2014 EHS Annual Conference

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The 2014 Annual Conference was held at the University of Warwick, Friday 28 – Sunday 30 March. On site residential accommodation was in student halls of residence.


2014 Conference Booklet


Conference Programme and Papers (where provided)


Friday 28 March 2014

0915-1045       Meeting of Economic History Society Publications Committee (Library 1)
1045-1345       Meeting of Economic History Society Council (Library 2)
1200-1700       Registration (Ramphal Foyer)

1400-1530       New Researchers’ Session I (8 parallel sessions)


IA:    Women and Work (chair: Eddy Higgs) (Ramphal 0.12)

Do the Victorian censuses of England and Wales offer an accurate representation of married women’s occupations in provincial towns and cities: 1851-1901?
Amanda Wilkinson (University of Essex)

Women’s work in the 1881 Census Enumerators’ Books (CEBs)
Xuesheng You (University of Cambridge)

Using cemetery records as a source to estimate women’s class and occupational identities: the case of Coimbra, Portugal, 1885-1910
Mafalda Moura Pereira (University of Cambridge)

IB:    Twentieth-Century British Industry (chair: Jim Tomlinson) (Ramphal 0.14)

The Great Escape: technological lock-in vs appropriate technology in early twentieth-century British manufacturing
Pieter Woltjer (Wageningen University)

The role of international trade in Britain’s relative economic decline: the link between productivity and trade examined
Nikita E.S. Bos (University of Groningen)

Supportinging the ‘white heat’: re-examining the expansion of Britain’s civil nuclear energy programme, 1965-70
Tae Hoon Kim (University of Cambridge)

IC:    Apprenticeship and Youth (chair: Jane Humphries) (Ramphal 1.03)

From orphan to artisan: the apprenticing of orphaned boys in Leiden and Utrecht during the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries
Ruben Schalk (Utrecht University)

Shipped out? A fresh look at pauper apprenticeship during the industrial revolution
Caroline Withall (University of Oxford)

Youth voluntary organisations in London and Liverpool, 1958-85
Charlotte Clements (University of Kent)

ID:    Famine and Migration (chair: Costanza Biavaschi) (Ramphal 1.04)

Laissez-faire, the Irish Famine, and British financial crisis c.1846-50
Charles Read (University of Cambridge)

Migrants’ self-selection in the early stages of economic growth: Spain, 1880-1930
Francisco Beltran (University of Oxford)

IE:     Regional Industry and Institutions (chair: Craig Muldrew) (Ramphal 1.13)

J.H. Clapham revisited: an occupational study of the transference of the worsted industry from Norfolk to the West Riding
Keith Sugden (University of Cambridge)

Becoming owners or not: the reasons for a regional divergence seen from below: Catalonia, 1750-1850
Albert Serramontmany (Universitat de Girona)

How do we approach the Zollverein? Local institutions and the early customs union
James Boyd (Cardiff University)

IF:     Education and Economic Development (chair: Joerg Baten) (Ramphal 1.15)

Modern secondary education and economic performance: the introduction of the Gewerbeschule and Realschule in nineteenth-century Bavaria
Alexandra Semrad (University of Munich)

Educational production functions as of 1886: how primary schooling shaped economic development in end-of-nineteenth-century Prussia
Ruth Maria Schueler (ifo Institute)

Human capital development in the Middle East: is secularism a solution? Evidence from Turkey in the nineteenth and twentieth centuries
Rima Ghanem (Tuebingen University)

IG:    Labour and Wages (chair: Chris Wrigley) (Ramphal 2.41)

Winning ugly? The impact of wage inequality on labour productivity
Svenja Gärtner (University of Gothenburg)

Labour recruitment and practices in Japan’s Far North: The Takobeya of colonial Karafut fact or fiction?
Steven Ivings (London School of Economics)

An alternative globalization: the international ambitions of the Knights of Labor
Steven Parfitt (University of Nottingham)

IH:    Medieval Economy and Society (chair: Mark Overton) (Ramphal 3.41)

