2016 EHS Annual Conference

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The 2016 Annual Conference was held at Robinson College, Cambridge, Friday 1 – Sunday 3 April. On site residential accommodation was in student halls of residence.


2016 Conference Booklet


Conference Programme and Papers (where provided)


Friday 1 April 2016

0900-1030            Meeting of Economic History Society Publications Committee (Crausaz Wordsworth Building [CWB] 1)
1030-1330            Meeting of Economic History Society Council (CWB Plenary Room)
1200-1700            Registration (Auditorium Foyer)

1330-1530            New Researchers’ Session I (8 parallel sessions)


IA:      The Medieval Economy (chair: Helen Paul) (Games Room)

Regional living standards and inequality in fifth – eighth century Alamannia
Nicholas Meinzer (Eberhard Karls Universität Tübingen)

Foligno County (Umbria, Central Italy) in the long twelfth century, 1070s-1200: an outline of the economic transition
Nikita Dmitriev (Panthéon-Sorbonne University)

The Icelandic livestock economy: challenging the traditional narrative
Bernadette McCooey (University of Birmingham)

IB:       Standards of Living (chair: Amy Erickson) (Garden Room)

Wages, income and living standards in French North America, 1688-1760
Vincent Geloso (London School of Economics)

Consumption, credit, and the standard of living: The case study of a Derbyshire lead miner, c.1789-91
Matthew Pawelski (Lancaster University)

A composite perspective on British living standards during the Industrial Revolution
Daniel Gallardo-Albarrán (University of Groningen)

IC:       Credit and Institutions in the Eighteenth Century (chair: Janet Casson) (Music Room)

Do secure property rights cause debt? Evidence from colonial South Africa
Christie Swanepoel (University of Stellenbosch)

Institutional commitment problems in the Ottoman Empire: the case of the Iltizam system
Bora Altay (Yildirim Beyazit University)

ID:      Finance and Economic Development (chair: John Turner) (JCR)

Capital market integration in early modern Spain: A reconsideration
Cyril Milhaud (Paris School of Economics)

Monetary and fiscal policy in England during the French Wars
Pamfili Antipa (Bank of France) & Christophe Chamley (Boston University)

New money and credit aggregates for Ireland, 1840-1921: construction and implications
Jason Lennard & Seán Kenny (Lund University)

Religion and development in post-Famine Ireland
Stuart Henderson (Queen’s University Belfast)

IE:       Industry and Manufacturing (chair: Kristine Bruland) (Linnett Room)

Patents, exhibitions and markets for innovation in the early twentieth century: evidence from Torino’s 1911 International Exhibition
Giacomo Domini (University of Siena)

The revealed comparative advantages of late-Victorian Britain
Brian Varian (London School of Economics)

The mining sectors in Chile and Norway, c.1870-1940: the development of a knowledge gap
Kristin Ranestad (University of Oslo)

Confronting deindustrialisation: economic change and cultural identities in the Scottish coalfields
Ewan Gibbs (University of Glasgow)

IF:       Business Strategies and Regulation in the Nineteenth Century (chair: Avner Offer) (Umney Lounge)

‘A great reversal not so much of business structure as of attitude’? The campaign behind the introduction of general limited liability in England
Julia Chaplin (University of East Anglia)

Who had the right to fail? Insolvency regulation in German entrepôts, 1850-70
Jasper Kunstreich (University of Oxford)

Historical development of the Chinese Shanxi piaohao (remittance firms), 1823-1920
Meng Wu (London School of Economics)

The colony, the club and the corporation: The persistence of gentlemanly capitalist networks in India
Shachi Amdekar (University of Cambridge)

IG:      Stock Markets and Capital Investment (chair: Carsten Burhop & Paul Sharp) (Auditorium Lounge)

The organisation of stock exchanges from a property rights perspective: Berlin and London in comparison, c.1860-1914
Michael Buchner (Universität Regensburg)

British reserve? UK and German investments abroad, 1870-1913
Andreea-Alexandra Maerean (University of Southern Denmark)

Raising capital: laws, statutes and practices in German corporations, 1870-1930
Angela Bol (University of Vienna)

An inquiry on determinants of risk: the French money market, 1880-1914
Stefano Ungaro (Paris School of Economics)

IH:      Banking (chair: Max-Stephan Schulze) (CWB 2 & 3)

The causes of the Austrian Crisis of 1931
Flora Macher (London School of Economics)

