2015 EHS Annual Conference

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The 2015 Annual Conference was held at the University of Wolverhampton (Telford Campus), Friday 27 – Sunday 29 March. On site residential accommodation was in student halls of residence.


2015 Conference Booklet


Conference Programme and Papers (where provided)


Friday 27 March 2015

0915-1045       Meeting of EHS Publications Committee (Cherry SC216)
1045-1345       Meeting of Economic History Society Council (Aspen SC209)
1200-1700       Registration (Foyer, SA building)

1400-1530      New Researchers’ Session I (7 parallel sessions)


IA:    Medieval and Early Modern Market Trade (chair: Nuala Zahedieh) (Ash SA063)

Supplying without specialising: landlords, peasants and work-horses in medieval England
Jordan Claridge (University of Cambridge)

Integration and disintegration in the Ottoman wheat markets; trends and causes, 1660-1840
Pinar Ceylan (London School of Economics)

Experiencing the French liberalisation experiment in Tours, 1763-75
Daisy Gibbs (University College London)

IB:    Labour and Living Standards (chair: Martin Daunton) (Birch SA064)

Making a living on the Welsh farm: the changing nature of by-employment in Caernarvonshire, 1750-1900
Frances Richardson (University of Oxford)

Material lives of the English poor from the late seventeenth to the early nineteenth centuries
Joseph Harley (University of Leicester)

Who ate Ireland’s food during the famine?
Charles Read (University of Cambridge)

IC:    Money Supply and Credit (chair: Eve Rosenhaft) (Cedar SA067)

Annual coin supply estimates for England, 1279-1790
Nuno Palma (London School of Economics)

The Bank of England as Lender of Last Resort during the 1772-3 credit crisis
Paul Kosmetatos (University of Cambridge)

The big problem of small change in late Imperial China: silver inflow, rural deflation, and how it was solved by new copper minting technology, 1890-1910
Xun Yan (London School of Economics)

ID:    Working and Living in the United States (chair: Jane Humphries) (Beech SC207)

Lynchings, labour, and cotton in the US South
Cornelius Christian (University of Oxford)

“The dust was long in settling”: human capital and the lasting impact of the American Dust Bowl
Vellore Arthi (University of Oxford)

ICT revolution: localisation of service sector employees in the long run
Alexandra López Cermeño (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

IE:   Business and Retailing (chair: Peter Scott) (Hawthorn SC208)

Squeezing the bears: cornering risk and limits on arbitrage during the British Bicycle Mania, 1896-98
William Quinn (Queen’s University Belfast)

Weighing the scale: store size and the productivity of retail firms, 1950-73
Thomas Buckley (University of Reading)

Conservation and retailing: a forgotten commercial narrative?
Jessica Gray (University of Leeds)

IF:    Education, Industry and Investment (chair: Leigh Gardner) (Juniper SC213)

Rise from chaos: what drove the spread of modern primary schooling in China through the early twentieth century?

Pei Gao (London School of Economics)

Did the turnpike trust financial model fail local savers?
Ian Webster (Sheffield Hallam University)

IG:    Fiscal Policy (chair: Albrecht Ritschl) (SB115)

Did Greece genuinely introduce either of the Gold, or Gold Exchange, Standards in 1910?
Olga Christodoulaki (London School of Economics)

Sovereign defaults during the Great Depression: new data, new evidence
Andrea Papadia (London School of Economics)

Evasion and progressivity in the Spanish income tax, 1970-2001
Sara Torregrosa-Hetland (University of Barcelona)


1530-1600       New Researchers’ Poster Session (Dining Room/Classroom SA053)

1530-1600       Tea (Thomas Telford Dining Room, SA building)

1600-1730       New Researchers’ Session II (6 parallel sessions)


IIA:   Early Modern Manufacturing (chair: Giorgio Riello) (Ash SA063)

The question of mints and manufactures in British America, 1670-1730
Mara Caden (Yale University)

Controlling quality, producers and their products: regulation and reputation in the English metal-ware trade, c.1760-74
Rachael Morton (University of Warwick)