Technology shocks, relative productivity, and son preference: the long-term effect of cotton textile production in Ming China
Melanie Meng Xue (George Mason University)

A struggle for freedom and liberty? Reflection on the causes of the 1381 Peasants’ Revolt
Mingjie Xu (University of Cambridge)

Finance and trade under Henry VI of England
Alex Brayson (University of York)


1530-1600       Tea (Ramphal Foyer)

1600-1730       New Researchers’ Session II (8 parallel sessions)


IIA:   Early Modern Crafts, Wages and Contracts (chair: Julie Marfany) (Ramphal 0.12)

Gilboy revisited: or low(er) wages and the pre-industrial London building craftsman
Judy Stephenson (London School of Economics)

The competitive edge of the reliable Friends? Quaker contract enforcement, c.1660-1800
Esther Sahle (London School of Economics)

IIB:   Railways and Economic Growth (chair: Price Fishback) (Ramphal 0.14)

Railroads and the regional concentration of industry in Germany, 1861-82
Theresa Gutberlet (Rensselaer Polytechnic Institute)

The press and company promotion during the railway mania of 1845
Gabriel Geisler Mesevage (Graduate Institute Geneva)

IIC:   Business Practices (chair: Giorgio Riello) (Ramphal 1.03)

Knowledge and the English East India Company’s Bengal silk enterprise, 1757-1812
Karolina Hutkova (University of Warwick)

The principal-agent problem revisited: supercargoes and commanders of the China trade
Meike Fellinger (University of Warwick)

Avoiding ‘negligence and profusion’: the failure of joint-stock form in Anglo-Indian trade, 1813-70
Michael Aldous (London School of Economics)

IID:   Fiscal Policy, Finance and Investment (chair: Guillaume Daudin) (Ramphal 1.04)

Fiscal sustainability and the value of money: Lessons from the British paper pound, 1797-1821
Pamfili Antipa (Banque de France & Paris School of Economics)

The Lyon Stock Exchange: the struggle for survival, 1866-1914
Jérémy Ducros (Paris School of Economics)

Is art really a safe haven? Evidence from the French art market during WW1
Géraldine David (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

IIE:   Twentieth-Century Germany (chair: Jaime Reis) (Ramphal 1.13)

Household consumption in pre-war Nazi Germany: the effects of liquidity constraints, uncertainty, and myopia
Robin Winkler (University of Oxford)

Women voters and party preference in Weimar Germany
Alan de Bromhead (University of Oxford)

No longer top of the class: professorial salaries in twentieth-century Germany
Alexander Sohn (Bielefeld University)

IIF:    State, Community and Economy (chair: David Ormrod) (Ramphal 1.15)

Pecunia non olet: Catholic merchants, a reluctant welcome
Giada Pizzoni (University of St Andrews)

The rural community through the eyes of the land-agent on the Marquis of Anglesey’s Dorset and Somerset estate, 1812-54
Carol Beardmore (University of Leicester)

The effects of police on crime in the Grand-Duchy of Baden, 1829-77
Felix Selgert (University of Vienna)

IIG:   Modern Industrial Growth (chair: Herman de Jong) (Ramphal 2.41)

What drove economic growth in the nineteenth century? The case of Switzerland’s specialisations, 1885-1913
Léo Charles (Université Montesquieu Bordeaux IV)

Can output growth be measured in the absence of production data? A state space time series analysis of industrial growth in pre-WWII Germany
Joost Veenstra (University of Groningen)

World War II and the industrialisation of the American South
Taylor Jaworski (University of Arizona)

IIH:   Climate and the Economy (chair: Bernard Harris) (Ramphal 3.41)

The long term effects of climatic change on economic growth: evidence from the Little Ice Age, 1500-1750
Maria Waldinger (London School of Economics)

The effects of climate on stature since 1800
Gregori Galofré-Vilà (University of Southampton)


1730-1830     Open meeting for women in economic history (Ramphal 0.12)

1815-1900     Council reception for new researchers and first-time delegates (Ramphal 0.14)