A collective approach: Commonwealth central bankers and the Second World War
Miesje de Vogel (UNSW Canberra)

Competition law, competition policy, and the London clearing banks, 1946-79
Linda Arch (University of Reading)

‘Has the Euro-Dollar a future?’: The formative years of the Eurodollar market, 1959-64
Seung Woo Kim (University of Cambridge)


1530-1600            Tea (Dining Hall/CWB)

1600-1730            New Researchers’ Session II (8 parallel sessions)


IIA:     Medieval Economy and Society (chair: John Hatcher) (Games Room)

Urban loans to the Crown and the growth of government in medieval England, 1307-51
Robin McCallum (Queen’s University Belfast)

A revolt of class struggle? Reflections on the causes of the 1381 Peasants’ Revolt
Mingjie Xu (University of Cambridge)

IIB:     Industry, Work and Occupations (chair: Sujit Sivasundaram) (Garden Room)

Land securities and industrial finance in seventeenth-century West Country: a new use of probate records
Yasir Nawaz (University of Oxford)

Spinning places: women’s work and men’s work in cotton and silk industries of Bursa and Bombay, 1850-1910
Hatice Yildiz (University of Cambridge)

The regional and national development of the male occupational structure of England and Wales, 1600-1820
Sebastian Keibek (University of Cambridge)

IIC:     Trade and Commercial Policy (chair: Guillaume Daudin) (Music Room)

The fur trade and the metropolitan economy: the supply of commodity exports to the Hudson’s Bay Company during the late 18th and early 19th centuries
David Hope (Northumbria University)

Germany’s extensive margin of trade, 1880-1913: A universe of zeros
Wolf-Fabian Hungerland (Humboldt-University Berlin)

The great trade bust: political frictions, physical frictions and the interwar distance puzzle
Thilo Albers (London School of Economics)

IID:     Fertility and Mortality (chair: Chris Minns) (JCR)

The unequal demographic transition: income inequality as a fundamental driver of the fertility decline
Marijn Bolhuis (Utrecht University) & Sandra de Pleijt (London School of Economics)

Local government investment in urban infrastructure and mortality decline in England and Wales, 1861-1900
Jonathan Chapman (EUI)

Famine and relief of 1958-61: A case study in Zhaitan village of Anhui Province of China
Jian Gao (Independent Scholar)

IIE:      Investment and Shares (chair: Jim Tomlinson) (Linnett Room)

Investor protection, taxation and dividend policy: Evidence from Belgium 1838-2012
Leentje Moortgat, Jan Annaert & Marc Deloof (University of Antwerp)

A prosopographical study of directorial control and shareholdings in Dundee-owned jute mill companies operating in colonial Calcutta, 1874-1921
Alexis Wearmouth

Share-shopping over the counter: Thatcherism and the battle for the private investor, c.1972-88
Amy Edwards (University of Birmingham)

IIF:      Urban Society and the Public Economy (chair: Jim Phillips) (Umney Lounge)

Cinema programming, audience preferences and entertainments duty in Belfast, 1948-61
Sam Manning (Queen’s University Belfast)

Fostering ‘cost consciousness’ in infection control: The Royal Infirmary of Edinburgh, c.1948-70
Susan Gardiner (University of Glasgow)

IIG:     Political Economy and Fiscal Policy (chair: Michael French) (Auditorium Lounge)

What we count counts: The impact of attitude shifts in economic measurement during the 1930s
Matthew Fright (University of Cambridge)

The fiscal revolution in America: a reinterpretation
James Hillyer (University College London)

Socialist growth revisited: insights from Yugoslavia
Leonard Kukic (London School of Economics)

IIH:     Trade and Consumer Credit in the Twentieth Century (chair: Bernardo Bátiz-Lázo) (CWB 2 & 3)

Trade liberalisation, crises, and historical links: A gravity analysis of Mexico’s historical trade flows, 1962-2011
Andrea Daniels (University of York)

The economic effects of the Consumer Credit Act 1974
Sergio Castellanos-Gamboa (Bangor University)


1730-1830                 Open meeting for women in economic history (CWB)
1815-1900                  Council reception for new researchers and first-time delegates (CWB Plenary Room)
1900-2015                 Dinner (Dining Hall)

2030-2130                Plenary (Auditorium)
                                     Professor Gareth Austin (University of Cambridge)
                                       Africa and Global Economic History

