2019 EHS Annual Conference

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The 2019 Annual Conference was held at Queen’s University Belfast, Friday 5 – Sunday 7 April. Accommodation was in local hotels.


2019 Conference Booklet


Conference Programme and Papers (where provided)


Friday 5 April 2019

0900-1030        Meeting of Economic History Society Publications Committee (Old Staff Common Room)
1030-1330        Meeting of Economic History Society Council (Senate Room)
1200-1400        Judging of new researcher posters [sandwich lunch will be provided] (PFC Foyer & Law School Atrium)
1200-1700        Registration (PFC Foyer & Law School Atrium)

1400-1530            New Researchers’ Session I (7 parallel sessions: Peter Froggatt Centre [PFC])


NRIA: Africa (chair: Arcangelo Dimico) (PFC/02/011)

Electricity, economy and society in Southern Nigeria, 1890s-1972
Adewumi Damilola Adebayo (University of Cambridge)

Cultivating the ‘fourth shore’: The effect of Italian farming in colonial Libya, 1920-42
Mattia Bertazzini (London School of Economics)

When opposites detract: A study of the impact of Christian missions on matrilineal societies in Africa
Ryan Kee (Queen’s University Belfast)

NRIB: Finance (chair: Philip Fliers) (PFC/02/017)

How regulation enabled the leveraging in banking: The case of Switzerland, 1934-91
Simon Amrein (EUI, Florence)

Is bad news ever good for stocks? The importance of time-varying war risk and stock returns
Gertjan Verdickt (University of Antwerp)

Financing the fight: The economics of the French internal and external resistance during World War II
David Foulk (University of Oxford)

NRIC: Medieval and Early Modern Business (chair: Andrew Wareham) (PFC/02/018)

The Spinelli Family: A mid-sized Florentine firm’s response to the opening of the Americas and Cape Route trade, 1450-1520
Eleanor Gandy-Russell (University of Cambridge)

Competition and rent-seeking during the slave trade
Jose Corpuz (Universities of Warwick / York)

NRID: Britain (chair: Helen Paul) (PFC/02/025)

Private contracting to state control: The British prison hulk establishment, 1776-1820
Anna McKay (University of Leicester / National Maritime Museum)

Wage earning and working practices: The coal industry during the 1850s
Guy Solomon (University of Exeter)

NRIE: India and China (chair: Leigh Shaw-Taylor) (PFC/03/006a)

Taxing the foreign consumer: Revenue policy and price controls under the Bengal Opium Monopoly, 1868-1908
Samuel Betteridge (London School of Economics)

Neither efficient nor equitable: The origins of rural credit intervention in Madras, 1930-60
Maanik Nath (London School of Economics)

The occupational structure of China 1736-1898 and the Great Divergence
Cheng Yang (University of Cambridge)

NRIF: Demography (chair: Hanna Jaadla) (PFC/03/006b)

Survival of the Confucians: Marital fertility by status in China, 1400-1900
Sijie Hu (London School of Economics)

Initial determinants of Mexican mass migration
David Escamilla-Guerrero (London School of Economics)

NRIG: Political Economy (chair: Philipp Rössner) (PFC/03/017)

A collection of unruly gentlemen?: Explaining English Parliament’s functioning, 1660-1702
Kara Dimitruk (Stellenbosch University)

Wealth creation through productive forces, market formation and nation building: Revisiting the economics of Johann Heinrich Gottlob von Justi, 1717-71
Xuan Zhao (University of Manchester)


1530-1600        New Researcher Poster Session (PFC Foyer & Law School Atrium)
1530-1600        Tea (PFC Foyer & Law School Atrium)

1600-1730        New Researchers’ Session II (7 parallel sessions: PFC)


NRIIA: Persistence (chair: James Fenske) (PFC/02/011)

Fading legacies: Human capital in the aftermath of the partitions of Poland
Andreas Backhaus (Centre for European Policy Studies)

Women and colonisation in Africa
Martina Miotto (University of Warwick)

Land inequality and human capital: Evidence for the United States from the Homestead Act
Nicolás Lillo Bustos (Pontificia Universidad Javeriana)

NRIIB: Money and Finance (chair: John Turner) (PFC/02/017)

Independent women: Shareholders in the age of the Suffragettes
Áine Gallagher (Queen’s University Belfast)

Hyperinflation and stabilisation in Poland, 1919-27: ‘War of attrition’ or politics by other means?
Thea Don-Siemion (London School of Economics)