The English East India Company’s market for lemons: the organisational failure of the system of filature silk production in Bengal, 1774-1812
Karolina Hutkova (University of Warwick)

IIB:   Long Distance Trade in the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries (chair: Phillipp Schofield) (Birch SA064)

The business of information: auctioneers, brokers, and trade associations in the nineteenth-century Anglo-Indian trade
Michael Aldous (London School of Economics)

A different trajectory of market integration? Evidence from global bunker coal markets, 1840-1960
Alexis Wegerich (University of Oxford)

Are partners too distant? French difficulties on new long distance markets, 1850-1913
Léo Charles (Université de Bordeaux)

IIC:   Economic Lives in Twentieth-Century Asia (chair: Janet Hunter) (Cedar SA067)

The macabre and Micawberish economic lives of Punjabi cultivators, 1900-47
Atiyab Sultan (University of Cambridge)

After empire comes home: economic experiences of Japanese civilian repatriates to Hiroshima, 1945-56
Sumiyo Nishizaki (London School of Economics)

Virtues and vices: female workers in the Japanese labour model
Carmen Gruber (Vienna University of Economics & Business)

IID:   Industry in the Twentieth Century (chair: Jaime Reis) (Beech SC207)

Electricity and the jobless recovery from the Great Depression
Miguel Morin (University of Cambridge)

Italian State-owned steel industry in the European Common Market, 1956-95
Salvatore Romeo (Italian Institute for Historical Studies)

Productivity performance of manufacturing in Uruguay
Maria Cecilia Lara Martinez (University of Groningen)

IIE:   Economic Regulation (chair: Alejandra Irigoin) (Hawthorn SC208)

Women voters and trade protectionism in the interwar years
Alan de Bromhead (Queen’s University Belfast)

Central banking independence, historical narratives and the Bank deutscher Länder, 1948-57
Simon Mee (University of Oxford)

Guiding the invisible hand: market equilibrium and multiple exchange rates in Brazil, 1953-61
Bernardo Wjuniski (London School of Economics)

IIF:    Social Status, Conflict and Patronage (chair: Barry Doyle) (Juniper SC213)

Winter is coming: weather variations and social disorder in France, 1661-1789
Cédric Chambru (University of Geneva)

Vocational education, industrialisation and provincial divide in Italy, 1861-1914
Chiara Martinelli (University of Firenze)

Utilising business archives to explore industrialist patronage: Middlesbrough’s steel magnates and the British Steel Collection, 1880-1934
Tosh Warwick (University of Huddersfield/Middlesbrough Council)


1730-1830      Open meeting for women in economic history (Birch SA064)
1815-1900      Council reception for new researchers and first-time delegates (SB115)
1900-2015      Dinner (Thomas Telford Dining Room, SA building)

2030-2130      Plenary Lecture, by Barrie Trinder: Reflections on the Industrial Revolution in Shropshire (Lecture Theatre, SA102)

2135-2145      Meeting of New Researcher Prize Committee (Cedar SA067)

Late bar available (Priorslee Lounge & Bar)


Saturday 28 March 2015

0800-0900      Breakfast (Thomas Telford Dining Room, SA building)

0900-1045       Academic Session I (7 parallel sessions)


IA:    Financial Crises (chair: Paolo di Martino) (Ash SA063)

The effect of fiscal policy on output in times of crisis and prosperity: historical evidence from Greece, 1846-1939
George Chouliarakis, Tad Gwiazdowski (University of Manchester) & Sophia Lazaretou (Bank of Greece)

Bagehot for ‘followers’: how did the Portuguese Lender of Last Resort manage the post-World War I crisis?
Jaime Reis (Universidade de Lisboa)

What do financial panics do? Narrative VAR evidence from the Great Contraction, 1929-33
Albrecht Ritschl (London School of Economics)

IB:    Long Term Changes in Income Inequality (chair: Richard Smith) (Birch SA064)

