rain wages of carpenters and skill premium in Kyoto c.1260-1600: a comparison with London, Florence, Istanbul, and Cairo

Jean-Pascal Bassino (Montpellier III University), Kyoji Fukao & Masanori Takashima (Hitotsubashi University)

Squeezing the lemon: labour conflict and real wages in the Basque Country, 1900-30

Juan Carlos Rojo Cagigal & Stefan Houpt (University Carlos III Madrid)

IVF: Human Capital (chair: Paul Sharp) (Ken Wade LT, Calman)

The child quantity-quality trade-off: evidence from the population history of England

Jacob Weisdorf & Marc Klemp (University of Copenhagen)

Infant mortality and the health of survivors: Britain, 1910-50

Timothy J Hatton (Australian National University & University of Essex)

1015-1045 Coffee (Calman & Eath Sciences, SS)

1045-1145 Academic Session V (6 parallel sessions)

VA: Globalisation (chair: Jacob Weisdorf) (Ken Wade LT, Calman)

World and national wheat market integration in the nineteenth century: a comovement analysis

Martin Uebele (University of Münster)

The strange birth of liberal Denmark: Danish trade protection and the growth of the dairy industry in the mid-nineteenth century

Markus Lampe (University Carlos III Madrid), Ingrid Henriksen & Paul Sharp (University of Copenhagen)

VB: Nineteenth-Century England (chair: David Mitch) (Rm 230, Earth Sciences)

Canals, rivers, and the industrial city: Manchester’s industrial waterfront, 1750-1850

Peter Maw (Manchester Metropolitan University)

Migration, economic development and human capital in early Victorian England

Peter Kitson & Jelle van Lottum (University of Cambridge)

VC: Southern Europe (chair: Valerio Cerretano) (Rm 231, Earth Sciences)

Economic growth and the convergence of grain markets at the end of the middle ages: the south-eastern Iberian Peninsula in the 15th-16th centuries

Jorge Ortuño Molina (University of Murcia)

Are interlocking directorates good for your growth?

Martin Ivanov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)

VD: Institutions and Exchange (chair: Helen Paul) (Derman Christopherson, Calman)

Death, debt and labour: slavery as a form of exchange

Judith Spicksley (University of Hull)

The rise of Europe and Atlantic trade: did institutions do it?

Guillaume Daudin (University of Lille 1)

VE: Credit and Debt (chair: Paolo di Martino) (Kingsley Barrett, Calman)

The grand palladium of public credit: the Bank of England in the later eighteenth century

Anne L Murphy (University of Hertfordshire)

Portuguese public debt and financial business

Maria Eugénia Mata (New University of Lisbon)

VF: Stature (chair: Bernard Harris) (Rm 228/229, Earth Sciences)

Adjustment of age-related height decline for Chinese: a ‘natural experiment’ longitudinal survey using archival data

Stephen Morgan (University of Nottingham)


1145-1300 Tawney Lecture (Rosemary Cramp, Calman), Children of the Revolution: Child Labour in British Industrialization, Jane Humphries (University of Oxford)

1300 Shuttle bus from Science Site to Collingwood College (or a 10-minute walk)

1315-1415 Lunch (Dining Hall, CC)

1415 Conference ends