2017 EHS Annual Conference

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The 2017 Annual Conference was held at Royal Holloway, University of London, Friday 31 March – Sunday 2 April. On site residential accommodation was in student halls of residence.


2017 Conference Booklet


Conference Programme and Papers (where provided)


Friday 31 March 2017

0915-1045            Meeting of Economic History Society Publications Committee (Arts Building [F-001])

1045-1345            Meeting of Economic History Society Council (Arts Building [G-024])

1200-1700            Registration (Windsor Building)

1400-1530            New Researchers’ Session I (8 parallel sessions: Windsor Building)


IA:      The Medieval Economy (chair: Jane Whittle) (WIN0-02)

Processes of valuing and exchanging relics in medieval Christianity, 800-1200
Elizabeth Wiedenheft (University of Nottingham)

Commercial expediency, financial convenience and political aspiration: the early success of the gold florin, 1260s-1280s
Stefano Locatelli (University of Manchester)

ResicumA probability of fortuna and periculum: The development of risk into a contractual commodity in the medieval Mediterranean, 1147-1431
Sarina Kürsteiner (Columbia University)

IB:       Eighteenth-Century Britain (chair: Anne Murphy) (WIN0-03)

Child labour and the textile business at the Foundling Hospital, 1758-72
Alice Dolan (University of Hertfordshire)

‘There ought not to be more than one landlord on a property’: Subletting and capitalist farming in seventeenth to eighteenth-century England
Joshua Rhodes (University of Exeter)

Taxing wealth in eighteenth-century Britain
Shane Horwell (University College London)

IC:       Transport, Communications and Settlement (chair: Markus Lampe) (WIN0-04)

Railroads and rural industrialisation: Evidence from a historical policy experiment
Thor Berger (Lund University)

Factor endowments, farm structure, and rural settlement failure: a regional approach
Laura Maravall Buckwalter (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

From telegraphs to space: transport infrastructure, development and deforestation in the Amazon
Humberto Laudares (Graduate Institute of International Development Studies, Geneva)

ID:      Nineteenth-Century Industry and Business (chair: Herman de Jong) (WIN0-05)

Industrial relocation and private trade costs: How brewing moved West in the United States
Carlos Eduardo Hernandez (Universidad de los Andes)

Measuring China’s performance in manufacturing: the political influence on China’s early industrialisation
Ye Ma (University of Groningen)

Risk mitigation and selection under forward contracts: nineteenth-century Indian indentureship
Alexander Persaud (University of Michigan)

IE:       Finance and Trade (chair: Cristiano Ristuccia) (WIN1-02)

Merchant bank trade financing and the British economy, 1870-1913
Walter Jansson (University of Cambridge)

Capital flows in the periphery: the Italian balance of payments in the Liberal Age, 1861-1914
Andrea Incerpi (University of Siena)

Economic rehabilitation through trade: The ter Meulen Scheme for International Credits, 1919-24
Jamieson Myles (University of Geneva)

IF:       Human Capital and Individualism (chair: Christopher Minns) (WIN1-03)

The effect of industrialisation on fertility and human capital: Evidence from the United States in the nineteenth century
Ori Katz (Tel Aviv University)

Coping with income shocks by doing more of the same
Paul Lombardi (UC Davis)

Historical individualism: mass migration and cultural change
Anne Sofie Beck Knudsen (University of Copenhagen)

IG:      Crisis and De-industrialisation (chairs: Leigh Gardner) (WIN1-04)

Collectivisation of Soviet agriculture and the 1932-33 famine
Natalya Naumenko (Northwestern University)

‘Gizza job’: De-industrialisation and urban decline in Liverpool, c. 1960-85
Aaron Andrews (University of Leicester)

The rise and fall of Africa’s bureaucratic bourgeoisie’: Public employment and the post-colonial elites of Kenya and Tanzania since Independence
Rebecca Simson (London School of Economics)

IH:      Poverty, Inequality and Wealth (chair: Sandra de Pleijt) (WIN1-05)

Legacies of inequality: The case of Brazil
Evan Wigton-Jones (UC Riverside)

Tracing global poverty paths, 1925-2010
Michail Moatsos (Utrecht University)