Institutional change, private order arrangements and Bills of Exchange: The case of the Association for the Reform and Codification of the Law of Nations, 1873-82
Samuel Segura Cobos (Graduate Institute of International & Development Studies, Geneva)

NRIIC: Business Outside Europe (chair: Janet Hunter) (PFC/02/018)

A new order of the Indonesian business landscape? Finding and understanding the missing middle, 1966-98
Greta Seibel (London School of Economics)

War, shortage and Thailand’s industrialisation, 1932-57
Panarat Anamwathana (University of Oxford)

NRIID: Railways (chair: Michael French) (PFC/02/025)

Mobility and mobilisation: Railways and the spread of social movements
Eric Melander (University of Warwick)

Persistent impacts of colonial land tenure systems: Evidence on development in rural India
Vigyan D Ratnoo (University of York)

‘You may threaten its life with a railway-share’: Relationships between 19th-century news media and railway financial crime in England
Roger Baxter (University of Sheffield)

NRIIE: Innovation / Training (chair: Christopher Colvin) (PFC/03/006a)

The spread of Hindu-Arabic numerals in the tradition of European practical mathematics: A socio-economic perspective, 13th-16th centuries
Raffaele Danna (University of Cambridge)

Patent costs and the value of inventions: Explaining patenting behaviour between England, Ireland and Scotland, 1617-1852
Stephen Billington (Queen’s University Belfast)

Uncovering the risks of apprenticeship, drop-out rates in early modern Antwerp, 1581-1781
Sietske Van den Wyngaert (University of Antwerp)

NRIIF: Colonies, Commodities, Markets (chair: Brian Varian) (PFC/03/006b)

Canals and borders: Trade, finance and the Anglo-Guatemalan territorial dispute over Belize, c.1821-71
David M Gómez (University College London)

The Brussels Sugar Commission 1902-14: Supranational market regulation before the Great War
Dennis Bergmann (University of Düsseldorf)

The evolution of an international commodity agreement for wheat, 1942-49
Alexander Green (London School of Economics)

NRIIG: Industrialisation and De-industrialisation (chair: Graham Brownlow) (PFC/03/017)

Doomed to decline? Interwar industrial performance and policy in Northern Ireland
David Jordan (Queen’s University Belfast)

Troubled times: Community responses to deindustrialisation and unemployment in a divided Belfast, 1960s-80s
Christopher Lawson (UC Berkeley)

Long-run resilience against de-industrialisation and unemployment in Belgium, 1850-2010
Robin Phillips (International Institute of Social History)


1730-1830                Meeting of the EHS Women’s Committee: open to all delegates (PFC/02/025)
1815-1900                Council reception for new researchers and first-time delegates (Naughton Gallery)
1900-2015                Dinner (Whitla Hall)

2030-2130                Plenary Lecture (PFC/0G/007)
                                           Back to the Failure(s)? DeLorean and Northern Ireland’s Other Troubles
                                               Dr Graham Brownlow (Queen’s University Belfast)

2135-2145                Meeting of New Researcher Prize Committee (PFC/02/011)

Late bar available (Whitla Hall)


Saturday 6 April 2019

0900-1030            Academic Session I (8 parallel sessions: PFC)


ASIA: Dealing with Waste (chair: Catherine Casson) (PFC/02/011)

Flocks and thrums: recycling and upcycling in the medieval cloth industry
John Lee (University of York)

Strays, waifs and property rights: The redistribution of unwanted livestock in late medieval England
Jordan Claridge & Spike Gibbs (London School of Economics)

The circulation of industrial by-products and waste in the late medieval urban economy
James Davis (Queen’s University Belfast)

ASIB: Inequality and Social Mobility in Pre-industrial Europe (chair: Cormac Ó Gráda) (PFC/02/017)

Social mobility and inequality in the Republic of Venice, 1400-1700
Guido Alfani & Benedetta Crivelli (Bocconi University)

Social mobility in the southern Low Countries during the early modern period
Wouter Ryckbosch (Vrije Universiteit Brussels) & Wouter Ronsijn (Bocconi University)

Social mobility in 19th-century Spain: Valencia, 1841-70
Carlos Santiago-Caballero (Universidad Carlos III de Madrid)

ASIC: Urban History Group Session: New Research in Urban History (chair: Janet Casson) (PFC/02/018)