1900-2015     Dinner (Panorama Suite)

2030-2130     Plenary Lecture (Ramphal Lecture Theatre)

                            Myths of the Great War
Professor Mark Harrison (University of Warwick)

2135-2145     Meeting of New Researcher Prize Committee (Ramphal 0.12)

Late bar available (Panorama Suite)


Saturday 29 March 2014

0800-0900       Breakfast (Rootes Restaurant)

0900-1045       Academic Session I (8 parallel sessions)


IA:    Japan (chair: Eve Rosenhaft) (Ramphal 1.03)

Paying the price for spiritual enlightenment: tax pressure and living standards in Kofun and Asuka-Nara, Japan (c.300-794 AD)
Jean-Pascal Bassino (IAO, ENS de Lyon) & Masanori Takashima (Hitotsubashi University)

A tale of two SICs: industrial development in Japan and the United States in the late nineteenth century
John Tang (Australian National University)

When did Japan overtake India? Lessons from cotton mills
Bishnupriya Gupta (University of Warwick) & Tetsuji Okazaki (University of Tokyo)

The role of public employment services in a developing country
Ryo Kambayashi (Hitotsubashi University)

IB:    Financial Crises (chair: David Higgins) (Ramphal 2.41)

Managing risk or appeasing the Nazis? British banks and Standstill debt in the 1930s
Mark Billings (University of Exeter)

The propagation of the 1931 financial crisis to the New York and London financial centres: new evidence from micro-data
Oliver Accominotti (London School of Economics)

The Swedish recovery from the Great Depression
Kerstin Enflo (Lund University) & Juan Rosés (London School of Economics)

This time is different: causes and consequences of British banking instability, 1830-2010
Christopher Coyle, Gareth Campbell & John Turner (Queen’s University Belfast)

IC:    World War and Women in the Twentieth Century (chair: Janet Casson) (Ramphal 0.12)

Female workers and the First World War in Britain: why no labour supply shock?
Jessica Bean (Denison University)

The labour markets for male and female salaried employees and production workers during and after three crises: World War I, the Great Depression, and World War II
Price Fishback (University of Arizona), Dina Shatnawi (Naval Postgraduate School) & Alec (Cal Tech)

ID:    Height and Health (chair: Peter Kirby) (Ramphal 3.41)

Health, height and the household at the turn of the twentieth century
Timothy Hatton, Roy Bailey (University of Essex) & Kris Inwood (University of Guelph)

Children’s growth in an adaptive framework: explaining the growth patterns of American slaves and other historical populations
Eric Schneider (University of Sussex)

Sanitary reform in England and Wales, 1871-1914
Bernard Harris (University of Strathclyde) & Andrew Hinde (University of Southampton)

IE:     The State and the Shaping of Good Taste (chair: Philippe Minard) (Ramphal 1.04)

The state and the textile industry in early modern Europe
Giorgio Riello (University of Warwick)

Textile manufactures and state policies in Renaissance Italy
Luca Mola’ (European University Institute)

IF:     Occupational Structure I (chair: Osamu Saito) (Ramphal 1.13)

Reconsidering recent estimates of the occupational structure of late fourteenth-century England
Tony Wrigley & Richard Smith (University of Cambridge)

Probate records as a source of occupational information for early modern England and Wales
Sebastian Keibek (University of Cambridge)

The occupational structure of England and Wales 1381-1951
Leigh Shaw-Taylor (University of Cambridge)

IG:    White Collar Workers (chair: Mike French) (Ramphal 0.14)

British clerical workers, career ladders and the rise of internal labour markets, 1880-1914
Michael Heller (Brunel University)

The occupational health and welfare of clerical workers in twentieth-century Britain
Nicole Robertson (Northumbria University)

Strategy, technology and gender: making and unmaking the marriage bar in twentieth-century British clerical work
Alan McKinlay (Newcastle University) & Scott Taylor (University of Birmingham)

IH:    State Capacity and Conflict (chair: Avner Offer) (Ramphal 1.15)

