The 2011 Annual Conference was held at Robinson College, University of Cambridge, Friday 1 – Sunday 3 April. On site residential accommodation was in student halls of residence.
0915-1045 Meeting of Economic History Society Publications Committee (Seminar Room)
1045-1345 Meeting of Economic History Society Council (JCR)
1200-1800 Registration (Auditorium Foyer)
1400-1530 NEW RESEARCHERS’ SESSION I (6 parallel sessions)
The outsider as insider: foreign-born economic advisers in the first Wilson governments
Agnes Simon
Public social and welfare spending in the UK, 1830-1950: data, trends and explanations
Martin Earley (University of Bristol)
IB: FISCAL AND MONETARY POLICY (chair: Anne Murphy) (Music Room)
An overview of the growth and economic effects of Estate Duty in Britain, Part One: precedent taxes and genesis
Marie Fletcher (University of the West of Scotland)
The restoration of the Gold Standard after the US Civil War: a volatility analysis
Max Meulemann (ETH, Zürich)
A unified Italy? Sovereign debt and investor scepticism
Stéphanie Collet (Université Libre de Bruxelles/LSE)
IC: EARLY MODERN HISTORY (chair: Jon Stobart) (Garden Room)
Economic growth and living standards in the early modern Low Countries: the city of ‘s-Hertogenbosch, 1500-1650
Jord Hanus (University of Antwerp)
The emergence of agrarian capitalism in early modern England: a reconsideration of farm sizes
Joseph Barker (University of Cambridge)
ID: PRE-COLONIAL AND POST-COLONIAL HISTORY (chair: Bishnupriya Gupta) (Linnett Room)
Ecology, trade and states in pre-colonial Africa
James Fenske (University of Oxford)
Making history or history effects? British decolonisation in sub-Saharan Africa
Giulio Marchisio (University of Durham) & Andrea Ruggeri (University of Amsterdam)
Military service and human capital accumulation: evidence from colonial Punjab
Oliver Vanden Eynde (London School of Economics)
IE: WOMEN AND THE ECONOMY (chair: Jane Humphries) (Auditorium Lounge)
Women and property reconsidered: new evidence on the ownership and leasing of land by women during the nineteenth century
Janet Casson (University of Oxford)
The role of the firm in occupational feminisation: the case of the Swedish commercial bank sector, 1865-1938
Kajsa Holmberg (Lund University)
IF: TRADE (chair: Maxine Berg) (Umney Theatre)
Monopoly and private trade: ‘rival empires of trade in the Orient’ revisited, 1600-1800
Chris Nierstrasz (University of Warwick)
Trust and trade in the middle Atlantic: the Liverpool-New York merchant community, 1763-1833
Emily Buchnea (University of Nottingham)
1530-1600 Tea (Marquee)
1600-1730 NEW RESEARCHERS’ SESSION II (6 parallel sessions)
IIA: SCOTLAND (chair: Jim Tomlinson) (Games Room)
Middling sort credit networks in Edinburgh, 1730-70
Tawny Paul (University of Edinburgh)
The ‘steel unions’ and occupational health and safety: a developing collective ethos
David Bradley (Glasgow Caledonian University)
The role of foreign investment in the development of the Calcutta jute industry: a case study of Thomas Duff & Co, 1874-1900
Alexis Wearmouth (University of Dundee)
IIB: INSTITUTIONS AND RULES (chair: Tommy Murphy) (Music Room)
War and inquisition: social control in the Spanish Empire
Jordi Vidal-Robert (Boston University)
Formal and informal networks in fifteenth-century Florence
Helen Roberts (University of Warwick)
IIC: POST-SECOND WORLD WAR EUROPE (chair: Rui Esteves) (Garden Room)
Postwar reconstruction and the West German export miracle
Tamás Vonyó (University of Groningen)
Calvet de Magalhães: Portugal and Europe
Isabel Valente (University of Coimbra)
IID: LAND (chair: Francesco Cinnirella) (Linnett Room)
The urban back garden in England in the long nineteenth century
Zoë Crisp (University of Cambridge)
Landownership concentration and the expansion of education in nineteenth-century Prussia
Erik Hornung & Francesco Cinnirella (ifo Institute for Economic Research)
Geographic clustering and productivity: an instrumental variable approach for classical composers
Karol Borowiecki (Trinity College Dublin)
Crisis? What crisis? New estimates of industrial value-added in Italy during the Great Depression
Ferdinando Giugliano (University of Oxford)
Battleships and dividends: the development of private armaments companies in Great Britain and Italy, 1863-1914