Advertising, planning and the economics of urban space: Examining the interactions between local government, taxation and planning in attempts to control advertising in mid-20th-century British cities
James Greenhalgh (University of Lincoln)

British retailing and the City in the second half of the 20th century
Alistair Kefford (University of Leicester)

Locating business: Does distance matter?
Richard Rodger (Universities of Edinburgh / Leicester)

ASID: De-industrialisation in Scotland (chair:Nicole Robertson ) (PFC/02/025)

De-industrialisation in Dundee
Jim Tomlinson (University of Glasgow)

De industrialisation and changing employment opportunities for Scottish women
Jim Phillips (University of Glasgow)

‘Old’ and ‘new’ Clydesiders: Intergenerational moral economy feeling in industrial production units in the West of Scotland
Valerie Wright (University of Glasgow)

ASIE: Anthropometric History (chair: Sara Horrell) (PFC/02/026)

Anthropometric history and the measurement of wellbeing
Bernard Harris (University of Strathclyde)

Tall boys on tall ships? Heights of teenage boys in the Netherlands, 1791-1939
Björn Quanjer & Jan Kok (Radboud University)

Comparing growth patterns for prisoners and soldiers
Hamish Maxwell-Stewart (University of Tasmania) & Kris Inwood (University of Guelph)

ASIF: Three Faces of Enslavement (chair: Nuala Zahedieh) (PFC/03/006a)

Stealing for the market: The illegitimacy of enslavement in the early modern Atlantic world
Judith Spicksley (University of Hull)

The trafficking of children: Exploitation, sexual slavery and the League of Nations
Elizabeth Faulkner (University of Hull) & Cathal Rogers (Staffordshire University)

Economic exploitation: A comparative case study of the cost of human smuggling
Alicia Kidd (University of Hull)

ASIG: Beyond Business (chair: Helen Paul) (PFC/03/006b)

Business ownership, gender and political agency in Victorian Leeds
Jennifer Aston (Northumbria University)

Art, activism, and commerce: Women business owners and the arts and crafts movement in Britain, c.1880-1914
Zoe Thomas (University of Birmingham)

Turning the world upside down: Gender, business and women’s rights in Australasia
Catherine Bishop (Macquarie / Northumbria Universities)

ASIH: Trade and Finance (chair: Rui Esteves) (PFC/03/017)

Democracy, autocracy and sovereign debt: How polity influenced country risk in the first financial globalisation
Ali Coşkun Tunçer (University College London) & Leonardo Weller (São Paulo School of Economics)

The political economy of British trade finance: Coordination among banks, industry and the state, 1916-29
Jamieson Myles (University of Geneva)

The fiscal state in Africa: Evidence from a century of growth
Morten Jerven (Norwegian University of Life Sciences / Lund University) & Marvin Suesse (Trinity College Dublin / Lund University)


1030-1100           New Researcher Poster Session (PFC Foyer & Law School Atrium)
1030-1100           Coffee (PFC Foyer & Law School Atrium)

1100-1300            Academic Session II (8 parallel sessions: PFC)


ASIIA: Innovation in the Medieval World (chair: James Davis) (PFC/02/011)

Why did medieval industries succeed? Early 14th-century Norfolk worsted and late 15th-century Suffolk woollens
Nick Amor (University of East Anglia)

Marine insurance in the medieval Mediterranean
Tony Moore & Charles Sutcliffe (University of Reading)

The heavy plough reconsidered: Peasants, technology and productivity in the later middle ages
Alexandra Sapoznik (King’s College London)

ASIIB: Pre-industrial Wages and Living Standards (chair: Edmund Cannon) (PFC/02/017)

Family standards of living in England, 1260-1850
Jacob Weisdorf (University of Southern Denmark), Sara Horrell (University of Cambridge) & Jane Humphries (University of Oxford)

The timing and pattern of real price and wage divergence in pre-industrial Europe: Evidence from Moravia (Czech Republic), c.1500-1800
Roman Zaoral (Charles University)

European Russia vs Siberia: The Little Divergence in wages and prices in the second half of the 18th century
Elena Korchmina (NYU, Abu Dhabi)

Seasonality and working patterns in the 18th-century construction industry: A European comparison
Ernesto López Losa, Mario García-Zúñiga (University of the Basque Country / UPV), Patrick Wallis (London School of Economics) & Kathryn Gary (Lund University)

ASIIC: Migration (chair: Elizabeth Faulkner) (PFC/02/018)