Unified China and divided Europe
Mark Koyama (George Mason University), Chiu Yo Ko & Tuan-Hwee Sng (University of Singapore)

Habemus Papam? Polarisation and conflict in the Papal States
Jordi Vidal-Robert (University of Warwick) & Francisco Pino (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Military conflict and the economic rise of urban Europe
Mark Dincecco (University of Michigan) & Massimiliano Onorato (IMT Lucca)

From slums to slums in three generations: housing policy and the political economy of the welfare state, 1945-2005
Harold Carter (University of Oxford)


1045-1115              Coffee (Ramphal Foyer)

1115-1300       Academic Session II (8 parallel sessions)


IIA:   Africa (chair: Luis Angeles) (Ramphal 1.03)

Africa’s growth prospects in a European mirror: a historical perspective
Stephen Broadberry & Leigh Gardner (London School of Economics)

Evaluating economic explanations for the transatlantic slave trade: labour productivity, relative exploitability and transportation costs between the West Indies and West Africa, 1680-1830
Wasiq N. Khan (Franklin College Switzerland)

Long-run welfare development in Africa: an anthropometric study on the influence of colonialism and slavery
Joerg Baten (Tuebingen University)

IIB:   Capital Markets (chair: Catherine Schenk) (Ramphal 2.41)

Capitalising on the Irish ‘land question’: Irish land bonds, 1891-1938
Nathan Foley-Fisher (Federal Reserve Board) & Eoin McLaughlin (University of Edinburgh)

Protecting the borrower: an experiment in colonial India
Anand Swamy (Williams College) & Latika Chaudhary (Scripps College)

Cholera and the effect of empire: the case of Indian ‘sovereign’ debts
Nicolas Degive & Kim Oosterlinck (Université Libre de Bruxelles)

Rating the United Kingdom: the British government’s first sovereign credit rating, 1976-78
David Gill (University of Nottingham)

IIC:   Gender and Economic Survival (chair: Mark Overton) (Ramphal 0.12)

The wages of women in England, 1260-1850
Jane Humphries (University of Oxford) & Jacob Weisdorf (University of Southern Denmark)

Sex, science and economics: the problem of infertility c.1650-c.1750
Judith Spicksley (University of York) & Amanda Capern (University of Hull)

Making the household work: non-kin deployment as a survival strategy in the early modern household (Gilze and Rijen, The Netherlands, 18th century)
Richard Zijdeman (IISH) & Tine de Moor (Utrecht University)

IID:   Migration and Identity (chair: Philip Slavin) (Ramphal 3.41)

The economic payoff of name Americanization
Costanza Biavaschi, Corrado Giulietti (IZA) & Zahra Siddique (University of Reading)

For richer, for poorer: intermarriage and wealth during the era of American Indian assimilation
Matthew Gregg (Roger Williams University)

Reinterpreting pre-World War I mass migration by using travel statistics
Drew Keeling

Hidden communities: a quantitative assessment of international migration to Edinburgh at the turn of the twentieth century
Marc di Tommasi (University of Edinburgh)

IIE:   Companies and the State (chair: Maxine Berg) (Ramphal 1.04)

A strange thirst for tea: East India Companies, private trade, smuggling and the popularisation of the consumption of tea in Western Europe, 1700-60
Chris Nierstrasz (University of Warwick)

Managerial sway within the English East India Company
Santhi Hejeebu (Cornell College)

The business strategy of an interloper: The Swedish East India Company 1731-83
Leos Müller (Stockholm University)

IIF:    Occupational Structure II (chair: Leigh Shaw-Taylor) (Ramphal 1.13)

Economic development and structural change since 1700: new evidence in a global perspective
Osamu Saito (Hitotsubashi University)

Economic transformation from the late Ottoman Empire to the early Turkish Republic: de-industrialisation or urban economic growth?
M. Erdem Kabadayi (Istanbul Bilgi University)

Female employment, occupational structure and industrialisation in comparative perspective
Natalia Mora-Sitja (University of Cambridge)