2135-2145                 Meeting of New Researcher Prize Committee (Seminar Room)

Late bar available (Bar)


Saturday 2 April 2016

0800-0845            Breakfast (Garden Restaurant)

0845-1045            Academic Session I (8 parallel sessions)


IA:      Medieval Economy of England (chair: Richard Smith) (CWB Plenary Room)

Bees in the medieval landscape: economy, technology and environment, 1000-1500
Alexandra Sapoznik (King’s College London)

The first Sterling Area
Martin Allen (University of Cambridge)

Financial organisation in English boroughs
Dave Postles (University of Hertfordshire)

What TNA CP 40 tells us about the medieval woollen cloth industry
Nick Amor (Independent Scholar)

IB:       Credit, Risk and Law (chair: Lucy Newton) (Garden Room)

‘All that glitters is not gold’: bankruptcies of Venetian firms in the Renaissance
Stefania Montemezzo (University of Bologna)

The Bankruptcy of Cunertorf, Snel, Janssen & Co, 1570-95
Catia Antunes (Leiden University)

Risk and law in a colonial and globalising world: the case of Mathias Giesque and the English bankruptcy law, c.1690-1706
Margrit Schulte Beerbühl (Heinrich Heine University of Düsseldorf)

Social capital and litigation: the case of the Misericórdia of Lisbon during the eighteenth century
Lisbeth Rodrigues (University of Lisbon)

IC:       Institutional Change in the Long Eighteenth Century (chair: D’Maris Coffman) (Music Room)

‘There can be no partnership with the king’: political instability and the English East India Company
Dan Bogart (UC Irvine)

Property rights and wardship in England, 1603-60
Sean Bottomley (Institute for Advanced Studies, Toulouse)

The secondary market of English government debt in the late seventeenth century
Ling-Fan Li (National Tsing Hua University)

Credible commitment and the political economy of Jamaican finance, 1769-1839
Aaron Graham (University of Oxford)

ID:      Growth and Inequality (chair: David Higgins) (JCR)

Mountains, clusters, and cities: regional inequality in Switzerland, 1860-2008
Christian Stohr (London School of Economics)

Tracing the evolution of agglomeration economies: Spain, 1860-1991
Francisco Beltrán Tapia (University of Cambridge), Alfonso Díez Minguela & Julio Martínez Galarraga (Universitat de Valencia)

Empires diverging: A spatial analysis of Habsburg and German Regional GDP, 1870-1910
Max-Stephan Schulze (London School of Economics) & Paul Caruana Galizia (Humboldt University Berlin)

International inequality in living standards, 1870-2007
Leandro Prados de la Escosura (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

IE:       Cameralism in Practice: The Principles of Early Modern State Administration (chair: Paul Warde) (Linnett Room)

Cameralism: success or failure in economic thought?
Martin Seppel (University of Tartu)

Baltic Cameralism
Keith Tribe (Independent Scholar)

Between the divine and the individual: eighteenth-century Swedish iron-making and layers of household practices
Göran Rydén (Uppsala University)

IF:       Social Infrastructure (chair: Vellore Arthi) (Umney Lounge)

Who should own and control urban water systems? Disease and the municipalisation of private waterworks in nineteenth-century England
Nicola Tynan (Dickinson College), Brian Beach (College of William & Mary) & Werner Troesken (University of Pittsburgh)

Public works loans, social intervention and mortality change in England and Wales, 1850-1914
Bernard Harris (University of Strathclyde) & Andrew Hinde (University of Southampton)

Voluntary or compulsory? Exploring dynamics of mutual cooperative formation in Swedish health insurance at the turn of the twentieth century
Lars Fredrik Andersson & Liselotte Eriksson (Umeå University)

Surviving the war: the funding of British higher education in the First World War
John Taylor (University of Liverpool)

IG:      Industrial Change and Development in the Twentieth Century (chair: Jim Tomlinson) (Auditorium Lounge)

The effectiveness of land reforms in traditional societies: Central Asia in the 1920s
Gani Aldashev (Université Libre de Bruxelles) & Zhudyzbek Abylkhozhin (National Academy of Sciences of Kazakhstan)

Generation and changing economic order in the Scottish coal mining from the 1920s to the 1980s
Jim Phillips (University of Glasgow)

Saved by the British Empire: how the US escaped the Great Depression
Cristiano Andrea Ristuccia (University of Cambridge)