The economic assimilation of Irish famine migrants to the United States
Ariell Zimran & William Collins (Vanderbilt University / NBER)

Home Sweet Home? Returnee location and its determinants: Evidence from the age of mass migration
Olof Ejermo (Lund University)

Importing crime? The effect of immigration on crime in the United States, 1880-1930
Rowena Gray (UC, Merced) & Giovanni Peri (UC, Davis)

ASIID: Trade and Protection in the 20th Century (chair: Olga Christodoulaki) (PFC/02/025)

‘Money talks – give yours an Empire accent’: The economic failure of Britain’s Empire Marketing Board, 1926-33
Brian Varian (Swansea University) & David Higgins (Newcastle University)

The trade channel of the Great Depression
Thilo Albers (London School of Economics)

The trade impact of interwar Indian protection
Kevin O’Rourke (University of Oxford) & Markus Lampe (Vienna University of Economics and Business)

The economic gain and political cost of protectionism: Oil quotas in 20th-century France
Julien Brault (European Investment Bank)

ASIIE: Sanitation and Mortality (chair: Bernard Harris) (PFC/02/026)

Sanitary infrastructures and the decline of mortality in Germany, 1877-1913
Daniel Gallardo Albarrán (Wageningen University)

A male graveyard: Differences in the urban mortality penalty for men and women during Sweden’s industrialisation
Björn Eriksson & Martin Dribe (Lund University)

Chlorination, water quality, and the decline of typhoid
Anthony Wray (University of Southern Denmark)

Typhoid for all: The determinants of unequal responses to a shared waterborne health shock during the great typhoid epidemic in the city of Tampere, 1916
Sakari Saaritsa (University of Helsinki) & Jarmo Peltola (Tampere University)

ASIIF: Structural Change in African Economies during and since Colonial Rule: Occupational Perspectives (chair: Leigh Gardner) (PFC/03/006a)

A comparative history of occupational structure and urbanisation across Africa: Design, data and preliminary overview
Gareth Austin & Leigh Shaw-Taylor (University of Cambridge)

Long-run structural change in Senegal: Evidence from occupational structure c.1870-2002
Tom Westland (University of Cambridge)

The occupational structure of Mozambique, 1900-2000: Changes and continuities
Filipa Ribeiro da Silva (International Institute of Social History, Amsterdam)

Occupational structure and population geography in Northern Nigeria, 1921-2006
Emiliano Travieso (University of Cambridge)

ASIIG: Women’s Committee Session: Censuses and the Work Women Really Did (chair: Amy Erickson) (PFC/03/006b)

The gender division of labour in rural manufacturing in 18th-century Europe
Carmen Sarasúa (Autonomous University Barcelona)

Occupational structure and women’s work in Lyon silk trades (second half of the 19th century)
Manuela Martini (University Lumière Lyon 2)

Female employment in England and Wales: Evidence from the 1881 Census Enumerators’ Books
Xuesheng You (University of Cambridge)

Women and work in interior British Columbia in the early 20th century
Keith Sugden (University of Cambridge) & Roger Sugden (University of British Columbia)

IIH: Savings Banks (chair: Graeme Acheson) (PFC/03/017)

Ireland’s peculiar microfinance revolution, c.1836-45
Eoin McLaughlin (University College Cork)

‘No test of the condition of the working class’. An analysis of depositor behaviour in the Limehouse Savings Bank
Linda Perriton (University of Stirling) & Stuart Henderson (Ulster University)

The aftermath of policy failures: The Southern Homestead Act and the Freedmen’s Saving Bank in Florida
Melinda Miller (Virginia Tech)

Watching each other for the common good: Italian savings banks under delegated supervision and peer monitoring, 1927-35
Michele D’Alessandro (Bocconi University)


1300-1400        Lunch (Whitla Hall)

1400-1600        Academic Session III (8 parallel sessions: PFC)


ASIIIA: Population, Wealth and Institutions (chair: Joerg Baten) (PFC/02/011)

Building up faith: The relationship between local wealth and church investments in medieval Sweden
Alexandra Cermeño & Kerstin Enflo (Lund University)

Different local responses to the Black Death: A comparison of wages and prices across Mediterranean cities in the late middle age
Mattia Fochesato (University of Basel)

The Second Plague: The geographic and demographic contours of the Pestis Secunda in England, 1361-62
Philip Slavin (University of Stirling)

Social and economic governance in late medieval Leiden
Arie van Steensel (University of Groningen)