Giulio Marchisio (University of Durham)
IIF: MARRIAGE AND THE FAMILY (chair: Peter Howlett) (Umney Theatre)
The impact of immigration upon family life: the case of Indian seafarers, c.1900-50
Ceri-Anne Fidler (Cardiff University)
Marriage and mobility: the marriage patterns of British generals, 1701-1815
Andrew Wood (London School of Economics)
Playing a waiting game? A reassessment of the relationship between late marriage, economic well-being and extra-marital fertility in the Gurk Valley, Austria, at the turn of the 20th century
Catherine Sumnall (University of Cambridge)
1730-1830 Open meeting for women in economic history (Linnett Room)
1815-1900 Council reception for new researchers and first-time delegates (Garden Restaurant)
1900-2015 Dinner (Dining Hall)
2030-2130 Plenary Lecture: Professor Richard Smith (Auditorium)
Demography and the Great Divergence: Reconsidering the European and Asian evidence
2135-2145 Meeting of New Researcher Prize Committee (Seminar Room)
Late bar available (Bar)
0800-0900 Breakfast (Garden Restaurant)
0900-1045 ACADEMIC SESSION I (6 parallel sessions)
IA: TAXATION AND MEDIEVAL STATE FORMATION (chair: Peter Spufford) (Games Room)
The contribution of the English mints to government revenue, 1158-1544
Martin Allen (University of Cambridge)
The battle of Patay (18 June 1429): some financial considerations
Guillaume Sarrat de Tramezaigues (Institut d’Etudes Politiques, Paris)
The parameters of a tax state in late Anglo-Saxon England
Andrew Wareham (Roehampton University)
The transition from a ‘domain state’ to a ‘tax state’ in 13th-century England: the example of Essex
Tony Moore (University of Reading)
IB: LONG-RUN ECONOMIC CHANGE IN ASIA (chair: Steven Nafziger) (Music Room)
Indian GDP before 1870: some preliminary estimates and a comparison with Britain
Stephen Broadberry & Bishnupriya Gupta (University of Warwick)
Rethinking the origins of British India: state formation and military-fiscal undertakings in an 18th-century world region
Tirthankar Roy (London School of Economics)
Rock, scissors: the problem of incentives and information in the traditional China state and the origin of the Great Divergence
Debin Ma (London School of Economics)
IC: INEQUALITY (chair: Tommy Murphy) (Garden Room)
Inequality of wealth in the early-16th century
Dave Postles (University of Leicester)
Land ownership, inequality and rural unrest: evidence from the Latifundia regions of Spain before the Civil War
Jordi Domenech (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)
Economic inequality in North Italy, c.1450-1750
Guido Alfani (Bocconi University)
ID: BUSINESS CYCLES IN THE 19TH AND 20TH CENTURIES (chair: Helen Paul) (Linnett Room)
The vanishing impact of financial crises: fluctuations of the bankruptcy rate in France, 1820-1913
Vincent Bignon (Graduate Institute of International and Development Studies, Geneva)
Business cycles in south-east Europe, 1870-2000
Matthias Morys (University of York) & Martin Ivanov (Bulgarian Academy of Sciences)
Identification of international business cycles in disaggregated data: Germany, France and Great Britain, 1862-1913
Martin Uebele (University of Münster)
Business and the rise of Neoliberalism in postwar Britain
Neil Rollings (University of Glasgow)
Popular understanding of the economy: British government and inflation in the 1970s
Jim Tomlinson (University of Dundee)
Popular understanding of the economy: media, dependency theory and economic history, Britain (1919-39)
Chris Godden (University of Manchester)
IF: BIG SOCIETY (chair: Bernard Harris) (Umney Theatre)
Historical geography of philanthropy
Nigel Goose (University of Hertfordshire)
Mutual aid and the state
Daniel Weinbren (Open University)
The ‘bid society’ and the National Citizen Service: young people volunteering and engagement with charities in the 20th century
Kate Bradley (University of Kent)
From the voluntary sector to the non-profit sector: charities and public contracting in the United States
Andrew Morris (Union College)
1045-1115 Coffee (Marquee)
1115-1300 ACADEMIC SESSION II (6 parallel sessions)
Fodder and fodder resources in late-medieval English economy, c.1250-1450
Philip Slavin (McGill University)
What lessons can we draw from the Champagne Fairs?