Structural policies, regional development and industrial specialisation: the Italian case, 1952-2002
Fabio Lavista (Insubria University)

IH:      Trade and Finance (chair: Ali Coşkun Tuncer) (CWB 2 & 3)

International financial flows, domestic credit intermediation, and industrial growth in the periphery of the gold standard regime: evidence from Italy, 1861-1913
Paolo Di Martino (University of Birmingham), Alberto Rinaldi & Barbara Pistolesi (Università di Modena e Reggio Emilia)

Gold and trade: An empirical simulation approach
Rui Esteves (University of Oxford) & Florian Ploeckl (University of Adelaide)

Reserves and the common pool resource problem
Jon Moen (University of Mississippi)

Does liberalisation promote international trade? An empirical analysis of the Kennedy Round GATT negotiations, 1964-67
Lucia Coppolaro & Giulio Cainelli (University of Padova)


1045-1115                  Coffee (Dining Hall/CWB)

1115-1300            Academic Session II (8 parallel sessions)


IIA:     Tools of Credit (chair: Phillipp Schofield) (CWB Plenary Room)

The use of merchant law in the local courts of medieval England
James Davis (Queen’s University Belfast)

Mortgages on a medieval English manor: Alrewas, Staffordshire, 1327-50
Chris Briggs (University of Cambridge)

The evolution of the bond in late medieval England
Matthew Stevens (Swansea University)

IIB:     Exploring Ideology in Economic and Social History (chair: Nuala Zahedieh) (Garden Room)

Historians, religion and economic change
Amanda Capern (University of Hull)

Rethinking the significance of inheritance and marriage to capital
Amy Erickson (University of Cambridge)

GDP per capita: an ideological construct
Pat Hudson (Cardiff University)

IIC:     Early Modern Europe (chair: Patrick O’Brien) (Music Room)

Measuring participation in the probate process: Who made wills in early modern England?
Justin Colson (University of Essex) & Patrick Wallis (London School of Economics)

The economics of the reconstruction of Catania after the 1693 earthquake
Stefano Condorelli (Bern University)

‘The people next door’: housing and neighbourhood in eighteenth-century Ottoman Edirne
Ali Coşkun Tuncer (University College London) & Gürer Karagedikli (Middle East Technical University)

IID:     Backwardness and Growth (chair: Bishnupriya Gupta) (JCR)

Why didn’t the Middle East industrialise in the nineteenth century?
Bob Allen (New York University Abu Dhabi)

Natural assets in the former periphery: Sweden and Chile since 1850
Cristián Ducoing & Magnus Lindmark (Umeå University)

Making the most of scarcity? Japanese natural assets since the 1870s
Jean-Pascal Bassino (University of Lyon), Kyoji Fukao & Osamu Saito (Hitotsubashi University)

IIE:      Neo-Liberalism and the Thatcher Revolution (chair: Hugh Pemberton) (Linnett Room)

Currents of Neo-Liberalism: British political ideologies and the new right, c.1955-79
Ben Jackson (University of Oxford)

The political economy of British pension funds: Neoliberalism versus Social Democracy, c.1970-86
Aled Davies (University of Bristol)

Thatcherism, housing policy and homelessness
Florence Sutcliffe-Braithwaite (University College London)

IIF:      Fertility and Social Engineering (chair: Markus Lampe) (Umney Lounge)

Disease and fertility: Evidence from the 1918 Spanish flu epidemic in Sweden
Nina Boberg-Fazlic, Maryna Ivets, Martin Karlsson (University of Duisburg-Essen) & Therese Nilsson (Lund University)

Baby boom or baby bust: the impact of uncertainty on fertility during the Great Depression and the post-WWII growth era
Bastien Chabé-Ferret & Paula Gobbi (Université Catholique de Louvain)

If you do not change your behaviour: Managing threats to state security in Lithuania under Soviet rule
Mark Harrison (Universities of Warwick & Stanford)

IIG: Specialisation in Industrial Economies (chair: Nicole Robertson) (Auditorium Lounge)

The value of craftwork in a nineteenth-century industrialised economy: The Scottish case
Stana Nenadic (University of Edinburgh)

Employers with multiple occupations in the 1881 Population Census of England and Wales
Gill Newton (University of Cambridge)

Are long-term entrepreneurship trends ‘U-shaped’: Economic transitions, 1851-2011
Robert Bennett (University of Cambridge)