IIG:   French Business and Weber (chair: Eric Schneider) (Ramphal 0.14)

Recording precision and tracking efforts in eighteenth-century bookkeeping
Guillaume Daudin (Université Paris-Dauphine) & Pierre Gervais (Université Paris-3)

Enemy mine: merchant networks, neutrality and wartime
Cheryl McWatters (University of Ottawa)

What drove (or choked) French entrepreneurship under Napoleon III? A department-level analysis
Jean-Pierre Dormois (Université de Strasbourg) & James Foreman-Peck (Cardiff University)

IIH:   Growth and Divergence (chair: Deirdre McCloskey) (Ramphal 1.15)

Russia in the world economy
Robert Allen (University of Oxford) & Ekaterina Khaustova (Presidential Academy of the National Economy and Public Administration Moscow, RF)

Geography and the great divergence: market access and economic growth in the nineteenth century
Max-Stephan Schulze, Paul Caruana-Galizia (London School of Economics) & Nicholas Crafts (University of Warwick)

Assessing negative freedom: economic liberty in the long run
Leandro Prados de la Escosura (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)


1300-1400              Lunch (Rootes Restaurant)

1415-1600       Academic Session III (8 parallel sessions)

IIIA: Russia (chair: Jari Eloranta) (Ramphal 1.03)

Understanding the process of Russian serf emancipation
Steven Nafziger (Williams College)

Factory productivity and the concession system of incorporation in late Imperial Russia, 1894-1908
Amanda Gregg (Yale University)

Did property rights matter in Russia? The case of the Stolypin Reform
Andre Markevich & Paul Castañeda Dower (New Economic School Moscow)

IIIB: Money Markets (chair: Mark Billings) (Ramphal 2.41)

Smoothing the flow, currency circulation and payment techniques in the Low Countries, 1500-1800
Joost Jonker & Oscar Gelderblom (Utrecht University)

Ferries and finance: the financial infrastructure of the Dutch Republic
Christiaan van Bochove (Radboud University Nijmegen)

The coevolution of money markets and central banks
Clemens Jobst (Oesterreichische Nationalbank) & Stefano Ugolini (University of Tolouse)

Britannia as a symbol of credible commitment
Anne Murphy & Jennifer Basford (University of Hertfordshire)

IIIC: Women’s Committee 25th Anniversary Session (chair: Helen Paul) (Ramphal 0.12)

Happy families? Varieties of family life in twentieth-century Britain
Pat Thane (King’s College London)

Skill, craft and histories of industrialisation in Europe and Asia
Maxine Berg (University of Warwick)

The rise and fall of the Welsh woollen industry: some questions for historians
Pat Hudson (Cardiff University & London School of Economics)

IIID: Mortality Transition in Urban Populations (chair: Jeremy Boulton) (Ramphal 3.41)

The law of ‘urban natural decrease’: interpreting baptism:burial ratios and infant mortality rates across the English urban hierarchy, c.1540-c.1840
Richard Smith (University of Cambridge)

The first stages of the epidemiological transition in British cities: a comparison of Manchester and London, 1750-1820
Romola Davenport, John Black (University of Cambridge) & Jeremy Boulton (Newcastle University)

Death in town and country: Scotland 1861-1901
Alice Reid (University of Cambridge) & Eilidh Garrett (University of St Andrews)

IIIE: Silk (chair: Giorgio Riello) (Ramphal 1.04)

Asian silk in eighteenth-century Scandinavia: quantities, colour schemes and impact
Hanna Hodacs (University of Warwick)

‘The silk manufacture has a claim to particular attention’: silk consumption and the American Revolution
Ben Marsh (University of Stirling)

Smuggling silks in eighteenth-century Britain: supply, distribution and product design
William Farrell (Birkbeck College, University of London)

IIIF: Re-evaluating The English Land Tax (chair: Leigh Shaw-Taylor) (Ramphal 1.13)

The Land Tax of 1798 and patterns of landownership and farm tenancy: a county case study, Buckinghamshire
John Broad (University of Cambridge)