Is there a ‘Little Convergence’ in inequality? Low countries and Italy compared, c.1500-1900
Guido Alfani (Bocconi University) & Wouter Ryckbosch (University of Antwerp)

Economic inequality in England from the middle ages to the eve of the industrial revolution: first results
Héctor García Montero (Bocconi University)

Wealth inequality in Sweden, 1700-1900
Erik Bengtsson, Anna Missiaia, Mats Olsson & Patrick Svensson (Lund University)

IC:    Occupational Structure, Population Geography and technological change
(chair: Leigh Shaw-Taylor) (Cedar SA067)

The impact of the mechanisation of cotton manufacture upon male and female employment; a case study of Manchester c.1780-1840
Keith Sugden (University of Cambridge)

Occupational structure in Egypt, 1848-1996
Mohamed Saleh (Toulouse School of Economics)

Occupational change and industrialisation: from Russia to the Soviet Union, 1897-1959
Gijs Kessler (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam) & Timur Valetov (Moscow State University)

Railways and local population growth: a case study of the Birmingham region
Mark Casson (University of Reading), Leigh Shaw-Taylor, Max Satchell & Tony Wrigley (University of Cambridge)

ID:    Famine, Living Standards and Institutions (chair: Eric Schneider) (Classroom SA052)

The 1944-45 Vietnamese Great Famine
Gregg Huff & Gillian Huff (University of Oxford)

De-compressing history? Pre-colonial institutions and local government finance in British Colonial Africa
Leigh Gardner (London School of Economics) & Jutta Bolt (University of Groningen)

The impact of locally-set minimum wages on labour markets: the case of the 1896 Victorian Factories and Shops Act
Andrew Seltzer (Royal Holloway, University of London) & Jeff Borland (University of Melbourne)

IE:    The British Atlantic Economy (chair: Helen Paul) (Beech SC207)

On the waterfront: wharfside spaces and economic culture in Britain’s Atlantic world   Illustrations
Emma Hart (University of St Andrews)

From local to transatlantic: insuring trade in the Caribbean
Adrian Leonard (University of Cambridge)

What’s in a price? The raw cotton market in Liverpool and the Anglo-American War
Sheryllynne Haggerty (University of Nottingham)

IF:    Production and Exchange in Early Modern Europe (chair: Tony Moore) (Hawthorn SC208)

Making payments within the Dutch Republic
Christiaan van Bochove (Radboud University Nijmegen)

Clothes as a store of value: second-hand trade in a Swedish small town, 1830-1900
Kristina Lilja (Uppsala University) & Pernilla Jonsson (Stockholm University)

IG:    Agricultural Crisis and Land Reform in Spain (chair: Paul Sharp) (Juniper SC213)

Well-being and the late nineteenth century agrarian crisis: anthropometric evidence from rural Catalonia
Ramon Ramon-Muñoz (University of Barcelona), Josep-Maria Ramon-Muñoz (University of Murcia) & Nikola Koepke (University of Barcelona)

Too many workers or not enough land? Why land reform failed in Spain in the 1930s
James Simpson & Juan Carmona (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Land, politics, conflict and lethal violence: evidence from the 1930s
Jordi Domenech (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid) & Francisco Herreros (Spanish National Scientific Council, Madrid)


1045-1115      New Researchers’ Poster Session (Dining Room/Classroom SA053)

1045-1115      Coffee (Thomas Telford Dining Room, SA building)

1115-1300       Academic Session II (7 parallel sessions)


IIA:   Shareholders and Firms in the UK during the late 19th and early 20th centuries
(chair: David Higgins) (Ash SA063)

Individual investors and local bias in the UK, 1870-1935
Janette Rutterford, Dimitris Sotiropoulos (Open University) & Carry van Lieshout (University of Nottingham)

Rentier capitalism and the equity market: shareholders in Victorian public companies
Graeme Acheson (University of Stirling), Gareth Campbell & John Turner (Queen’s University Belfast)

The vicar, the widow, or the gentleman: who gets allocated IPO shares?
Lyndon Moore, Sturla Fjesme & Neil Galpin (University of Melbourne)

