2018 EHS Annual Conference

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The 2018 Annual Conference was held at Keele University, Friday 6 – Sunday 8 April. On site residential accommodation was in student halls of residence.


2018 Conference Booklet


Conference Programme and Papers (where provided)


Friday 6 April 2018

0900-1030        Meeting of Economic History Society Publications Committee (Sneyd Room, Keele Hall)
1030-1330        Meeting of Economic History Society Council (Old Library, Keele Hall)
1200-1400        Judging of new researcher posters [sandwich lunch will be provided for participants] (Foyer, Chancellor’s)
1200-1700        Registration (Foyer, Chancellor’s)

1400-1530        New Researchers’ Session I (6 parallel sessions: Chancellor’s Building)


IA:      The Medieval Economy (chair: Tony Moore) (CBA 0.060)

The changing role of manorial officers in late-medieval and early-modern England, 1300-1600
Spike Gibbs (University of Cambridge)

Wine prices in Anglo-Gascon trade, c.1337–c.1460
Robert Blackmore (University of Southampton)

A crisis in credit? Everyday credit in the Courts of York
Hannah Robb (University of Manchester)

IB:       The Long 18th Century (chair: Amy Erickson) (CBA 0.061)

The monasteries as a cradle of the profit economy in the early modern urban society in east-central Europe: a case of 17-18th century Vilnius
Darius Sakalauskas (Vilnius University)

Foreign seamen in the British Navy, 1793-1815: A demographic profile based on quantitative analysis
Sara Caputo (University of Cambridge)

Confinement as informal contract enforcement: An economic analysis of debt imprisonment, 1740-1815
Alexander Wakelam (University of Cambridge)

IC:       Banking and Financial Markets in the 19th Century (chair: Jaime Reis) (CBA 1.077)

Financial frictions in trade: Evidence from the British Banking Crisis of 1866
Chenzi Xu (Harvard University)

‘The bank to the government and the government to the bankers’: Banking development and the Italian Risorgimento, 1814-74
Maria Stella Chiaruttini (European University Institute)

Political connections and stock returns: Evidence from the Boulangiste campaign
Miguel Ángel Ortiz Serrano (Sciences Po & Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

ID:      Health, Labour and Family (chair: Eric Schneider) (CBA 1.081)

Home is where the health is: Housing and adult height, 1870-1965
Carolin Schmidt (Centre for European Economic Research)

Economic consequences of the U.S. convict labour system
Michael Poyker (UCLA Anderson)

IE:       Industry and Industrialisation (chair: Martin Daunton) (CBA 1.098)

State-led industrialisation? The origins of the ISI model in Chile, 1932-45
Mauricio Casanova (Free University of Berlin)

British perceptions of German post-war industrial relations
Colin Chamberlain (University of Cambridge)

IF:       Money and Insurance (chair: Barry Doyle) (CBA 1.100)

‘The world of security’: Evolvement of the supervision of insurance activity in Hungary
Bence Varga (The Central Bank of Hungary / University of Szeged)

British insurance and the revolution in the management of financial uncertainty
Thomas Gould (University of Bristol)

Decimalising the Pound: A victory for the gentlemanly City against the forces of modernity?
Andrew Cook (University of Huddersfield)


1530-1600        New Researcher Poster Session (Foyer, Chancellor’s)
1530-1600        Tea (Exhibition Hall, Chancellor’s)

1600-1730        New Researchers’ Session II (7 parallel sessions: Chancellor’s Building)


IIA:     The Early Modern Economy (chair: Richard Werner) (CBA 0.060)

Paying back royal debts: English monarchs at the Antwerp bourse in the middle of the 16th century
Maria Aleksandrova (Higher School of Economics / Lomonosov Moscow State University)

The Bank of Woollchurch Market and England’s ‘Financial Revolution’
Mabel Winter (University of Sheffield)

The forging of capitalism
Plamen Ivanov (University of Southampton)