Sheilagh Ogilvie & Jeremy Edwards (University of Cambridge)
Driving factors behind medieval peasant agriculture
Alexandra Sapoznik (University of Cambridge)
IIB: ECONOMIC AND SOCIAL LIFE IN LONDON’S EASTERN SUBURB, C.1580-C.1700 (chair: Richard Smith) (Games Room)
Trades and handy labour: occupations in London’s growing eastern suburb to 1650
Gill Newton (University of Cambridge)
Landlords, leases and living conditions: property management and the development of St Botolph Aldgate
Mark Latham (Institute of Historical Research)
Parish nurses and their clients: the state of welfare provision in St Botolph Aldgate
Philip Baker (Institute of Historical Research)
IIC: WORK AND AUTHORITY IN 18TH AND 19TH CENTURY BRITAIN (chair: Francesca Carnevali) (Umney Theatre)
(Women’s Committee Session)
Time and work at the Bank of England
Anne Murphy (University of Hertfordshire)
The relationship between the East India Company and its London warehouse labourers, 1800-58
Margaret Makepeace (The British Library)
Power, authority and communications: the role of the master and the managing owner in 19th-century merchant shipping
Helen Doe (University of Exeter)
IID: ITALIAN ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT SINCE 1861 (chair: Rick Trainor) (Garden Room)
Exports, growth and causality: new evidence on Italy, 1863-2004
Alberto Rinaldi & Barbara Pistoresi (University of Modena and Reggio Emilia)
Law, firms’ governance and economic performance in post-1945 Italy
Paolo di Martino (University of Birmingham) & Michelangelo Vasta (University of Siena)
Patterns of industrial specialisation in post-unification Italy
Carlo Ciccarelli & Tommaso Proietti (University of Rome ‘Tor Vergata’)
Sectoral specialisation and firm size in Italy before and after stagflation, IRI, 1962-91
Fabio Lavista (Bocconi University) & Giandomenico Piluso (University of Siena)
IIE: LIVING STANDARDS (chair: Peter Kirby) (Music Room)
Measuring the national wealth in late-18th century Britain
Stephen Thompson (University of Cambridge)
Unreal wages: problems with long-run standards of living and the ‘golden age’ of the 15th century
John Hatcher (University of Cambridge)
The colonial origins of divergence in the Americas: a labour market approach
Tommy E Murphy (Bocconi University), Robert C Allen (University of Oxford) & Eric Schneider
Arrested development? The welfare experience of British city dwellers in the century after 1840
Peter Wardley (University of the West of England)
IIF: ECONOMIC HISTORY AND BUSINESS HISTORY (chair: David Higgins) (Linnett Room)
Mutual contributions and future prospects
Steven Toms (University of York) & John Wilson (University of Liverpool)
Entrepreneurial failure and economic crisis: an historical perspective
Mark Casson (University of Reading)
Political instability and stock market reaction: the Anglo-Iranian oil nationalisation, 1951
Neveen Abdelrehim (University of York)
1300-1400 Lunch (Garden Restaurant)
1415-1600 ACADEMIC SESSION III (6 parallel sessions)
Luxury and country house sales in England, c.1750-1830
Jon Stobart (University of Northampton)
The English country house, inheritance events and patterns of elite consumption: the Leigh family of Stoneleigh Abbey, 1730-1800
Mark Rothery (University of Northampton)
Recreational spending, taste, and milieu of the elite in London, c.1700-1820
Ben Heller (University of Oxford)
IIIB: TRANSPORT AND DEVELOPMENT (chair: Martin Uebele) (Games Room)
The media in a mania: newspaper coverage of the British railway mania
Gareth Campbell, John D Turner & Clive B Walker (Queen’s University Belfast)
Engines of growth: the productivity advance of Indian railways in comparative perspective, 1874-1912
Dan Bogart (University of California, Irvine) & Latika Chaudhary (Scripps College)
Wagons at work: a transport revolution in the age of agrarian transition in Sweden?
