The Economic History Review


Volume 36 Issue 4
Pages: 627-670
Published online: February 11, 2008DOI: 10.1111/j.1468-0289.1983.tb01252.x

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Reviewed in this article: GREAT BRITAIN T. F. T. Baker (Ed.)- The Victoria History of the Counties of England: A History of Middlesex, Vol. vil. Acton, Chiswick, Ealing and Willesden Parishes. Leonard Cantor (Ed.)- The English Medieval Landscape. Paul H. W. Booth. The Financial Administration of the Lordship and County of Chester, 1272-1377. Keith Thomas. Man and the Natural World: Changing Attitudes in England, 1500-1800. N. W. Alcock (Ed.). Warwickshire Grazier and London Skinner, 1532-1555: The Account Book of Peter Temple and Thomas Heritage. P. J. Corfield. The Impact of English Towns, 1700-1800. A. P. W. Malcolmson. The Pursuit of the Heiress: Aristocratic Marriage in Ireland, 1750-1820. J. M. Goldstrom and L. A. Clarkson (Eds.). David Wainwright. Broadwood by Appointment: A History. A. F. J. Brown. Chartism in Essex and Suffolk. Andrew Charlesworth (Ed.). An Atlas of Rural Protest in Britain, 1548-1900. Sheila Marriner. The Economic and Social Development of Merseyside. B. L. Anderson and P. J. M. Stoney (Eds.). R. C. O. Matthews, C. H. Feinstein and J. C. Odling-Smee. British Economic Growth, 1856-1973. Jonathan Schneer. Ben Tillett: Portrait of a Labour Leader. Donald Read (Ed.)- Edwardian England Derek H. Aldcroft. The British Economy Between the Wars. R. A. Bryer, T. J. Brignall, and A. R. Maunders. Accounting for British Steel: A Financial Analysis of the Failure of the British Steel Corporation, 1967-80, and who was to Blame. Leslie Hannah. Engineers, Managers, and Politicians: The First Fifteen Years of Nationalized Electricity Supply in Britain. GENERAL RENFE. Los Ferrocarriles y el Desarrollo Economico de Europa Occidental durante el SigloXIX. A. Goamez Mendoza. Ferrocarriles y Cambio Economico en Espana (7855-/973): Un Enfoque de Nueva Historia Economica. London School of Economics Institute of Latin American Studies, London Aldo De Maddalena. Dalla Citta al Borgo: Avvio di una metamorfisi economica e sociale nella Lombardia spagnola. Colin Jones. Charity and Bienfaisance: The Treatment of the Poor in the Montpellier Region, 1740-1815. Robert McC. Netting. Balancing on an Alp: Ecological Change and Continuity in a Swiss Mountain Community. Herbert Kisch. Die Hausindustriellen Textilgewerbe am Niederrhein vor der Industriellen Revolution. U. Buuttner. Hamburg in der Staats- und Wirtschaftskrise, 1928-31. R. J. Overy. The Nazi Economic Recovery, 1932-1938. University of Manchester Institute of Science and Technology Wolfram Engels and Hans Pohl (Eds.)- German Yearbook on Business History, 1982. Adi Schnytzer. Stalinist Economic Strategy in Practice: The Case of Albania. John Gould. The Rake’s Progress? The New Zealand Economy since 1945. Tamara K. Hareven. Family Time and Industrial Time: The Relationship between the Family and Work in a New England Industrial Community. David M. Gordon, Richard Edwards, and Michael REICH. Segmented Work, Divided Workers: The Historical Transformation of Labour in the United States. Gerald G. Eggert. Steelmasters and Labor Reform, 1886-1923. Karen Spalding (Ed.)- Essays in the Political, Economic, and Social History of Colonial Latin America. Bill Albert. South America and the World Economy from Independence to 1930. Gehart Jacob Wendler. Deutsche Elektroindustrie in Lateinamerika: Siemens und AEG (1890-1914). A. K. Banerji. Aspects of Indo-British Economic Relations, 1858-1898. Norman Levy. The Foundations of the South African Cheap Labour System. Leonard Blussea and Femme Gaastra John Gallagher. The Decline, Revival, and Fall of the British Empire: The Ford Lectures and Other Essays, (ed. Anil Seal). Mark Casson (Ed.). The Growth of International Business. J. J. Van Duijn. The Long Wave in Economic Life.