ASIIIB: Business and Empire (chair: David Higgins) (PFC/02/017)

Governing useful knowledge?: Institutional arrangements and silver refining in colonial Spanish America
David Pretel (El Colegio de Mexico) & Saul Guerrero (Universidad Metropolitana)

The common weal of fashion and the rise of capitalism in early 18th-century England
Shinobu Majima (Gakashuin University)

Political economy, business and empire: British and Bengal silk industries in the 19th century
Karolina Hutkova (London School of Economics)

Towards monopoly: ‘Gentlemanly capitalism’, the Hudson’s Bay Company, and the British Atlantic Fur Trade, 1783-1821
David Hope (Universities of London / Newcastle)

ASIIIC: Technological Innovation and Change (chair: Rowena Gray) (PFC/02/018)

Transport, policy, and the British industrial revolution, 1680-1911: The case of lighthouses
Oliver Dunn (University of Cambridge)

The race between the snail and the tortoise: skill premium and early industrialisation in Italy, 1861-1913
Leonardo Ridolfi, Alessandro Nuvolari (Sant’Anna School of Advanced Studies), Giovanni Federico (University of Pisa) & Michelangelo Vasta (University of Siena)

The social background of inventors in 19th-century Germany
Alexander Donges (University of Mannheim) & Felix Selgert (University of Bonn)

Why didn’t Andean countries use the wheel? Evidence from the Cambao wagon road in Colombia during the late 19th century
Xavier Duran (Universidad de los Andes)

ASIIID: Inequality and Social Mobility (chair: Rick Trainor) (PFC/02/025)

How did Sweden become an equal economy? With new, detailed incomes data, 1860-1970
Jakob Molinder & Erik Bengtsson (Lund University) & Svante Prado (University of Gothenburg)

Income inequality in times of war and revolution: The city of Moscow in 1916
Elizaveta Blagodeteleva (National Research University ‘Higher School of Economics’)

The comfortable, the rich, and the super-rich: What really happened to top British incomes during the first half of the 20th century?
Peter Scott & James Walker (University of Reading)

Rise and fall in the Third Reich: Social mobility and Nazi membership
Alan de Bromhead & Matthias Blum (Queen’s University Belfast)

ASIIIE: Mortality (chair: Jim Greenhalgh) (PFC/02/026)

Infant and child mortality by socioeconomic status in early 19th-century England
Hanna Jaadla, Ellen Potter & Romola Davenport (University of Cambridge)

Life expectancy at birth and mortality changes in Swiss districts, 1880-1930
Joël Floris (University of Zurich)

Fertility and child mortality before the demographic transition: Evidence from 19th-century Egypt
Mohamed Saleh & Claire Galez (Toulouse School of Economics)

Persistence of natural disasters on child health: Evidence from the Great Kanto earthquake of 1923
Kota Ogasawara (Tokyo Institute of Technology)

ASIIIF: Empire and Extraction (chair: Eoin McLaughlin) (PFC/03/006a)

Colonial exploitation and development in Java: The cultivation system and beyond, 1830-1930
Pim de Zwart (Wageningen University) & Auke Rijpma (Utrecht University)

History of land revenue in Sind, 1843-1920: A tool of fiscal policy or an instrument of indirect rule?
Nadeem Aftab (University of Northampton) & Tehreem Husain (University College London)

British colonial economic policies and oil palm plantations in Nigeria
Noah Echa Attah (Federal University of Kashere)

What do empires do? Evidence from U.S. intervention in Latin America, 1895-1929
Noel Maurer (George Washington University) & Leticia Abad (City University of New York)

ASIIIG: Female Participation Rates (chair: Jennifer Aston) (PFC/03/006b)

What did widows do? Female-led businesses and contractors in early modern London
Amy Erickson (University of Cambridge) & Judy Stephenson (University College London)

Business, marriage and motherhood: Female entrepreneurship in Britain, 1851-1911
Carry van Lieshout (University of Cambridge)

A tale of 24 counties? Regional variation in female labour force participation in Sweden, 1870-1950
Maria Stanfors & Hanne Clivemo (Lund University)

Degendering Dutch financial history: Corporate succession in Amsterdam banking houses, and the female moment in Dutch financial history, 1810-20
Mark Edward Hay (IHR / King’s College London)

ASIIIH: Financial Crisis and Stability in the Late 20th Century (chair: Paoli di Martino) (PFC/03/017)