Honest elites
Edda Solbakken (Statistics Norway / University of Oslo)


1530-1600            Tea (Windsor Building)

1600-1730            New Researchers’ Session II (8 parallel sessions: Windsor Building)


IIA:     Medieval and Early Modern Work (chair: Mats Olsson) (WIN0-02)

The migration of Flemish weavers to England in the fourteenth century: The economic influence and transfer of skills, 1331-81
Milan Pajic (University of Cambridge)

‘She came not to her to be beaten, nor to be her drudge and she wolde not tarye long’: Evidence of female servant mobility and movement from the church courts of south west England, 1550-1650
Charmian Mansell (University of Exeter)

Constructing equality? Women’s wages for physical labour, 1550-1759
Kathryn Gary (Lund University)

IIB:     Trade and Commodities (chair: Giorgio Riello) (WIN0-03)

The outports versus the metropolis: Practical responses to restrictions on the overseas tobacco trade in seventeenth-century England
Alex Taylor (University of Sheffield)

Walled cities and urban density: Evidence from prefectural-level cities in China
Rui Du (Clark University)

‘Manchester goods’: African consumers and the British textile trade with West Africa, 1850-1914
Josephine Tierney (University of Warwick)

IIC:     Business and Innovation (chair: George Kazamias & Joan Roses) (WIN0-04)

Secrets for sale? Innovation and the nature of knowledge in an early industrial district: the North Staffordshire Potteries, 1750-1851
Joseph Lane (London School of Economics)

The Ottawa Preference System and its impact on entrepreneurial activity in the British Empire: evidence from the colony of Cyprus
Evangelia Mathopoulou (University of Cyprus)

The long-term effects of management and technology transfer: Evidence from the US productivity programme
Michela Giorcelli (UCLA)

IID:     Banks in Crisis (chair: Rui Esteves) (WIN0-05)

A historic(al) run on repo? Repo lending and bank distress during the Austro-Hungarian Gründerkrach of 1873
Kilian Rieder (University of Oxford)

Government-made bank distress: industrialization policies and the 1899-1902 Russian financial crisis
Nikita Lychakov (Queen’s University Belfast)

Bagehot on holiday: the lender of last resort, allocation and the evolution of banks’ lending: Evidence from the 1931 banking crisis in Spain
Enrique Jorge Sotelo (London School of Economics)

IIE:      Poverty and Welfare (chairs: Andrew Hinde & Elise van Nederveen Meerkerk) (WIN1-02)

Family structure and the admission of children to the workhouse in post-famine Ireland
Simon Gallaher (University of Cambridge)

Employment and retirement in old age in England and Wales, 1851-1911
Tom Heritage (University of Southampton)

‘Regressive’ redistribution and infrastructure development in Portuguese Mozambique, 1890s-1970s
Kleoniki Alexopoulou (Wageningen University)

IIF:      Investment and Fiscal Policy (chair: Masato Shizume) (WIN1-03)

The peseta during the Classic Gold Standard: fiscal, monetary and exchange rate policy
Alba Roldán Marín (Universitat de Barcelona)

Betting on Adenauer? The resumption of foreign direct investment into Western Germany after WWII
Philipp Kessler (University of Mannheim)

The effect of monetary and exchange rate institutions on the financial cycle, 1922-2015
Germán Forero-Laverde (Universitat de Barcelona) 

IIG:     Twentieth-Century Industry (chair: David Higgins) (WIN1-04)

Determinants of industrial location: the Kingdom of Yugoslavia in the interwar period
Stefan Nikolic (University of York)

Local logic of production: spatial organisation of the Istanbul textile industry, 1950-80
Berkay Küçükbaşlar (Boğaziçi University)

The oil industry, energy security and international development: the EEC and Opec
Marta Musso (European University Institute)

IIH:     Economic Growth and Development (chair: Alessandro Nuvolari) (WIN1-05)

French economic growth from Philippe Le Bel to the Revolution, 1280-1789
Leonardo Ridolfi (IMT Lucca)

The effect of maize on economic development: Evidence from Romania
Cristina Victoria Radu (University of Southern Denmark)

The cost of remoteness revisited
Richard Franke (Kiel Institute for the World Economy)