Mats Olsson, Fredrik Bergenfeldt & Patrick Svensson (Lund University)
Cultural diversity and economic growth: evidence from the USA during the age of mass migration
Markus Brückner & Philipp Ager (University of Pompeu Fabra)
North Atlantic steerage fares and emigration, 1820-70: evidence from the Cope Line passenger service
John Killick (University of Leeds)
Economic recessions, travel costs and the business of migration across the North Atlantic: 1870-1914
Drew Keeling (University of Zürich)
IIID: THE LATE TSARIST ECONOMY (chair: Matthias Morys) (Linnett Room)
The Stolypin agrarian reform and peasant migration
Andrei Markevich, Eugenia Chernina & Paul Castañeda Dower (New Economic School, Moscow)
Government economic policy and the formation of investment climate: the experience of Russia in the late 19th – early 20th centuries
Natalia Drozdova & Irina Kormilitsyna (St Petersburg State University)
The economic consequences of serfdom and emancipation in Tsarist Russia
Steven Nafziger (Williams College)
IIIE: WELFARE (chair: Peter Kirby) (Umney Theatre)
Women moneylenders in Liverpool, 1920s-1940s
Peter Fearon (University of Leicester)
Welfare, accounting and financial priorities in a London parish, 1725-1824
Jeremy Boulton (University of Newcastle) & Leonard Schwarz (University of Birmingham)
Permanent capital and risk management: the VOC insurance contract of 1613
Joost Jonker, Oscar Gelderblom (Utrecht University) & Abe de Jong (Rotterdam University)
Major crises and depressions: comparisons of the current crisis to the Great Depression and the classical Gold Standard
Ronald Albers (European Commission) & Lars Jonung (Lund University)
The Belle Epoque of international finance: French capital exports, 1880-1914
Rui Esteves (University of Oxford)
Foreign reserves management in the 60s and early 70s: Australia and New Zealand
Catherine R Schenk (University of Glasgow) & John Singleton (Sheffield Hallam University)
1600-1630 Tea (Marquee)
1615-1715 Meeting of Schools and Colleges Committee (Seminar Room)
1630-1730 Plenary session (Auditorium), The Struggle for Economic Security and Trustworthy Economics: how to get history into policy making, Professor Geoffrey Hosking (University College London), Professor Simon Szreter (University of Cambridge) & Professor Jim Tomlinson (University of Dundee)
1730-1830 Annual General Meeting of the Economic History Society (Umney Theatre)
1930-2000 Conference Reception (Marquee)
Book launch (supported by Cambridge University Press)
The changing body: health, nutrition and human development in the western world since 1700, by Roderick Floud, Robert Fogel, Bernard Harris and Sok Chul Hong
2000 Conference Dinner (Dining Hall)
Late bar available (Bar)
0800-0900 Breakfast (Garden Restaurant)
0915-1015 ACADEMIC SESSION IV (6 parallel sessions)
IVA: TECHNOLOGY AND GROWTH (chair: Stephen Broadberry) (Umney Theatre)
Technology and the Great Divergence
Robert C Allen (University of Oxford)
The role of technology and institutions for growth: Danish creameries in the late-19th century
Paul Sharp, Ingrid Henriksen (University of Copenhagen) & Markus Lampe (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)
The determinants of local population growth: a study of Oxfordshire in the 19th century
