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9 Apr, 2018
by Janet Casson (independent scholar)   The HS2 train route between London and Birmingham has been modified in response...
7 Apr, 2018
by Seán Kenny (Lund University) and Jason Lennard (Lund University and National Institute of Economic and Social Research)  ...
6 Apr, 2018
Charmian Mansell (University of Exeter)   Despite women’s increased participation in the workforce, women in 2014 still carried out...
5 Apr, 2018
Werner Troeksen (University of Pittsburgh) Nicola Tynan (Dickinson College) Yuanxiaoyue (Artemis) Yang (Harvard T.H. Chan School of Public Health)...
4 Apr, 2018
by Chenzi Xu (Harvard University)   The global financial crisis of 2008 was not unique. It had a precedent...
3 Apr, 2018
by Andreas Ferrara (University of Warwick) European politicians face the challenge of integrating the 1.26 million refugees who arrived in...
22 Mar, 2018
by Joan Rosés (LES) and Nikolaus Wolf (Humboldt University)   A recent literature has explored growing personal wealth inequality in...
20 Mar, 2018
by Michiel de Haas and Ewout Frankema (University of Wageningen) The full article is published by The Economic History...
13 Mar, 2018
by Jennifer Aston (Oxford University)  and Paulo di Martino (University of Birmingham) The full paper, ‘Risk, success, and failure: female entrepreneurship in...
6 Mar, 2018
by Kim Oosterlinck (Université Libre de Bruxelles)   The art market in France during the Nazi occupation provided one...
27 Feb, 2018
by Adam Crymble (University of Hertfordshire)   We often hear complaints of migrant groups negatively influencing British life. Grievances against...
20 Feb, 2018
by Gillian Cookson (University of Leeds) The Age of Machinery: Engineering the Industrial Revolution, 1770-1850, is published in February...