1730-1830                  Open meeting for women in economic history (WIN0-02)

1815-1900                  Council  for new researchers and first-time delegates (Crossland Suite, Founder’s Building)

1900-2015                  Dinner (Founder’s Dining Room)

2030-2130                  Plenary Lecture (Windsor Auditorium), Professor Tim Hatton (University of Essex), Heights and health since 1870: the long and the short of it

2135-2145            Meeting of New Researcher Prize Committee (WIN0-02)

Late bar available (Crossland Suite, Founder’s Building)


Saturday 1 April 2017

0800-0900            Breakfast (The Hub/Founder’s Building)

0900-1030            Academic Session I (8 parallel sessions: Windsor Building)


IA:      Nineteenth-Century Banking (chair: Charles Read) (WIN0-02)

Danger to the old lady of Threadneedle Street? The Bank Restriction Act and the regime shift to paper money, 1797-1821
Nuno Palma (University of Groningen) & Patrick O’Brien (London School of Economics)

Paper money in Jamaica and the Bullionist Controversy, 1800-45
Aaron Graham (University College London)

The London Stock Exchange and the British shadow banking system
Andrew Odlyzko (University of Minnesota)

IB:       The Economy of Intoxicants in Early Modern England (chair: Craig Muldrew) (WIN0-03)

Alehouse licensing in early modern England reconsidered
James Brown (University of Sheffield)

The economy of drink in a small English town
Tim Wales (University of Sheffield)

Where was the coffee in early modern England?
Phil Withington (University of Sheffield)

IC:       Industry and Enterprise in the Nineteenth Century (chair: Alexandros Apostolides) (WIN0-04)

Bengal silk industry and laisser-faire policies in the nineteenth century: Deindustrialisation revisited
Karolina Hutkova (Institute of Historical Research / London School of Economics)

British papermaking engineering, its growth and the origins of its decline, 1800-1939: a comparative approach
Miquel Gutiérrez-Poch (University of Barcelona)

The luxury train of the elites: The Compagnie Internationale des Wagon-Lits and the first globalisation, 1876-1914
Luciano Segreto (University of Florence)

ID:      Rural Inequality (chair: James Simpson) (WIN0-05)

The Labour Injunction and Peonage: How changes in labour laws increased inequality during the Gilded Age
Mark Stelzner (Connecticut College)

Did higher inequality in agriculture enhance productivity? The case of Cisleithania, 1902
Michael Pammer (Johannes Kepler University)

The PRC’s Land Reform in the early 1950s: New findings from the Cadre Archives?
Felix Boecking (University of Edinburgh)

IE:       British Economy Since 1945 (chair: Jim Tomlinson) (WIN1-02)

Buy British campaigns after 1945: why ‘soft’ preference didn’t work
David Higgins (Newcastle University) & David Clayton (University of York)

The origins of the British housing crisis: ‘stop-go’ policy and the restriction of private residential house-building
Peter Scott & James Walker (University of Reading)

‘Inching Towards the Metre’: European economic integration and the political trilemma of British metrication c.1960-80
Aashish Velkar (University of Manchester)

IF:       Development in the Middle East (chair: Joyce Burnette) (WIN1-03)

Democratisation and tax structure: Greece versus Europe from a historical perspective
Vassilis Sarantides (University of Sheffield) & Pantelis Kammas (University of Ioannina)

Minorities, human capital and long-run development: The persistence of Armenian and Greek influence in Turkey
Gunes Gokmen (New Economic School, Moscow) & Eren Arbatli (Higher School of Economics, Moscow)

Trademark registration, nationality and commerce in Mandate Palestine, 1922-48
Michael Birnhack (Tel Aviv University)

IG:      Development in South-East Asia (chair: Ana Aviñó de Pablo) (WIN1-04)

Legacy of colonial expansion on centralisation and development: Evidence from Thailand
Jessica Vechbanyongratana (Chulalongkorn University) & Christopher Paik (New York University Abu Dhabi)

The unequal effects of the Great Depression on rural households in Siam, 1930-34: Crisis transmission through international rice trade
Thanyaporn Chankrajang (Chulalongkorn University)

The effects of ethnic Chinese minority on Vietnam’s regional economic development in the post-Vietnam war period
Masami Imai & Tuan Anh Viet Nguyen (Wesleyan University)