IIH:     Central Banking (chair: Paolo di Martino) (CWB 2 & 3)

The Great War and evolution of Central Bank in India
Nadeem Aftab (Abu Dhabi University) & Tehreem Husain

The birth of a modern financial system: Portuguese banking during World War II, 1939-45
Luciano Amaral (Nova School of Business and Economics)

Foreign reserves and international adjustments under the Bretton Woods system: A reappraisal
Eric Monnet (Bank of France) & Damien Puy (IMF)


1300-1400                  Lunch (Dining Hall)

1415-1600            Academic Session III (8 parallel sessions)


IIIA:    Early Modern Finance (chair: Tony Moore) (CWB Plenary Room)

Power politics, princely debts and the failure of Germany’s common currency, 1549-55
Oliver Volckart (London School of Economics)

The lure of lady luck: Designing lottery markets in the fifteenth- and sixteenth-century Low Countries
Jeroen Puttevils (University of Antwerp)

The Radius of the Bank of England Note Revisited, 1720s-1820s
Hiroki Shin (Birkbeck College, London)

IIIB:    New Approaches to Early Modern Ireland (chair: Anne Laurence) (Garden Room)

Female agency in early modern Ireland: the case of the 1641 Depositions
Bronagh McShane (NUI Galway)

Quantifying Ireland’s international trade 1683-1783: A regional perspective
Patrick Walsh (University College Dublin) & Aidan Kane (NUI Galway)

The potwalloping borough of Swords in 1727 and the potential of parliamentary reports for providing insight into Irish voters and their communities
Suzanne Forbes (Open University)

IIIC:    Global Economy in the Long Eighteenth Century (chair: Catia Antunes) (Music Room)

How Spanish monopolies’ gatekeepers steered Amsterdam merchants’ (mis)fortunes: Evidence from inter-imperial slavery circuits in the seventeenth century Atlantic World
Alejandro García-Montón (Universidad Pablo de Olavide)

Comparing early trade statistics: The case of Austrian Netherlands and France, 1759-91
Guillaume Daudin (Université Paris-Dauphine & Sciences Po), Loïc Charles (Paris-8 & INED) & Anne Coenen (Utrecht University)

‘For Want of Sugar’: Consumer culture in Atlantic West Africa in the Age of Abolition
Bronwen Everill (University of Cambridge)

IIID: Twentieth-Century Business (chair: Jim Phillips) (JCR)

Confectionary and corporate imagery: uses of advertising in Britain in the 1950s
Michael French (University of Glasgow)

Familiar cohesion as explanation for longevity rates in familiar business: The Persan Case
Juan Baños & Francisco Javier Fernández-Roca (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, de Sevilla)

Palm oil industry 1970-2010: Do we see a flying geese pattern emerging?
Lars Bruno (Norwegian Business School)

IIIE:    Political Economy and Market Performance in Qing China (chair: Mark Harrison) (Linnett Room)

Market integration in early modern China: Spatio-temporal analysis with cross-sectional dependence
Daniel Bernhofen (American University), Markus Eberhardt, Stephen Morgan (University of Nottingham) & Jianan Li (Xiamen University)

The Literary Inquisition: The persecution of intellectuals and human capital accumulation in Imperial China
Mark Koyama (George Mason University) & Melanie Meng Xue (UCLA)

State Capacity and Great Divergence, the case of Qing China, 1644-1911
Debin Ma (London School of Economics)

IIIF:    Health and Height (chair: Jaime Reis) (Umney Lounge)

‘Tall, active and well made’? Māori stature and health in New Zealand
Kris Inwood (University of Guelph), Les Oxley (University of Waikato) & Evan Roberts (University of Minnesota)

The engine and the reaper: The impact of industrialisation on mortality in early modern Japan
John Tang (Australian National University)

Generation war: The long-term effects of World War II on physical and mental health
Sebastian Otten (Ruhr University Bochum), Julia Bredtmann & Magdalena Stroka (RWI Essen)

IIIG:   Technology Transfer (chair: Carsten Burhop) (Auditorium Lounge)

Germany’s early industrialisation: regional innovativeness and technology transfer, 1843-77
Felix Selgert (University of Vienna) & Alexander Donges (University of Mannheim)

Of time and space: A spatial analysis of knowledge spillovers among patented and unpatented innovations
Zorina Khan (Bowdoin College & National Bureau of Economic Research)