IIB:     Monetary Policy (chair: Martin Daunton) (CBA 0.061)

Imperial Germany’s gold Mark and the creation of an international currency, 1871-1914
Sabine Schneider (University of Cambridge)

Monetary policy transmission and regional monetary policy differentiation in Germany, 1876-90
Ousmène Jacques Mandeng (London School of Economics)

Optimum currency areas and European monetary integration: Evidence from the Italian and German unifications
Roger Vicquéry (London School of Economics)

IIC:     Trade and Industry (chair: Frank Tough) (CBA 1.077)

I had no time at all in the noisy whirlwind of Paris to tell you of the successful carrying out of your orders’: Supplying consumer demand for embroidery in 18th-century France
Tabitha Baker (University of Warwick)

Institutions and growth: The 19th century special economic zone of Offenbach on the Main and its industrial take-off
Christian Berker (University of Technology Darmstadt)

IID:     Business, Depression and the Labour Market (chair: Malcolm Noble) (CBA 1.081)

The Colombian National Railway Company: political stability and company profitability, a case study
Andrew Primmer (University of Bristol)

Underemployment and inter-regional labour frictions: the origin of mass unemployment in interwar Britain
Ivan Luzardo (London School of Economics)

IIE:      War and the Economy (chair: Paul Sharp) (CBA 1.098)

Shadow of a taxman: How, and by whom, was the Republican Government financed during the Irish War of Independence, 1919-21?
Robin Adams (University of Oxford)

Winning the capital, winning the war: the role of the retail investor in the First World War
Norma Cohen (Queen Mary University of London / Bank of England)

Dining with the State: Wartime State intervention in food consumption, and popular responses in Colonial India during the Second World War
Abhijit Sarkar (University of Oxford)

IIF:      Banks and Monetary Policy (chair: Rebecca Stuart) (CBA 1.100)

Liquidating Bankers’ Acceptances: International crisis, personal conflict and American exceptionalism in the Federal Reserve, 1914-32
Marc Adam (Free University of Berlin)

Dirty float or clean intervention? The Bank of England on the foreign exchange market, 1952-72
Alain Naef (University of Cambridge)

Manipulation of long-term interest rates from 1961-64: How Britain discarded ‘Operation Twist’
Yasuto Dobashi (King’s College London)

IIG:     Minorities, Migration and Development Subsidies (chair: Brian Varian) (CBA 1.102)

Economic and social integration of minorities: The effect of the Second World War on racial segregation
Andreas Ferrara (University of Warwick)

The road home: The role of ethnicity in Soviet and post-Soviet migration
Young-ook Jang (London School of Economics)

A Union of ‘Subsidised’ Socialist Republics?  The case of Tajikistan’s 1980’s cotton revenues
Isaac Scarborough (London School of Economics)


1730-1830   Meeting of EHSWomen’s Committee: discussion forum on economic history and public history; open to all (CBA 1.103)
1815-1900   Council reception for new researchers, first-time delegates and EHS student ambassadors (Atrium, Chancellor’s)
1900-2015   Dinner (Refectory, Chancellor’s)

2030-2130   Plenary Lecture (Westminster Theatre, Chancellor’s)
Small bills and petty finance: the economics of the Old Poor Law
Alannah Tomkins (Keele University)

2135-2145   Meeting of New Researcher Prize Committee (CBA 0.060)

Late bar available (Chancellor’s)


Saturday 7 April 2018

0800-0900           Breakfast (Refectory, Chancellor’s)

0900-1030            Academic Session I (7 parallel sessions: Chancellor’s Building)


IA:      The Restoration Hearth Tax and the Poor in Marginal Landscapes (chair: Henry French) (CBA 0.060)

Taxing ‘a thing of such absolute necessity in a cold country’, 1662-64
Andrew Wareham (University of Roehampton)

Poverty and the single hearth in the Huntingdonshire hearth tax
Evelyn Lord (University of Cambridge)