IH:      Water and Public Health (chair: Gregori Galofré-Vilà) (WIN1-05)

Cholera epidemics as a ‘sanitary test’ of British towns, 1832-66
Romola Davenport (University of Cambridge)

Life expectancy and the diffusion of medical knowledge in the long twentieth century
Joost Veenstra & Daniel Gallardo Albarrán (University of Groningen)

Water and sewage provision and its effect on infant mortality: A micro level analysis of Sweden, 1901-25
Björn Eriksson & Jonas Helgertz (Lund University)


1030-1100            Coffee (Windsor Building)

1100-1230            Academic Session II (8 parallel sessions: Windsor Building)


IIA:     Building the Medieval Economy (chair: James Davis) (WIN0-02)

Church building and the economy during Europe’s ‘Age of the Cathedrals’, 700-1500
Auke Rijpma, Eltko Buringh, Jan Luiten van Zanden (Utrecht University) & Bruce Campbell (Queen’s University Belfast)

Urban property markets in thirteenth-century England: the Cambridge Hundred Rolls re-visited
Mark Casson, Katie Phillips (University of Reading), Catherine Casson (University of Manchester) & John Lee (University of York)

Speculative forces in the English property market, 1300-1500
Helen Killick, Adrian Bell & Chris Brooks (University of Reading)

IIB:     Religion and Economics (chair: Nuala Zahedieh) (WIN0-03)

British Catholic merchants and their global networks from the West Indies to the Mediterranean, 1660-1714
Giada Pizzoni (University of Warwick)

Commercial dispute mediation by Philadelphia Quaker meetings, 1682-1720
Esther Sahle (University of Bremen)

The economics of Methodism in the long eighteenth century
Clive Norris (Oxford Brookes University)

IIC:     Charity and Poor Relief (chair: Eric Schneider) (WIN0-04)

Quantifying the unquantifiable? Informal charity in rural southern Europe, seventeenth and eighteenth centuries
Julie Marfany (University of Durham)

The impact of the New Poor Law on livelihoods of the poor in north Wales
Frances Richardson (University of Oxford)

IID:     Grain Markets (chair: Giovanni Federico) (WIN0-05)

The power of consensus: parliamentarianism and market integration in Poland, 1505-1772
Mikolaj Malinowski (Lund University)

Storage and speculation in Sweden during the early modern commercial revolution
Mats Olsson & Patrick Svensson (Lund University)

Integration in the English and Welsh wheat markets, 1828-42
Edmund Cannon (University of Bristol) & Liam Brunt (Norges Handelshøyskole)

IIE:      History & Policy Brexit Panel (chair: Duncan Needham) (WIN1-02)

From losing an empire to leaving Europe: considering Brexit in the context of the British public’s relations with the EEC, 1961-75
David Thackeray (University of Exeter)

Globalization and Brexit
Jim Tomlinson (University of Glasgow)

Brexit and the decline of social democracy
Adrian Williamson (University of Cambridge)

IIF:      Women and Entrepreneurship (chair: Nicole Robertson) (WIN1-03)

Mrs Bonnell (1660s-1745) and the Widow’s Might
Anne Laurence (Open University)

Female entrepreneurship in England and Wales, 1851-1911
Carry van Lieshout (University of Cambridge)

Financing female enterprise: businesswomen and finance in London, 1880-1910
Jennifer Aston (University of Hull)

IIG:     Finance in Latin America (chair: Alejandra Irigoin) (WIN1-04)

Usury laws and private credit in Lima, Peru: Evidence from archival records
Luis Zegarra (Pontificia Universidad Católica del Perú)

Financial development and business networks during early industrialisation: Chile in the Americas’ context
Gonzalo Islas, Matias Braun & Ignacio Briones (Universidad Adolfo Ibáñez)

The historical origins of local fiscal capacity in Brazil
Andrea Papadia (London School of Economics)

IIH:     Migration (chair: Leigh Gardner) (WIN1-05)

The determinants of international migration in early modern Europe: The maritime sector, c. 1700-1800
Alexander Klein (University of Kent) & Jelle van Lottum (Huygens Institute for the History of the Netherlands, Royal Netherlands Academy of Arts and Sciences)