IIB:   Geography, Borders and Institutions: Re-interpreting Italy’s Regional Divide
(chair: Guido Alfani) (Birch SA064)

Industrial growth and spatial spillovers in nineteenth-century Italy
Carlo Ciccarelli (Università di Roma Tor Vergata) & Stefano Fachin (Università di Roma La Sapienza)

Regional income inequality in Italy in the long run, 1871-2001: patterns and determinants
Emanuele Felice (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

The industrial geography of Italy: provinces, regions and border effects, 1871-1911
Anna Missiaia (Lund University)

IIC:   Postwar Britain (chair: Catherine Schenk) (Beech SC207)

‘Stop-go’ economics and the decline of Britain’s consumer durables industries, 1945-64
Peter Scott & James Walker (University of Reading)

De-industrialisation not decline: Britain since the 1950s
Jim Tomlinson (University of Glasgow)

Privatisation and the postwar settlement
Adrian Williamson (University of Cambridge)

IID:   Structural Change in the Global Economy (chair: Chris Colvin) (Cedar SA067)

Convergence in the pre-1914 Atlantic economy: what really happened to wages in the Irish economy?
Jason Begley, Frank Geary & Tom Stark (Coventry University)

International price competition and productivity, 1850-1940
Jonas Ljungberg (Lund University)

IIE:   Early Modern Industry (chair: Pat Hudson) (Classroom SA052)

Cottagers and squatters in an early industrialising region: evidence from the Ironbridge Gorge district, Shropshire
James Bowen (University of Liverpool)

Foundry ware distribution from the Darby ironworks in Coalbrookdale/Shropshire: a review of early eighteenth-century production, supply and management challenges
Karin Dannehl (University of Wolverhampton)

Industrial organisation in London building trades, 1660-1750
Judy Stephenson (London School of Economics)

IIF:    Estate Management and the Late Medieval Economy (chair: James Davis) (Juniper SC213)

Location, location, location? Property speculation and the rental market in medieval Gloucester
Catherine Casson (University of Manchester)

The Spörer Minimum and the Agrarian Crisis of 1436-39
Philip Slavin (University of Kent)

Institutional memory and estate management in the English countryside
Alex Brown (University of Durham)

IIG:   Ideology and pragmatism in economic history (chair: Mark Casson) (Hawthorn SC208)

Compromising liberty: Friedrich Hayek’s ‘The Road to Serfdom’ in practice
Chris Grocott (University of Leicester)

Of morals and money: IG Farben, Interhandel and GAF, ideology and pragmatism in the Kennedy Administration’s settlement with the Union Bank of Switzerland, 1963-65
Declan O’Reilly (University of East Anglia)

Economic theory and social democracy: The Nobel Prize in Economics
Avner Offer (University of Oxford)


1300-1400      Lunch (Thomas Telford Dining Room, SA building)

1415-1600       Academic Session III (7 parallel sessions)


IIIA: Spending and Financing War (chair: Peter Howlett) (Ash SA063)

Neutral Central Bank financing costs in the Great War
Stéphanie Collet (ESCP, Europe) & Eric Golson (Universities of Warwick/Oxford)

Pro Bono Publico? Demand for military spending between the World Wars
Jari Eloranta (Appalachian State University)

IIIB: History & Policy Round Table: Thomas Piketty on Capital and Inequality
(chair: Rick Trainor) (Beech SC207)

Invited panel to include Martin Daunton, Avner Offer, Jim Tomlinson and Keith Tribe

IIIC: Working in the Industrial Revolution (chair: Jane Humphries) (Birch SA064)

A job for life? Working lives and the historical record in early industrial Newcastle upon Tyne
Andy Burn (University of Durham)

The lead mine workings at Tyndrum: new evidence on late eighteenth-century earnings
Tim Barmby (University of Aberdeen)

Absenteeism in nineteenth-century US manufacturing
Joyce Burnette (Wabash College)

IIID: Institutions and Divergence (chair: Mark Overton) (Cedar SA067)