Behind the hearth tax exemption figures for Surrey: a tapestry of local variation, 1664-73
Catherine Ferguson (University of Roehampton)

IB:       Social and Commercial Networks (chair: Nuala Zahedieh) (CBA 0.061)

Commercial networks, decision making and financial practices in early modern England, 1575-1630
Edmond Smith (University of Kent)

Company directors’ social networks: Economic change and continuity during the 17th century
Aske Brock (University of Kent)

Doctoring Derbyshire: A case study of Edward Wrench, rural GP, 1862-1912
Carol Beardmore (University of Leicester)

IC:       Urban History Group Session: New Research in Urban History (chair: Marguerite Dupree) (CBA 1.077)

The geography and economics of cartographic publishing in the late 19th century
Anna Feintuck (University of Edinburgh)

The political economy of municipal boundaries: rates, responsibilities and rivalries, Edinburgh and Leith, 1830-60
Malcolm Noble (University of Hertfordshire)

Urban thrills: Experiencing structural and technological innovation in post-war city centres
Denise McHugh & Lucy Faire (Open University)

ID:      Migration (chair: Vellore Arthi) (CBA 1.081)

Return migration from the United States to Britain, 1815-60
John Killick (University of Leeds)

Globalisation, agricultural markets, and mass migration, 1881-1914
Gaspare Tortorici, Gaia Narciso (Trinity College Dublin) & Rowena Gray (UC Merced)

Two integration processes in the labour market of skilled workers: British engineers, 1865-1914
Kentaro Saito (Kyoto Sangyo University)

IE:       Gold Standard (chair: John Singleton) (CBA 1.098)

Re-thinking the geography of the International Gold Standard, 1870-1913
Paolo di Martino (University of Birmingham)

Why was the European Southern periphery unable to remain inside the Gold Standard?
Alba Roldan (University of Barcelona)

The great slump and depression: Can we explain the UK inter-war experience?
Jagjit Chadha & Jason Lennard (National Institute of Economic and Social Research)

IF:       Innovation and Industrial Revolution (chair: Tim Barmby) (CBA 1.100)

The spread of improvement: How innovation accelerated in Britain, 1547-1851
Anton Howes (King’s College London)

Coke blast furnaces and steam power in Britain, 1774-1800: A study on the diffusion of complementary technologies
Harilaos Kitsikopoulos (Unbound Prometheus Program / Democritus University)

Wheels of change: Skill biased factor endowments and industrialisation in 18th-century England
Karin van der Beek (Ben-Gurion University), Joel Mokyr (Northwestern University), Assaf Sarid (Haifa University)

IG:      Regional Integration (chair: Walker Hanlon) (CBA 1.102)

The magic triangle of Gdansk: Forests, timber traders, and international markets, 1870-1939
Luciano Segreto (University of Florence / Gdansk University of Technology)

Trade and foreign direct investment in the Baltic Sea Region, 1990-2015: lessons from attempts at regional integration in post-communist Europe
Mikael Olsson & Mikael Lönnborg (Södertörn University)

Governance in heterogeneous societies: Lessons from 19th-century Switzerland
Jakob Schneebacher (University of Oxford)


1030-1100           New Researcher Poster Session (Foyer, Chancellor’s)
1030-1100           Coffee (Exhibition Hall, Chancellor’s)

1100-1230            Academic Session II (7 parallel sessions: Chancellor’s Building)


IIA:     England’s Old Poor Law at Local Level (chair: Nicola Tynan) (CBA 0.060)

How bureaucratisation created a problem: poor relief in Shrewsbury and the liberty of Shrewsbury, c.1629-40
Richard Hoyle (University of Reading)

‘Repairing the roof in a hurricane’: The limits of retrenchment in three English parishes, 1765-1834
Henry French (University of Exeter)

‘I am more than ever convinced of their utility’: The role of the land steward in the establishment of the early 19th-century deterrent workhouse
Samantha Shave (University of Lincoln)