Assimilation and economic performance: The case of US Indian Policy
Melinda Miller (University of Michigan)

Examining the recession-mortality relationship when migration matters: Evidence from the Lancashire cotton famine
Vellore Arthi (University of Essex), Brian Beach (College of William & Mary) & Walker Hanlon (UCLA)


1230-1330 Lunch (Founder’s Dining Room)

1345-1515            Academic Session III (8 parallel sessions: Windsor Building)


IIIA:    Economic Shocks and Risk in Medieval Europe (chair: Jane Whittle) (WIN0-02)

Default rates and credit risk factors in medieval England: Evidence from the London recognisance rolls, 1285-1317
Tony Moore & Miriam Marra (University of Reading)

The Great European Famine: the Irish experience, 1315-18
Philip Slavin (University of Kent)

Economic shocks, inter-ethnic complementarities and the persecution of minorities: Evidence from the Black Death
Noel Johnson, Mark Koyama (George Mason University) & Remi Jebwab (George Washington University)

IIIB:    Leonard Schwarz: work, welfare and wages in early modern England (chair: Jane Humphries) (WIN0-03)

Leonard Schwarz – the eccentricities of welfare in Georgian London, or, London ‘crises’ and the parish workhouse, 1725-1824
Jeremy Boulton (Newcastle University)

London poor and the London Poor Law: 150 years of poor relief in London
David Green (King’s College London)

Workload and labour discipline in the eighteenth-century workhouse
Susannah Ottaway (Carleton College)

IIIC:    Infrastructure (chair: Vellore Arthi) (WIN0-04)

Why not using the wheel? Evidence from the Cambao wagon road in Colombia during the nineteenth century
Xavier Duran (Universidad de los Andes)

Sub-Saharan African infrastructure financing and management: Evidence from Ghana electricity distribution, 1950-2015
Hanaan Marwah (London School of Economics)

National rules, regional differences? Explaining the regional provision and productivity of a public monopolist: The case of the German Reichspost
Florian Ploeckl (University of Adelaide)

IIID: Rural Economy (chair: Julie Marfany) (WIN0-05)

A look at the economy of nineteenth-century Ottoman Mudanya region through olive and olive oil production
İklil Selçuk (Özyeğin University)

The creation of a land ‘of milk and butter’: Traditional elites and the long run determinants of economic take-off in Denmark
Paul Sharp, Peter Sandholt Jensen, Christian V Skovsgaard (University of Southern Denmark) & Markus Lampe (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

Supplying working capital to farmers: The village economy, the Catholic Church, and the Liberal State in Spain, 1900-36
James Simpson & Juan Carmona (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

IIIE:    Industry (chair: Brian Varian) (WIN1-02)

Engineering skills and the efficiency of steam engines during the Watt era
Harilaos Kitsikopoulos (Unbound Prometheus, LLC)

French textile specialisation in long run perspective: Trade policy as industrial policy, 1836-1938
Bertrand Blancheton & Stephane Becuwe (University of Bordeaux)

The formation and take-off of the Sao Paulo automobile-industry cluster
Tomàs Fernández-de-Sevilla (Free University of Brussels) & Armando J Dalla Costa (Federal University of Paraná)

IIIF:    Gender and Labour Markets (chair: Jennifer Aston) (WIN1-03)

The impact of demand for labour and economic structure on Dutch unmarried women’s labour force participation, 1812-1929
Corinne Boter & Pieter Woltjer (Wageningen University)

Is it who you are, where you work, or with whom you work that matter for earnings? Gender and peer effects among late nineteenth-century industrial workers
Maria Stanfors (Lund University) & Joyce Burnette (Wabash College)

Economic development of the interior of British Columbia, Canada: A study of occupations and nominal wage differentials in the Okanagan, 1901-21
Keith Sugden (University of Cambridge) & Roger Sugden (University of British Columbia, Kelowna)

IIIG:   Human Capital in Africa (chair: Joerg Baten) (WIN1-04)

Pre-transitional settler fertility on the South African frontier, 1787-1834
Jeanne Cilliers & Erik Green (Lund University)