Land equalisation, social mobility, and the rise of the Civil Service exam system
Hanhui Guan (Peking University) & Qian Dai (Wuhan University)

Was Domar right? The Second Serfdom, the land-labour ratio, and urbanisation in eighteenth-century Bohemia
Alexander Klein (University of Kent) & Sheilagh Ogilvie (University of Cambridge)

Accounting for the Great Divergence
Stephen Broadberry (London School of Economics)

IIIE: Women’s Committee Session: Emotions and the Economy in Early Modern Europe
(chair: Tawny Paul) (Classroom SA052)

Rethinking emotions and the economy: the relationship between economic values and emotions in late medieval and early modern London
Merridee Bailey (University of Adelaide)

Commerce and emotions in the Dutch Republic: reading the mind of the early modern merchant
Dorothee Sturkenboom

Marriage and the market in eighteenth-century England
Anne Laurence (Open University)

IIIF: Financial Flows in Medieval and Renaissance Italy (chair: Andrew Wareham) (Juniper SC213)

Grain flows and the Florentine grain market, 1250-1330
Marie Ito (Georgetown University)

The circulation of gold in late medieval Italy in the light of coin hoards
Roman Zaoral (Charles University)

Financial flows in the medieval Mediterranean from the libri di cambio of Francesco di Marco Datini of Prato, 1388-1403
Tony Moore (University of Reading)

The charity of the poor: some insights from the Maritime Folk of late Renaissance Venice
Ioanna Iordanou (University of Warwick)

IIIG: European economy in the 20th century (chair: Peter Fearon) (Hawthorn SC208)

Connections and comparisons between British banking and international mining firms, 1900-78 – preliminary findings
Simon Mollan & Philip Garnett (University of York)

Did the Central and Allied Powers form credible alliances in World War I?
Tobias Jopp (University of Regensburg)

Fifty years of revisions in the official estimates of GDP for the UK and their impact on the interpretation of postwar economic performance
Samuel Williamson (University of Illinois, Chicago & MeasuringWorth) & Enrico Berkes (Northwestern University)


1600-1615       New Researchers’ Poster Session (Dining Room/Classroom SA053)

1600-1615       Tea (Thomas Telford Dining Room, SA building)

1615-1715        Annual General Meeting of the Economic History Society (Beech SC207)

1800-1805      Coach transfer to Ironbridge Gorge Museum (where the reception and dinner will be hosted)
                          Note: this is only for those delegates who have pre-booked and paid for dinner

1830-1945      Conference Reception (The Museum of Iron)
(Kindly sponsored by the University of Wolverhampton)

2000-2200      Conference Dinner (Enginuity)

2230-2235       Coach transfer to University of Wolverhampton (Telford Campus)

Late bar available (Priorslee Lounge & Bar)


Sunday 29 March 2015

0800-0900      Breakfast (Thomas Telford Dining Room, SA Building)

0930-1130       Academic Session IV (7 parallel sessions)


IVA:   Dynamics of Social and Human Capital in Finance (chair: Leslie Hannah) (Ash SA063)

Gentlemen and players: regulation and self-regulation in international banking in the 1970s
Catherine Schenk (University of Glasgow)

New beliefs at the top: mapping the changing backgrounds of Dutch bankers, 1950-2007
Gerarda Westerhuis (Utrecht/Erasmus Universities)

Japanese financial elites for banking supervision in the Ministry of Finance, 1927-98
Eiji Hotori (Yokohama National University)

The ‘regime context’ of banking supervisors’ competence: the Swedish case over the twentieth century
Mikael Wendschlag (Uppsala University)

IVB:   Inequality and Living Standards (chair: Nicole Robertson) (Birch SA064)

The lasting impact of grandfathers: class, occupational status, and earnings over three generations (Sweden, 1815-2010)
Martin Dribe & Jonas Helgertz (Lund University)

Income inequality in Imperial Austria, 1911
Michael Pammer (Johannes Kepler University)