IIB:     Capital and Empire (chair: David Gomez) (CBA 0.061)

Agency house crises in India: What role did indigo play?
Nadeem Aftab (University of Northampton) & Tehreem Husain (University College London)

Banking, compensation and the aftermath of slavery
Aaron Graham (University College London)

Financialising a junk charter?: British capital and the survival of the mercantilist Hudson’s Bay Company during the age of high imperialism, 1870-1914
Frank Tough (University of Alberta)

IIC:     Political Economy and Distributional Effects (chair: Tony Moore) (CBA 1.077)

Financial repression as a tool for debt management: Evidence from late 18th-century Spain
Cyril Milhaud (Paris Sud University & Paris School of Economics)

Monetary policy regime changes: Political economy and distributional effects
Pamfili Antipa (Sciences Po)

The economic crisis of 1846-48 in France
Jerome Greenfield (King’s College London)

IID:     Whole-population Analysis of the ‘Business Census’ of Entrepreneurs, 1851-1911 (chair: Mark Casson) (CBA 1.081)

What makes an entrepreneur?  Big data assessment from the 1851-1911 censuses
Robert Bennett (University of Cambridge)

Family firms from big data assessment from the 1851-1911 censuses
Harry Smith (University of Cambridge)

I-CeM England and Wales censuses 1851-1911 as a resource for panel studies: methodology and results of tracking entrepreneurs and business growth
Gill Newton (University of Cambridge)

IIE:      Capital Markets (chair: Luciano Segreto) (CBA 1.098)

Discrimination, market entry barriers, and corporations in Imperial Russia, 1890-1913
Imil Nurutdinov & Eugenia Nazrullaeva (UC Los Angeles)

The economic geography of late industrialisation: Local finance, markets and the cost of distance in Imperial Russia
Marvin Suesse (Trinity College Dublin) & Theocharis N Grigoriadis (Free University of Berlin)

Determining the extent of capital flight: Archives evidence on Germany after the First World War
Christophe Farquet (University of Geneva)

IIF:     Trade and Empire (chair: David Higgins) (CBA 1.102)

A British merchant in Turkey: Freeman of the Levant Company and Consul Donald Sandison at Bursa, 1795-1868
Emine Zeytinli (University of Leicester)

The economics of Edwardian imperial preference: what can New Zealand reveal?
Brian Varian (Swansea University)

Colonial power identity and trade structure in Africa: Were the British colonisers more favourable to free trade?
Federico Tadei (Universitat de Barcelona)

IIG:     Market Integration and Divergence (chair: Alain Naef) (CBA 1.103)

Terms of trade during the first globalization: an empirical analysis
David Chilosi (University of Groningen), Giovanni Federico (University of Pisa) & Federico Antonio Tena-Junguito (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

The making of a national currency: Spatial transaction costs and money market integration in Spain, 1825-74
Nektarios Aslanidis (Universitat Rovira i Virgili), Pilar Nogues-Marco (University of Geneva) & Alfonso Herranz-Loncán (University of Barcelona)

Build it and they will come? Secondary railways and population density in French Algeria
Laura Maravall Buckwalter (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)


1230-1330        Lunch (Refectory, Chancellor’s)

1345-1515        Academic Session III (5 parallel sessions: Chancellor’s Building)


IIIA:    Labour Markets and Management (chair: Luciano Amaral) (CBA 0.060)

Industriousness, income and internal labour markets in London construction, 1675-1725
Judy Stephenson (University of Oxford) & Patrick Wallis (London School of Economics)

Management and institutional reforms in Scandinavian copper mining: A comparison of Røros Copper Works and Falun Copper Mine in the late 17th and early 18th centuries
Kristin Ranestad (University of Oslo) & Sven Olofsson (Uppsala University)

Labour contract auctions in 19th-century Cornish tin mining
Tim Barmby (Newcastle University)

IIIB:    Poverty, Wealth and Inequality (chair: Bishnupriya Gupta) (CBA 0.061)