‘The Love of Liberty Brought us Here’: Migration of African-Americans from the United States to Liberia, 1820-1904
Leigh Gardner (London School of Economics)

Resource curse or blessing? The impact of mining activities on schooling in Zambia
Dácil-Tania Juif (Wageningen University)

IIIH:    Institutions and Inequality (chair: Adrian Williamson) (WIN1-05)

The geographical and institutional determinants of the location of Christian missions in Sub-Saharan Africa
Peter Foldvari (International Institute of Social History) & Katalin Buzasi (University of Amsterdam)

Universities, spillovers and the resilience of inequality in the human-capital century
Alexandra López Cermeño (Lund University / Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Democratic reform and the growth of government in nineteenth-century Britain
Jonathan Chapman (New York University)


1515-1545            Tea (Windsor Building)

1545-1715            Academic Session IV (7 parallel sessions: Windsor Building)


IVA:   Early Modern Accounting and Finance (chair: Tony Moore) (WIN0-02)

Ratio Pecuniam Parit. Accounting and the making of financial markets in the early modern age
Nadia Matringe (London School of Economics)

Standard error: the problems for economic historians from (mis)taking Spanish American silver as commodity money, 1718-1830
Alejandra Irigoin (London School of Economics)

The role of bills of exchange in the contagious transmission of mid-eighteenth century financial crises
Paul Kosmetatos (University of Edinburgh)

IVB:    The Occupational Structure of England and Wales, 1600-1911 (chair: Michael Pammer) (WIN0-03)

Establishing reliable estimates for the male occupational structure of England and Wales, 1600-1850
Sebastian Keibek (University of Cambridge)

The changing patterns of female employment, 1600-1911
Xuesheng You (University of Cambridge)

The occupational structure of England and Wales, 1600-1911
Leigh Mi-Taylor (University of Cambridge)

IVC:    Metropolis, Modernity and Decline: London in the Late Nineteenth Century (chair: Richard Trainor) (WIN0-04)

Does quality distinguish itself? Producers, consumers and commodities in Late Victorian London
Giorgio Riello (University of Warwick)

Tale of Two Cities: Modernity and decline in late nineteenth-century London
Donna Loftus (Open University)

The Gatti Family and the Victorian West End: Food, theatre and entrepreneurship in the making of London’s pleasure district
Rohan McWilliam (Anglia Ruskin University)

IVD:   Conflict and Compromise (chair: Paul Sharp) (WIN0-05)

From conflict to compromise: The importance of mediation in Swedish work stoppages, 1907-27
Kerstin Enflo (Lund University)

Green Front, Brown Tide? Agriculture, the Great Depression and the collapse of the Weimar Republic
Pablo Martinelli (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

Nationalism, policing and inequality: Understanding outbursts of violence using the 1931 Cyprus riots
Alexandros Apostolides (European University Cyprus), Michalis Zaouras (University of Groningen) & Alexis Antoniou (Boğaziçi University)

IVE:    Economics and Politics (chair: David Higgins) (WIN1-02)

The economic consequences of Sir Robert Peel
Charles Read (University of Cambridge)

Networks of influence: The British railway mania of the 1840s
Rui Esteves & Gabriel Geisler Mesevage (University of Oxford)

‘Everyman a capitalist?’ or ‘Free to Choose’? Exploring the tensions within Thatcherite individualism
Hugh Pemberton, Aled Davies & James Freeman (University of Bristol)

IVF:    Regional Inequality (chair: Stefan Nikolić) (WIN1-03)

The historical roots of regional divergence: regional GDP in Sweden, 1750-1850
Anna Missiaia (Lund University)

The origins of the Italian regional divide: evidence from real wages, 1861-1913
Giovanni Federico (University of Pisa), Alessandro Nuvolari (Scuola Studi Superiori Universitari) and Michelangelo Vasta (University of Siena)

Schooling worth getting? School efficiency and human-capital depreciation in Italy’s provinces, 1861-1911
Monica Bozzano (University of Modena & Reggio Emilia) & Gabriele Cappelli (Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona)

IVG:   Long-run Perspectives (chair: Mark Casson) (WIN1-04)

The history of violence over the past two millennia: Archaeological bone traumata as a source for European violence history
Joerg Baten (University of Tuebingen) & Richard Steckel (Ohio State University)