A new approach to the land tax: the Redemption Certificates and the structure of landowning and tenancies in Yorkshire and Essex
Richard Hoyle (University of Reading)

Land ownership and land occupation in the wider hinterland of the Romney Marsh region during the mid and later eighteenth century
Stephen Hipkin (Canterbury Christ Church University)

IIIG: Modern Scottish Economy (chair: David Higgins) (Ramphal 0.14)

The economic basis of Scottish nationhood circa 1870-2014
Jim Tomlinson (University of Glasgow)

The Scottish experience of foreign direct investment, 1945-97
Duncan Ross (University of Glasgow)

The moral economy of deindustrialization in post-1945 Scotland
Jim Phillips (University of Glasgow)

IIIH: Markets and Integration (chair: Paul Sharp) (Ramphal 1.15)

The gravity of information: the rise of global communications systems and their impact on the first globalisation
Markus Lampe (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) & Florian Ploeckl (University of Adelaide)

Variations in the price and quality of grain, 1750-1914: quantitative evidence and empirical implications
Liam Brunt (NHH – Norwegian School of Economics) & Edmund Cannon (University of Bristol)

West versus East: early globalisation and the Great Divergence
Rafael Dobado-González, Alfredo García-Hiernaux (Universidad Complutense de Madrid) & David Guerrero-Burbano (CUNEF)


1600-1630       Tea (Ramphal Foyer)

1600-1730       Numerical Analysis Skills for Historians: report on a skills development project (Ramphal 1.15)

1615-1715       Meeting of Schools and Colleges Committee (Ramphal 0.14)

1630-1730       Plenary session (History & Policy): (chair: Jim Tomlinson) (Ramphal Lecture Theatre)

                             Why has the UK become more tolerant of inequality since the 1970s?

Ben Jackson (University of Oxford)
                               Pedro Ramos Pinto (University of Cambridge)
Lord (David) Howell of Guildford (former MP)

1730-1830        Annual General Meeting of the Economic History Society (Ramphal 1.13)

1930-2000        Conference Reception (Panorama Suite)       

                          (Kindly sponsored by the Department of Economics and the Global History & Culture Centre, University of Warwick)

2000                Conference Dinner (Panorama Suite)

Late bar available (Panorama Suite)


Sunday 30 March 2014

0800-0900       Breakfast (Rootes Restaurant)

0930-1130       Academic Session IV (8 parallel sessions)


IVA:       Economic Nationalism (chair: Bishnupriya Gupta) (Ramphal 0.14)

The colony strikes back: the case of Colombia, Jersey Standard and the United States
Xavier Duran (Universidad de los Andes)

Autarky and the building up of technological capabilities in Italy: rayon firms and the domestic production of wood-pulp, 1934-44
Valerio Cerretano (University of Glasgow)

Political regimes, ideology and protection in western agriculture, 1920-80
Eva Fernández (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Market integration and the origins of economic nationalism
Nikolaus Wolf & Marvin Suesse (Humboldt Universität zu Berlin)

IVB: Financial Bubbles (chair: Larry Neal) (Ramphal 2.41)

Riding a wave: the Company’s role in the South Sea Bubble
Richard Kleer (University of Regina)

The Mississippi and South Sea Bubbles, 1719-20: a European perspective
Stefano Condorelli (London School of Economics)

San Giorgio and the Mississippi Company: a hypothesis on the origins of John Law’s Scheme
Carlo Taviani (Deutsches Historisches Institut – Rom)

Behavioural foundations of financial speculation during the South Sea Bubble
Koji Yamamoto (King’s College London)

IVC: Women and Work (chair: Jessica Bean) (Ramphal 0.12)

The onset of female labour market participation and the role of mothers
Jesús Carro, Matilde Machado & Ricardo Mora (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Risk and success: re-assessing female entrepreneurship in late-Victorian and Edwardian England
Paolo di Martino & Jennifer Aston (University of Birmingham)