Mark Casson (University of Reading)
A GIS analysis of the evolution of the railway network and population densities in England and Wales, 1851-2000
Marta Felis-Rota (Universidad Autonoma, Madrid), Jordi Marti Henneberg & Laia Mojica (University of Lleida)
IVC: BUSINESS HISTORY I (chair: Guillaume Sarrat de Tramezaigues) (Garden Room)
Market power inside the Belgian coal industry, 1901-45: a new empirical industrial organisation approach
Gil Montant (CREM)
Did Swedish ball bearings keep the Second World War going? Re-evaluating neutral Sweden’s role
Eric Golson (London School of Economics)
IVD: AGRICULTURAL MARKETS AND PRICES (chair: Martin Uebele) (Music Room)
The long-term impact of the Thirty Years War: what grain price data reveal
Max-Stephan Schulze & Oliver Volckart (London School of Economics)
Market integration and trade in the Mediterranean, 1500-1900
Victoria Bateman (University of Cambridge)
IVE: DEMOGRAPHY (chair: Bishnupriya Gupta) (JCR)
Sex differentials in mortality in mid-19th century England and Wales
Andrew Hinde (University of Southampton)
Determinants of infant mortality variations across France in the 19th century
Jean-Pierre Dormois (University of Strasbourg) & Jean-Pascal Bassino (University of Montpellier III)
IVF: FINANCIAL HISTORY I (chair: Paolo di Martino) (Linnett Room)
Transaction costs, liquidity and expected returns at the Berlin Stock Exchange, 1892-1913
Carsten Burhop (University of Cologne)
The market for underwriter services and the importance of close bank-industry relationships in Imperial Germany, 1897-1914
Sybille Lehmann (University of Cologne)
1015-1045 Coffee (Marquee)
1045-1145 ACADEMIC SESSION V (5 parallel sessions)
VA: 20TH CENTURY AGRICULTURE (chair: Jean-Pierre Dormois) (Games Room)
‘Fortress Europe’ in long-term perspective: agricultural protection in the European Community, 1957-2003
Mark Spoerer (German Historical Institute, Paris)
The cost of protection to grain farmers during the interwar years
Eva Fernandez (Universidad Carlos III, Madrid)
VB: GENDER AND PROPERTY (chair: Eve Rosenhaft) (Garden Room)
The origins of the 1870 British Married Women’s Property Act: a test of competing hypotheses
Mary Beth Combs (Fordham University)
Spreading risk: how far did investors actually go?
Janette Rutterford (Open University)
VC: BUSINESS HISTORY II (chair: Janet Hunter) (Music Room)
Re-examining Japan’s underperformance in pharmaceuticals, 1945-2005
Maki Umemura (Cardiff University)
VD: LABOUR SUPPLY (chair: Pam Sharpe) (Linnett Room)
‘Not much use in disliking it’: labour supply among female home workers in London, 1897-1908
Jessica Bean (Denison University)
Labour market integration and British engineers, 1856-1965
Kentaro Saito (Kyoto Sangyo University)
VE: SOCIAL MOBILITY (chair: Niels van Manen) (Umney Theatre)
Was there ever a ruling class? Social and economic mobility in England, 1200-2010
Gregory Clark (University of California, Davis)
Apprenticeships and social mobility in early modern England
Patrick Wallis & Chris Minns (London School of Economics)
1145-1300 TAWNEY LECTURE (Auditorium), Hans-Joachim Voth (University of Pompeu Fabra), Debt, default and empire: state capacity and economic development in England and Spain in the early modern period
1300-1400 Lunch (Garden Restaurant)
1400 Conference ends