From horn to corn: The two regimes of Portuguese agriculture, 1250-1850
Jaime Reis (Universidade de Lisboa) & Antonio Castro Henriques (University of Porto)

Growing, shrinking and long run economic performance: Historical perspectives on economic development
Stephen Broadberry (University of Oxford) & John Wallis (University of Maryland)


1615-1715            Meeting of Schools and Colleges Committee (WIN1-05)

1730-1830            Annual General Meeting of the Economic History Society (WIN0-02)

1930-2000             Conference Reception and Book Launch (Picture Gallery, Founder’s Building)
(Kindly sponsored by: Department of Economics, RHUL and Boydell & Brewer)

2000                     Conference Dinner (Founder’s Dining Room) – book early as spaces are limited

Late bar available (Crossland Suite, Founder’s Building)


Sunday 2 April 2017

0800-0900            Breakfast (The Hub/Founder’s Building)

0930-1130            Academic Session V (8 parallel sessions: Windsor Building)


VA:     Slaves, Serfs and Peasants (chair: Michael French) (WIN0-02)

Slaves, serfs, bondmen or villeins? The decline of slavery in medieval England revisited
Judith Spicksley (University of York)

The Middling Sort: Managing estates and expectations in early medieval Spain
Robert Portass & Graham Barrett (University of Lincoln)

The stratification of the Swedish peasant farmer class, 1750-1900
Erik Bengtsson & Patrick Svensson (Lund University)

Urbanization and the end of the ‘second serfdom’: Land reforms, abolishment of labour rent and the growth of towns in Poland in the nineteenth century
Piotr Korys & Maciej Bukowski (Warsaw University)

VB:     Wealth, Poverty and Inequality in Pre-industrial Europe (chair: Jaime Reis) (WIN0-03)

The rich in historical perspective: Evidence for preindustrial Europe, c. 1300-1800
Guido Alfani (Bocconi University)

The prevalence of the poor in early modern Europe: comparing Italy and the Low Countries
Francesco Ammannati (Bocconi University) & Wouter Ryckbosch (Free University Brussels)

Inequality of income and wealth in the Ottoman Empire, 1500-1800
Şevket Pamuk (Boğaziçi University)

New evidence about income and wealth inequality in pre-industrial Spain, c. 1750
Fernando Ramos Palencia (Universidad Pablo de Olavide, Sevilla) & Esteban Nicolini (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

VC:     New Approaches to the History of Transport in England and Wales (chair: Alexander Klein) (WIN0-04)

A GIS of the navigable waterways of England and Wales, c.1600-1947: Introduction and applications
Max Satchell (University of Cambridge)

Coastal shipping and transport change in England and Wales, 1680-1830
Oliver Dunn (University of Cambridge)

Road networks and transport change in England and Wales, 1680-1830
Daniel Bogart (UC Irvine)

Multi-modal models of the transport network in England and Wales, 1680-1830
Eduard J Alvarez-Palau (University of Cambridge)

VD:     Banking and Finance (chair: Paul Kosmetatos) (WIN0-05)

Private banks vs. the Central Bank: Which really integrated the national financial market?
Masato Shizume (Waseda University)

Exchange rates, catch up, and lagging behind in Europe since 1870
Jonas Ljungberg & Anders Ögren (Lund University)

Embedded money creation: monetary policy and Bank of France counterparty risk management in late nineteenth-century France
Vincent Bignon (Bank of France) & Maylis Avaro (Graduate Institute Geneva)

The origination and distribution of money market instruments: Sterling Bills of Exchange during the First Globalisation
Olivier Accominotti (London School of Economics), Delio Lucena & Stefano Ugolini (University of Toulouse)

VE:     Occupational Change from a Gendered Perspective (Women’s Committee Session)  (chair: Judy Stephenson) (WIN1-02)

The relationship between occupations and tasks: a perspective from the Women’s Work in Rural England, 1500-1700, project
Jane Whittle & Mark Hailwood (University of Exeter)

Women, textile work and the family economy in eighteenth-century Stockholm
Beatrice Moring (University of Helsinki / Campop)