The aftermath of sovereign debt crises: A narrative approach
Seán Kenny (Lund University), Rui Esteves (Graduate Institute of International & Development Studies Geneva) & Jason Lennard (NIESR / Lund University)

The package makes the deal: Sovereign debt crisis and lending strategies of Lloyds Bank International in Latin America, 1975-83
Wilfried Kisling & Catherine Schenk (University of Oxford)

Financial stability and the Fed: Evidence from Congressional hearings
David-Jan Jansen (De Nederlandsche Bank), Matthias Neuenkirch (Trier University / CESifo) & Arina Wischnewsky (Trier University)

Delusions of competence: The near-death of Lloyd’s of London, 1980-2002
Robin Pearson (University of Hull)


1600-1615        New Researcher Poster Session (PFC Foyer & Law School Atrium)
1600-1615        Tea (PFC Foyer & Law School Atrium)

1615-1715        Annual General Meeting of the Economic History Society (PFC/02/025)

1800-1900        Tour of Titanic (2 groups, beginning 18:00 and 18:15) (all delegates welcome(Titanic)

1900-2000        Conference Reception and Book Launch (all delegates welcome) (Titanic)
(Kindly sponsored by: Queen’s University Belfast, Boydell & Brewer and Cambridge University Press)

2000                 Conference Dinner (must be pre-booked online(Titanic)

Late bar available (Titanic)


Sunday 7 April 2019

0930-1130            Academic Session IV (8 parallel sessions: PFC)


ASIVA: Family Strategies and Household Budgets (chair: Sara Horrell) (PFC/02/011)

Girl-power generates superstars in long-term development: Female autonomy and human capital formation in early modern Europe
Alexandra de Pleijt (University of Oxford) & Joerg Baten (University of Tuebingen)

Reassessing the role of the family on 19th-century English farms
Joshua Rhodes (University of Exeter)

Work life and morbidity: A household budget analysis of occupational hazard risk and health insurance in Sweden in the early 20th century
Lars Fredrik Andersson (Umeå University)

ASIVB: Markets, Towns and Growth (chair: Andrew Seltzer) (PFC/02/017)

Monopsony power and wages: Evidence from the introduction of serfdom in Denmark
Paul Sharp, Peter Sandholt Jensen, Cristina Victoria Radu (University of Southern Denmark) & Battista Severgnini, (Copenhagen Business School)

Sources of market disintegration in 18th-century China
Markus Eberhardt (University of Nottingham), Daniel Bernhofen (American University, Washington DC), Stephen Morgan (University of Nottingham, Ningbo, China) & Jianan Li (Xiamen University)

English farmers’ wheat storage in the 18th and early 19th centuries
Edmund Cannon (University of Bristol) & Liam Brunt (NHH Norwegian School of Economics)

The more, the merrier? Urbanisation and regional GDP growth in Europe over the 20th century
Anna Missiaia (Lund University) & Joan Rosés (London School of Economics)

ASIVC: Networks and Cultural Exchange (chair: Tony Moore) (PFC/02/018)

Economic indicators in Persian manuscripts: Developing a methodology for comparative global economic cultures, 1500-1650
Edmond Smith (University of Manchester)

Negotiating identities: Protestant merchants in Catholic ports, 1570-1750
Giada Pizzoni (University of Exeter)

Bills of exchange as a means of payment in industrialising Lancashire
Mina Ishizu (London School of Economics)

ASIVD: Central Banking (chair: Ali Coşkun Tunçer) (PFC/02/025)

Taming the global financial cycle: Central bank balance sheets and the sterilisation of capital flows under the Classical Gold Standard, 1890s-1914
Matthias Morys (University of York), Eric Monnet (Banque de France) & Guillaume Bazot (University Paris 8)

Central banking evolution and industrial intervention: The Bank of Italy, 1893-1936
Mario Perugini & Marianna Astore (Bocconi University)

Public debt restructuring in Greece in 1898: Lessons for today
Olga Christodoulaki (Independent scholar)

Going Dutch: Exchange rates, capital mobility and monetary policy in the Netherlands during the Interwar Gold Standard
Philip Fliers & Christopher Colvin (Queen’s University Belfast)

ASIVE: Political Economy of Economic and Social Change (chair: Michelangelo Vasta) (PFC/02/026)

Inequality and poor law policy in late-Victorian England
Jonathan Chapman (NYU, Abu Dhabi)