Fetal health stagnation: have health conditions in utero improved in the US and western and northern Europe over the past 150 years?
Eric Schneider (University of Sussex)

African living standards under the French Empire: evidence from recruits to the Tirailleurs Sénégalais
Alexander Moradi (University of Sussex), Denis Cogneau & Léa Rouanet (Paris School of Economics)

IVC:    Work and Marriage (chair: Sara Horrell) (Cedar SA067)

Were all widows poor-widows? Family and work or poverty and isolation
Beatrice Moring (Universities of Helsinki/Cambridge)

Was there a marriage premium among workers in the late nineteenth-century manufacturing industry?
Maria Stanfors (Lund University)

Sources of spatial differences in labour force participation of women: historical evidence for Germany
Michael Wyrwich (Friedrich Schiller University Jena)

Women, work, and identity in postwar Italy: the case of Emilia-Romagna, 1945-70
Pamela Schievenin (University of Glasgow)

IVD:   How the Grain Market Functioned: Local, National and International Evidence
(chair: Joyce Burnette) (Classroom SA052)

The economics of grain storage in England, 1663-1846
Liam Brunt (Norwegian School of Economics) & Edmund Cannon (University of Bristol)

Globalisation and empire: market integration and international trade between Canada, the United States and Britain, 1750-1870
Vincent Geloso (London School of Economics) & Paul Sharp (University of Southern Denmark)

IVE:   Britain and Caribbean Slavery (chair: Peter Kirby) (Beech SC207)

The British state and slavery: George Baillie, merchant of London and St Vincent, and the Exchequer loans of the 1790s
Nick Draper (University College London)

Metals in the Atlantic slave trade, their European origins and African impacts
Chris Evans (University of South Wales)

The British West Indian economy after the American Revolution
Ahmed Reid (City University of New York)

The Society of West India Planters and Merchants in the Age of Emancipation, c.1816-35
David Ryden (University of Houston-Downtown)

IVF:   Urban Disamenities (chair: Anne Laurence) (Juniper SC213)

Standards of living and urban mortality in the first phases of British industrialisation, 1750-1850
Jeremy Boulton (Newcastle University) & Romola Davenport (University of Cambridge)

The impact of industrial pollution on city growth: lessons from the ‘Dark Satanic Mills’
Walker Hanlon (UCLA)

The impact of commuting and mass transport on the London labour market: evidence from the New Survey of London Life and Labour
Jessica Bean (Denison University), Andrew Seltzer & Jonathan Wadsworth (RHUL)

The costs of infection control in British hospitals, c.1870-1970
Marguerite Dupree, Iain Hutchison (University of Glasgow), Claire Jones & Anne Marie Rafferty (King’s College London)

IVG:   New Directions in Irish Economic and Social History (chair: Kevin O’Rourke)
(Hawthorn SC208)

From famine to feast: anthropometric living standards in Ireland, 1770s-1880s
Matthias Blum, Chris Colvin (Queen’s University Belfast) & Eoin McLaughlin (University of St Andrews)

Long-run patterns and shifts in wealth: insights from Irish share prices since 1825
Richard Grossman, Masami Imia (Wesleyan University), Ronan Lyons (Trinity College Dublin) & Kevin O’Rourke (University of Oxford)


1130-1200       New Researchers’ Poster Session (Dining Room/Classroom SA053)

1130-1200      Coffee (Thomas Telford Dining Room, SA building)

1200-1315      Tawney Lecture (Lecture Theatre SA102)
                        Contesting Reconstruction: remaking the global economic order after 1945
Professor Martin Daunton (University of Cambridge)

1315-1415      Lunch (Thomas Telford Dining Room, SA Building)

1315-1515      Careers and Publishing Sessions for New Researchers (Beech SC207)

1315-1415     Publishing your work

  • Phillipp Schofield, Editor, Economic History Review
  • Graham Russel, Wiley-Blackwell

1415-1515     Getting a job

  • Deborah Oxley, University of Oxford
  • Leigh Gardner, London School of Economics and Political Science

A sandwich lunch will be provided for participants.