Expert knowledge and colonialism: sugar production under American rule, 1900s-1930s
David Pretel (Pompeu Fabra University)

IIIH:    Financial Markets (chair: Charles Read) (CWB 2 & 3)

Any lessons for today? Exchange-rate stabilisation in Greece and South-East Europe between economic and political objectives and fiscal reality, 1841-1939
Matthias Morys (University of York)

Assessing very imperfect fiscal data: determinants of Brazilian sovereign risk, 1880-1928
Leonardo Weller & Emerson Marçal (Sao Paulo School of Economics – FGV)

Industries: Their rise and fall since 1900
David Chambers, Elroy Dimson (University of Cambridge) & Paul Marsh (London Business School)


1600-1615            Tea (Dining Hall/CWS)

1615-1730            Plenary session (chair: Rick Trainor) (Auditorium)

                                   The scope, nature and future of economic and social history

Stephen Broadberry (University of Oxford)          Economic History
Karen Hunt (Keele University & SHS Chair)        Social and Cultural History
Jane Humphries (University of Oxford)                Economic and Social History

1615-1715            Meeting of Schools and Colleges Committee (Seminar Room)
1730-1830           Annual General Meeting of the Economic History Society (CWB 2 & 3)
1930-2000          Conference Reception and Book Launch (CWB Plenary Room)

2000                     Conference Dinner (Dining Hall)

Late bar available (Bar)


Sunday 3 April 2016

0800-0900            Breakfast (Garden Restaurant)

0930-1130            Academic Session IV (8 parallel sessions)


IVA:   Women’s Committee Session: Ways of Financing Across Europe (chair: Helen Paul) (CWB Plenary Room)

Understanding the financial dealings of the London Company of Brewers
D’Maris Coffman (University College London)

Financing the silk industry: Evidence from eighteenth-century Trentino
Cinzia Lorandini (University of Trento)

Notarial credit in eighteenth-century Trentino: dynamics and trends
Marcella Lorenzini (University of Trento)

IVB:    Business of Empire (chair: Peter Spufford) (Garden Room)

Dismantling chartered companies in the Dutch Atlantic
Karwan Fatah Black (Leiden University)

Between Brazil and Asia: the global business of De Bruijn & Cloots of Lisbon, 1713-37
Susana Münch Miranda (Leiden University) & João Paulo Salvado (University of Évora)

French colonial business: The case of a governor-entrepreneur in Ouidah in the first half of the eighteenth century
Elisabeth Heijmans (Leiden University)

The Atlantic World between markets and state in eighteenth-century France: the Sephardim firm Gradis in Bordeaux
Silvia Marzagalli (Université Nice Sophia Antipolis)

IVC:    Work and Welfare (chair: Bernard Harris) (Music Room)

Unreal wages? A new empirical foundation for the study of English living standards, 1260-1860
Jacob Weisdorf (University of Southern Denmark) & Jane Humphries (University of Oxford)

Women’s work in rural England, 1500-1700: an approach based on incidental evidence in court records
Mark Hailwood & Jane Whittle (University of Exeter)

Measuring the rise of the parish welfare state in England, c.1600-1800
Brodie Waddell (Birkbeck, University of London)

Apprentice migration to early modern London: A four nations approach
William Farrell (University of Leicester) & Tim Reinke-Williams (University of Northampton)

IVD:   Human Capital (chair: Judy Stephenson) (JCR)

Origins of growth: Health shocks, institutions, and human capital in the Protestant Reformation
Jeremiah Dittmar (London School of Economics) & Ralf Meisenzahl (Federal Reserve Board)

The determinants of inheritance? A genealogical enquiry, England 1750-2014
Gregory Clark (University of California, Davis) & Neil Cummins (London School of Economics)

Protectionism and the education-fertility trade-off in late nineteenth-century France
Vincent Bignon (Bank of France) & Cecilia Garcia-Peñalosa (Aix-Marseille University)

Does centralisation foster human capital accumulation? Quasi-experimental evidence from Italy’s Liberal Age
Gabriele Cappelli (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona) & Michelangelo Vasta (University of Siena)

IVE:    Institutions, Growth and Development (chair: ) (Linnett Room)

Law and economic efficiency: English private property law and Muslim family endowments (awqāf) in British India
Muhammad Zubair Abbasi (Lahore University of Management Sciences)