Did extending suffrage lead to more schooling? A quasi-experiment based on Italy and Spain, 1860-1910
Gloria Quiroga (Universidad Complutense) & Gabriele Cappelli (Universitof Siena)

Patent workers’ protection as ‘European playing fields’, 1870-1914
Yaman Kouli (UMR Sirice Paris)

‘Negotiating for a ransom from the taxpayers’: Exploring the roots of systematic tax avoidance in Greece from an institutional perspective
Zoi Pittaki (Brunel University)

ASIVF: Financing Social Policy (chair: Mohamed Saleh) (PFC/03/006a)

Accounting and managerial practices at Ca’ Granda Medical Hospital in Milan between the 1630 Plague and World War I
Matteo Landoni (Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore) & Stefano D’Amico (Texas Tech University, Lubbock)

The finances of a maternity hospital in London: the General Lying-In Hospital
D’Maris Coffman (University College London)

The development of a municipal capital market in 19th-century England and Wales
Ian Webster (Queen’s University Belfast)

The modern NHS estate: Historical assets and patient environments
Alex Murray (University College London) & Giuseppe De Luca (Università degli Studi di Milano)

ASIVG: Women’s Work and the Pay Gap (chair: Joyce Burnette) (PFC/03/006b)

Unequal pay in Victorian Britain
Christopher Minns (London School of Economics) & Emma Griffin (University of East Anglia)

Men, women, work and wages
Beatrice Moring (Universities of Helsinki / Cambridge)

Shocking culture: The enduring impact of World War I on attitudes towards gender roles
Victor Gay (Toulouse School of Economics)

Demographic shocks and women’s labour market participation: Evidence from the 1918 Influenza Pandemic in India
Bishnupriya Gupta, James Fenske & Song Yuan (University of Warwick)

ASIVH: Capital Markets (chair: Michael French) (PFC/03/017)

Riding the bubble or taken for a ride? Investors in the British bicycle mania
William Quinn & John Turner (Queen’s University Belfast)

‘The most discreditable chapter in the history of the whisky trade’: Was the late Victorian Scotch whisky industry a bubble?
Paul Kosmetatos (University of Edinburgh)

The for-profit motive in historical arts fundraising: The Contemporary Art Society’s fundraising exhibitions, 1924-37
Marta Herrero (University of Sheffield)


1130-1200           New Researcher Poster Session (PFC Foyer & Law School Atrium)
1130-1200           Coffee (PFC Foyer & Law School Atrium)

1200-1315           Tawney Lecture (PFC/0G/007)
Professor Gavin Wright (Stanford University)
Slavery and Anglo-American Capitalism Revisited

1315-1415           Lunch (Whitla Hall)

1315-1415           Publishing Your Work (session for new researcher delegates) (PFC/02/017)
                                (A sandwich lunch will be provided for participants)

1415                      Conference ends


New Researcher Poster Programme

From cooperatives to corporations: Schulze-Delitzsch Credit Unions in the Netherlands, c.1850-1950
Amaury de Vicq (Utrecht University)

Legacies from rebellion and reform: Fiscal modernisation in China, 1850s-1900s
Hanzhi Deng (London School of Economics)

Expansion and integration: Networks in a late medieval guild
Rachael Harkes (Durham University)

The transfer problem revisited: The case of Napoleonic Wars reparations
Simon Hinrichsen (London School of Economics)

The role of pawnshops in risk coping in early twentieth-century Japan
Tatsuki Inoue (University of Tokyo)

The rise, persistence and decline of public loan guarantee funds in the Netherlands, 1915-1978
Ruben Peeters (Utrecht University)

From muse to machine: How Indian cottons steered the technological trajectory of the British cotton industry
Alka Raman (London School of Economics)

Measuring the quality of work in history
Benjamin Schneider (University of Oxford)

For the promotion of industry: An institutional analysis of the Dutch patent system: 1817-69
Homer Wagenaar (Queen’s University Belfast)

The crisis of the monetary system in Cromwellian Ireland (1649-1660)
Christopher Whittell (University of Cambridge)

The marriage of iron and rye reunited? The shift towards protectionism in the Weimar Republic and the political economy of German trade policy, 1925-33
Alexander Wulfers (University of Oxford)

Posters will be displayed, in the PFC Foyer & Law School Atrium, for the duration of the conference, Friday lunchtime until Sunday lunchtime.  Judging will take place 12:00 – 14:00 on Friday, 5 April.