Women, well-being and the female industrial inspector
Beatrice Moring (Universities of Helsinki & Cambridge)

Work attendance, gender and marital status: absenteeism among Swedish tobacco workers, 1919-59
Tobias Karlsson (Lund University)

IVD:       Survival Strategies in Europe (chair: Karin Dannehl) (Ramphal 1.04)

Complementary institutions? Guilds and social provision in medieval urban Europe
Arie van Steensel (Utrecht University)

Poor Relief in seventeenth-century Dundee
John McCallum (Nottingham Trent University)

Mother, father or parish? The maintenance of illegitimate children in Southwark in the late eighteenth and early nineteenth centuries
Samantha Williams (University of Cambridge)

Gender, life-cycle and family strategies among the poor: Barcelona, 1762-1803
Julie Marfany (University of Oxford) & Montserrat Carbonell (University of Barcelona)

IVE: Innovation and Energy (chair: David Meredith) (Ramphal 3.41)

The geography of innovation in Italy, 1861-1913: evidence from patent data
Michelangelo Vasta (University of Siena) & Alessandro Nuvolari (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies)

The Great Divergence and the economics of printing
Luis Angeles (University of Glasgow)

Malthus to Solow with coal: modelling the industrial revolution as if energy mattered
John Pezzey, David Stern (Australian National University) & Astrid Kander (Lund University)

Charcoal consumption by the iron industry in early modern England and Wales
Peter W King

IVF: Rural Economies (chair: James Davis) (Ramphal 1.03)

Spinners, weavers and hemp growers
David Celetti (Università degli Studi di Padova)

Capital accumulation and formation in provincial society: ‘non-agrarian’ activity
Dave Postles (University of Hertfordshire)

The beginning of the end: sheep panzootics and the fortunes of wool industry in England, 1250-1330
Philip Slavin (University of Kent)

Valuations of ecclesiastical property in inquisitions post mortem
Elizabeth Gemmill (University of Oxford)

IVG:       Mass Consumption and Marketing (chair: Nicole Robertson) (Ramphal 1.13)

Producer-driven supply chains for the inter-war US radio equipment sector: were dealers ‘over-sold’ on marketing?
Peter Scott & James Walker (University of Reading)

Radio broadcast technologies and African consumers: the puzzling case of the ‘Saucepan Special’, c.1947-53
David Clayton (University of York)

‘Slowly becoming sales promotion men’: negotiating the career of the sales representative in Britain, 1930s-60s
Michael French (University of Glasgow)

Product design and public competitions in the lock and safe industry of Victorian Britain
David Churchill (IHR/Birkbeck College, University of London)

IVH:       Institutions and Education (chair: Emma Hart) (Ramphal 1.15)

Education promoted secularization
Sascha Becker (University of Warwick), Markus Nagler (University College London) & Ludger Woessman (University of Munich and ifo)

Human capital before the industrial revolution: institutions and the ‘decline’ of apprenticeship in eighteenth-century England
Patrick Wallis & Chris Minns (London School of Economics)

Governance after the Glorious Revolution: evidence on the enforcement of property rights in Britain’s transport sector, 1690-1750
Dan Bogart (UC Irvine)


1130-1200       Coffee (Ramphal Foyer)

1200-1315       Tawney Lecture (Ramphal Lecture Theatre)

                            Industrialisation, global history and the ghost of Rostow
                              Professor Pat Hudson (Cardiff University & LSE)

1315-1415       Lunch (Rootes Restaurant)

1415-1715       Careers and Publishing Sessions for New Researchers (Ramphal 0.12)

1415-1515     Publishing your work
                         Steve Broadberry (Editor, Economic History Review) &
Leigh Gardner (Editor, Economic History of Developing Regions)

1515-1545     Coffee and Discussion

1545-1645     Job markets and applications

Neil Cummins (London School of Economics)
                         Economics (North America, UK)

Leigh Gardner (London School of Economics)
                         History (UK, North America, South Africa)

Deborah Oxley (Oxford University)
                        Crafting an application

1645-1715     Q&A