Did it pay to be a pioneer? Inequality and wealth accumulation strategies in a newly settled frontier society
Jeanne Cilliers & Erik Green (Lund University)

Paupers behaving badly: Punishment in the Victorian workhouse
Samantha Williams (University of Cambridge)

Income tax and war inflation: was the ‘blood tax’ compensated by taxing the rich?
Sara Torregrosa Hetland & Oriol Sabaté (Lund University)

IIIC: Education (chair: Janet Casson) (CBA 1.081)

A tale of two regimes: educational achievement and institutions in Portugal, 1910-50
Jaime Reis (Universidade de Lisboa) & Nuno Palma (University of Manchester)

Forced migration and development: Evidence from Pakistan through Partition
Rinchan Ali Mirza (University of Namur)

IIID:    Great Depression (chair: Ronan Lyons) (CBA 1.098)

The impact of fiscal policy on interwar British growth: A narrative approach
Natacha Postel-Vinay (London School of Economics), James Cloyne (UC Davis) & Nicholas Dimsdale (University of Oxford)

Could a large scale asset purchase programme have mitigated the Great Depression?
Rebecca Stuart & Garo Garabedian (Central Bank of Ireland)

IIIE:    Technological Change and Transfer (chair: Nektarios Aslanidis) (CBA 1.100)

The consequences of a radical patent regime change: Evidence from a natural experiment
Felix Selgert (Universität Bonn) & Alexander Donges (University of Mannheim)

Transatlantic technology transfer: Coal mine ventilation, 1870-1910
John Murray (Rhodes College) & Javier Silvestre (University of Zaragoza)

Baking a new technology: breathing apparatus for mine rescue in Britain, c.1890-c.1930
John Singleton (Sheffield Hallam University)


1515-1545        New Researcher Poster Session (Foyer, Chancellor’s)

1515-1545        Tea (Exhibition Hall, Chancellor’s)

1545-1715        Academic Session IV (6 parallel sessions: Chancellor’s Building)


IVA:   Fiscal Administration and Public Credit (chair: Paolo di Martino) (CBA 0.060)

The Silver Standard as a discipline on money over-issuance: The mechanism of paper money in Yuan China
Hanhui Guan (Peking University) & Jie Mao (University of International Business & Economics, China)

Sacred mysteries of the Exchequer: Public sector performance management in the Exchequer audits – an early and successful form of quantitative easing
Richard Werner (University of Southampton)

Politics of credit: The market for government debt in Sweden, 1715-60
Patrik Winton & Peter Ericsson (Uppsala University)

IVB:    Trade and Shipping in the Long 18th Century (chair: David Chilosi) (CBA 0.061)

A reappraisal of the Ledgers of Import and Export (Cust 3) using 18th-century regional data
Spike Sweeting (V&A Museum)

The futility of mercantilist wars: A case study of France and Hamburg, 1713-1820
Elisa Tirindelli (Trinity College Dublin) & Guillaume Daudin (Université Paris-Dauphine)

The forgotten boys of the sea: Marine Society merchant sea apprentices, 1772-1854
Caroline Withall (National Maritime Museum)

IVC:    Land Ownership and Management (chair: Felix Selgert) (CBA 1.081)

‘Rational farmers’, accounting, and the discovery of comparative advantage: Denmark 1800-90
Markus Lampe (Vienna University of Economics & Business) & Paul Sharp (University of Southern Denmark)

Nobility and agricultural innovation: Agri-business, management and investments in Northern Italy, 1815-61
Silvia Conca Messina & Catia Brilli (‘La Statale’ University of Milan)

Women in control? Ownership and control of land by women in 19th-century England
Janet Casson (Independent scholar)

IVD:   Bubbles and Financial Crises (chair: Sergio Castellanos-Gamboa) (CBA 1.098)

US housing prices since 1890: New evidence on forgotten bubbles and crashes
Ronan Lyons (University College Dublin)