Apocalypse now, apocalypse when? Economic growth and structural breaks in Argentina, 1886-2003
Nauro Campos , Menelaos Karanasos, Panagiotis Koutroumpis (Brunel University) & Michail Karoglou (Aston University)

Beyond ‘corruption’ in Nigeria: Revisiting public sector and state-owned enterprise successes and failures 1950-85
Hanaan Marwah (London School of Economics)

Women and economic growth: the European marriage pattern in the context of modern day countries
Victoria Bateman (University of Cambridge)

IVF:    Migration (chair: Sebastian Otten) (Umney Lounge)

A city of trades: Spanish and Italian immigrants in late nineteenth-century Buenos Aires, Argentina
Blanca Sanchez-Alonso (Universidad CEU-San Pablo) & Leticia Arroyo Abad (Middlebury College)

Migrant money: An assessment of migrants’ access to credit in Edinburgh before the First World War
Marc di Tommasi (University of Edinburgh)

Gender, discrimination and housing in turn of the century Montréal
Robert Sweeny (Memorial University of Newfoundland)

Displacement and development: Partition of India and agricultural development
Prashant Bharadwaj (University of California, San Diego) & Rinchan Ali Mirza (University of Oxford)

IVG:   History & Policy Session: Energy, Trade and Efficiency (chair: Paul Warde) (Auditorium Lounge)

East versus West: Energy transition and energy intensity in coal-rich Europe, 1830-2000
Hana Nielsen (Lund University)

Energy efficiency and the productivity race in industry, 1870-1935
Sofia Teives Henriques (Lund University)

International trade and the energy intensity in Europe, 1870-1935
Paul Warde (University of Cambridge) & Astrid Kander (Lund University)

Trade and overcoming land constraints in the British Industrial Revolution: the role of coal and cotton revisited
Dimitrios Theodoridis (Gothenburg University)

IVH:   Banking and Business (chair: David Chambers) (CWB 2 & 3)

Financiers, gentlemen or captains of industry? The first bank directors in England and Wales
Lucy Newton & Victoria Barnes (University of Reading)

Financialisation of the early Victorian economy and the London Stock Exchange
Andrew Odlyzko (University of Minnesota)

The inefficiency of war: Evidence from the US and UK during WWII
Andrew Urquhart (University of Southampton) & Robert Hudson (University of Hull)

Business in Portuguese colonies during the twentieth century: Burnay group, natural resources and foreign capital
Pedro Neves (Universidade de Lisboa)


1130-1200            Coffee (Dining Hall/CWB)

1200-1315            Tawney Lecture (Auditorium)

                                 The Market Turn: From Social Democracy to Market Liberalism
Professor Avner Offer (University of Oxford)

1315-1415            Lunch (Garden Restaurant)

1315-1415            Publishing Your Work (session for new researchers) (CWB Plenary Room)

A sandwich lunch will be provided for participants


New Researcher Poster Programme

Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference, Friday lunchtime until Sunday lunchtime.

The limits of sovereign power to confiscate: A micro-behavioural analysis of the Ottoman practice of wealth seizure, 1770s-1839
Yasin Arslantas (London School of Economics)

The economic significance of hydroelectricity: autarky politics in Norway
Julia Erol (University of Heidelberg / University of Oslo)

A pauper education: children in the Irish workhouse school, 1851-1911
Simon Gallaher (University of Cambridge)

Cheating leviathan: smuggling, the limits of state power, and the Commutation Act of 1784
Shane Horwell (University College London)

Betting on the Wirtschaftswunder: the resumption of foreign investment in Germany after WWII
Philipp Kessler (University of Mannheim)

Government role in bank distress: a case of Imperial Russia in the 1899-1902 financial crisis
Nikita Lychakov (Queen’s University Belfast)

Where art thou? The role of indigenous agency in pre-independence Algeria
Laura Maravall Buckwalter (Universidad Carlos III)

A new order of Indonesian SME development? Changing business structures, 1966-98
Greta Seibel (London School of Economics)

Lease markets for land and recovery from war: How factor markets, institutions and social relations determine economic recovery from war in the former county of Flanders, c.1450-1550
Bram van Besouw (Utrecht University)

Standardised footwear, invalid labour, and the technology of production: Marc Isambard Brunel and the Battersea Shoe Factory
Meaghan Walker (University of Alberta)