White women and the changing colonial labour market in Southern Rhodesia
Ushehwedu Kufakurinani (University of Zimbabwe)

Unravelling the impact of Colonial connections on both Javanese and Dutch women’s work, 1830-1940
Elise Van Nederveen Meerkerk (Wageningen University)

VF:     Finance in the Twentieth Century (chair: Sergio Castellanos-Gamboa) (WIN1-03)

Which M for emphasis? The origins of broad money supply targets in the UK, 1861-1981
Duncan Needham (University of Cambridge)

Diversification before World War I: Comparison of institutional and individual portfolios
Dimitris Sotiropoulos & Janette Rutterford (Open University)

Creative destruction and idiosyncratic stock return variation in the Roaring Twenties and the Great Depression
Lu Zhang (Ryerson University) & Randall Morck (University of Alberta)

The impact of fiscal policy on interwar British growth: A narrative approach
Natacha Postel-Vinay (London School of Economics), James Cloyne (UC Davis) & Nicholas Dimsdale (University of Oxford)

VG:    Height and Health (chair: Tim Hatton) (WIN1-04)

Swiss net nutrition since the late eighteenth century
Nikola Koepke, Joël Floris, Ulrich Woitek, Frank J Rühli & Kaspar Staub (University of Zurich)

The economics and biology of shifting growth: The growth pattern of British children, 1850-1975
Eric Schneider (London School of Economics) & Pei Gao (NYU Shanghai)

Birth outcomes, intergenerational transfer of health and early life mortality in Barcelona, 1905-1920
Gregori Galofré-Vilà (University of Oxford) & Bernard Harris (University of Strathclyde)

Escaping the Holocaust: human and health capital of refugees to the United States, 1940-42
Matthias Blum (Queen’s University Belfast) & Claudia Rei (Vanderbilt University)

VH:     Technology and Returns to Skill (chair: Xavier Duran) (WIN1-05)

The impact of institutions on innovation
Alexander Donges (University of Mannheim), Jean Marie Meier & Rui Silva (London Business School)

Technical change and human capital investment: Evidence from the industrial revolution
Christopher Minns, Patrick Wallis & Sandra de Pleijt (London School of Economics)

Hydroelectricity, return to skill, and individual mobility
Jorgen Modalsli & Stefan Leknes (Statistics Norway)

Education, learning and innovation: A comparison of knowledge accumulation for mining development in Chile and Norway, c. 1870-1940
Kristin Ranestad (University of Oslo)


1130-1200            Coffee (Windsor Building)

1200-1315            Tawney Lecture (Windsor Auditorium), Professor Bishnupriya Gupta (University of Warwick)
                                        Falling behind and catching up: India’s transition from a colonial economy

1315-1415            Lunch (Founder’s Dining Room)

1315-1415            Publishing Your Work (WIN0-02)

A sandwich lunch will be provided for participants


New Researcher Poster Programme

Colonial technology, human capital and African development: The case of Italian Libya
Mattia Bertazzini (London School of Economics)

Foreigners in the British Navy, 1793-1815: Some initial notes towards a quantitative analysis, and its limitations
Sara Caputo (University of Cambridge)

Manorial officeholding in late medieval and early modern England, 1300-1600
Spike Gibbs (University of Cambridge)

From Cornish pilchards to Newfoundland cod: The expansion of commercial fisheries in south-west England, 1550-1650
Joshua Ivinson (University of Cambridge)

The impact of political disturbances into stock returns: Evidence from the Boulangiste campaign
Miguel Ángel Ortiz Serrano (Sciences Po)

Mapping agglomeration and trade in early mainland Southeast Asia
Phacharaphorn Phanomvan na Ayudhya (University of Oxford)

The Colombian National Railway Company: Political stability and company profitability; a case study
Andrew Primmer (University of Bristol)

Agglomeration forces in Sweden since 1800
Julius Probst (Lund University)

The functionality of imprisonment for debt in the eighteenth century: the evidence from the registers of the Woodstreet Compter, 1740-1800
Alexander Wakelam (University of Cambridge)

Financial frictions in trade: Evidence from the 1866 Banking Crisis
Chenzi Xu (Harvard University)

Posters will be displayed for the duration of the conference, Friday lunchtime until Sunday lunchtime.