How the 2010 U.S. Flash Crash affected equity markets in Latin America
David-Jan Jansen (De Nederlandsche Bank)

IVE:    Industry and Innovation (chair: Miguel Ángel Ortiz Serrano) (CBA 1.100)

Machinery and horse power prices, 1850-1913
Cristián Ducoing (Lund University)

The impact of experience on cost: Comprehensive evidence from World War II
François Lafond, J Doyne Farmer & Diana Greenwald (INET, Oxford)

The effectiveness of incentives to innovation: the Italian Applied Research Fund, 1969-98
Fabio Lavista & Carlo Brambilla (Insubria University)

IVF:    Colonial Legacies in Africa (chair: Andreas Ferrara) (CBA 1.102)

The economics of missionary expansion and the compression of history
Felix Meier zu Selhausen, Alexnader Moradi (University of Sussex) & Remi Jedwab (George Washington University)

Public finance and investment in the French colonial empire, 1870-1960
Yannick Dupraz (University of Warwick), Denis Cogneau (Paris School of Economics) & Sandrine Mesple-Somps (IRD / Paris-Dauphine University)

Legacies of indirect rule? Native authority spending and local economic development in British Africa
Jutta Bolt (University of Groningen) & Leigh Gardner (London School of Economics)


1730-1830                  Annual General Meeting of the Economic History Society (CBA 0.060)

1830-1930                  Student Ambassador Network meeting (Old Library, Keele Hall)

1930-2000                  Conference Reception and Book Launch (Salvin Room, Keele Hall)
(Kindly sponsored by: Keele University, Boydell & Brewer and Cambridge University Press)

2000                          Conference Dinner (Ballroom, Keele Hall)

Late bar available (Ballroom, Keele Hall)


Sunday 8 April 2018

0800-0900           Breakfast (Refectory, Chancellor’s Building)

0930-1130            Academic Session V (7 parallel sessions: Chancellor’s Building)


VA:     The Medieval Economy (chair: Eleanor Russell) (CBA 0.060)

(Real) wages in the middle ages: Working and earning in medieval English agriculture
Jordan Claridge (London School of Economics)

Management and conflict in a Benedictine cell: Lytham Priory, 1300-1540
Alex Brown (Durham University)

The Crown’s ecclesiastical creditors: State loans from the English Church, 1307-77
Robin McCallum (Queen’s University Belfast)

Dealing with inheritance: A 15th-century Oxford burgher’s quarrels about family property
Harmony Dewez (University of Poitiers)

VB:     Credit Networks and Contract Enforcement (chair: Markus Lampe) (CBA 0.061)

The Quaker meeting as a Court of Equity: Contract enforcement in colonial Philadelphia, 1682-1774
Esther Sahle (University of Bremen)

Powerful private orders in a weak legal environment: A study of the Chinese Shanxi piaohao’s governance structure
Meng Wu (London School of Economics)

Informational asymmetries and private credit in Lima, Peru, 1825-65
Luis Zegarra (CENTRUM Católica Graduate Business School)

Community origins of industrial investment: Evidence from India
Bishnupriya Gupta (University of Warwick)

VC:     Health and Inequality (chair: Eric Schneider) (CBA 1.077)

London’s mortality decline
Nicola Tynan (Dickinson College), Werner Troesken (University of Pittsburgh) & Yuanxiaoyue [Artemis] Yang (Harvard University)

Sewage infrastructure, labour markets, and inequality in 19th-century London
Vellore Arthi & Myra Mohnen (University of Essex)

London fog: A century of pollution and mortality, 1866-1965
Walker Hanlon (NYU Stern School of Business)

Inequality in death and urbanisation: Evidence from full-count micro census data
Martin Dribe & Björn Eriksson (Lund University)

VD:     History and Policy Session: Transformational British Budgets – 1853, 1909 and the 1970s
(chair: Jim Tomlinson) (CBA 1.081)

Gladstone’s free trade budgets
Martin Daunton (University of Cambridge)

The 1909 peoples’ budget
Avner Offer (University of Oxford)

‘Abandoning Keynesianism’ in the 1970s?
Duncan Needham (University of Cambridge)

VE:     National Debt and Central Banks (chair: John Singleton) (CBA 1.098)

Frosted glass or raised eyebrow? Testing the Bank of England’s discount window policies during the crisis of 1847
Kilian Rieder (University of Oxford), Michael Anson, David Bholat, Miao Kang & Ryland Thomas (Bank of England)

Unexcused default: The United Kingdom’s unpaid wars debts to the United States of America, 1917-80
David Gill (University of Nottingham)

‘We can’t pay’: How Italy cancelled war debts after Lausanne
Marianna Astore (Bocconi University) & Michele Fratianni (Indiana University)

Evolving Central Bank thinking: the Irish Central Bank, 1943-69
Ella Kavanagh (University College Cork)

VF:     Institutional Change (chair: Michael French) (CBA 1.100)

European integration from an economic historian’s perspective: The Ruhr’s mining industry and its power struggle with the High Authority of the ECSC
Juliane Czierpka (Ruhr University-Bochum)

Institutional shocks and competition in Portuguese commercial banking in the long run, 1960-2015
Luciano Amaral (Nova School of Business & Economics) & Filipa Santos Machado (Collège d’Europe, Bruges)

Privatisation and foreign investment after 1989: New evidence from German archives
Keith Allen (Institut für Zeitgeschichte)

VG:    Women’s Committee Session: Early Modern Gender and Space (chair: Amy Erickson) (CBA 1.102)

Beyond the home: Servants and space in early modern England
Charmian Mansell (University of Oxford)

‘Go enquire among the shopkeepers’: The work of an early modern wife
Anne Murphy (University of Hertfordshire)

Gender and the negotiation of house use and space
Amanda Capern (University of Hull)


1130-1200           New Researcher Poster Session (Foyer, Chancellor’s)
1130-1200           Coffee (Exhibition Hall, Chancellor’s)

1200-1315           Tawney Lecture (Westminster Theatre, Chancellor’s Building)

Professor Şevket Pamuk (Bogaziçi [Bosphorus] University)
                             Uneven Centuries: Economic Development in Turkey since 1820

1315-1415           Lunch (Refectory, Chancellor’s)

1315-1415           Publishing Your Work (session for new researcher delegates) (CBA 0.061)
A sandwich lunch will be provided for participants

1415                    Conference ends

1430-1700            Optional excursion to Etruria Museum (pre-booking required)


New Researcher Poster Programme

Thailand during World War II: Impact and aftermath
Panarat Anamwathana (University of Oxford)

Charting the diffusion of the commercial revolution: A socio-economic history of Hindu-Arabic numerals, 13th -17th centuries
Raffaele Danna (University of Cambridge)

The limits of imperial guarantees: The case of Indian sovereign debt
Nicolas Degive (Université Libre de Bruxelles/ULB)

Determinants of Mexican migration in the early twentieth century: Markets, geography or networks
David Escamilla-Guerrero (London School of Economics)

Financing the fight: Funding the internal and external French Resistance during World War II
David Foulk (University of Oxford)

A legal and institutional approach to moneylending: Credit contracts in rural Madras, 1930-60
Maanik Nath (London School of Economics)

The Emperor’s New Clothes: Soft power and cultural politics between merchants and monarchs, 1470-1560
Eleanor Russell (University of Cambridge)

The impact of public banking on municipal public finance in Barcelona between the reigns of Ferran II and Carles I, 1479–1556
Jacopo Sartori (University of Cambridge)

Four shillings a quarter: Peasant economic attitudes in England in the late middle ages
Ryan Wicklund (Durham University)

Posters will be displayed, in the foyer of the Chancellor’s Building, for the duration of the conference, Friday lunchtime until Sunday lunchtime.   Judging will take place 12:00 – 14:00 on Friday, 6 April.
